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Multishot Talk



What was the stance on reworking of multishot? Through my search, I haven't found anything of note that's recent. Just some posts on that they're rebalancing multishot and weapons accordingly, but not what any of the proposed changes might be.


And, being on the topic of multishot, is there currently and viable way to remove it from builds yet still be able to do damage?

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If ur weapon has the ability to be crit weapon and u already stashed it with damage only mods...then simply removing multishot and putting crit in would be weak substitute but it can work considering crit do 2.0 damage on most weapons.

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They are still working on that. May not be here till 18.5 or 19.


All that they proposed is that the second bullet made from said multishot mod will take another bullet from your pool (Either from the clip or the reserves, idk)


You'll still do damage, but you're going have to use a ammo mutation or bring some restores.


Pistols are going to be hit the hardest from this though.

Edited by PUR3K1LL3R
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Pistols are going to be hit the hardest from this though.

Provided it comes with some sort of weapon rebalance (not saying serration/hornet strike removal, that's a whole other can of worms) I'm actually looking forward to not using both multishot mods on 90% of the sidearms, I kinda like the idea of choosing between the two (or none at all) being a meaningful decision.


On the other hand...


Hopefully it will be derived from ammo reserves and not clip/magazine or maybe they'll rethink it entirely.


all in all Hek with Scattering justice + Hell's chamber will be hit hardest, 320% multishot.

I secretly have a total hardon for the idea of blowing all four hek shells at once, even if it comes as a direct nerf to sustainability.

Edited by rapt0rman
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I'm baffled by the fact that everyone assumed that Multishot will consume more ammo, even more so at an 1:1 rate.


DE's failed to make it work in the first place, there's a good chance that they might not even want to go back and try to get that legacy code working and instead consider something else, like, oh I don't know. -damage or -accuracy. Or maybe +recoil? -any other arbitrary stat? Possibilities aren't exactly endless but higher ammo usage isn't the only option.


Heck, I'd gladly opt for Multishot giving a simple damage nerf, if it was up to me, it would be +100% multishot for -50% damage applied after every other modifier.


It would surely benefit guns that aren't exactly consistent or reliable, status would surely benefit from it, crits would be arguable, so would be raw damage. Pretty much a go-to for every gun with low accuracy but accurate ones? Might as well swap it for something else.

Edited by Mofixil
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Heck, I'd gladly opt for Multishot giving a simple damage nerf, if it was up to me, it would be +100% multishot for -50% damage applied after every other modifier.

But how would this be different from it consuming extra ammunition? I know the concept of how damage is applied is different, but in the end, wouldn't it be the same total effective damage?

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So, DPS wise it would be the equivalent of adding a fire rate mod? That's... A way to do it. I guess.

well, really burst DPS wise, it'd be like adding a ~10000% fire rate mod for the next shot (or two, or three depending on the weapon type).


it's effect would neutralize with sustained DPS though (really sustained DPS would be hit MUCH harder then burst in comparison to what we have right now.)

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But how would this be different from it consuming extra ammunition? I know the concept of how damage is applied is different, but in the end, wouldn't it be the same total effective damage?

This way it isn't a nobrainer to put it on the gun in the name of DPS.


Instead it's a valid choice between quantity or quality, it would make shotguns more reliable over range, be useful for applying status effects but at the same time, putting it on a gun that has nothing but damage per shot can be considered a waste of slot.


The problem with such implementation is that I've based it all off PvP-alike balance against PvE, not general enemy sponginess.

This is why it simply looks weird when put in contrast to what the game looks like as of now.


Imagine if enemies weren't scaling infinitely and pretty much every weapon would be just as viable (very simplified, really). This way mods would actually have a drawback for every bonus (that would mostly exchange ease of use for statistical performance), there wouldn't be a simple damage stacking as we have now, pretty much every player would have an unique setup.


At least the general idea is so.

Edited by Mofixil
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