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Shadow Debt Event Mods Should Be End Of Mission Rewards Instead Of Dropping Mid-Mission


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Symptom: Peoples are aborting missions to fight 1/100 drop chances in a mission where you got VERY narrow time window.

Cure: Stop showing the mod reward until the end of the mission. Peasants needs to waste more time.





I guess your ultimate goal is to create another primed chamber that gets ridiculous prices.

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 5 waves of defense or 5 minutes of survival or one round of intercept won't kill you.



But times 100 (because we already have people out there with over 80 Acolyte mods and still missing the rare ones) - and it will kill you, drag your insides out through your nose and leave the resulting bag of gore to hang on a zipline. Sorry, but I am *NOT* looking forward to running 6+ hours of survival with 6+ hours of waiting for Torment to spawn just to get one event mod. 

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Jesus... 84 Acolytes so far and yet still haven't got any rare mods. I don't mind to run more, but, oh well, seeing how Torment dropped its HP from 30% to 15% in less than 2 hours due to abusing ways (assuming that you keep your loot after aborting the mission, the damage dealt to Acolyte is contributing to total goal, so people abusing Abort option just make it worse) is... have no words, but Despair, hah.


It is definitely very turbulent right now with the aborts. Work is in progress for the next Hotfix that will present the Mods on Mission Complete.

Seriously though... i hope when reward patch will be released, you guys roll Torment's HP back to 30-40% or so, 'cause... it's uncool. I'm not using abort option, so i'm doing 5min/5wave/1 round runs and leaving the mission => i can run 2-3 times before an Acolyte disappears D:


upd: oh, now it's 6% HP left for Torment...  (from 15% to 6.6% in ~25-30min)

Edited by Thundervision
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DE.. as usual.. "Fix symptoms, not the problem".


Why everything in this game must be random and full of grind (yeah.. drop chances :D)?


Make reward same as many.. many events before: GUARANTEED not random

- Kill specific acolyte 10-20 times? -> you get pack of mods (the 4 mods it drops now)


And.. when you fix problem.. symptoms.. disappear!

Yeah.. i do many events before.. and aborting mission "issue" does not exists.


Think about it next time you do event.. now its probably too late to change it.



This is my first real event and was of the understanding that mods were guaranteed for completing the event x number of times. I mean we deal with RNG 99.99% of the time when playing regularly it would have been nice to not have to deal with it in this event but alas it is not the case.


This is why it is so easy to burnout in this event it is practically the same as farming the void or more specifically farming certain enemies for stances, there is no change of the pace at all.


I think we should at least be happy that the acolytes have guaranteed drops and that DE didn't make their drop table include:



I think the event would have been DOA if it did.


I can't be bothered with these Acolytes anymore may do a couple later but for me it is just business as usual i.e. off to the void.

Edited by viperveteran
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First I thought: Hey, this event is kinda neat. The first stage is fun and the three acolytes we get to see are fun to fight, too!


137 acolytes later: **** THAT ****. I just spent an hour (solo) entering a defense, Hekking Torment in the face, aborting, repeat mission. Hydraulic Crosshairs ahoy. It's not fun, it's not challenging, it's not rewarding. It feels like you're just wasting your time, I'm not going to bother anymore. When 99 out of 100 times I'm rewarded with a super common mod and the awesome starchart mission rewards... I just don't care.


For the future: if you have a cool boss that the community might enjoy... maybe DON'T require us to kill them hundreds of times EACH for us to get the rewards and for the event to succeed. Because that coolness factor will run dry real fast.


Here's how it could've gone instead:

Step 1: Spy and MobDef as now. Plant fake evidence that Alad is travelling with Tenno. Gain 20 charges for step 2.

Step 2: Wannabe-Edgelords invade you randomly, any mission, anywhere, with a 10% chance. They have EQUAL chances of dropping any mod.

Step 3: After 20 invasions repeat step 1.

Step ???: Once 3-4 days have passed trigger the final event stage.


Bam. Now the acolytes are something much more special, the community is entertained for a week and the enemy design wont get @(*()$ annoying. Seriously, I got a proper Stalker invasion while doing some Nitain alert and my first thought wasn't "OOO flickering lights, it's going to get fun!" but "Aw man, did I trigger the "right" node on accident? F*** these acolytes!"


He dropped a Molten Impact, btw. Great drops run in the edgelord family.

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It is definitely very turbulent right now with the aborts. Work is in progress for the next Hotfix that will present the Mods on Mission Complete.


That isn't a bad idea.

You might also want to review the drop chance percentage for the mods, although I understand that a Rare mod is supposed to be rare. Just what kind of rare it should be is not yet very clear to me, that's all.

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Oh man, I guess 98% of the community will curse you and all your next 1000 generations for this. I'm okay with whatever DE decides but people have problems with rare mods acquisition now they will have no more suitable way to acquire the mod.Unless DE would adjust the drop table to the mods would have equal drop rate or so.Otherwise this end-mission stuff is doomed.

Also if you are so angry at people drops - play solo or play with your self-assembled team.I don't see why majority have to submit this.

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Well with Torment dead, and spamming her literally hundreds of times with a friend (we were aborting), no Argon Scope. Hopefully Misery won't be too miserable... :<


Making them drop at the end of the mission will only worsen the current situation.

Edited by SpaceSheepie
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Not sure I agree with that decision, DE. Farming event mods (instead of obtaining them as an event reward) is already a pain as it is. Not sure I can be bothered wasting time to complete a mission to see what the Acolyte has dropped.


Perhaps a more reasonable solution would be to not have the encounter count towards the depletion of the Acolyte's health?

Edited by DoctorBagPhD
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Not sure I agree with that decision, DE. Farming event mods (instead of obtaining them as an event reward) is already a pain as it is. Not sure I can be bothered wasting time to complete a mission to see what the Acolyte has dropped.


Perhaps a more reasonable solution would be to not have the encounter count towards the depletion of the Acolyte's health?

Or increase the drop rate of the rare mods as the health goes down, also giving us incentive to keep chipping away at it even when its low, even when we have the mod.

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It would have been better to give a stage reward + specific bonus loot : 10 kill : Bronze mod 20 kill : Silver mod 30 kill : Golden mod (for each acolyte)


On top of that being able to get some extra loot on them to make the grind feel better like a bundle of x5 rare core, polarity transmute core.


Just an idea among many^

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It would have been better to give a stage reward + specific bonus loot : 10 kill : Bronze mod 20 kill : Silver mod 30 kill : Golden mod (for each acolyte)


On top of that being able to get some extra loot on them to make the grind feel better like a bundle of x5 rare core, polarity transmute core.


Just an idea among many^

I'd prefer this, I'd rather grind away to a guaranteed goal than grind away to a potential goal, by far.


In fact, if drops stay as they are and we're forced to complete missions to see what we get I think my friend and I will probably not participate any further in this stage of the event. Unless of course they start to turn up in missions I'd be doing anyway, like my syndicate missions, instead of these missions I wouldn't be running.

Edited by SpaceSheepie
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There are three possible fixes to the issue of people dropping mission if the right mod doesn't pop up.


1. DE can buff the rates of the mods dramatically for all of the acolytes, leaving the common mods on each as they are and massively buffing the rare and uncommon drop rates, or having a super drop rate on the final acolyte for the rares etc.


2. Making it so that the acolytes stay on each node FAR longer than currently, and have appropriately more life, and rolling multiple times on the drop table according to the mission type, with 2 times being the minimum and 4-5 times the maximum.

3. Leaving the system as is, with players starting to doubt that the rare mods even exist, questioning their own existence and desperately burning themselves out trying to get something other than Hydraulic Crosshairs, with the negative being that players that aren't interested in getting the rare and uncommon mods never getting them, which isn't an issue anyway.
This method would boost platinum trading rates, which considering the drop rates so far, I'm a little suspicious is more the goal of this event.

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Hell, or just make it so that clans that get a certain level of statue for the final get a full set, even if it's the gold statue.
That way there'll be a manageable amount of the mods on the market, so their price isn't inhibitive to any must the most devoted people anyway, which was surely the problem pointed out to begin with.

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These Players remind me of the Orokin, selfish, greedy 


It -is- becoming a bit ridiculous.  I don't get the mentality.  New event != entitlement to have all mods.


All I see are people asking for (or outright demanding of) DE to make it easier to get everything in a timely fashion, and none of them seem aware of how outlandish that is.


Edit: typo and wordiness

Edited by DelialFallen
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It is definitely very turbulent right now with the aborts. Work is in progress for the next Hotfix that will present the Mods on Mission Complete.


This is the point where i must ask: What did you expect would happen in an Event where a Mob drops 4 different Mods, in different rareties, but is only available for a limited time?


Everyone wants his full set of the Mods and since there is no statement if they are going to stay, everyone farms them as much as they can. The first one is allready dead after 2 days, for european players there was only 1 prime time to farm this one.

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It -is- becoming a bit ridiculous.  I don't get the mentality.  New event != entitlement to have all mods.


All I see are people asking for (or outright demanding of) DE to make it easier to get everything in a timely fashion, and none of them seem aware of how outlandish that is.


Edit: typo and wordiness

The point of Warframe is to get all the stuff in Warframe. Previous events have rewarded a full set of event mods for completing the challenges. It's outlandish for players to want DE to continue a trend they themselves had set, and make the event mods reasonably obtainable?

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I went to Nightmare defense mission to farm a nightmare mod. Three MR20 players came and I was like "wooow, we get it done in no time". Than came the Acolyte. After he was dead all 3 players left the mission leaving me alone and no-one came to replace the team. Luckily it was energy reduction Nightmare mission so I got my NM mod.

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It -is- becoming a bit ridiculous.  I don't get the mentality.  New event != entitlement to have all mods.


All I see are people asking for (or outright demanding of) DE to make it easier to get everything in a timely fashion, and none of them seem aware of how outlandish that is.


Edit: typo and wordiness

This game is already RNG enough without timed RNG. I'd rather work hard in a game and get rewarded then get lucky, any day. We're not necessarily asking them to make it easier, but for a different system to be implemented if its going to be timed.

Edited by SpaceSheepie
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I went to Nightmare defense mission to farm a nightmare mod. Three MR20 players came and I was like "wooow, we get it done in no time". Than came the Acolyte. After he was dead all 3 players left the mission leaving me alone and no-one came to replace the team. Luckily it was energy reduction Nightmare mission so I got my NM mod.


You do realize it's because of whiners like you a broken, RNG-based event is likely going to turn into an even more broken, tedious, RNG-based event, right?


Enjoy your nightmare mod!

Also, way to farm them on an event node, you should totally try... I dunno, farming Morphics/Neurodes on a tactical alert node and complain about people breaking your game somehow! 

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It -is- becoming a bit ridiculous.  I don't get the mentality.  New event != entitlement to have all mods.


All I see are people asking for (or outright demanding of) DE to make it easier to get everything in a timely fashion, and none of them seem aware of how outlandish that is.


Edit: typo and wordiness


What ?! People want to be rewarded for their interested dedication to an event ? what a wothless bunch of entitled child !! ;o


(by interested dedication i mean going over the 10 kill reward of course)

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