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Hitsu San's Workshop - Octavia Youkai is finally here!


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It's so pleasing to the eye. Just looking at it I feel like I can feel the different textures without actually having to. It's not just smooth either, it has that leather-like texture in some places and a soft metal texture in others. Even if I don't notice the details on the skins I have when I'm in game I know I could literally spend hours looks at all the details in my liset. I could literally probably spend a week staring at that then five minutes later look at it again and I'd be like a kid the first time they have sugar. I don't know why this isn't in yet.

Seriously, love it. Can't wait for more. :)

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2 hours ago, -Titania- said:

It's so pleasing to the eye. Just looking at it I feel like I can feel the different textures without actually having to. It's not just smooth either, it has that leather-like texture in some places and a soft metal texture in others. Even if I don't notice the details on the skins I have when I'm in game I know I could literally spend hours looks at all the details in my liset. I could literally probably spend a week staring at that then five minutes later look at it again and I'd be like a kid the first time they have sugar. I don't know why this isn't in yet.

Seriously, love it. Can't wait for more. :)

This must be one of the best compliments i've got so far :) Thank you so much!

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:D Next frame is probably still Nyx but i'm taking a little break (mostly cause i'm waiting for an answer to a technical question from DE) so in the mean time i'm making some shaders programming for fun. UNLESS i get no answer by monday i might start some super secret project to develop on the side, we'll see.

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2 minutes ago, HitsuSan said:

:) Bai Hu didn't get in cause the face looks too human-like for warframe, i'll just change the frontal mask into something that's not too far from the concept but more organic and it should be fine.

Huh. That's interesting, 'cause I never once thought "that looks human" when looking at Bai Hu. I honestly would not have guessed that one.

We must have some funny-looking humans wandering around in canada.  :)

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That's the feedback i've got, his features are actually felyne too, the mouth and the nose shape are those of a big felyne. I'm guessing they just don't want any recognizable Face except  glowing spots as eyes... which Bai Hu doesn't even have lol


It's totally ok though, if i have a direct feedback like this i know what to change and there's no waste of time :)


Anyway THE EMPEROR is coming!

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16 minutes ago, HitsuSan said:

:) Bai Hu didn't get in cause the face looks too human-like for warframe, i'll just change the frontal mask into something that's not too far from the concept but more organic and it should be fine.

Really? I always got a very tiger or cat-like vibe when i looked at the helmet. But alright if they say so.

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2 minutes ago, Stonehenge said:

Interesting feedback. The human lookalike problem i mean.

It was totally expected though ^^" i actually asked DE about it when i first made the first draft for that helmet lol, i kinda tried...


Just now, Shad0wWatcher said:

Really? I always got a very tiger or cat-like vibe when i looked at the helmet. But alright if they say so.

I'll try to keep the cat vibe ;)

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