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June 4Th: Community Hot Topics


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Thanks for the good work Rebecca, can't be easy - hopefully there's just about enough useful feedback scattered through the forums to keep you interested!


Halfway through trailer - choosing 720p was a mistake - looks great tho.

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That trailer rocks.


But have to say, what they did to Lotus voice was kinda meh. Like more the in-game.


Why that fancy cryopod had a normal excalibur??


If Ash's teleport works like that, he would be the most used warframe.

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So that trailer. It's certainly pretty. Your animating team should be proud. It's rather far removed from actual gameplay but it is very pretty.

I dunno man. That Ash stuff seemed out there, but I can do just about everything Frost did in that one.

...Though I could probably do it better since I can cast freeze instantly without three seconds of windup. :V

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I dunno man. That Ash stuff seemed out there, but I can do just about everything Frost did in that one.

...Though I could probably do it better since I can cast freeze instantly without three seconds of windup. :V

All Ash did was fire his Afuris for a bit then BladeStorm...
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To battle the problem of content overload for alerts, why not Alert Forks. Two or more ? alerts can happen at once in the same mission, each with a different item, yet you can only complete 1.


More variety of content, without giving more away at once.

Edited by Firetempest
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4. Viper Sounds (& Sound Update in General)!

I spoke with our Lead Sound Designer (some of you know him as DE_George) and he said the following:

Sound is overhauling the weapon sounds. This Friday (or whenever our hotfix is) will bring a newer version of the Dual Vipers. It’s all very much a Work-In-Progress. The Root of the problem is that the weapon sounds are unbalanced, and they are doing a pass on all weapons in the game. They will get better with every update.

Thank you sooo much!


And everything else is awesome as well! :D


Edit: WHOA HOLY SONUVA....I want to play whatever game that trailer is for! lol (no seriously)

Edited by LuxAngel7
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I for one am happy with Warframe. I've never felt cheated or blasphemed by you guys (granted- the prices for platinum are very high, but if/when I can contribute, I'd love to for such an awesome creation). Thanks for making this awesome game, and thanks for being so active with your audience!

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Console gamers are much less forgiving of bugs and glitches than PC gamers. A mass Stereotype I'm sure, but I don't believe it's out of place to say it.


Again though I'll say this. Some of Rhino's powers are not counting kills, for mission stats or account stats. This is a problem.


My Affinity booster only works when it wants to. Sometimes I get double Affinity, other times I do not. I'm not sure of the issue. Maybe Host or Client related.


Excalibur, his prime variant, and Nyx's back details are the only ones that are not customizable and remain a dull grey. Effectively preventing Solid color or two toned palettes. Please Respect.


Falling through the map has become a real problem lately.


Warframe ability mods in Mod Packs should be removed. Having spent 2000 plat trying to get a thunderbolt via Dragon packs, I can say that most of the skills I got were warframe skill mods. Mods that I would get for free having crafted or purchased a frame. So most of that was wasted money. I did manage to get 1 thunderbolt though. Thankfully.


The New bow really needs to deal armor ignoring damage, because without it's damage is terribly lackluster compared to the Paris.




The damage cap on Iron skin needs to be raised a bit. At the very least 1200 max. Hopefully 2200.

As it is now I can get shot twice in tier 3 void missions with iron skin as it is and It's gone. Meaning I can't use it to tank, I can't use it to revive a friend, I have to constantly run back and forth to cover or run away and if someone is dying, well... I'd be more of a liability trying to help them than I would if I just let them die. lol...


Vauban's vortex is preventing rhino charge, or slash dash from working. Not to mention being annoying as hell. It was cool at first but, yeah, getting jerked around or having someone spam voids in door ways just to be a troll is getting old fast.


I miss the Duel Vipers sounding like a chainsaw to be honest. I wish we could have sound packs or weapon parts like the sentinel parts that have visual and gameplay effects such as silencers and stuff.


And thats all I can think of right now, Thanks again DE. Also, We need our Neon Color Pack.


Edit: Also, Alt Gender frames haven't been mentioned for awhile and most of my questions on the subject have been ignored. I'd like some clarification on that or an ETA if possible.

Edited by Sirabot
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