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Ask A Filthy Casul Anything


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As the title says, I am a casul. If you met me, you would probably tell me to git gud. I am a part time console scrub as well, and once Battleborn comes out you won't see me around for a few months. I use Mag, the Drakgoon, and the Kogake. I don't colour my stuff black and red. I recently potatoed Oberon. I only have Loki because I can put Rush, Mobilise, Maglev, Cunning Drift, and Armored agility on him. So. What else do you want to know?

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Can you git gud?

It's a comon misconsception that casuls can't be gud or git gud, but I happen to be an averagely gud player without being a Slova or a more mainstream kind of gud player. Sonicor + Pull + standing with your back to a cliff is unstoppable.

How to use Oberon with extreme finesse with details?

In adition to pressing 4 over and over, it also helps to press 3. You also may have to leave your comfy little snowglobe and jump into a crowd to get usage out of Shrekoning's entire range. If you were crazy, you could even bring a Limbo along to Banish you to facilitate this task even further. Edited by vrdwrst
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