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Inaros Change Concept


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2 minutes ago, Master-Ouroboros said:

I've been maining him since yesterday. Already have 3 formas on him and he's almost unstoppable. Is actually unstoppable when you pair him up with frames like speed volt or bless trin. Infinite health, infinite energy, what more could you want?!?!?!?!?!

yes its hard to die, but when you wanna health friends with 4th skill, somebody will kill faster enemys than u add. SPREAD Range must be affected by mods. To spread 4th on more enemys. Now Inaros is Selfish frame, not Support.

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2 minutes ago, Master-Ouroboros said:

I've been maining him since yesterday. Already have 3 formas on him and he's almost unstoppable. Is actually unstoppable when you pair him up with frames like speed volt or bless trin. Infinite health, infinite energy, what more could you want?!?!?!?!?!

Did you ever played Saryn and know her skills?

I just want ALL COMING frames like that.

Saryn rework gaves her combo, rhino too.

So you want new frames have to be reworked for combo skills?

I tought they will make all new frames with those combo, so they will don't need to do so much rework.

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6 minutes ago, Cris0407 said:

Did you ever played Saryn and know her skills?

I just want ALL COMING frames like that.

Saryn rework gaves her combo, rhino too.

So you want new frames have to be reworked for combo skills?

I tought they will make all new frames with those combo, so they will don't need to do so much rework.

sorry dude. Each frame is unique. Not all frames should have combo abilities. However it would be better if every once in a while or so there is a combo frame, however not all frames will get combo abilities.

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8 minutes ago, Cris0407 said:

Did you ever played Saryn and know her skills?

I just want ALL COMING frames like that.

Saryn rework gaves her combo, rhino too.

So you want new frames have to be reworked for combo skills?

I tought they will make all new frames with those combo, so they will don't need to do so much rework.

Inaros already does have some combos, just not as much.

Edited by PUR3K1LL3R
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1 minute ago, (PS4)AnishAnkit said:

sorry dude. Each frame is unique. Not all frames should have combo abilities. However it would be better if every once in a while or so there is a combo frame, however not all frames will get combo abilities.

You have right. The balance :>

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Honestly the only things Inaros needs in my opinions are :

- The sarcophage health drain should ignore shield and/or deal finisher damage (have you tried reviving yourself against lvl 90 corpus with drone shield ? impossible, the shield prevent you from draining hp to revive)

- The sand minion should last longer (right now it's just a big joke compared to how hard it is to get a sand minion)

- All unit should be available as sand minion (can't get some of them right now like eximus & regular enemies like charger)  (maybe not drones though)

- An easier way to create sand minions. Right now "devouring" doesn't deal enough damage to kill high level enemies.

- MORE armor, or simply make scarab armor way more powerful regarding the armor it grant. Right now he's just a big HP steak with a ridiculous armor. (Honestly I thought his 4 would be stackable infinitely but using it would remove 25% of the whole stack)


The whole frame is nice, but DE stated he would steal hp to increase his pool & armor and that he would summons unit... He just have a lot of draining and a poor armor & summoning power.

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8 minutes ago, Trichouette said:

Honestly the only things Inaros needs in my opinions are :

- The sarcophage health drain should ignore shield and/or deal finisher damage (have you tried reviving yourself against lvl 90 corpus with drone shield ? impossible, the shield prevent you from draining hp to revive)

- The sand minion should last longer (right now it's just a big joke compared to how hard it is to get a sand minion)

- All unit should be available as sand minion (can't get some of them right now like eximus & regular enemies like charger)  (maybe not drones though)

- An easier way to create sand minions. Right now "devouring" doesn't deal enough damage to kill high level enemies.

- MORE armor, or simply make scarab armor way more powerful regarding the armor it grant. Right now he's just a big HP steak with a ridiculous armor. (Honestly I thought his 4 would be stackable infinitely but using it would remove 25% of the whole stack)


The whole frame is nice, but DE stated he would steal hp to increase his pool & armor and that he would summons unit... He just have a lot of draining and a poor armor & summoning power.


But this topic is like poop in toilet! Fall down!

DE (Hate us :<)

They will not touch Trinity because we will eat them (Trinity True GOD of the game <3)

To balance it out they're making frames witout "power" to fight with trinity.


Edited by Cris0407
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2 minutes ago, Cris0407 said:


But this topic is like poop in toilet! Fall down!

DE (Hate us :<)

They will not touch Trinity because we will eat them (Trinity True GOD of the game <3)

To balance it out they're making frames witout "power" to fight with trinity.


I don't really feel like DE is listening to us anyway, and when they release a frame we're very lucky if they ever touch it again before it's its turn for a big rework (like limbo or atlas...)

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The dude has been out for less than a week. Maybe actually give it some time - he might be in a perfectly good spot, and people just haven't gotten the hang of him yet.

As far as the suggested changes go...man, your formatting is a pain. If you want people to actually consider the changes you're suggesting, first it would be nice to be able to actually tell what the suggestions are. If I seem overly harsh, don't tag your thread with Megathread and post this barely-there, not-even-a-blurb about how a frame should be improved. Show your reasoning. Encourage debate and discussion. Explain your points and show your research. Now, I'm going to go through the OP and try to figure out just what the hell is going on here.

Concept: Make some combos like Saryn has. Okay. One already exists, between #2 and #3. Is that the kind of thing meant?

Passive: Is that +X% bleedout in addition to his current, unique bleedout/rally mechanic? See, I'd think it was, but it's impossible to tell if that's your intention. 

#1: OK? OK. That's OK. Nothin' about what you like, what you don't, nothin'. OK.

#2: I get the 'more range, more enemies grabbed' thing, and I do think that's an interesting concept, some unexplored territory when it comes to balancing and modding. After that, it just...gets really awkward to read and interpret. Like, "Only 1 able to eat," I can't tell if that's 'you're the only one able to eat them,' 'you can only eat one,' 'you can only eat one at a time.' Is the suggested conversion to a lifesteal over time in addition to the current mechanics? Is this intended as a replacement?

#3: "More range or just fix the range." Is the range on it broken or something? If you think the range should just be increased, just go "More range, please," and suffer people going "You can mod for that." I don't even know what to make of this "What is this damage multiplier" bit. Is that a reference to incoming damage being reduced by 50%? 'cause that's the damage multiplier, according to the wiki. Research. The energy cost on casting the skill initially does seem a little high, but Inaros gets: 50% damage taken, up to 500 DPS and CC to all nearby enemies, and the ability to spawn as many Sand Shadows as he has goons Devour'd in the radius. He also moves slower. In my opinion, that seems like the kind of thing that should be cautiously balanced, or else he's just going to be a Press 3 bot, as his 3 seems roughly equivalent to 4 on other frames.

#4: I'm...having difficulty parsing this part. Pretty sure English isn't your first language, so I'm not going to go on about that, but let's see if I'm interpreting it correctly. If I'm reading it correctly, the suggestion is that Power Range would improve the spread radius (currently 5 meters)? That seems reasonable. The bit about auras, though...what? I got nothin'. There is a spread range in the skill as it is, but there's nothing about auras. Is that the healing zone that gets created? If that spread the swarm, it'd be a bit redundant to have it also have a spread range on its own, as the spread radius is so much smaller than the heal radius, which is affected. For the part about Power Range affecting the spread zone, that seems okay, but I have no idea what's going on in the rest of it, sorry.

Also, seriously, megathread? Can that just get restricted to being used by mods and such, like PSA in thread titles? If this is a megathread, or even vaguely deserving of it, I'm the Grand Governor of the Hamster Queen of England's colony on Pluto.


Edit: Not only that, but double-posted. Wow, fantastic.

Edited by OricSharp
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19 minutes ago, OricSharp said:

The dude has been out for less than a week. Maybe actually give it some time - he might be in a perfectly good spot, and people just haven't gotten the hang of him yet.

Edit: Not only that, but double-posted. Wow, fantastic.

By far the worst argument to have. Lets not resort to assumptions and false ideas. 

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How about;

  • Skill 2 - bla bla same text for skill like in game BUT /// Will make 3 Sand Shadows each one have total of Inaros HP / (?4620)
  • So no duration just the HP ammount


  • Augment can be like;
  • Sand Shadow have X% life steal from their attacks. (So they can heal theirself)

If you can't, please nerf those frames to balance the game. ( bla bla frames have to "this" and "this" and they can't be the same bla bla)

Equinox Skill 2 (1 enemy affected by speed/sleep)

Saryn Skill 2 (1 enemy affected by gas)

Ember Skill 2 (1 enemy affected by accelerant)

and also other frames

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