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Coming Soon: Devstream #71!


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Lets talk about shadow nerf of synoid simulor (simulor).

I am done some test and now if your play solo or you invite ppl to squad, weapon generate singularitys as before updates.

But when you join other ppl session and your not host, singularitys hardly created (you offen need around 4 - 8 shots to create them with multishot mod equiped)

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1. Why are there Infested growth on the back of our Orbiter Compartment?

2. Can you change Bursa riot shields to make it look more like Dendra armour?

3. Why do Neural Sensors, something :grineer:Grineer designed, only drop in Jupiter,      a planet populated by :corpus:Corpus?

4. Will Dual Prisma War Wraith Vandal Prime become a reality?

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Being a console peasant, I really am sending long looks at those amazing Tennogen helmets, syandanas and skins.

I believe it has been mentioned earlier that you were looking into the possibility of offering these items to consoles and non-steam pc players.


Any update on this topic? (plat and cash burning in my pocket).

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Only two things:

Melee blocking is in need of a rework. It's not the damage that kills us but rather the slash procs from the grakata bullets we "deflected".

Could you move the finisher prompt to the "use" key? I'd like to have that choice.

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Hello again DE.

I have many questions but I saw there are people before me that asked most of them.

  • What is wrong with Shadow Stalker Drops?!?...He has more drops than any other hunter/assassin...I spent thousands of ducats(that I had for a loong time) for beacons and still can't get my hands on War.
  • Mobile Defense 2.0?
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With the release of Pet Kavats sometime soon, I'm hoping Kubrows won't be left in the dirt. With Utility from Kavats and them being new and all, it's gonna cause the kubrows to become quite dull in comparison. So I wanna know if The kubrows will be getting some updates around the same time so that they are not bland when compared to the shiny new kavats? 

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At what point are the console builds put in development? Does the console team work alongside the PC team on the updates and then tweak the build after it has been deployed on PC and the bugs are hotfixed? Or do they wait until PC has all the hotfixes and then port it over?

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Hi :)

Same questions as always :

- When damage 3.0 will come out, will you consider a rework of the most annoying things in the game that you had to make in order to counter the "one shot fest" like nullifer bubbles, some mobs' invulnerability or turret's impervious to punch through ?

- What became of "kill the void trader" thing ?

- Void grind is now so high half of my clan quit playing. The rewards (xp/loot/void parts) are so low and so frustrating I cannot play a single game with my friends without our morale dropping and our anger towards some decisions taken for the game increasing dramatically (like getting 5 R5 cores for the endurance reward of last event... ). While there are so many games out there to play, Warframe stands now as the most annoying and the most irritating of all, still without having an endgame. So, here is my questions : Have you considered a Void 2.0 which will work like kinda like Diablo's nephalem rifts or Marvel Heroes' Danger Room, meaning Tower level only limited by the player's skill and loadout builds with xp/drops rewards increasing as the diffculty goes higher ? (that would be a very good first step into endgame and an alternative for Draco xp-wise)

- I am Mastery 21 and Raids are still out of reach for me. What I mean by that is : You built a game based on 4 player coop and, basically, being limited to 4 players in normal missions makes it so if we are 5 or 6 in the clan, some will be left alone to rot, making them simply lose enthousiam days after days, and, for that reason, I cannot enlist enough people to do raids. This, I may have could countered by recruiting pick-ups, but.... yeah... you know... But this is just the beginning of the problem... The other problem is still the rewards. It's worse that "not worth it", it actually demands for them raids to be grinded days after days after days with RNGsus for you to loot that arcane ten times over that will give another RNG-based crappy buff, and I can't get my friends to endure the insanely annoying gameplay of raids when they get back from work and here I quote "Frakk this, the game is frakked up and they're working on cats and temporal rifts, what a joke, I'm outta here"... So, here is my question... Can you make solo raids/challenges for solo/forever alone players for them to be able to get arcanes ? Share the dailyness thingy with raids or make new arcanes for them.

- Quick melee and quick draw please. I said this before but here is a mega important gameplay thing that you have to do :

Currently, when we build a loadout, we only make it so we only use 1 weapon out of three, and we finish missions with stats like "90% primary, 0% secondary, 10% melee" or whatever, and this problem can be solved by quick melee and quick draw.

Quick melee should... no... it MUST provide us with all the melee stuff. Quick melee must take us right into melee, with the ability to block, counter, channel and use those awesome stances. Holding "f" to equip the melee weapon takes so much time it's quicker to reload a shotgun even at close range. I don't even understand the issue for this not to be implemented because when we use quick melee right now, our frame holters the weapon and quickly draw and slash making it 100% melee. So yeah, quick melee right into melee, hold block to maintain it, let it go exactly as of now for the frame to re-equip primary/secondary weapon, make it happen.

Quick draw is "The next big thing". It would work the exact same way as quick melee with secondary weapons and will operate at 3 stages :

Stage 1 : Light secondaries (throwing stars, castanas-like weapon). Those weapons are MEANT to be quickfired. I have a bow and throwing stars, I shoot an arrow to kill one/two guys and quickfire without de-equipping my bow a volley of ninja stars to kill the last guys. Again, with how it works now, it's easier to draw another arrow rather than equipping the seconday, then shoot, then re-equip the bow or rifle.

Stage 2 : Normal secondaries (single small guns, gammacor). The quickfire here would be slower as it requires the frame to draw the weapon and shoot intead of throwing it. I emptied my tigris and there's a grineer still standing ? Quickfire my furis. Simple, easy, fast, and excellent gameplay-wise. The frame still holds the primary in his/her left hand, and quick fire from the hip with his/her right hand. Of course, you can make it so accuracy and recoil gets a debuff for this.

Stage 3 : Heavy secondaries (dual guns, big guns like marelok/ballistica/younameit). Simply no quickfire on those. That would actually make a real deal to chose between the 1 gun and the dual version of it. Should I take a magnus for quickfire, or do It take the akmagnuses to use them as a main weapon ? Honestly, it's perfect.

Here you go.

Of course, the current "press f/hold f" mechanic would stay. But quick melee must get us right into melee and another key and mechanic for quickfire secondaries must happen.

- Fire and ice procs reworks ? I made some stupid explanations with paint that I posted as comments on twitter, but I do believe this might seriously be "a thing". Currently, Ice slows and fire burns, but the way they do it are way too much straightfoward and there is no reason for the gun to suffer a fire rate debuff... So...

Fire : fire damage decaying over time + blurry vision + massive accuracy debuff. Embers on the ground only procs if we stand on them, not if we walk on them.

Ice : Slows mouvements + jump height and parcour debuff + evasion debuff + massive recoil debuff. Ice patches on the ground only makes us slide. Other hazards like leaking cooling liquid would trigger the proc.

- Channeling 2.0 ? Channeling is a forsaken mechanic while it can be really awesome. but the only fact that you have to drain your own energy in order to use it while it's always a pain to manage with most of frames and where melee frames need to maintain a toggle make channeling only good for life strike. But ! Channeling 2.0 would fix it ! Something as simple as another channel bar right somewhere in the UI that would fill as we hit with melee weapon and would allow us up to 3 channeled strikes or 1 massive charged channel strike would bring back channeling into the game. There won't even need to modify any of the mods, at least not right away.

- Stealth repair ? Stealth is still broken guys... The xp buff must not reset when an enemy sees an arrow in a wall or a friend being stealth killed. This idiotic things makes it so right now, the Tonkor with hush is the best stealth weapon and bows are the worst of all. Xp buff must only resets if an enemy sees us or if he is given too much time for him to understand the situation. I mean, seriously, try to align 5 grineers and shoot an arrow : the buff resets right after the first kill because the guy behing saw this in the 0.001 second before the arrow kills him, and it reiterates each time. You broke stealth shortly after introducing focus to limit the gain but you can't leave things broken like that.

- Daily connexion rewards 3.0 needed. I am MR21 as I stated above, and all I get are jokes like tellurium/gallium/10k credits/1 R5 core at best... But when my friend who hasn't launched the game for 2 months logs in, he gets a 75% discount on plat. And this is not a one time thing. It happens every time. Plus, I am at 104 days. The weapon is cool, but now I see an exlius adapter for me to login 50 more days !? What ? This is the kind of thing we should get every 30 days ! and it would require more than 2 years of everyday login to outfits all the frames ! I'd rather get a 50% discount and buy a hundred of those ! It IS frustrating and irritating !

- Sorties 2.0 ? Don't get me wrong, the sorties are cool. But again, the rewards are NOT. Why is Nezah still in sorties !? When will the token system be implemented ? What about a nightmare version of sorties with stacking conditions ? (if the first if melee only and the second is radiation hazard, then the nightmare second is melee only + radiation hazard, and the third mission stacks its own condition upon those two). The reason I ask for this is about lenses... If I can get only one lens of my focus school every season whitout being certain of getting it because or RNGsus... It would take at least 4 season for 1 greater lens... And please understand that this means the content is locked for a whole year if you're not buying lenses out of the store. Or make it so we can buy those with tokens, that would be very pleasing.

- And finally, the most important thing of all : Delete those nullifers. It pukes on the lore, makes the game irritating as hell, annihilates the gameplay of frames based on close range combat (frakk you valkyr), you put those everywhere like on hijack missions maybe thinking it adds difficulty when all it does is annoy everyone, they are of those mobs that One Shot more than half the list of frames for whatever reason... There is nothing good about them, it's simply pure garbage. Hell, at least make them as rare as bursas or comba because when you see a room filled with bubbles like it's the most common corpus mob on the tileset... Frakk it, frakking delete them and make the corpus grenades to be nullifying or I don't know but do something ! Corpus gameplay is insanely annoying just because of them. We don't even go to corpus sorties with my clan and we whine about them all the time only leading to unavoidable "alt+f4, I can't take it anymore, let's play a cooler game". Oh, and by the way, Those blue zones dropped by osprays have way too much damage and shouldn't hit when we jump above them !

Well, you'll pick whatever you want for the stream and I can only hope you don't destroy mag by making her a pain to play. Keep in mind we do not play with devcheats on and energy management can be hardcore. for example : Saryn has great combos, but the energy requiered for the combos to works is ridiculous and nobody uses slash dash with excalibur because we already have the ultimate as a toggle to maintain. And it's sad because it's awesome.

So please don't kill mag... Especially the shield polarize... Don't nerf. Don't nerf your game please.


Shani Geine, a loving tenno.

Edited by ShaniGeine
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Are we getting new ones soon? (if yes, any hints to utility and combat role?)

Modding their weapons is broken, how is the fix coming? are you working on it at all?


The auto-run feature is a bit broken, it does not work in archwing. Are you working on changing/reworking the movement system? when can we expect an update.

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I believe in Devstream 69 it was mentioned that there were 2 winners for Tennogen round 2 that couldn't be displayed at the time? Are those 2 winners still going to be added in-game and if so, can we please have them identified?

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some people say that allowing body count  and blood rush to work on warframe summoned melee weapons would be OP? what does DE think of that? at 80 to 100 lvl my decked out valkyr is having trouble with most enemies, maybe on hysteria it would considering the 50% crit chance. 

What about maiming strike?

and whats the possibility of getting a prime Organ Shatter?

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Will there ever be an icon on blueprints from the marked, displaying that if you have already leveled them maxed up? I've always found it tidious to run from the marked to the codex just to find out that I have already leveled the weapon up.

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