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This Event... De Do You Even Learn From Previous Mistakes?


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The mods are not necessary, this is true. However, we are getting mods here, new exciting to use mods.

They are currently only available to us by beating these limited time encounters.

The fact that is the only way to get them already means not everyone can enjoy using those mods unless they either got RNG on their side or they have the platinum to fork over to people who can make a quick buck with this. (just like the couple last stances)


I am not excited by the event rewards either but that is another discussion.


The point here is, DE said they wanted to limit if not remove the grind. Very promissing and exciting. yet the couple of last releases are nothing but grind.

Weapon stances: 0.x % drop from units or in case of Vengeful Revenant, from units that only come once per mission (Similar to vulpine mask before that got changed)

Nehza: Once per day lucky draw


And I am not even bothered by the Nitain drops. At least you can have apps that warn you when they pop up.


But those low percent chance drops are just painful. In a hotfix IIRC, they said they changed the drop rates so you could get a more fair chance to get all the mods. And you are right, the common and uncommon mods drop about equally. But the rare mods barely drop at all. Like many, I have done the acolytes quite a few times but not once did the rare mod drop. Not even once. I got the illusion there was a good chance to get the rare mod now that everything changed. I guess not, so I have no clue where the better drop chances for the rare mods went to.


I like Warframe a lot. I appreciate all their work. But their continuously grind releases are really getting on my nerves. Oh and once the 5th acolyte pops up, it will be even more fun. low chances to get any of the mods but hey, 16 mods you egt all the time and 4 mods you perhaps want tot ry out but might never get.


I don't mind a good grind every now and then. I enjoy the farming in the void missions. But if every single thing turns into this, it really becomes a turn-off.

Edited by Therril
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So, lets see if i get this straight, you guys are complaining about an Extra reward from the event?


The event add 5 new units, that each have a loot table, so yeah, it's normal that you don't do 1 or 2 runs and get what you want. The event rewars is Wraith Vulkar and if 15 waves on the final Challange you get Lacera Acolyte skin.


Not to mention the Reactor and Catalyst from the first part.



Those are the event rewards, the mods? Well, that's a bonus. A bigger incentive to play the game, which is what DE actually wants and needs.

We can get reactors and catalysts from the store. We cant do that with these mods.

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The mods are not necessary, this is true. However, we are getting mods here, new exciting to use mods.

They are currently only available to us by beating these limited time encounters.

The fact that is the only way to get them already means not everyone can enjoy using those mods unless they either got RNG on their side or they have the platinum to fork over to people who can make a quick buck with this. (just like the couple last stances)


I am not excited by the event rewards either but that is another discussion.


The point here is, DE said they wanted to limit if not remove the grind. Very promissing and exciting. yet the couple of last releases are nothing but grind.

Weapon stances: 0.x % drop from units or in case of Vengeful Revenant, from units that only come once per mission (Similar to vulpine mask before that got changed)

Nehza: Once per day lucky draw


And I am not even bothered by the Nitain drops. At least you can have apps that warn you when they pop up.


But those low percent chance drops are just painful. In a hotfix IIRC, they said they changed the drop rates so you could get a more fair chance to get all the mods. And you are right, the common and uncommon mods drop about equally. But the rare mods barely drop at all. Like many, I have done the acolytes quite a few times but not once did the rare mod drop. Not even once. I got the illusion there was a good chance to get the rare mod now that everything changed. I guess not, so I have no clue where the better drop chances for the rare mods went to.


I like Warframe a lot. I appreciate all their work. But their continuously grind releases are really getting on my nerves. Oh and once the 5th acolyte pops up, it will be even more fun. low chances to get any of the mods but hey, 16 mods you egt all the time and 4 mods you perhaps want tot ry out but might never get.


I don't mind a good grind every now and then. I enjoy the farming in the void missions. But if every single thing turns into this, it really becomes a turn-off.

I tell people the same thing you said all the time. They dismissed me as a "conspiracy theorist".


I don't know what to do about this community or this game anymore.

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So what were previous events like exactly? I only ask because this is my first event and it seems everyone just complains about it to no end.  Were previous events not rng based or something?


Back in the old days of U7, we had an event that introduced Invasions to the game. You know, Grineer vs. Corpus.


No new content, beside the usual stuff you'd get as additions to the Tenno armory, just Invasions.


If you wanted the Brakk pistol, you had to play 100 invasion missions for the Grineer. If you wanted the Detron pistol, you had to play 100 invasion missions for the Corpus.


And instead of being 3, it required 5 to get rewards. And sometimes you'd support the Corpus/Grineer because of the better offered loot, and those would subtract from your Grineer/Corpus total, so if you wanted 100+ points for Grineer, you could do 30 points worth of support for the Corpus, and would need 130+ points for the Grineer.


And in the end, the Grineer won, and all the Grineer supporters got the Brakk, and the Corpus supporters got the Brakk blueprint, but only if you had a score of 100+ for your side.



So yeah, how terrible is it getting a guaranteed mod from an Acolyte again? Because at least this Event gives you extra stuff + the ability to get a guaranteed mod drop. And we had to trek through the snow of Uranus, uphill, both ways, and then when we got to the end of the event, they beat the crud out of us;


AND WE LIKED IT! Actually, pretty much everyone said "Worst Event Ever". And then the next event came along, and everyone said "Worst Event Ever". And then the next one. Ditto. And the one after that. Ditto x2. Again. Ditto squared.


I'm saying this has been going on a very long time.

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I just don't see the big deal, here. The final challenger is supposed to drop nearly every single mod, and I'm sure that will be up for a while, and the Acolytes are going to be brought back whether that be via deathmarks or via the same thing they do with the Fomorians every so often.


You aren't losing anything but time you could have spent farming the void for that 200th Bo Prime Ornament. If you aren't enjoying the event, then don't participate. Nothing within this event is required and I'm more apt to say that most of the mods aren't even that great for your average player, since they require circumstantial things to active and require you to be aiming to get the full benefit from them.


At the end of the day the world won't have ended, your weapons will still perform fine, and you'll get another chance to get them.

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I think the problem is not DE, it's the average gamer. I don't understand why everybody can't do missions as normal, have fun and at the same time get the new mods... With every event, players turn it to a farm-fest istead of enjoying it. 

Yes, maybe DE needs to change approach seeing the result, but maybe they still have faith in humanity (misplaced, appearently). Maybe it's not only DE that needs to change...


You can't blame players for turning events, which are supposed to be neat and fun, into farm-fests, and there is a simple reason for that…


Warframe is one massive grind and makes players into grind zombies.


Grind, grind, grind! See something neat - new weapon, frame, event, paywall - grind the S#&$ out of it! That's the mentality which is etched into Warframe players. Players don't like Archwing because it's another grind. The only reason players play Conclave is to grind for the skins. Players grind the void for Ducats, so when Baro brings out just another skin, or marginal weapon players can’t enjoy it – they want a more significant reward.


Every friend that I've invited to join me playing Warframe can't penetrate the dense nature of Warframe's grinding. Sorry, Warframe's very nature tends to suck the fun right out of things because of how in conditions players to navigate challenges.

Edited by YourBusDriver
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Welp, it turned as I expected. Never managed to get Argon Scope, the one mod I still wanted. My only choice is to either deal with it, pray that misery drops it (even less of a chance than torment) or I for over 100+ platinum. As if the overpricing of legendary mods was not bad enough.


Why not allow all players who participated get the mods of the acolyte defeated? Why forcing players to farm for it and give a lousy who knows how long % chance to get 1 particular mod?


I might sound complainy and whiny but really, it feels like vengeful revenant all over again. At least you can keep grinding that mod I guess >.>

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for those of you who dont seem to get the point. new content is the only thing that excites players, new frames, weapons, mods are what make the player sit down and spend an unhealthy ammount of time and an unreasonable ammount of money on this game. the only new content in this event are the mods, potatoes dont count for S#&$, and the weapon at the end has a) not been shown and b) guaranteed to only be good for mastery gain. 

the purpose of the event is to glue us to the screen for hours and while we're there, we may just get inpatient enough to spend money for plat, to achieve this DE need to give incentive for the player to do the event, players want the mods for reasons explained above, those are the incentive for this event, they need to be available to make us play, but not too available so that we keep playing. in previous events DE gave mod packs for score points or a number of completed missions, ppl did the prerequisite number of missions and than left it there, so this time around DE wanted to make sure that we stay for the entirety of the event and went one step too far by hiding the mods behind a RNG wall <----- this is what pisses ppl off, this was a mistake, a huge @(*()$ mistake. the event rewards are a carrot on a stick and the unspoken agreement is that at the end of the ordeal we are supposed to get that goddamn carrot


this event sofar: 125 confrontations +around 50 failed tries due to force quits pre 18.4.3 and only 1 (as in one) rare mod to show for it.

gg DE, wp

Edited by Ventose
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Simply calling it the worst is not right. The event in itself is cool. I like the story behind it, the hunt for the assassins and all.

It is the rewarding system that bothers me. Lucky players or people willing to fork over money get to enjoy it to the fullest when it comes to the rewards.

I do not even see the reason behind the farming. If you wanted to motivate people to hunt for the assassins, just having timers before they get to alad V on it suffices. If you don't beat it in time, no mods for you. Fair and square.

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Back in the old days of U7, we had an event that introduced Invasions to the game. You know, Grineer vs. Corpus.


No new content, beside the usual stuff you'd get as additions to the Tenno armory, just Invasions.


If you wanted the Brakk pistol, you had to play 100 invasion missions for the Grineer. If you wanted the Detron pistol, you had to play 100 invasion missions for the Corpus.


At-least, its fair. 


also you won't miss anything if you reach the target score(BP/weapon not really make you lose brakk)


this event? RNG to "event mods" you can run over 100 games and still not getting one rare mod due to this.

also you can't play the event when you happy to do it, because even those Acolytes also hide behind the RNG.


you need to sit behind and screen and wait tons of time for just wait it show its location in few mins................





fk this

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You did the right move DE. Still thinking we lost some precious time. Hope we'll be able to get the already-dead-alcolytes' mods during the last stage. /close thread.

EDIT : Still testing the drop chances though.

No, the correct thing to do would have been to award the entire mod set of shotgun/pistol/melee/rifle/ accuracy for defeating each acolyte x amount of times when the event was released.
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this event? RNG to "event mods" you can run over 100 games and still not getting one rare mod due to this.

also you can't play the event when you happy to do it, because even those Acolytes also hide behind the RNG.


First, these aren't "Event Mods". They're mods that currently only drop on enemies in the event. That'll probably change after the event.

Second, it's not a problem with the Acolytes. This is a problem with the mod drop system. I have killed thousands of Scorpions and Broodmothers, but have gotten neither of their melee stance mods. That's not a problem with RNG for event mods. That's RNG for mods, period.


Honestly, the real problem with the mods is they aren't on MORE enemies, making them more likely to be received by you than from a single source.


Defiled Snapdragon; I kill Scorps all day long, never had one drop. Four Riders? Grineer Maniacs aren't common. At least with the Acolytes I know where they're gunna be usually. High Moon I got by Transmutation, not from a Brood Mother.


So no, the problem isn't the event. It's the way mods are handed out in general. Event isn't at fault.

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You decided to give us community-based goals. Fine. So I think that what it should have been is : alcolytes drop common and uncommon. Rare mod is awarded to the whole community playerbase involved in this event WHEN the alcolyte gets killed.


Or, you know, just how you did a few times before. Goal achieved (one alcolyte killed) -> playerbase gets its mods.



I agree, an event should be about the community working together to achieve an objective.  Having RNG mod drops turns what should be a fun experience into a panicked race to ensure you get all the mods before they leave the game (temporarily).  As the OP suggests, it would have put a much better spin on this event if DE let the players relax and not worry about whether or not they'd get the new mods.

Edited by MostlyUseless
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No, the correct thing to do would have been to award the entire mod set of shotgun/pistol/melee/rifle/ accuracy for defeating each acolyte x amount of times when the event was released.


As I said I was still testing the drop chances when I wrote that.


Anyway, took me 200 runs to get 4 rare mods. 2% drop chance confirmed for me...


It's insane and I still think this event should have followed another path.

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You decided to give us community-based goals. Fine. So I think that what it should have been is : alcolytes drop common and uncommon. Rare mod is awarded to the whole community playerbase involved in this event WHEN the alcolyte gets killed.



That would have been great.


To me this event looks like a test about what starchart 3.0 could be, alerts based starchart. That + nitain everything goes in this direction. (and i dont like it)

Edited by Gilmaesh
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