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High Level Tenno Nukers, Why Are You Playing In Public?


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Well you get different levelled players with different levelled warframes and weapons... and this game is an online game not a stand alone single player game, so you would expect to bump into a variation of low level and high level players. High level players indirectly help low level players pass the mission by getting carried, and are often the in game ambulance service, providing revives, and relief sighs . Low level players being limited to only do small amount of damage to enemies, give space to high level layers to make the enemy cull. I think every player has  or will experience what its like to be low level beginner to a high level vet. One cant always expect one to keep on visiting the dressing room, to change frames and arsenal for every single mission one decides to play unless you do so for specific missions such as what is best suitable for excavation, defence/interception, spy, rescue  and so on, also considering that not all the frames have focus lenses installed on them, especially when retaining normal lenses for the construction of greater lenses, so later you can apply lenses on certain frames. Because those focus trees are a pain to level, and one would take their focus lens frame/weapon as much as possible for any old mission, to get focus affinity.


I do have a suggestion that matchmaking auto squad randoms on a more balanced matery rank choice if possible, where the squad is more likely in similar or close mastery rank levels... when not doing specific recruits with friends or clan or alliance, or general recruit , when manually creating squad.

Edited by Cosmic_Elf
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I feel you OP, I really do but the sad reality is that you will find those on 40% of your runs in public games. Some will hear ya, others will help ya and many will just laugh at you. I had to fare this for quite a while till I got to a decent level both in mods and armament. We are not addressing people who do stuff on the reg that is plainly silly. For example: I ran a nightmare mission on earth, this is normally not a typical mission for beginners and I see two people taking their sweet time and then going hallway hero and dying often, helped by his friend. I am thinking: "They are in need of the mod then lets help finish this fast." I take my max but unformaed sonicor and keep ragdolling everything I set my eyes into, I even find and mark a good rare stance mode. I then get a message to stop killing everything that they are SCANNING enemies. I am like feeling my mind is seeing this as trolling as who would stop and scan an enemy on nightmare mode manually, when you can go Helios on them but I let it slide and stop, just killing whatever almost kills me because no shields rule. They literally made me wait 45 mins I assume hoping that I leave the match but I don't give them that pleasure because I came for a nightmare mod and I got that rare stance mod. They finally stopped and complained at me and I rebutted at them because it is stupid for a low level person to scan enemies on a place that will get you killed for doing so without proper set ups. They stay silent and disbanded. My point is that we can't always blame they High MR for his behavior if too many low levels have trolled him one way or another and he is apprehensive at them. It all depends of what's happening currently and also you can always screencap and ask an admin to deal with the trolling nuker, it maybe will help ya. I would also add that I hope you find friendlies who instead of making the game a pain, they would help you find enjoyment.

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Came here to vent. Apologies.


I have been playing for quite a while now but I still get irritated every time I am in a low-level public mission then someone decides to pop in with their shiny [insert what you think is an OP Warframe here]. Fully pimped, going in one room to the next melting, squishing, and maiming everything (EVERYTHING!) on their path.


Bro! Why are you even in public? With your load out, you already decided that you want to kill all of them by yourself anyway...


Edit: I know the purpose of damage dealers in high level public. In fact I love you guys when you are there. I just wanted to point out that my frustrations are based on high-level player nukers who join low-level missions when they can solo it. Mental note: make title clearer next time.

It's against terms and conditions to "vent" here.

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If it's an alert or an invasion, I try to respect my time and other people's time by nuking the map as quick as possible. Doesn't matter if it's my effort alone or some combined effort. 


If it's an alert or an invasion (with, say, potatoes or Nitain extracts, cosmetic you haven't got, rarer Nightmare mod, etc), you're probably there for the same thing as everybody else. You're not there because you enjoy Extermination--you want the loot, everybody in your squad is there because of the loot, and some people with basic levels of decency and intellect realize this and try to make the runs as efficient as possible. 


If it's just a low level mission, maybe they want the rare resource there. More players = more spawn = more chance at resources. Although I agree it's a bit of an annoying move to treat other players as just spawn fodders--if it's farming they're after those nukers are the ones who should have organized a farming squad rather than barge into newbie pubs. 


But my point will always be: play solo if you're not having fun in pubs. I don't care if you're a nuker or not, if you're not having fun in public play with friends or solo; don't demand randoms to give you fun. 

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Came here to vent. Apologies.


I have been playing for quite a while now but I still get irritated every time I am in a low-level public mission then someone decides to pop in with their shiny [insert what you think is an OP Warframe here]. Fully pimped, going in one room to the next melting, squishing, and maiming everything (EVERYTHING!) on their path.


Bro! Why are you even in public? With your load out, you already decided that you want to kill all of them by yourself anyway...


Edit: I know the purpose of damage dealers in high level public. In fact I love you guys when you are there. I just wanted to point out that my frustrations are based on high-level player nukers who join low-level missions when they can solo it. Mental note: make title clearer next time.

Well, I understand your vent but public matchmaking is random not in players hand if I'm assuming, you already know that. Due to current focus system & time aspects of a individual player target a fast run even they join in the middle so they can complete more faster & move on to the next mission. 


Just saying.

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In my case it's usually to farm resources. Blame the game for spawning more enemies with 4 Tenno present than with 1. I often do Io Jupiter on public with my mag and low level players to farm Neural Sensors and I see nothing wrong with that. If I could have the same amount spawn playing solo then I would but I'm not going to force myself to take longer to gather what I need just to play solo. Besides, the majority of new players have appreciated me getting them 10 Neural Sensors, Gaia's Tragedy, Vulpine Mask etc, same with the 2 MR3's I took to 2000 cryotic on Lua Earth. It's not always a bad thing.

Edited by Zilchy
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Case in point the latest Nitain alert. Equip Ember Prime, rush the level with 3 others, do 92% damage, job done. Two of the players thanked me, other said GG. Not everyone minds.

Oh and also, since I do public for Sorties cos it provides challenge, I'll bet the same MR5's that mind me nuking in low content, won't have any complaints for being carried through all 3 Sorties. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

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When I played WF the first time on public a few years ago, I was shocked at the speed that others rushed through the content. I barely could follow the parcour and felt bad that the others had to wait for me in the endzone. Decision number 1: Play alone to get better.


Now, MR19 and having most of the stuff, mostly knowing what I do (always fun to come back after a break and feel like a noob again) I totally thank players that carry others through the missions. If there is a ember that rushes, I like to be better or if she is better, I enjoy the xp for the weapons that are being leveled with that xp.


Never ever, I would start spitting at someone who is doing the stuff more efficiently and faster. Adaptation to the best efficiency is also fun. That is the core of most games. If I really enjoy a weapon, and know, that there is no place for this playstyle in a group environment, I go back to decision number 1: Play the game on solo.


But never ever I would start to punish the other players by forcing them to wait for me in the extraction on purpose. This behaviour is pure egocentrical, autoaggressive nonsense and utterly $&*^ish. Being such a $&*^, and admit it, showing that you rather harm you and others (taking away time) than play the objective in the fastest way, definitely shows who there is to blame. Because, at least, speedrunners are doing it to have things done fast, because they value time. These are also mostly people, that wouldnt just join a pug to destroy others fun on purpose, because it is not timeefficient. They have their reasons why they join a pug in this way.

Until now I thought, guys coming very late to the endzone are just that: Slow. Now, after reading the comments above, I have to ponder if these are just some jerks trying to be even bigger jerks on purpose.

It will definitely let me reevaluate my behaviour towards helping players that constantly die and jeopardize missions.

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For the person saying that op will do it as well, I have 2530 hours logged and I have yet to have a reason to run through some lowbie mission and nuke everything on public. I take some support frame and hop into a lower mission with either a trash weapon or something I just formaed and I do not murder everything. I kill what the lowbies can not handle. Then you have MR0-2 people who enjoyed how intense the mission was because they actually got to do something and they also got to run the survival out to 30 minutes. Killing everything for lower levels is not helping them so much as it is making them bored because there is literally nothing for them to do. I have had some thank me for holding back and letting them actually get to do stuff because typically when a high level comes in, they can not.


On occasion I accientally bring a gun with a syndicate mod or I formaed something syndicate and I try to run off somewhere before the blast goes off but even then that is not as bad as things where you come in and some Saryn or Ash Prime or whatever is mass murdering the whole map and even I have nothing to do. It is at the point where I just check people's levels when I join a low level game. If they are above a certain level and have certain weapons/frames at max level I just leave and do something else because that run will be boring. Also it means that the gun I just formaed is not going to get as many levels so it does not really help me either.


When I was a low level, I just played solo most of the time because there was no point in playing with people. Because when some high level 4-presser comes in, you are not really playing anymore, you are watching. And high level 4-pressers were most of what I saw.

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Because this game is designed to be played that way.

Hordes of enemies, power creep+exponentially scaling enemies, reward per run system, emphasis on mobility= run through the map nuking everything as fast as possible.

This is the most "efficent" way to play, or the most "fun" for those who keep voicing the "we are supposed to be OP" argument. In time, they expect other players to have the same mentality.

Edited by fakeBOSHI
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