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Your Top 5 Endgame Warframes


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Rhino Prime - My favorite, I use it for almost any mission, but preferrably defense and survival

Excalibur - Who doesn't love excal, 2nd most favorite frame. His kit is insanely strong, if built and played correctly

Loki Prime - For spy, capture missions

Ember Prime - The very best if you want CC and constant damage without doing anything

Trinity Prime - Best support imo, with her Bless (Heal) and Energy Vampire w/ its augment (Restore energy + overflow Shields) abilities, she can support your whole squad properly.

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Mesa: my go to for damage

Loki/Loki Prime: near permanent stealth with full movement speed and the potential for good area CC depending on build

Inaros: tankiness, area CC and easy life gain

Frost/Frost Prime: excellent for defense, not too squishy, can be a good all-arounder

Trinity/Trinity Prime:  unmatched healing plus on demand energy for your squad


Saryn Prime is fast becoming a favorite for my end game play.  Halving the life of everything on your screen is really good when you're facing higher level enemies.

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Unpopular opinion:

Ash Prime + Fatal Teleport

I usually run a Rage+Life Strike build on him, and combined with his super-health, a single channeled Fatal Teleport heals me back to full health; in addition, dual-daggers has an amazing attack speed and hits multiple times per button press if you're in a jam without energy. As far as teamwork, I play dedicated reviver, as Smokescreen with my current duration gives me plenty of time to rez them. If I'm going up against Grineer bosses, I'll sometimes take Seeking Shuriken instead of Fatal Teleport just for a boost to armor shred. 

I try to save my Bladestorm for situational use now, rather than just "press 4 watch a cutscene" because my energy is almost always better used Channeling, smokebombing, or teleporting; if I'm in a tight spot with no team to back me up, I might hit a bladestorm to give myself a couple seconds breathing room while my team arrives, plus my allies can now kill people I've targeted in Bladestorm so they cant rage that I'm stealing their kills.

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Best all around? Nidus and Volt.


CC number 4

Healing number 4

Utility speed ,sheild

Damage number 4

Combine with zen focus and a life regeneration weapon and your good.



Built-up stacks for armour and regeneration

1 for corridor damage.

2 for cc and grouping up enimies 

3 for damage mitigation 

4 group heal

Again with life regeneration weapon. 

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+ super durable and his durability can not be dispelled, has good CC/debuff and distraction which scales with enemy level. Doesn't care about energy. Best platform for ammo-hungry guns. Extra melee mod slot (Life Strike). Top choice for farming and survivals.

- may annoy people with his shadows and Terrify. Needs to kill dudes personally to achieve maximum effectiveness.


+ considerably better than Nekros if you had a team to support. Gives both health, protection and energy to all the team members. Super durable herself. Extra melee mod slot.

- depends on huge constant energy flow to sustain her abilities. Weak against ability nullifiers.


+ good for defending static positions, protects all the team, catapults/CC/debuffs dudes. Can protect several places at once. With big bubbles AoE isn't a problem too. Bubbles are immune to comba/scrambus/stalker dispel.

- needs massive amounts of energy to sustain strong enough bubbles at high levels, nullifiers instagib even the strongest globes by a single touch.


+ mobile frost bubble with infinite health, nullies need to touch warframe directly to dispel it. Very fast and mobile frame, dive bomb is a cheap CC.

- her ult is terrible, turbulence can be dispelled by comba/scrambus/stalker. Some units ignore her CC. She is weak against melee hordes.


+ super fast and mobile, has one of the best CC in the game, has heal, status immunity abilities, awesome synergy with slide melee. Super-fun to play.

-  very squishy without abilities. Being super-speedy annoys some teammates.

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On 1/8/2016 at 0:56 AM, Noifurz said:

Hello I am currently looking for the best endgame frames

And I am curious about the list of other players


My list

1.Loki/Loki Prime

I believe this one was a obvious one since loki is very useful even at high lvl with his radial disarm + augment mod for it.

2.Frost/Frost Prime

With his rework I found frost very strong in defense and mobile defense missions with his Snow Globe (augment mod can go in there aswell)+ since you build for  power strength(more hp for the globe) he will be dealing a lot of damage with his Avalanche and Ice wave

3.Trinity/Trinity Prime

Trinity offers energy for the whole team and energy + healing


Some might disagree with me since Limbo was used as a troll frame with rift walk but recently I realized that he is a really great frame to save allies in most situations 


I really like him for his Reckoning ability and his kit in general since he has everything that a frame needs to survive (I even made T4 Survivals with him to min 40 -it was a hell of a pain!-)


Now tell me which is your top 5 list for endgame warframes :)

1 - Nidus (extreme tankyness)

2 - Inaros (extreme tankyness)

3 - Valkyr (extreme tankyness)

4 - Mesa (extreme Damage and really good protection, nearly god like in tankyness. But need the abilities to survive. VERY squishy otherwise at endgame)

5 - Nyx (extreme, endless, scaling CC and protection. She literally can't die if you're moving enough. Use chaos always, and mind control the heavies. You will never die)

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1. Ash- Good damage, can go invis, can strip armor(extremely helpful in endgame) and good passive too (Fatal teleport is a good mod too but its just way too slow imo)

2. Saryn- Really , really good damage (Well from what ive heard, i dont really have her yet)

3. Nidus- Good CC, good damage, once you get on a roll with stacks, its really hard to die

4. Frost and Volt- I cant choose between the two so theyre tied for 4th place because they are amazing at CC, and good defenders

5. Nyx- never dies, ever.

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1.  Nidus =  My tankiest frame that I have with my favorite CC ability that syncs well with Kohm.  This guy is also very handy on defense missions.

2.  Saryn =  My go to frame for eye candy and all time fun with spreading virus everywhere.

3.  Nekros =  Farmer frame.  When there are resources I need, I bring this guy out and use his minions to protect extractors.

4.  Rhino =  Boss mission frame.  When there's a boss that needs killing, I bring the Rhino to get the job done.

5.  Nyx =  My go to frame for MD missions and defense sortie.  It's always fun watching the enemies kill each other, especially in the Eximus Strongholds where all the fire wave spam will be put to good use.

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In no particular order - Nidus, Frost Prime, Mesa, Chroma, Inaros.

As you can see I love tanking xd, just suits my play style.

I have a question, I have Loki but I don't see him as amazing as some other people do? Why is he so good and what can you do with him?

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1. Mag - As a long time mag player, she's one of the more flexible and useful frames to have in a team. The infinite scaling on her 2 helps her remain relevant as a high-damage, defensive frame.

2. Valkyr - No other frame does invincibility like Valkyr does, and she also brings some fantastic buffs/debuffs to the table to well.

3. Frost - As a master of point defense, Frost remains one of the best frames in the game.

4. Trinity - She is basically the only effective healing frame and pretty much mandatory for endless content. Frankly, she could do with half a dozen hits with a nerf bat and still be top-tier.

5. Limbo - The sheer amount of mission types limbo can passively trivialize is staggering. Spy, Rescue, Mobile Defense, and Solo Defense are basically impossible to lose as Limbo as long as you know how to use stasis, banish, and riftwalk properly.The ability to revive allies in complete safety, prevent all damage to objectives for extended periods of time, and provide limitless energy is just icing on the cake. Frankly, if he wasn't such a mechanics-heavy frame that required a lot of coordination and skill to pull off well in a group, he'd be flat-out OP.


Honorable Mentions:

Loki - Radial Disarm and Master of Stealth. Loki is the Limbo of old, and still is top-tier in pretty much any mission type.

Nyx - Scaling CC in a massive range. Always a welcome addition to the team.

Nova - Slowing, or speeding up, enemies is valuable depending on what your goals are. Plus her damage

Nidus and Inaros - Situationally as tanky as Valkyr without relying on Hysteria energy drain for invulnerability.

Vauban - Lockdown in a Tee. When you need complete control of an area, Vauban is there.

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1. Volt: Capacistance Build with low Strength, max range and duration, can lock down just about any zone. 

2. Banshee: Sonar build makes punching holes in hard stuff so much easier.  Very fun to play too.

3. Ivara: walking through laser beams makes Stealth missions a breeze.  Solves so many Riven requirements easily.

4. Nova:  Still my favorite for long excavation runs.

5. Trinity:  Sometimes you just want to be un-killable.

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1. Limbo- arguably the most powerful frame right now.

2. Nidus- deals great damage, scales really well, can't die if you know how to play him.

3. Volt Prime: Great CC, great team buff, riot shield with zenurik is insanely great.

4. Excalibur- Dope light saber frame. Also radial blind is great.

5. Nekros Prime- really great all-rounder, scales really well with his augments and with equilibrium never runs out of energy if you consistently kill stuff.

Homorable mentions: Inaros: almost as good as Nidus; Loki: easy mode; Vauban: best CC; Novas really good but I don't like her lol; Ivara: invisiblity is great; Frost: good all-rounder; and finally, Hydroid, because he's so terrible he's just funny to play.


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