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What Wf And Weapons Should I Get?



Been playing a few weeks now. I have volt and rhino. I kind of like them both, but neither seems to totally agree with me. I like rhino because I can spam iron skin and just start swinging orthos, but it sucks because when I'm being overrun by a lot of enemies it's not like I can spam rhino stomp to clear out a lot of enemies. I like volt so I can spam 1 to clear out a lot of weaker enemies, but his overall strength and tankiness is lackluster.

I'd like a wf that has a good balance of tankiness for solo runs and cc for survival missions. I was thinking maybe nova or ember?

As for weapons I think once I get better mods I'll actually start using guns more instead of always just using melee and abilities.

I have used grakata,tetra and braton,but none of them seem that great for clearing any number of enemies. I'm thinking about getting an amprex when I get stronger.

I know I'm a newbie and definitely need better mods before I can really hold my own in any given situation, but some direction would be appreciated.

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Hey man!


Good reflex : asking the forum for advice :)


I can't advise a noob firendly tanky frame but I can tell you to get you an extremely good  new player friendly CC frame.


Perfect for any mission type where you have to defend stuff.


Can take a lot of damage with its n°4 if modded right.


I'm talking about Nyx !

you can get her by doing phorid runs; infested boss. He appears on invasion nodes with infested.  Sharpen your orthos and mod your rhino well his abilities can go through iron skin so be careful.



But her chaos  ability is one of the best CC abilities in game.

Team up as Nyx with a frost and Nova and defese missions become insanely easier

Edited by Deidaku
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Nova requires a lot of mod support to get running, Ember's CC is lacking (again, before heavy mod support).

A Frost is always good to have, perhaps a Valkyr (straight-up god mode, but melee only).

Nyx, Banshee may be okay choices on the CC front, but they're not as easy to play as Rhino.



An Amprex turns into an amazing weapon, but requires a lot of investment.

Crit-based weapons, in general, rather suck to level.


A Penta's a solid choice, but can kill you too. Tonkor's pretty much straight-up better, trading range and control for no-suiciding.



it's not like I can spam rhino stomp to clear out a lot of enemies.

Get a Fleeting Expertise.

Now, you're MR 4.
For Primaries I'd recommend:
* a Tigris or Hek. Great damage output, excellent ammo economy, falls off at range, but still good.
The Steel Meridian augment just makes the Hek better.
* an Ignis. AoE clearer. Damage isn't amazing, but it's great at coverage.

For secondaries:
* Atomos, if you have the +range mod that drops off the Jackal.
* Sonicor, less for damage, more for the area of effect CC.
* AkLex, AkMagnus for long-range damage.
* Twin Grakatas, if you have spare Neurodes and like a bullet-hose secondary.

Melee, whatever floats your boat.
A dagger is good if you have Covert Lethality and a way to open enemies to finishers.
Orthos/Prime's got decent damage and area.
And any thrown melee, if you have a Trinity. We'll get back to that when it's relevant.
Serro's an amazing polearm, Tonbo's similar.

Edited by Chroia
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I would personally advise you to keep your Rhino and start looking for its Prime variant in the Void.

Rhino has just the right blend of tankiness, team buff and CC to be useful everywhere. Iron Skin, while not too strong if used as a facetanking tool at higher level, is still good for negating procs and for negating forced movements (ancient/scorpion hooks, MOA stomps etc). Roar is a really good damage buff that works for everything. Stomp is one of the best CC abilities you can get, since it completely disables enemies for a duration.

It looks to me like you need to work on your mods more than on a new frame.

As far as weapons go, it rather depends on your playstyle. If you like shotguns you can use Tigris or Hek which are both really good. For automatic weapons you can use the Grakata or the Karak which are decentish, but i would aim for something like a Soma or a Braton Prime further down along the road.
At MR4 you can think of farming the Paris Prime which is really nice if you're into bows.

You can also get a Lex for a secondary, you can buy it already built with just 50k credits. Excellent sniper pistol, and if you like it you can get the Lex Prime which is an excellent sidearm.

Edited by Autongnosis
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I personally enjoy Nyx. She's not to hard to build mod wise, and her pieces are easy to get, plus sometimes Phorid runs reward Fieldron which is needed for the amprex

As for weapons,

Tonkor, Hek, and a Boltor/Prime

Secondaries, Atomos, Sonicor, Spira/Despair

Melee, Orthos/Prime, Broken War (reward for completing Second Dream Quest)

I'd avoid ember for right now, she's really good for low level infested missions, but once you get to the higher stuff she's easily outclassed. Nova is also something to avoid now, she's not bad but she takes a lot of mod support, and most of the mods are something newer players don't have access to right away. Nyx is the best choice, and she's really fun

EDIT: added some other weapons to melee list

Edited by (PS4)AirJordan73
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Valkyr for tankiness with her high level of armor, immortality in her number 4 ability and her others help in moving etc. 


Weapons I used and still to this day use my Boltor as my go to primary, but its not for everyone. Amprex while great takes some work to get it right. Guess the question here is do you prefer rifles or bows or shotguns the most. Launchers work well but can be a pain at times.


Secondary I suggest a Marelock for all around go to weapon. I prefer my Pyrana as my goto secondary but its not used a lot.


I'd suggest trying out other frames and see what works and what doesn't, just know some of them take more skill to use vs others. A frame like Banshee while squishy can be devastating when modded and used right.

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Valkyr for tankiness with her high level of armor, immortality in her number 4 ability and her others help in moving etc.

Weapons I used and still to this day use my Boltor as my go to primary, but its not for everyone. Amprex while great takes some work to get it right. Guess the question here is do you prefer rifles or bows or shotguns the most. Launchers work well but can be a pain at times.

I think I'd prefer a rifle or shotgun over a launcher or bow. I just started using a boar and I like it a lot. I think it'll work nicely when I get some good mods on it.

I'm also currently building a valkyr so we'll see how that goes.

I wish there was a good comprehensive list of mods and where to get them as opposed to browsing Wikipedia.

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Valkyr is straight up fun. FUN. You can easily zip all over the place with ripline, buff yourself/friendlies while slowing enemies, stun close enemies, and then go into invisible melee mode. She plays great, and looks freakin awesome.


As a note, you'll be everyone's favorite in the group when people get killed, and you can quickly get to them and revive them while being invincible. Fantastic for larger interception missions, too.


She is very much lacking in any sort of AOE damage... but that's the trade-off.


All warframes are very different, having their positives and negatives. I'd recommend spending some time on youtube and watching the profiles of the different warframes. Some of them are clearly out of date, but you can get the idea...


Edited by Flibbertigibbety
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Volt, or rather his prime version is actually a pretty badass facetank. His first ability offers nothing but medicore CC but shines in combination with his speed ability.

Hers the deal:

Get volt prime and build him like this


(Prime) flow

Quick thinking



(Prime) continiuty

Transient fortitude/Intensify

Shocking speed (augument)

And play him with melee. Speed is a great ability to cover ground and is a huge dps buff for melee while shock and his ultimate offer great active CC. Rage+life strike in combination with quick thinking result in strong life/energy management and a pretty big active healthpool...get damage->stun enemys->regain health. Shocking speed offers additional CC for your active battle.

His shields offer coverage and support on this playstyle (if nothing else.)

You can get the naramon focus later on for an additional stealth buff (+defense, +melee damage)

Could work with regular volt as well but don't expect too much. His prime got a huge energy/armor buff what's kinda important for this build...

On a sidenote, i'm personally a big ash fan. Pure dps frame but definitly the best at it.

Edited by (PS4)CoolD2108
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as others have said,

Nyx is great as she scales and is easy to get.

Frost is slow as hell but beefy and has a lot of ultillity and solid damage.

Rhino is alright, tanky as hell or good utility in groups. one or the other.

Valkyr is a meat grinder with some good melee buffs and a little cc.

Mag if you want to just commit war crimes vs corpus, other wise not very good

Ember brings Aoe out the @$$ but it falls off fast, combos will woth other frames with her cc. very mod reliant.

Nova is hard to get very heavy on mods and forma to really preform but awesome once shes set up.

Loki every on needs a loki.

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You need to keep in mind that you only have a couple or slots for warframes and weapons, new ones you'll have to buy with platinum.

Though platinum can be earned in the game via trade, at the start that could be hard

So you need equipment to take throughout the game.

Here is my advice:


I put it in one handy video once so feel ree to watch it and come to me if you have questions about it

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If you want a balance of using weapons and abilities, Excalibur and Frost are your best starters as you possibly work your way towards a Saryn. I wouldn't recommend a Nova until you find and upgrade some of the rare mods, because she is otherwise made of glass. You might like Ember, but pretty much the same problem with her to a lesser extent.


If you want a flat-out tank you'd want a Valkyr and possibly work your way to Chroma.


If you would rather kill enemies quickly with your weapons instead of abilities all the time, then Banshee or Mesa.

Edited by (PS4)Void_Girl
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Well I'm getting stronger. I have my valkyr pretty much set up with infinite hysteria and war and I absolutely love her now.

As some have said before with nova she's made of glass and I can see it. I'm trying to level her up, but can't survive very long even in lower level missions by myself since she's so weak.

Nezha seems kind of fun at first, but I can't seem to build him right to make him a beast so he's squishy as all hell too.

My problem now is I'm so spoiled by valkyr being invincible it's hard for me to switch to other frames which are so squishy.

I have loki prime almost maxed finally, but he's frustrating me almost as much as nova does.

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If you're all about survivabliity, I'd look into Rhino as well. You already have Valkyr, and she's amazing for survivabliity. Oberon is also pretty good with average armor and the ability to heal (yourself as well as others). He's also pretty good at crowd control. Trinity, though tricky to play, can be very survivable with her Link ability... as well as having the best group healing in the game. Energy vampire can be a lifesaver for everyone on the team (virtually endless energy for the team). Her first ability is kinda crap. I don't think anyone actually uses it.

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