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People Rushing Through Missions...?


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Here's the thing:


Whether you rush or explore, you can do both on solo. However, I will say that it is much easier to tackle bosses (and harder levels depending on your completion rate/mods/weapons/etc) with a team.


The moment you click on that Play Online button, you are dealing with people. You don't get to define how they play, because they most likely won't listen to you or may disagree with how you want to play. This is how online is. Now, DE has already put in a few things like having more than one user at extraction, a time limit, and even reduced the effectiveness of the "dash". And to some people, this isn't enough.


The truth is, in all honesty, more changes are being made to help the slower group than the faster. Is that a bad thing? Maybe, and I would say more so if you don't have any friends or clan to hang out with and you are pressed for time. All I'm hearing is a bunch of complaining from both sides by users that refuse to make a compromise and want to force others out of the equation. Now, personally, I'd like to see an early extraction for each player during a mission IF it's completed: only exception I could see being a hostage that has to make it to extraction. If you rush too quickly, technically the hostage just vanishes regardless of where he/she is on the ship and you can zip right off while leaving them in a vent surrounded by infested. But whatever...


To those bragging about efficiency on "turtling", that's absolute bologna later on. Not only is it a fact that you'll rake in less cash/exp in the long run, but you can still be efficient and quick with the correct mods/frame/skill. I know I can rush void and make much more in the long run than someone who wants to check every tiny locker that will most likely spit out a pistol ammo box and 40 credits. I would say if you must hunt for resources, do so on defense missions and quit at wave 5. You'd be surprised how many ampules/samples and resources you can collect if you memorize each spot. Just start it, break all the containers, slay some mobs for some easy cash/mods and then quit. Rinse and repeat. It's much more profitable than lockers- at least in terms of materials in my case.


That said, I try to do most of my rushing alone or with friends. I don't believe it to be polite either to rush with others if I can help it. Sometimes I will have to leave because I'm being called or because I have things to do- but this is an online game and that happens.

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That's the reason why I play only with friends except for def missions. People don't care about resources or credits but I do so I take my time. On def missions no one cares because the map itself is small.

The credits you get for opening lockers is nothing compared to the end credit reward. It is more effecient to rush and complete more missions for credits. You are right about resources though, they are important. However, I make it a game to try and hit every containter for it. 


Playing this game slow is like playing battlefield 3 for the story. The goal is to complete missions as fast and effeceiently as possible. Hit all the containers and stuff on the way, but go fast.

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What I would like to see is a function ( if you encounter these types of people ) where you can block them from matching up with you in public servers or you being matched up with them. That way you would get matched up with people you feel comfortable playing with, and keep those people out. It would be done through the contact, team mate, history list. It would also fix a lot of issues of chat/game griefers.

I understand people who need the bp's and have done the board too many times, and just want to get them, so don't get me wrong. But that isn't good for the others who want to have fun, gain experience together, and fight the bosses as a team. if you have killed the bosses so many times on your own, which I've seen many of the lonewolf players do in a lot of matches, then why not do it solo? Leeching was brought up so that may be why people do this.

Anyway I hope they implement what I suggested for the people who don't like the rushers.

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DE have said in developer livestreams that they're looking at ways to group players together who have a similar playstyle. For example you could choose "Explore" or "Speed Clear" and get grouped with others who chose the same as you. You can't please everyone but if they could pull this off it would make a lot of people less ranty about how others play.

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Usually I play solo... play an alert for credits... or find the most headstrong group of players and let them run headfirst into their death unprepared where every time they need me to save them... which fixes the problem of not being able to loot cause then they have to wait on you or take forever with their weapons to kill the enemy... and I am always packing some fun heat for the enemy...

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What I would like to see is a function ( if you encounter these types of people ) where you can block them from matching up with you in public servers or you being matched up with them. That way you would get matched up with people you feel comfortable playing with, and keep those people out. It would be done through the contact, team mate, history list. It would also fix a lot of issues of chat/game griefers.

I understand people who need the bp's and have done the board too many times, and just want to get them, so don't get me wrong. But that isn't good for the others who want to have fun, gain experience together, and fight the bosses as a team. if you have killed the bosses so many times on your own, which I've seen many of the lonewolf players do in a lot of matches, then why not do it solo? Leeching was brought up so that may be why people do this.

Anyway I hope they implement what I suggested for the people who don't like the rushers.

dude... I change play styles... I will rush if a boss in there... sometimes I will loot when I am in dire need of resources like right now I need 200 rubedo so for awhile I will be looting for rubedo then I will go back to playing pro style again for those who wish to rush once more. Not to mention I don't play my warframes the same way either, If I am using Rhino I will move slow to kill everything in my path because I want the EXP... sometimes I wander around to get the bonus objective, and sometimes I loot with him. If I play Excalibur I am definitely going to go around mowing people to death and may even rush missions like a crazy person... If I am playing Vauban I am more willing to come back and help people since he is slow, but is deadly when he is playing with his traps.


If I play as banshee then I may be looting 99% of the time because she is just better for knocking enemies back while looting. Since I don't like enemies touching me when I loot.


My play style constantly changes based on my needs... current objective build a trinity... all I need is 200 more rubedo and 65,000 credits... which means for awhile I will be looting like a nut on earth... more then likely in Defense missions since they drop more often.


However to permanently judge this would make it impossible to play with certain players all together that would be beneficial to you and everyone else.

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Yea right, let's all wait for that one noob that we randomly got grouped with who wants to explore *every* last inch of the map. Great idea.


back on topic: people rush because it's the most efficient way to do anything.


want rare mats/bps from a boss? -> rush it.

want to unlock all planets for alerts? -> rush it.

alert? -> RUSH IT.

want normal mats? get some of the chests and lockers that are on the way, going for low hanging fruit is bigger drops/min then exploring -> rush it.



want xp from kills? -> run mobile defense (rush to the target and back.)


I'm no rusher, middle of the road to be frank, but this guy speaks the truth. Spending 15 min to get that extra Plastids +24, fight your way to a boss and the resulting "walk of shame" if they don't drop what you want isn't a constructive use of time in the slightest.

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I still think there needs to be a door about 1-2 rooms before extraction that REQUIRES 3 of 4 people to open. This would stop Rushing for a LOT of games. If it's just you there, then that sucks, but I recommend trying to pickup the data devices or capture the hostage, etc. That makes it to where they CAN'T leave without you. That's what I do...then they just leave and waste their time which makes me smile...but I'm evil like that.


Sounds like a griefer's paradise

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in my limited experience in this game (considerably more elsewhere) I've seen that 'exploring' is useless.


let's say there are 100 containers on a map (may be more, may be less)


60 are in direct line between you and objective, they are all easily reachable in 5 sec of detour = 5 min of collecting.


The entire run takes 8 minutes (what i've averaged in my early runs so far) + 5 min for scrounging = 13 minutes with 60 containers.


if all 100 were to be opened, that takes anywhere from 12-20 sec (we'll say 16 sec average, you really know this map) to reach a container, increasing the collecting time up to 15 minutes or more. you're now at almost 23 minutes a map.


13 minutes: 60

23: 100


after 20 runs? 


4hrs 20 minutes: 1200 containers


7hrs 40 minutes: 2000 containers


crates per minute: 







in the end it's not worth it. I'll admit the first few runs i'll scrounge ever corner, finding EVERYTHING, and then quickly weed out what containers are a waste. if i'm running an enemy heavy map those extra 10 minutes could be another 30 kills or more which increases my luck with mods so that's a possibility, but honestly they're not worth it.

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the only time where i hate people who rush is when we are doing rescue mission. its especially annoying when others decide to rush ahead of the group, leaving me and someone surrounded by mobs of grineers while trying to decrypt the cell of hostage. if you're going to rush, at least do the honor of clearing the mobs that are ahead of the rescue group. don't lure the high lv mobs to where the cells are, and just "trololol i'm gonna rush and be 1st at the extraction!"



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DE have said in developer livestreams that they're looking at ways to group players together who have a similar playstyle. For example you could choose "Explore" or "Speed Clear" and get grouped with others who chose the same as you. You can't please everyone but if they could pull this off it would make a lot of people less ranty about how others play.

The functional answer to all this is to increase the rewards per time spent to favor explorting. Currently (and for a long time) the balance has been in solid favor of rushing, so people rush. It's a numbers game and DEs interests are on the wrong side of it.

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So if you open lockers and collect orbs, resc, creds and clear the ship of enemies you are moving too slow?  Hmm sounds like you are missing out on alot of stuff that can progress your frames rather than me being too slow...

lol im the one who opens up everything and i still beat people to extraction point without rushing. there is no reason to stand about looking at the loot for a solid minute before you pick it up. it really is a smooth game where slow people will always complain, people arent  interested in sitting around having a circle jerk infront of a resource before picking it up.

Edited by Zhoyzu
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However to permanently judge this would make it impossible to play with certain players all together that would be beneficial to you and everyone else.


Solution (Using my limited paint skills) :




When ''Rush'' is selected the matchmaking system will prioritize matching you with others that have selected rush.


When ''Explore'' is selected the matchmaking system will prioritize matching you with others that have selected explore.


When nothing is selected you'll just get matched with anyone.


When both are selected, well then you're not very smart. :P

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Solution (Using my limited paint skills) :


When ''Rush'' is selected the matchmaking system will prioritize matching you with others that have selected rush.

When ''Explore'' is selected the matchmaking system will prioritize matching you with others that have selected explore.

When nothing is selected you'll just get matched with anyone.

When both are selected, well then you're not very smart. :P

No. If anything it should be put in the drop-down menu of choosing to play missions via Online mode or Solo\Private.

Putting it in the options menu makes it a convoluted process and most players might forget about their settings etc.

I applaud your creativity though!

Edited by WolfxDeekon
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I read this whole thread and came away very disappointed in what was posted here.

1) Not a single one mentioned USE THE CHAT TO ANNOUNCE YOUR INTENTIONS.

2) It's a team/co-op game and should be played as such. It's much more rewarding like that. STICK WITH THE TEAM.

If someone drags behind, stop, cover them, and quickly note in chat, "please speed up".

DON'T be 30 seconds early and take the long &#! elevator by yourself. You'll slow the other people down even more since they have to wait 3 times as long for the elevator.

DON'T enter the end are until the rest of the team is there. You're denying credits to them.

DON'T wander off to far as you are denying yourself and your teammates valuable XP/affinity.

Basically, be a team player. People are too damned selfish sometimes. I've had some kick &#! fun when there were a couple of us on a map and we were covering each other, pointing out resources, etc. It felt good.

Then there's been a bunch of times where the rusher took the elevator 6 seconds before I got there. Then I could barely keep up. I only caught up when he died and had to wait. He deserved it.

As for the drop down, there really needs to be 3 categories: "Mad rush"; "Explore"; "Team Support".

That said, I'm thinking about dumping my hopes of a small clan (none of my friends ever play) and joining another of decent team players. The pubbies are acting like teenagers these days.

Edited by PlebbyMilliner
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No. If anything it should be put in the drop-down menu of choosing to play missions via Online mode or Solo\Private.

Putting it in the options menu makes it a convoluted process and most players might forget about their settings etc.

I applaud your creativity though!


It was late at night so I just went for the easiest way of showing how to not make it so that you'd be forced to either be a rusher or an explorer.

Your idea would be more noob-friendly ( not using the word noob in an offensive way*) which is also a nice thing :)

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I know the most effective way to farm anything is by checking every corner and so on, problem is I will never be able to do so because of randoms  This is the worst on boss levels where most people now only hoard bosses by speed running to them, killing them and speed running to the end again, this kind of style is very boring and is not a good gameplay experience. What I suggest is increase the chances of rare materials to drop from normal mobs, heavies/ancient etc. or/and lockers. Also add some other reason to actually take time so the effort and time you put into the mission would greatly over benefit from what you get by rushing trough maps as of now it really does not matter all that much.

The point is, DE has to make it so that rushing is really underwhelming way to get anything and that the only really good way to get anything other than credits and exp is to farm every nook from the map. Forcing is better option than let this be the way it is now or in optimal world, balance both playstyles but make searching the superior option.

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Nothing will work out in handicapping players who complete missions very quickly to accommodate slower players who say they're exploring, but in reality, make wrong turns, don't have sprint mods, stop and slide back to that irrelevant group of enemies or turn down a corridor to open already open lockers.  I started with loki and he's great at running through a map collecting rewards and killing the boss, but that's only for selected missions, he's not a great tank and generally will get rolled in a lot of situations in defense or mobile defense maps, which is when you use rhino, frost, other slower frames or just a frame that does heavy DPS/CC.  You  can't expect all frames to be created equal in all situations.

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Yea right, let's all wait for that one noob that we randomly got grouped with who wants to explore *every* last inch of the map. Great idea.


back on topic: people rush because it's the most efficient way to do anything.


want rare mats/bps from a boss? -> rush it.

want to unlock all planets for alerts? -> rush it.

alert? -> RUSH IT.

want normal mats? get some of the chests and lockers that are on the way, going for low hanging fruit is bigger drops/min then exploring -> rush it.



want xp from kills? -> run mobile defense (rush to the target and back.)

Quite a well and excellent sight of perspective on the so called problem. Rushing is quite an efficient effortly way to achieve a goal, when it comes to farming.

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