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Shadow Debt Event Mods Should Be End Of Mission Rewards Instead Of Dropping Mid-Mission


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You do realize it's because of whiners like you a broken, RNG-based event is likely going to turn into an even more broken, tedious, RNG-based event, right?


Enjoy your nightmare mod!

Also, way to farm them on an event node, you should totally try... I dunno, farming Morphics/Neurodes on a tactical alert node and complain about people breaking your game somehow! 

Such anger :D


If I was devastated people quitting before missions start I click solo. I wanted to point out that people are quitting and DE is making hotfix to put rewards on end screen.

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Such anger :D


If I was devastated people quitting before missions start I click solo. I wanted to point out that people are quitting and DE is making hotfix to put rewards on end screen.


Oh yeah, making event mods only appear at the end of missions is such a good idea!

Especially considering that 


a) The time frame to confront any given Acolyte before he runs off is so small, that in case of Survival, Defense or Interception we'll be looking at 2-3 attempts per window tops. Yay!


b) Torment Acolyte is dead, good luck farming the "final challenger" for an even smaller chance to get the mods you're missing. 



I sincerely hope the hotfix won't just put those mods into "end of mission rewards" table, but rework the whole acquisition process.  

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It is definitely very turbulent right now with the aborts. Work is in progress for the next Hotfix that will present the Mods on Mission Complete.


The problems are ,Acolyte dies in 24 hours and I work ! I can't make 50 runs at night for a mod that has a 2% drop chance.

The mods will be available at the end of the event, ok but how low will be the drop chances to get the mod I want ?

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The problems are ,Acolyte dies in 24 hours and I work ! I can't make 50 runs at night for a mod that has a 2% drop chance.

The mods will be available at the end of the event, ok but how low will be the drop chances to get the mod I want ?

Here're your problems!

When you work you aren't playing Warframe.

When you sleep you aren't playing Warframe.

When you go to dinner, you aren't playing Warframe.

When you spend time with your family, you aren't playing Warframe.

When you go to the restroom, you aren't playing Warframe.

In fact, why are you even reading this instead of playing Warframe!?


You fix the above issues, and, MAYBE, you'll get the mods you want.


PS: I sure hope nobody will take this post seriously XD

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Well I found this thread on an angry warpath after getting tossed arounf missions for the last hour by people aborting because the mod wasn't good enough for them, even resulting in 3 migrations and being stuffed into someone elses mission losing the mod I had obtained.


But after reading all the vitriol expressed by others in the thread I'll just say more power to your arm DE, let's get that hotfix a going soon. I don't really blame DE for this, I don't think they could have predicted that their community of honourable space ninja's contained dishonorable scumbag abortists. [someone could turn this into some kind of meme]

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The way right now only encourages people to abort because:


1.The Acolytes may take hours to even appear and stay for 9 or 15 minutes or less ->

2.Time is wasted looking for Acolytes ->

3.Mod droprates are absolutely ludicrous for a TIMED event


You cannot expect people NOT to abort missions if they get the same common mod several times. Every event in the past, has always rewarded you with event mods when you reach a certain amount completions, why is it different now? forcing people to stay for entire missions just to see what kind of mod they get is only going to make people quit.


What to do: Reward the player the set of Mods by the amount of times a particular Acolyte has been defeated.

What not to do: Forcing the player  to stay in a mission for RNG lowdrop rate mods.

Edited by Juebev
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The way right now only encourages people to abort because:


1.The Acolytes may take hours to even appear and stay for 9 or 15 minutes or less ->

2.Time is wasted looking for Acolytes ->

3.Mod droprates are absolutely ludicrous for a event


You cannot expect people NOT to abort missions if they get the same common mod several times. Every event in the past, has always rewarded you with event mods when you reach a certain amount completions, why is it different now? forcing people to stay for entire missions just to see what kind of mod they get is only going to make people quit.


What to do: Reward the player the set of Mods by the amount of times a particular Acolyte has been defeated.

What not to do: Forcing the player  to stay in a mission for RNG lowdrop rate mod


And why is there still limited time event mods?Whats not possible to get outside events???


Here we go -> http://postimg.org/image/fpgoyfi3l/

Edited by Asherus
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It is definitely very turbulent right now with the aborts. Work is in progress for the next Hotfix that will present the Mods on Mission Complete.

There's no point to that if you don't fix it so that we're more likely to get mods we don't already have...  The constant stream of bronze mods has removed all of the excitement I had when the event first started.  This event is not fun, it is merely stressful farming set to a time limit.

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1000% either that or a punishment should be put on quiters not being allowed to que for the same mission for like 1:30-2mins because its @(*()$ ridic I just spent 15 @(*()$ mins trying to find a single @(*()$ game for violence and I couldn't find a single one at the beginning of the mission its ridiculous please fix this or I wont be able to get any of these @(*()$ mods


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This wouldn't even happen if the Acolytes appearance rate wasn't so darned RNG anyway.


The reason people would rather abort for faster missions is because the Acolytes would only be there for a short period of time.

Acolyte random jumping after a short time + RNG + Bullshyt drop rate + potentially lengthy missions

= People getting really really annoyed after 50 or so missions.



Don't get me wrong, a little bit of grind isn't bad, but if yur gonna place the grind behind so many walls of RNG, people are gonna be tired. 

It's not hard because its difficult, it's hard because it's annoying and time consuming. 

Edited by YasaiTsume
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While you're at it, buff the droprates big time or change the reward structure entirely.


This is the grindiest, most annoying event I have played in the 3 years since I joined. And that comes from someone that grinded until exhaustion to get into the top 100 for the Primed Chamber event.


It is NOT fun. We have to go play hide and seek to make some underling spawn that I can facetank and kill within seconds all to have 75% chance to get a common mod and an unbelievable 2% chance to get a rare mod. All this on a time based event that even gates you from actively running it.


I always liked the events in the past because they had a definitive amount of work you'd have to put in to get the reward. But this is just horrible. This is by far the worst execution of a reward structure you guys have dished out for an event.


After this change the best you can manage is around 2 minutes per (deception/sabotage/capture) mission and they stay for around for roughly 20 minutes. That's 10 attempts and I can already tell you that at least 9 out of these 10 will be common garbage again.


Was it so hard to give us a set-in-stone goal (like pretty much all previous events...) that awards us with the whole droptable from the acolyte? Like killing them (and finishing the mission) 15 times or so.

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Well ,guess I will HAVE to farm those mods now, before the hotfix comes. Crybabies did it again.


YEAH! How dare people complain that giant leeches join a public game only to abandon it because they didn't like what they got! Yeah, the nerve of those people, wanting teams to be teams, and not be mod-hunting Min-Maxers looking for the fastest way to get new loot without actually helping the folks they join.


The nerve of those folks, who want to play with a team and to play the mission properly.



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