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Last Straw With Valkyr Players


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Okay. I'm not exactly sure what luck there is to being randomly matched with other players, if there is, I've have probably the worse luck you can ever have. 

Yesterday's 3 sortie I was matched up with 2 Valkyrs and a Frost.  I played slow nova (glass cannon) to make the mission easier for lower mastery players. The mission start off with Valkyrs popping energy plates and immediately going into hysteria form. The first few waves where fine. Watching both Valkyrs insta kill everything and seeing frost struggle to keep snowglobals up. I looked at our profiles and I was the only one with corrosive projection. The fact that there was no struggle with the valkyrs is pretty off putting seeing this sorties were "end game" tier for warframe. On Wave five the escort objective kept going down because frost bubble were no instantly shot down. My anti-matter drops did no damage and I can only kill things one at a time with my shotgun. One of the valkyrs deiced to go afk in the middle of all this. I took 3 bullets and instantly when down. I died there on my back as the afk valkyr in god mode was stand there taking insane amounts of damage stand there idly. I don't that the person playing valkyr was afk. What I care about is being this broken to be able to take millions of damage from lvl 110+ enemies and not even have to put any effort in what so ever. 

I've made a post before about how valkyr's hysteria and other abilities needs a redo here:

After dying I later found out the other valkyr was ignoring both  me, the objective and frost going down. We ended up failing the mission and squad was disbanded. 

I never want to witness this again. 

Edited by xxcib21xx
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I like valk a lot, but she is kinda broken i will admit. but im not asking for a nerf because DE doesnt know how to properly nerf something. they ALWAYS overdo the nerf and drive whatever it is into the ground. I would rather have a broken frame than a useless one.

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Blame the trashy players you got. Not the frame itself.


Valkyr is fine, its the pilots who need to learn how to play correctly.


I'd like to see Valkyr's 4 get reworked, instead of having complete invulnerability, why not give her a mass buff in defense?

So you want a Warcry build and life strike then.

Edited by (PS4)Foxkid_8
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Okay. I'm not exactly sure what luck there is to being randomly matched with other players, if there is, I've have probably the worse luck you can ever have. 

Yesterday's 3 sortie I was matched up with 2 Valkyrs and a Frost.  I played slow nova (glass cannon) to make the mission easier for lower mastery players. The mission start off with Valkyrs popping energy plates and immediately going into hysteria form. The first few waves where fine. Watching both Valkyrs insta kill everything and seeing frost struggle to keep snowglobals up. I looked at our profiles and I was the only one with corrosive projection. The fact that there was no struggle with the valkyrs is pretty off putting seeing this sorties were "end game" tier for warframe. On Wave five the escort objective kept going down because frost bubble were no instantly shot down. My anti-matter drops did no damage and I can only kill things one at a time with my shotgun. One of the valkyrs deiced to go afk in the middle of all this. I took 3 bullets and instantly when down. I died there on my back as the afk valkyr in god mode was stand there taking insane amounts of damage stand there idly. I don't that the person playing valkyr was afk. What I care about is being this broken to be able to take millions of damage from lvl 110+ enemies and not even have to put any effort in what so ever. 

I've made a post before about how valkyr's hysteria and other abilities needs a redo here:


After dying I later found out the other valkyr was ignoring both  me, the objective and frost going down. We ended up failing the mission and squad was disbanded. 

I never want to witness this again. 

What did you shoot your AMD with? Peas? One or two shots from my Vaykor Hek is enough to turn my AMDs into WMDs, killing just about anything.

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I play valkyr but i only use hysteria to heal and revive. Being locked in melee is un-fun for me. I also focus more on warcry.

What i am trying to say: Not all valkyr players are lazybones. I do agree, that hysteria is a bit much but taking away hysteria leaves her only with warcry and zipline as well as paralysis, which is only moderately helpful (i use it to open crates).

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So long as her ult keeps the lifestrikeness I'll be happy. She's my second most played Warframe, and as useful god-mode is I wouldn't mind hearing out alternatives. I mean seriously, I'm at this point perma invisible, invincible, and have a stupidly high damage output.


On a side note, do you know how anti mater drop works? If your shotgun was killing stuff your anti mater drop should -easily- of been killing stuff too. Worst case is you put three whole shots into the AMD before detonating.

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You being matched with bad players doesnt make for a good argument for balance change.


Last sortie only has 10 squads with potentially a single empty slot and after going through 5 of them just to find valkyrs.

The fact that I have a blog long rework post means that the topic is important to me and I've had terrible experiences in the past. 


nah just go off the intro to the post and that alone. 

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I use the Valkyr frame for some mission types i see nothing wrong with any of its abilities you give up ranged combat for hysteria, Hysteria has already been changed from having a set duration to being energy per second meaning you cant have both its 2 and 4 ability moded for now i don't even use the 2 ability any more, its the top tank frame its fine where it is. and i don't see the point in spending my valuable forma on a frame that is just going to get the prime treatment any ways so no CP for you now if DE were to remove forma from the build cost of all the weapons then I would have CP on my frames.


you where just unlucky to get those team mates.

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good players, bad players, all what counts on the end is as for example on sorties that you play as a team


i have seen so many people in warframe which use this useless rushing through which is nothing then a problem in the players itself


i have seen and made sometimes 5 runs for one mission to fix it with the sorties and all what i love most is when MR 5 to MR21 doesnt run away and play together


thats the best expirience for me


everything else where people think they are better then others isnt worth to pay attention anymore ,-)


some need to live out their "dreamland-superiority" where nothing is wrong with ...


some wanna play together and learn which is also a good way ,-)


all what strengthens peoples back in a good way and sense is useful, everything else is not interesting anymore ... i play too long to dig always in the same dark holes, thats no fun again ,-)

Edited by Guest
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i find hysteria useless asides from quick heal and reviving team mates the rest is all Primed reach Berserk+warcry  Jat Kittag rampage


 hysteria isnt nearly as broken as a team spamming simulor black holes 


but yeah  why not make a valkyr prime with  double  base stats  make hysteria a 50% damage reduction  and heal over time instead of flat out invincibility 


and  change the melee attacks to crescent wide radius slashes  kinda like primed reach jat kittag  

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