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How Do You Even Solo Prime Parts And Bosses?



I have two friends with Boltor Prime, Rhino Prime, and another friend with Mirage. How do you even do that? I mean I can't solo the boss on Earth.


Edit: I forgot to mention that I am rank 6 with decent mods. I have upgraded Steamline, etc. I have the Hek, which is gawd damn powerful, the Soma which I dislike for the cause of it as it runs out of ammo easily and I don't want to waste a Cata on it.


Now for the weapons. I'm confused. Should I be combining elements or should it be damage mods?

Edited by TinyScrub
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1 - Fuse your mods to rank them up.

2 - Put ranked up mods that add damage into your weapons

3 - Put ranked up mods that affect powers and survivability into your frames.

4 - Learn your frame powers and don't be afraid to use them.


Those are generally the steps newbies need to take before getting stronger/better.  Far too often I see newbies not using damage mods, or using unranked mods, or not using basic frame powers (like not blinding when attacked by 10 things in an open room), etc.

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The current incarnation of Vay Hek is kind of a ridiculous fight. Don't worry if you can't beat him right away. Unless you want Hydroid sooner rather than later, there's no real reason to fight him.


As for your friends' stuff, Mirage's quest is rather simple (there's just some silly time walls involved), and Rhino Prime and Boltor Prime can both be obtained by trading as well as through the Void. Since those two Primes have been around for quite a while now, their parts drop fairly frequently.

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The short, unhelpful answer is to say "Git gud".




A much more helpful answer is that you need to get your hands on some good mods to go onto decent weapons.



I'm really not kidding when I say that in terms of weapons and damage output, a decent weapon with a really good mod loadout is a better choice than a top tier weapon with a merely okay mod loadout.



For a lot of boss battles, being able to deal tons and tons of damage is more helpful than having a really tanky build. For fighting Hek on Earth, you should be bouncy and mobile, hitting him hard and often, not trying to stand still and tank what he's throwing at you.

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Some bosses are easier than others depending on the frame you using... 

With Mesa Pacemaker, the Hyena Pack, Ambula, Sedna and some others without invincibility phases are so easy you waste more time getting there, than actually fighting and you don't even see what's up with them...


Others with invincibility phases are more annoying...


My brother, in the Vay Hek boss said he easily done it by using Volt, running to the end arena (skipping the other phases), putting shield up and twinning grakata/sobeking him to death as soon as mask is out.

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My Loadout against Vay Hek:


Rhino Prime, built for as much power strength and efficiency as possible.

Braton Prime, gotta love the upgraded classic, modded for corrosive + cold. Use this against his flying form.

Secondary could be any hitscan weapon, personally use vaykor marelok. Corrosive + cold against his chicken form.

Bring any melee weapon, lifestrike helps as well.




Rhino Prime, same build.

Hek, because who hates puncture against the grineer? Corrosive + Fire using the mod "Blaze" (nightmare mission reward).

Ignored Secondary and Melee, because Hek does the job well enough on its own.


Note you may need to invest in these weapons to make them work in your favor.

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Hek is definitely the hardest thing on the star chart (not the most annoying, that goes to Lech Kril in pubs).  That hitbox is tiny - a buddy solo'd him with a bow, but, um, he also rage quit the game for a week immediately after.  Hitscan helps.  That magnetic proc is really irritating - take a frame that doesn't need abilities to survive.  When I was farming pigment for my clan, I used my Valkyr with a Soma Prime.  No, no hysteria abuse, except for one time in Nightmare mode just for laughs.


Also pubs are definitely harder - if you're not the host, and there's the tiniest bit of lag, he can be almost impossible to hit.  Definitely try to host if you're not soloing.

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most missions are easy to solo and all bosses usually have groups of people runnign them so they should never be done solo anyways


and soma is worth a catalyst. the more dmg it does the less ammo you use. i have even run stuff like critical delay on soma to reduce my fire rate or punch through on low level missions so i can hit more enemies with a single bullet. soma is in my opinion at least for anything below level 25 is way better then then hek at mob slaying. just because of its sure fire rate and clip size

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Vay Hek is (imo) THE most irritating boss to solo in the entire game.

I'm a completely solo player except for when I simply can't do something on my own.

I'm MR13 and vay Hek makes me want to pull my hair out. The best way I found to deal with him solo is to stay invisible as Loki and spam him with a Vaykor Hek until he dies; which, even then is extremely annoying.

It escapes me as to why the boss of the lowest level planet is as cringe-inducing as it is :/

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Want to solo Vay Hek?  All you need is Rhino and Lex Prime.  Build it for crit and corrosive.  I don't need even a primary weapon or a melee weapon.  I only put one Forma in it.  I can take him to his final phase in 6-8 shots (2 shots per phase).  Bluntly, if you need to kill Vay Hek, you're better off doing it solo anyway, because the more people there are, the more he will turn to look at, and you gotta shoot the tool in his face.


Trust me.  Lex Prime hits like a truck.  It is a sniper rifle as a secondary.  It's incredibly undervalued.

Edited by (XB1)reshin83
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Generally you shouldn`t run Vay Hek alone with the equipment you have.

If you really what to:

- get some stronger Weapons, against Vay Hek I´d recommend hitscann cause he might be hard to hit. (try Soma Prime, Sancti tigris or something else with really high dps), Marelock as secondary.

- modd your Weapons propperly (Dmg, Multishot and the element combo that is best fitting; should be corrosive in this case)

- Use a Frame that is capable of surviving alone (Rhino, Frost, Loki, Chroma, ect.), in this case Loki is probably the best.

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Generally you shouldn`t run Vay Hek alone with the equipment you have.

If you really what to:

- get some stronger Weapons, against Vay Hek I´d recommend hitscann cause he might be hard to hit. (try Soma Prime, Sancti tigris or something else with really high dps), Marelock as secondary.

- modd your Weapons propperly (Dmg, Multishot and the element combo that is best fitting; should be corrosive in this case)

- Use a Frame that is capable of surviving alone (Rhino, Frost, Loki, Chroma, ect.), in this case Loki is probably the best.

The challenge with Soma Prime is ammo efficiency.  If you do run that weapon, you absolutely have to have a secondary to support like you're suggesting, so now you need to have two good weapons.  I've found no weapon better for running Vay Hek solo than Lex Prime.  Sancti Tigris isn't a bad recommendation, it does slash instead of puncture.  I'd wonder how well it would perform at longer ranges like Vay Hek tends to be at.  I'd wager not as well.  On top of that, you'll need MR12 for it.  Probably looking at 50p to buy it if you don't have the syndicate.


The best weapon to run is something that has puncture and corrosive on it.  All things considered, ease of access, raw base stats (puncture and crit, ammo efficiency), there was nothing as easily accessible as Lex Prime and more effective.  I just picked up a spare set in trade chat for 10p.  I don't even understand why it goes for so little, but once it gets vaulted, I'll make bank on that.

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Even the best weapons are actually only "good, or maybe quite good".  That Catalyst with a forma or two is what you must do to hit "great".


My Soma had 4 forma, until I bought the parts for Soma Prime, now sitting at 2 or 3.  Both had catalysts because of my previous statement.


With a good crit build, the ammo efficiency part is irrelevant.  1200 damage regularly pops up with each bullet (depending on enemy level, of course).  Max Serration and a dash of Heavy Calibre (don't hurt the accuracy too much, the great thing about the gun is that with tiny recoil and good accuracy, it's great at a range)


There are some missions where I need to pop an ammo restore, but most of the time, It's a non-issue.


Mods are the be-all and end-all of this game.  My MK1 Braton can clear up to level 25 enemies without issue, a catalyst and 5 forma will do that.  That will take you through at least SOME T2 void content, and even probably T3 Exterminates.




It is NOT an option.

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Sancti Tigris isn't a bad recommendation, it does slash instead of puncture.  I'd wonder how well it would perform at longer ranges like Vay Hek tends to be at.  I'd wager not as well.

I'm with you on the mind bogglingly low prices on one of the strongest weapons in the game.


Sancti Tigris, at (eyeballed) about 60 meters does not do well.  Tried to snipe one of the G3 with it in the raid a couple days ago as I was standing on a pad keeping everything blind, one pellet hit for a little over 1000 damage.  Vay Hek's final arena on Earth isn't anywhere near as big as that room, but I tried both the Sancti and the Vaykor Hek against him and ended up settling on the Soma Prime.


Do you just not take a primary and go Lex Prime/melee to keep the conclave rating down?  I've gotta farm him again for more pigment ;;

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Get better gear. You can't solo hek with the gear you currently have. People sometimes buy frames and weapons or just do void runs / missions / quests with a team to get stuff.

Play with a team, not solo but don't go with pubs as they are normally trolls / leeches / idiots / etc.)

Pubs are fine, just because they may not pkay the same way as others or know how to do everything dont just blow them off

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I'm with you on the mind bogglingly low prices on one of the strongest weapons in the game.


Sancti Tigris, at (eyeballed) about 60 meters does not do well.  Tried to snipe one of the G3 with it in the raid a couple days ago as I was standing on a pad keeping everything blind, one pellet hit for a little over 1000 damage.  Vay Hek's final arena on Earth isn't anywhere near as big as that room, but I tried both the Sancti and the Vaykor Hek against him and ended up settling on the Soma Prime.


Do you just not take a primary and go Lex Prime/melee to keep the conclave rating down?  I've gotta farm him again for more pigment ;;

I'm guessing you're talking about the Vay Hek raid, which I personally have no experience with.  


I can however tell you that if I have to choose between Soma Prime (which has 4 formas) and Lex Prime (with 2 formas) for a Vay Hek fight, I'm picking Lex Prime all day long.  

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I'm guessing you're talking about the Vay Hek raid, which I personally have no experience with.  


I can however tell you that if I have to choose between Soma Prime (which has 4 formas) and Lex Prime (with 2 formas) for a Vay Hek fight, I'm picking Lex Prime all day long.  

Only with regard to the performance of the Sancti Tigris at range, as a reference for how it would do in the boss fight.

Thanks.  My Soma's got 5 and, due to similarities with my 5 forma V Marelok, my Lex Prime has 0.

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