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Coming Soon: Devstream #68


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Are you guys working on a new cinematic quest?


Or even a "REWORK" of The Second Dream?


Is this what you guys truly want to go with?


Forgive me for asking "obviously silly" questions.


Kindly explain. :)

Edited by vyralimpact
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Can we possibly have parts of warframes as attatchments instead? For example Banshee's shoulder piece - This is the case for frames like Ember Prime but not for many others.


Also The notorious Trinity skirt, Could we remove it? Could we switch things around for example and have the Strega Skirt on the Original skin and vice versa?

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Please, please, please... can we get separate colouring slots for the metallic Prime accents, instead of just merging two channels from the original item to make way for the Prime parts?

Maybe even get back the colouring options we lost on such frames as Loki Prime.


Oh, and the return of the original derelict Dojo tilesets would be nice too.


Finally, with the Acolytes having new/repurposed flappy leg/belt accessories, please allow players the same luxury. Battle skirts, the new syandana!

This could also mean Trinity's tail and Strega skirt could be made into battle skirts or even auxiliaries.

Edited by LoopStricken
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I know syndicate melee's aren't in the works at the moment, but would it be possible to perhaps allow the Design council to choose the weapons via a vote (with some restrictions)? it could maybe alleviate the workload of picking the weapons, and would allow some weapons that would probably not have been picked otherwise. just no telos boltace, please.


When is the next round of tennogen items being picked? and can you please address the issue of players submitting used assets *cough*stalker helm*cough* instead of their own creation.


will there be further customization of sigils? (mirroring the sigil, placing them on arms/legs, full body sigils)


A question of continuity. on PS4, during the tubemen event, Alad's cure was destroyed. Then during the second dream, he was cured somehow. was this an oversight? Are there truly no world altering events, just the illusion of choice?


Will there be another Contest in line with the one that brought us the mios? or the manic and bursa?


something that's been happening with reworks is they are accompanied by a Deluxe skin. we got it with excal's rework, rhinos, rework, valkyrs, and saryns. (although deluxe skins don't warrant reworks in trinity and loki's case) however frost received no such love. When will frost be decked out in a fancy new skin?


If customization of the operator is allowed in tennogen, will that mean there will be no customization options available via plat, or free at all?


what exactly would be allowed to be customized for the operator in tennogen? i assume we won't be able to make new faces, but would it consist of solely accessories like the earrings and glasses, or would we be able to create hairstyles and facial markings/scars?


Can we please get a 'favorite mod' option? it is tedious to constantly sift through your vast collection of mods, especially when you need a lower ranked copy of something in order to fit new mods and such:



Edited by LordOfScrugging
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Reworks and QOL changes? I hope this means polish, polish, and more polish. 


- How is the look at multishot coming along? You guys announced this "bugfix" a long time ago, but haven't said much since then. Please tell me this is because it's coming alongside a rework of ALL mandatory mods including elements. 


- Have you considered that aside from a few select procs (Blast, Viral, Radiation) the elemental damage types are hardly distinguishable from a gameplay standpoint? You equip different elements against different factions, but play exactly the same. Instead of hinging factional differences on elemental resistances, how about changing up the way players need to attack them with different elements to be effective? Elements really ought to be a flavorful playstyle preference rather than a DPS calculation necessity. 


- Combo Counter to base 6 seconds, please? Body Count is fine, but it shouldn't be a necessity for using scaling mods. All we need is the time to move between groups of enemies effectively considering we've probably got allies blazing them down from a distance while we do our thing. 


- ETA/Priority assessment on establishing some actual gear progression? I think you guys know the mastery requirements for weapons are all out of whack, but it would be nice to have that fix sooner rather than later. Also, please consider allowing us to use Forma (or even an entirely new item resource) to upgrade the tiers of our weapons. If someone wants to grind a starter weapon all the way up to top-tier performance because they like it that much, they should be able to. Art style and variety are two of your strong suits: capitalize on them. 


PS: Touch up old weapons to be on-par with newer ones, please? In terms of both model/texture art and stats. 

Edited by DiabolusUrsus
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- Alad V has seemingly rid himself of the infestation inside him now, but you guys have missed an opportunity to release a Mutalist variant of Zanuka as a new enemy prior to that and the Operation: Tubemen of Regor event.  Is there still a possibility of that appearing ingame or has the ship sailed?


- If the Tenno can operate a Warframe through transference via somatic link, would it be possible for a Cephalon to operate a Warframe (It could be a player's unoccupied Warframe or one that is designed for Cephalon use) similar to how they can operate ships?

Edited by Aeromancer
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There was talk on previous Devstreams about several Warframes getting reworks, namely Volt and Mag. Would these changes involve simple tweaks like adding additional effects to their existing powers, or are some powers being completely redone? There are a lot of Volts in my clan and I'd love to have good news for them.


Also, when will we get the Clan Trophies for the event?

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Damage 3.0? (Enemy scaling cap, therefore rebalancing warframe powers and weapons, higher level reverts to increased AI difficulty)

AI 2.0 (needs to happen)

Separate color customizations for armor pieces and syandana? (Also seperate coloring for sigils to not be affected by warframe energy)?

Color saturation dial and color dim dial for more coloring options? (Market for plat)

Melee 3.0? (Damage, damage multipliers, channeling multipliers, attack speeds, RANGE STAT)


Make exalted powers have their own mod slots for more freedom?

Map 2.0?

Arcanes 2.0? Add jewelry (that can equip arcanes) that can freely be put on any warframe under accessories. (Necklaces, bracelets, etc)

Profile 2.0? Being able to switch your profile backgrounds to a location setting rather than just a plain black background (example: mountain terrain, a beach, volcanic lava terrain, etc)

Sydicate melee weapons?

Mission reward 2.0? (What Glen has been looking at)

Tennogen round 2? (When is the deadline?)

Saryn prime accessories pack items?

Edited by (PS4)lNoctus
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Are there any plans for Dojo building rework?


Right now it's rather slow and cumbersome; the UI is unclear and is missing some information, the room construction and deconstruction are counter intuitive, same with decoration placing. In both cases it ends up being either fiddly or clunky, and not fun at all.


It definitely needs to be looked into.

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I see a lot of talk running around all the reworks, and I'm just sitting here wanting more cats for CAT-FRAME WARFRAME! so are there any progress to the Cat-brows?


We've seen some awesome designs and armor, but have you given them special abilities yet?


When can we expect the Cat-brows? (Probably in the next big patch, since I recon they might involve another quest...?)

Edited by Speer-Head
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My questions:


- A long time ago, when Wyrm and Shade were the only Sentinels, there was mention ( during Devstreams ) of Sentinels possibly hacking things for us. Has this been abandoned, forgotten, or just a low priority?


- Why do we give samples of Orokin technology ( Forma, Potatoes, Prime parts ) to Syndicates/Baro Ki'Teer? How does this maintain the Balance?

Please give me a lore-related reason to do this, even if only a little ingame queue of the Lotus giving me the OK to help out these Syndicates and/or Baro Ki'Teer.

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Can we get more slots for free to carry more warframe?

How often new events/alerts happens?

Are there new missions,quests being added to Warframe?

Will you sell Platinum at discount price at PlayStation store?

Will the prime parts drops be change since wiki don't give most information up-to-date such as Nova prime warframe in wiki doesn't tell where to find the parts as I had to ask follow community Tenno.

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Any plans to increase Archwing EXP gain as a whole (wing, weapons) as it stands now, leveling an Archwing is painfully tedious.

When can we expect to see Syndicate Melee weapons?

Any chance to add some other coloring options to Sigils? I want to be able to separately color the Sigil and the glow/flash effect, having it seperate from my frames energy color

Keep up the great work DE, Warframe is an amazing game, and I appreciate all the hard work you all put into it!


Also improve on some of the texture qualities, like Verlorum Prime Sigil and Mastery Sigils, both of which are (or have potential to be) very flashy, but suffer from pixelated looks.

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