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Update 18.5: Sands of Inaros, Inaros Feedback Thread


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On 3/4/2016 at 2:16 PM, Zevrill said:

It is very annoying when you are devouring some unlucky grineer/corpus and one of your teammates kills them ( intensionally or not). Could you give those mobs immunity to all damage sources except Inaros or something? :/

This would not be beneficial at all. It's selfish in my opinion. Ash already makes it hard enough to attack mobs when he uses bladestorm. Making Inaros' target immune to other player damage, to me, suggests that teamwork is not the play style, which in fact is the main purpose of this game. I am not attacking your way of thinking, but merely providing a counterpoint to your idea. 

We use Inaros to hunt and control Bursas as well as other enemies. Example: Inaros devours the enemy, and I/teamates whack the poop juice out of it till it stops blinking. We all walk away without changing our underwear and picking up teeth. :)

Perhaps a solution would be that if the target is killed, Inaros would gain a percentage of the health left on the enemy as an instant return.

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After playing him and sticking a forma on, I love him as a solo frame.

Tweaks for abilities?

Passive- His self revive needs to be tweaked. I think it is based on the percentage of health that is drained from the enemy's max, so the faster you get the enemy to half health and 1/4 health the faster you get the revive meter filled. With enemies with a high health and armor pool, it makes the leech acquisition pitiful and non-existent, as a straight 75 damage makes it take forever to get the enemy to even 3/4 health. This only becomes an issue when enemies hit 50 or 60+. His other, finisher leech passive is fantastic, though.

1. Totally fine. Big range, stun potential and easy finishers with a dagger to reap the benefits of his secondary passive.

2. Again, totally fine. Being able to eat safely in the middle of the crowd is very welcoming.

3. People say its a bit energy hungry, but you regain the energy with rage anyway (trust me, the regen is fast). It's great cc and does decent damage to fodder enemies. You can still take damage in sandstorm, but this, in a way, helps you with a rage build as you can gain energy back while in the storm, allowing you to keep spinning for longer. You can offset the damage with a devour victim in the radius. If anything, it clears defense objectives.

4. Armor bonus is fine, but I am on the fence with the casting. It has a great stun (which needs to be fixed because enemies still have small windows to get out of stun and attack) and the healing potential is great too. I just wish the damage had a way to scale into high levels or maybe some added synergy to his other powers. But, I like it.


He may need an energy vampire treatment for some abilities to do a percentage-of-health damage instead a numbered damage. But, I am totally fine with him and he's quickly becoming my new main frame.

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Inaros seems really solid.  I didn't like him at first because it's a little tough to tell how to use his skills properly.  That seems to be a common theme with this frame is figuring out how he works. One thing that I thought of that I think would help quite a bit is when using his devour skill.  Make an area of quicksand instead of just a single target.  I think that would make his sand minions more viable since you would have the capability of creating multiple with one cast.  In addition it would be good I think to make them last a little longer.  Other than those it's a really fun frame so far.  Super job.

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If Inaros needs to be changed its gotta be nerfs because right now its impossible to die with him. And even if u die u dont... Now dont get me wrong I really enjoyed leveling him up, all of his abilities are cool and the enormous amount of health makes u feel like a boss. His 4th ability is kinda useless though, but u dont even need anything else than the other 3 .Some ppl say that his powers doesnt do enough damage but who needs damage when u can outlive anything?!

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13 minutes ago, 8magnis8 said:

His 4th ability is kinda useless though, but u dont even need anything else than the other 3 .

Probably comes down to playstyle.  Honestly I am digging most of his skills.  His 4 is far from useless imo unless you're running a negative strength build.  First off the fact that it's increasing your armor is nothing to sneeze at but second off that heal along with the CC from it you can basically take out a group of enemies while getting continuously healed.  And of course the healing is for your team as well so that's really helpful.  I agree that he's super tanky and hard to kill but I've been in a few missions already where I've seen one go down and/or die.  Granted that could be lack of experience with the frame.  The sarcophagus thing has been tested and it doesn't work very well in higher level content.  If you want to see a good example of his ult in action check a channel called noob showtek on youtube.  Also tactical potato has a good video out about him as well where he states what I mentioned about the negative strength build.

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After spending more time with Inaros, I observed several glaring issues or flaws that affect his performance in a team:

  1. Devour Sand Shadows are easy to spawn in lower levels, but extremely rare on higher levels due to Devour's kill requirement. Teammates and even my own companion can kill steal rendering time spent devouring moot.
  2. Sarcophagus can drain ally players and companions dry. I hope this is unintended because this can and will get entire teams killed.

I hope these issues will be addressed quickly. An easy fix for Devour is to allow Sand Shadows to spawn from an enemy that is killed by any source while being devoured by either Inaros or his teammates. Sarcophagus should not drain from friendlies, but perhaps allow Inaros to drag them closer to revive him?

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Edit: I've realized that Inaros's damage per second may just be distributed via damage ticks differently in each ability. For example, devour has multiple instances of small damage ticks while sandstorm has a few instances of large damage ticks. Regardless, I'll leave my photo album documenting this up still: http://imgur.com/a/eRXla

With that said though, I still think Inaros needs some tweaking. Sandstorm is rather costly and its range doesn't feel right. Plus your chances at life stealing or creating minions can be stolen by teammates just mowing everything down.

Edited by Cyv001
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Nice champ, but not truly good with teammates sadly.


passive: Well, hard to truly understand what needs to be done. But looks like it needs to drain X% hp of targets.. Doing some runs in the test chamber resulted in almost an impossibility to self-revive with enemies above level 30.. But this could be due to the damage type it uses to drain the hp. (Could possible use finisher?) Sure this issnt something that gives you a some sort of immortality.. But seeing how it works now, you can just give up when monsters reach a certain level.. Even if you are in a group of 20 monsters.

1: seems nice!

2:There have been some complains about devour targets should be immune or not, i would vote against that.. but:

-Make that particular mob light up, alot more in your frames energy color of sort?

-Make your beloved sentinal stop shooting at it (atleast?) when your actually devouring.

3: Mostly fine, could be tweaked with some different damage type or whatnot? 

4: And to his ulti, which could be something amazing... BUT so hard to pull off, atleast with teammates..   BUT:

-Possible to add a glittering sandstorm effect in the area, making teammates aware of the current target(S)/area of your ulti.

-Make it more like Saryn's spore, but not exact to the same extent. Due to allies killing targets or whatever affected. (Possible make the inital target a ground zero, then it could spread to nearby enemies.. After the inital spread, the storm will be there until the duration is over, regardless of enemies in vicinity or not)

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Inaros is incredible powerful, but that power comes mostly from is gigantic HP pool. Most of his abilities apart from his 1 have serious issues or are not that great.

  • Sarcophagus and Devour do not scale at all. Against higher level enemies both abilities simply stop working completely. To be any use at all both abilities require the Energy Vampire treatment, aka making damage armor ignore and target HP percentage based.
  • While Scarab Swarm is not useless. The armor bonus is really nice to have. It's kinda on the weak side for a 4th ability.

Currently the most effective way to play Inaros seems to be the old Excalibur Radial Blind playstyle. Basically just spamming 1 for CC and 3x melee damage while going full melee. And it works amazingly with Ivaros. You basically never die and Rage provides endless energy to endlessly spam Desiccation (Inaros not radial blind).

Edited by ----Fenrir----
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Playing with Scarab Swarm I've noticed it procs Corrosive, usually when a target dies under its effects. Anyone know if it can proc while targets are still alive or it can proc on other enemies in the 5 meter spread range around a target?

Also I noticed Desiccation sand only blinds enemies if they are facing Inaros. I like the skill element required here (as low a requirement as it is), more "bonus" effects for performing the ability differently should be encouraged in future new Warframes and reworks!

I am also wondering why only Sandstorm can help Devour create Sand Shadows, when it is an ability designed to remove enemy presence from around Inaros making continuous damage impractical? IMO, all of his abilities should help create shadows:

- Desiccation melee finishers by Inaros on quicksand enemies count as devouring.

- Could Sandstorm drag quicksand enemies closer to Inaros instead of being flung everywhere and out of Sandstorm range? That would solidify its use to create a small army close to Inaros.

- Scarab Swarmed enemies are being devoured by scarabs, so logically one expects Sand Shadows to spawn. As it is his ultimate, perhaps be more lenient and allow  any kills on swarmed quicksand enemies to spawn shadows?

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Inaros seems very powerful as a survivability and CC frame, but a couple things about him are off

+ His 1 is some of the best CC I've seen in the game so far, able to blind waves of enemies and an absolutetly insane range if modded properly. Plus finishers just turnthem into health pods for Inaros

+ His 4 offers a large amount of healing and really good control, although it seems to be a bit inconsistent and the range could be bigger

- The damage on his powers scale laughably. I wish there was an easy fix to this, but to make the damage % based also makes his healing % based, which would render him unkillable in nearly any circumstance

- His 2 needs some work, bad. It's currently his most effective way of regaining health. But it's not worth the time at higher levels to devour a target, except for in solo play (Although being able to make Sand Manics is honestly really cool.)


Also, just a quick note. Does anyone else notice the DOT on his Dessication ignoring shields? I've noticed it on mid-level Crewman where the initial blast is not enough to drain the shield totally.

Edited by zdragon66
Accidentally posted incomplete
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I get the recurring feeling as I play him that none of his powers really matter or change gameplay drastically, they're just different ways to heal himself with an extra gimmick. As I play him, the thought that creeps up is.. "That's it?" I like him, but his 2 definitely needs to be a percent drain. Sand clones are pretty impossible to get by the time they're actually helpful, so maybe just have it activate on target death? Or possibly, as has been suggested, an area of effect in which anyone inside can be devoured, as his CC with this power is minuscule and there's no real reason to keep a single target on lockdown, especially when there are powers like Ivara's sleep arrows which can shut down entire groups of enemies. His 4 is nice, but in teamplay you're never going to get a good stun, nor heal, making the team heal aspect of that one kind of useless. That, and as it drains a pretty big portion of health to be able to use, it gets a feeling of "I just wasted all that health for one dude to kill the target before the heals spread." His 3 is great, no complaints. Same with his 1, but I find (this may just be my ever-high ping) that as a client, I don't get the finisher as often as I'd like to, and instead swat them to death and a few seconds later get the finisher animation with no target nor health return. However, all that said.. I absolutely love how tanky he is, and I love the blood-mage style of lose health for power, and he's a rage monster.

Edited by Mastercontrol98
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1 hour ago, Mastercontrol98 said:

I get the recurring feeling as I play him that none of his powers really matter or change gameplay drastically, they're just different ways to heal himself with an extra gimmick. As I play him, the thought that creeps up is.. "That's it?" I like him, but his 2 definitely needs to be a percent drain. Sand clones are pretty impossible to get by the time they're actually helpful, so maybe just have it activate on target death? Or possibly, as has been suggested, an area of effect in which anyone inside can be devoured, as his CC with this power is minuscule and there's no real reason to keep a single target on lockdown, especially when there are powers like Ivara's sleep arrows which can shut down entire groups of enemies. His 4 is nice, but in teamplay you're never going to get a good stun, nor heal, making the team heal aspect of that one kind of useless. That, and as it drains a pretty big portion of health to be able to use, it gets a feeling of "I just wasted all that health for one dude to kill the target before the heals spread." His 3 is great, no complaints. Same with his 1, but I find (this may just be my ever-high ping) that as a client, I don't get the finisher as often as I'd like to, and instead swat them to death and a few seconds later get the finisher animation with no target nor health return. However, all that said.. I absolutely love how tanky he is, and I love the blood-mage style of lose health for power, and he's a rage monster.

basically the same experience...

the skills ( aside from dessication) have huge cast times for very little effect.  unresponsive and not fun

stats are godly though

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On 3/7/2016 at 5:13 PM, 8magnis8 said:

If Inaros needs to be changed its gotta be nerfs because right now its impossible to die with him. And even if u die u dont... Now dont get me wrong I really enjoyed leveling him up, all of his abilities are cool and the enormous amount of health makes u feel like a boss. His 4th ability is kinda useless though, but u dont even need anything else than the other 3 .Some ppl say that his powers doesnt do enough damage but who needs damage when u can outlive anything?!

Trinity can do the same as Inaros, So might as well nerf the mods that makes Inaros and many others to god mode, Putting the mods on Inaros only makes him beyond god mode, Super God Mode.

Quick Thinking + Rage + Life Strike (As a secondary back up), Your virtually unable to die.

Trinity, Inaros and Valkyr (If your not using Hystra) (May missed others) if moded right none of them can die at all. Unless your not fast enough to react you can die still.

If people don't want god mode then these mods have to be removed from the game completely but doing so meaning that the whole team goes in a Total Wipe out (We only have 4 tries before we cannot revive again) only 1 team should have this setup its a life saver to bring team mates back up. If people want a total wipe out and fail then fine remove the mods so we can get a full team wipe out.

As for Inaros it wont matter which way he heals, Even if he has no heals from his abilities people can still be god mode with the mods with or without the healing effects in Inaro's abilitys.

I for one hate dying and failing so I find this combo helpful to stop are team from getting washed out, unless they have a personal agenda to hate anyone using the easy way out to success.

I think Damage Inaros does is not much of a problem unless you don't want to fire a single bullet from a (Example: Soma Prime, Boltor Prime, etc) then why do you even have those guns, Use them.

I personally don't care if someone is using an easy frame (Or Mod Setup) to not die at all, Just as long as the person uses that advantage to revive a downed team mate and keep everyone up.

If Inaros is used in Conclave the healing does need to be toned down.

Edited by UltimateGrenninja
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After playing him for awhile now, I have some additional feedback. I find that I spend too much time trying to regain health from charging Scarab Armor, which takes me out of the fight too much. The problem being is that I charge Scarab Armor and lose 50% of my health, but I don't cast Scarab Swarm till later until there's enough enemies around that won't die so, so I'm forced to try to devour enemies instead for health, which is often time consuming since they die a lot before I can fill my health up. So I spend a lot of time just trying to devour an enemy before my teammates kill them. 

I think I'd prefer charging Scarab Armor to use energy instead of health (1 energy per 1% increase, so 100 energy per 100%, reduced by efficiency) and Scarab Swarm to cost health instead of energy, something like 500-600 health per 25% discharge. I think that would be better synergy since Scarab Swarm dot returns health, you would regen health as soon as you spend it. This wouldn't leave you with a big gap in time where you are down a whole lot of health, where you have to try and devour enemies, you could focus more on fighting. 

So to recap: what I'm seeing right now is that I charge scarab armor and lose a bunch of health, then I stop to devour enemies to regain health. Then later when I do finally cast Scarab Swarm, I am already at near max health, so as soon as I cast Scarab Swarm, I have to stop and charge Scarab Armor back up the missing 25% to lower my health so the Scarab Swarm health regen doesn't go to waste. This just creates a lot of pausing/stopping in game play. I think this could be fixed by revering how Scarab Armor/Scarab Swarm drains health and energy so that you only lose health when you cast Scarab Swarm, which is then regained by the Scarab Swarm dot on enemies. I think it would create smoother gameplay.

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9 minutes ago, weezedog said:

After playing him for awhile now, I have some additional feedback. I find that I spend too much time trying to regain health from charging Scarab Armor, which takes me out of the fight too much. The problem being is that I charge Scarab Armor and lose 50% of my health, but I don't cast Scarab Swarm till later until there's enough enemies around that won't die so, so I'm forced to try to devour enemies instead for health, which is often time consuming since they die a lot before I can fill my health up. So I spend a lot of time just trying to devour an enemy before my teammates kill them. 

I haven't had this issue.  If I charge it up in full I'll just use 1 to keep getting melee finishers until I'm topped off.  Usually though in higher missions I'll charge 50% and then go blind some stuff and finish it till topped off and then charge the other 50%.  The only real gripe I have about the scarab armor is that it allows you to keep charging it after you have reached 100% so you end up having to approach it like putting gas in your car and wanting to hit an even dollar amount (if you're one of those people....like me).  I think it should just stop draining when you hit 100%.

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30 minutes ago, Machayna said:

I haven't had this issue.  If I charge it up in full I'll just use 1 to keep getting melee finishers until I'm topped off.  Usually though in higher missions I'll charge 50% and then go blind some stuff and finish it till topped off and then charge the other 50%.  The only real gripe I have about the scarab armor is that it allows you to keep charging it after you have reached 100% so you end up having to approach it like putting gas in your car and wanting to hit an even dollar amount (if you're one of those people....like me).  I think it should just stop draining when you hit 100%.

Last time I checked it didn't drain any more health when it hit 100%, but the animation could continue to run. I actually use this in mid air to stop all my forward momentum and drop straight down so I don't overshoot something with a bullet jump. Kind of comes in handy sometimes.

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21 hours ago, weezedog said:

Last time I checked it didn't drain any more health when it hit 100%, but the animation could continue to run. I actually use this in mid air to stop all my forward momentum and drop straight down so I don't overshoot something with a bullet jump. Kind of comes in handy sometimes.

Edited this comment.  You were right weezedog.  I must have got hit before I put the armor on.  Either that or they fixed it.  Either way it stops the drain at 100%.  However, it doesn't stop you from draining your last health if your health was too low to begin with.  So you CAN scarab armor yourself to death which is what happened to DK.  Tried both things out in several missions last night.  Sorry for the confusion.

Edited by Machayna
Incorrect information.
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