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What Do You Consider The Worst Frame In The Game?


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And obviously a limbo user isnt going to be so stupid to not uncast cataclysm to avoid his team getting loot, or else hes getting banned.


I just pisses me off there is still people who judge warframes by a minor thing, despite how easy is to solve it. Anyone who knows how to play limbo with a team never leaves cataclysm for its full duration over a crowd of enemies.


This "best" or "worst" warframes threads need to be closed, because its about the player, not the warframe.

Its just an example. The main point is that its still a bad mechanism. The rift idea is interesting even though it doesn't have much to offer. But locking everything inside it out of your reach, mods, orbs, data boxes just ruins the whole concept for me. It might be a minor thing to you but for many people its a dealbreaker.

The topic is obviously just about people's opinions. No need to get all pissy.

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Oberon: Why do they hate me so much daddy? *sob* I thought they would like it when I healed them with renewal. They won't even accept me for LOR....


Caterhowlett16: (In a fatherly voice)  It's not that they hate you son.... It's just that there's a frame that heals better than you do and only makes it LOOK like you suck.....


Oberon: Who's that daddy?




RhinoP and novaP: TRIN-I-TY! TRIN-I-TY! TRIN-I-TY! WOO!


*Oberon cries even more, Cater turns his head to the trinity drunk with power.*


Caterhowlett16:......b**ch......*turns to comfort Oberon* There there son, DE will surely rework you.


Oberon: They will daddy? Better than her?


Caterhowlett16: Of course they will... now lets go get some ice-cream. You wanna get some ice cream? 


Oberon:.......Yes please... 


that was cute 5a81bae85b11e263f86f03db5c896a85.jpg

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People will hate me, but i would say Trinity. She is a cancer to this game. People abusing her for endless energy then people complain about massive ability spamming and cheesing through missions. People are also abusing her for immortality and massive shield regen, making her a ridiculous requirement for 'more serious' content. I feel like she is basically a coptering of warframes if you catch my meaning (p.s parkour 2.0 made things worse). The game would be better off without Trinity. 

Other than that i would say (by order):


Banshee (Has some uses with the sonar, but is generally outdated frame) 
Volt (needs bit tweaking, but great for speedrunning)

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Vauban, he is the one that needs the most work by far then any frame, still don't know why people complain about oberon so much...feels almost like they don't even own one or bother enough to work on him propely...

I dont see how vauban needs any work done to him.

Not long ago they were screaming how he was the god tier frame.

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Wukong....can someone make an alternative skin for that frame? please...I really didn't like how he look and that make him meh in my eye even if his ability is kinda good...his head is kinda ok but his body....I don't know i just don't like it


next is atlast I think...but he is not as bad as wukong...atlast is bareable....wukong body is just....like a generic robot

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So far my least favorite are Oberon and Vauban, im sure there are people who can kick &#! with them but i just didn't like them that much at all. I love Nova the most

So far my least favorite are Oberon and Vauban, im sure there are people who can kick &#! with them but i just didn't like them that much at all. I love Nova the most

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Nyx and every other female frame. Except Ivara (wish she was a male frame)

[uh-pin-yuh n]
a belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty.
a personal view, attitude, or appraisal.
the formal expression of a professional judgment:
to ask for a second medical opinion.
Law. the formal statement by a judge or court of the reasoning and the principles of law used in reaching a decision of a case.
a judgment or estimate of a person or thing with respect to character, merit, etc.:
to forfeit someone's good opinion.
a favorable estimate; esteem:
I haven't much of an opinion of him.
Edited by FunkadelicMayhem
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Limbo. I don't understand the advantage of the rift. The only true use, is nursing along a newbie, just banish him, and he is impervious. Cataclysm is super cool looking, but I don't see its use. I've seen people make it super tiny to guard objectives, but... you know... Frost bubble.

Oberon is actually very good. Continuous heals, high rad procs withe smite, offers a chaos alternitive. Hallowed ground is good but doesn't scale well.

Zephyr is my 2nd favorite behind my Nyx. Tanky, super mobile, can guard objectives, nados are very good cc. Dive bomb is not very effective, but hella fun. Tailwind is useless.

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Zephyr has kind of lost it's usefulness to me.

Also Volt is pretty boring to me now.

Ninja didn't kill everyone in their sights.

The functions of the ninja included: espionage, sabotage, infiltration, assassination and guerrilla warfare.

Straight from wiki https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ninja

From Game Theorists on youtube

Ninjas were masters of stealth not masters of slaughter.

Hey those are all the things Tenno do. Neat. Edited by (PS4)Lowk721
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Press 4 to win?

Oh dear!

Anyways onto topic:

Hydroid/Atlas/Volt/Mag/Loki/Banshee & Vauban


Hydorid: Ugly/Useless/Needs Rework & His powers bring out the pervs

Atlas: Ugly Design/I Hate Earth Powers

Volt: Waiting for a rework :3

Mag: Waiting for a rework :3

Loki: Ash Wanna-Be

Banshee: Ugly/ Need her skin/ Needs rework

Valban: Useless/Ugly/Ned's Rework

I don't press anything to win

I use weapons to kill not powers.

Still. Saryn post nerf I'd my choice

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Least used frames by the community are the worst frames.

#1 Banshee

#2 Limbo

#3 Zephyr

I don't get why people think banshee is so bad. Her 4 needs some tweaking and she's squishy, sure. But 1 and 3 are good cc and 2 is one of the best buffs in game. This doesn't sound like "worst", when considering that chroma has a suicide button(#1). I don't have limbo or zephy so I can't really speak on that.

My vote currently has to land on Oberon. I finally built him out of boredom and I'm having a hard time enjoying his kit. I can't play more than a few Missions with him before moving to a more entertaining frame. He isn't terrible, but nothing on him is particularly great.

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you people just don't understand how use them like limbo great if you have right mods on him example his 4 and 3 skill are a perfect combo for def missions. hydroid perfect for def and other type missions example 3 skill lets you go into huge puddle of water witch takes any enemy by it get sucked into water and 4 skill is over powered. its all on how well you use character example I seen bad frost prime players and I seen good frost prime players. There really no bad warframe its all how you use them and if you like there style they bring to table.  

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you people just don't understand how use them like limbo great if you have right mods on him example his 4 and 3 skill are a perfect combo for def missions. hydroid perfect for def and other type missions example 3 skill lets you go into huge puddle of water witch takes any enemy by it get sucked into water and 4 skill is over powered. its all on how well you use character example I seen bad frost prime players and I seen good frost prime players. There really no bad warframe its all how you use them and if you like there style they bring to table.

It's also important that the style can fit yours, however not a lot of players see it this way
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