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Last Straw With Valkyr Players


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Invulnerability is stupid OP. Not being able to use guns is not a downside for such a gamebreaking effect, especially since Hysteria outdamages all guns by a huge amount.

Right... You do know what 95% damage reduction means in this game? It means Your face is going to be obliterated with a 5% damage bullet anyway... Oh right, I always forget that all this "balance" topics are made based on the starchart and by people who strugle to manage a single rotation in void.

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Invulnerability is stupid OP. Not being able to use guns is not a downside for such a gamebreaking effect, especially since Hysteria outdamages all guns by a huge amount.


except hysteria can only atack one target at a time , has the shortest melee range and isnt benefitted from most melee mods 

not being able to use guns is a Huge downside when u got no  nuke powers , im all up for hysteria nerf but gota address the other issues   for that to happen 

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After a series of nerfs to over-dominant builds(and Limbo for some reason), we should focus on buffing some of the weak frames for a while.  While Valyr is currently OP, player experience would be improved more by helping some of the weaker frames (Hydroid, Nekros, Oberon) before we start taking on other players' builds we don't like.


I have both Valkyr and Nekros, and would much rather play Nekros more and Valkyr less.

Edited by Kothophed
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Eh, Just give some high level Grineer and Infested some disruptor equipment. All the other factions have ways of putting down a Hysteria Valkyr really damn quick (as in, Instakill usually), if the player goes AFK.

I'm thinking of a sticky grenade for the Grineer that Eximus Bombards or Eximus HGs will use against a stationary target... That'd do it.

The Infested are a book of possibilities for adding some sort of disrputor to their arsenal. I suppose they could just give them an Infested version of actual Disruptor Crewman?

Valkyrs absolutely cannot AFK against Corpus or Void enemies for example, because they have disruptor abilities. Especially not Corpus. Even mid-level Corpus can easily ruin a forma'and min-maxed Hysteria Valk with just one wrong move. AFK or not, those rollerblading

pancakes WILL end you.

But really though? It's not ~really~ needed. In practice, it's no more powerful than a Defy Wukong. One can use guns, one is slightly more immortal. Berserker-archtypes just, work like that...

You had one bad game with even worse players... get over it. Unrustle thine jimmies.

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Valkyr is fine and your several thread (I mean seriously) always construct very niche scenarios or use bad players to make the actual frame look bad.

That is no base upon which you should discuss a frame.


As of now Valk utterly shreds low content, that might look like something until an ember or ash start to simply obliterate it.

And then there is "high" content where Valk performs well on her own yet gets completely outperformed by others and some combinations.


Valk is a frame focused entirely on it self and her Ult sacrifices SO much to get ONE job done. She is fine and you just seem frustrated at this point.

But if this thread does not go your way again, simply create another one.

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i find hysteria useless asides from quick heal and reviving team mates the rest is all Primed reach Berserk+warcry  Jat Kittag rampage


 hysteria isnt nearly as broken as a team spamming simulor black holes 


but yeah  why not make a valkyr prime with  double  base stats  make hysteria a 50% damage reduction  and heal over time instead of flat out invincibility 


and  change the melee attacks to crescent wide radius slashes  kinda like primed reach jat kittag  

Because if you want Hysteria to be a damage reduction you can just make a Warcry build and throw on life strike.


I hear that Mesa's Shatter Shield has damage reduction up to 90% or something, guess what happens in the face of a lv 100 Napalm, Scorch, or Corpus Tech?


Guess what happens to Valkyr in Hysteria with damage reduction in the face of a Napalm, Scorch, or Corpus Tech?


I hear that Trinity's Link gives her 75% damage reduction when linked to at least 1 target. Guess what happens to her with Link and an active Blessing buff? (Let's say 99% + 75% from Link).


Remember how the enemy scaling works in Warframe? They go from "this tickles", to "now its a party", to "health shredder".


Damage reduction means nothing against enemies like Grineer, Techs, Nullifier Lankas, Sentient Death Balls, Juggernauts, hell, even Chargers and their "Weak impact attacks" will get to the point of 1-3 hitting Valkyr with the normal max of 1,530 armor (88% damage reduction).

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After a series of nerfs to over-dominant builds(and Limbo for some reason), we should focus on buffing some of the weak frames for a while.  While Valyr is currently OP, player experience would be improved more by helping some of the weaker frames (Hydroid, Nekros, Oberon) before we start taking on other players' builds we don't like.


I have both Valkyr and Nekros, and would much rather play Nekros more and Valkyr less.

FINALLY! Someone who makes sense around here!

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So two players making you mad equals you wanting De to make a thousand players mad, or unhappy with a nerf because the Nova community doesn't know how to ask for a buff, or you not knowing PUG groups are a risky?

For every one of you crying about a Valkyr going god mode and acting horribly, there about twenty Valkrys standing over down players saving them in the middle of those sorties and let alone Trials, thanks to Hysteria allowing them not to get downed because somebody ran head first into a mob of 100 plus scorches and scorpions.

This is a casual PVE game. It's meant to be enjoyable. Instead of tearing down your fellow player's mains you should be asking for a serious Nova and Frost (even though Frost is awesome) ...Buff to match Valkyr in survivability in such late game content, not reduce her only viable selling point since It's not like she has a nuke power to clear a map on one go. She's gotta run to each individual target and requires the player to push that swing button like a mad man.

Edited by (PS4)FriendSharkey
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Another Nerf thread...


I hate to break it to you but 2 Valkyrs were never going to get you to the end of that Sortie OP or Not.


They lack the CC necessary to keep the team and the walking Pinata alive.


Just like Sayrn and other High DPS frames there one trick Ponies that while great on some missions are useless in others (defense being one of them)

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Just take a look into the Recruitment Chat and what kind of Frames are actually asked for.

Aside from Events it is Hard to find anyone actually asking for a Valk.


I mean if she is just so OP? Players always go the way of the least resistance, especially if they farm. I mean we would have a Valk or Leave situation right now.

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Well, your fist mistake was PuGing a sortie, your second mistake was expecting any one decent.


if there was a thrid, I'd say it was not properly priming your AMDs to make them mini nukes, and if your having issues hitting them, there's an Augment Mod for that, it's called Antimatter Absorb, go get it and gitgud.


As for Hysteria it self *shrugs* It's no different then Rhino + Boltor Prime, or using Loki at all. Nothing more then a crutch for bad players, there's better, more fun build options with Valkyr that center around Warcry, which I'm sure got a massive boost in popularity thanks to Blood Rush and Body Count.


The real problem though is how damage scales, Frosts Bubbles and Rhino's Iron Skin shouldn't just got down almost instantly, no matter the level of the enemy.

Edited by LunarTemplar
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Your complaint about Valkyr, (even though it's more about bad players mis-using Valkyr) indirectly illustrates Valkyr's weakness: Being personally invulnerable doesn't do much for protecting  your team or mission objectives. If you struggled with yesterdays sortie defense, it wasn't because the Valkyr were invulnerable.  It was because those invulnerable Valkyr couldn't do a thing to protect the mission or you beyond easy revives.


I play Valkyr when her strengths are useful. I didn't even consider using her last night precisely for that reason.  I brought a disarm Loki so our Frost's bubble didn't die instantly. Pros and cons to every warframe, some more than others.  Can't balance them around inexperienced people misusing them.

Edited by allibound
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GET OVER IT, Valkyr is a FOTY (flavor of the year frame) FRAME

You don't have to mod her for @% for her to be worth a damn, she is a skilless frame and the fact you got paired with a couple of morons isn't the communities fault, so don't make others suffer even if valkyr is skilless, just remember what separates poorly skilled players (valkyr mains) and skilled players (every other player that knows what their doing). Stop making these posts because people don't realize all the pros and cons of this frame and think they are so right and perfect when their not. Everyone agreeing with valkyr mains are usually the "oh uh your mad cause she is good" and people against its like "oh she's to OP" it's not that she is OP it's just tooooooo easy to get her for how good the frame is and how bad the player can be. Like really grow up she isn't going to be changed by multi posts because of this mass conflict.... Some moderater lock this thread please

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Last Straw sounds like a sick Hysteria Augment.


Kind of want.


Hmm.. something like, 'Manually deactivating hysteria causes all stored damage to be violently released as impact damage in a 5/10/15/20m AoE'?




As for the OP... It sounds like you just ran into some people who have no idea how to Valkyr. And the fact that a few people try (badly) to cheese missions with her doesn't justify a nerf.

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Last sortie only has 10 squads with potentially a single empty slot and after going through 5 of them just to find valkyrs.

The fact that I have a blog long rework post means that the topic is important to me and I've had terrible experiences in the past. 


nah just go off the intro to the post and that alone. 

Well you went and posted an anecdote to act as a traffic booster for your overly long nerf thread.


So forgive me if im feeling unsympathetic.

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As a frost main, I see more of a problem with the frost you were running with then the 2 valkyrs.  Of course the frost bubble gets instantly shot down, that's because your frost was ignorant of the fact that frost's snowglobes stack damn near infinitely, (everybody forgets this, no matter how far I go, nobody seems to know this), paired with a high armor+high strength build, your frost should have been spamming snowglobes to keep you and himself and the objective alive so the valkyrs can dispatch the enemies . Yes the afker was a bad thing, but if your shotgun can't effectively deal with crowds of sortie enemies, that's a problem with your build, especially since you were a slowva, molecular p should have turned the enemies into tissue paper, and if you couldn't deal with weak+slow enemies, then you're definitely not ready for sorties. 


Also, just because you had a bad sortie, isn't an excuse for unnecessary changes (nerfs).

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I play valkyr but i only use hysteria to heal and revive. Being locked in melee is un-fun for me. I also focus more on warcry.

What i am trying to say: Not all valkyr players are lazybones. I do agree, that hysteria is a bit much but taking away hysteria leaves her only with warcry and zipline as well as paralysis, which is only moderately helpful (i use it to open crates).

I use hysteria, but its not because im a lazybones, i find hysteria's moveset enjoyable

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