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Lumped Together Mosh-Pit of Ideas I've had for too Long


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On 2021-02-06 at 1:05 PM, KiTeer said:

I (personally) adore digging though the archives! It's fun going on deep dives through it and seeing all the things I might have missed during the more active times/forgot over the years.

I find the ideas behind a lot of your old concepts fascinating. From your early work's like the Approximate, Avatar, and Broadside. to the terrifying Troglocytes and Deamons. Plus Your stunning Deimos Ecumen + The Starborn Brigade. (Your Deimos Lore made my skin crawl in the best way) and The Awe inspiring Parapets, Mastodons, and the T.H.E.R.I./T.Y.R.A.N. and seeing the evolution of the lore you've writ is always interesting! Allowing the readers to try and piece together the events of you "Side Canon" (I admit, It feels alive! more so than what DE's been producing. But that is more on The nature of the game as an MMO, than it is on the teams writing.)

(p.s. Apologies for not discussing the weapons, its been quite a while since I've even logged in to the forums and my memories are rusty, I do remember that there were a few Helminth weapons that I was obsessed with.)   

  (Pardon me for the long delay in response, I’ve been on a gaming binge as of late due to a frustrateing lack of drive, most likely because i’e started several choice based games and my mind is occupied with what if’s and maybes in them, all in good fun.)

   OH! Hello again sir! I was NOT expecting to see you again after all this time! I recall you as one of my older fans from back in the day, 2016 or 2017 if memory serves! 

  AH, I see! You are more of a fan of the units and broadly sweeping designs of my earlier years! I understand entirely! Back then, the fields of imagination were wide open and broad spanning, meaning I could go wherever I will and conjure tales “however I wished”. These days though, I need to be careful not to retread on the same things over and over again, meaning it takes longer to build.

That, combined with my expansion into multiple other “worlds” means production has been slower then I like.

Just knowing that I have indeed been entertaining folks for so long, and, sometimes, they even come back with a good word or two, means the world to me, in the most unselfish of ways, it lets me know that, at least at some point, there was a reason why my view count got as high as it is.

From the bottom of my frozen, coal-black rock of a heart, thank ye for popping in suh!

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  • 3 weeks later...

  I. . . uh. . . I really don’t know what to say at this point. I thought I could physically push myself out of my current extremely slow pace of production, but, in my endless isolation, I’ve begun coming across painful questions that only slow things down even more.

”Can you really call faceless people you meet in an Internet chatroom your “friends”?”

”Everything has an expiration date, perhaps it’s the Pit’s turn now. You should put a bullet in it now, so it can die with dignity rather then those slow, life-support vegetative crawl you’ve been for wing it through.”

”Did you ever really actually enjoy creating your designs, or, were you really just nothing more then a babbling toddler with a “pretty picture” that you wanted to wave around in people’s faces?”

”Did you ever even actually improve as you worked, or, was it the same long text wall in a slightly different packaging, spat out over and over and over again.”


I mentally scream, time and again at these questions, a hoarse “No!”. . . but, in the absence of anyone else’s thoughts and opinions. . . the questions come back, over and over again.


My apologies my last, impossibly patient two-one readers left after all this time for yet another “blank update” filled in with writer thoughts, but. . . I just. . . I have no where else to put them and no one else to mention them to. Heh, I promised my Twitter and Facebook pages i’d stop doing that.


Just. . . uh. . . give me some time to continue agonizing over stupid nonsense. It’s probably just a phase, some passing bullshet interfering with my ability to provide quality content. I’ll. . . ah, that’s a thought, I’ll put a cork in it here, keep my trap shut until something really worthwhile passes through my mind and fingers. You folks do well out there!

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4 hours ago, (XBOX)Fluffywolf36 said:

It's how I met my first girlfriend. If that doesn't prove the answer can be yes, I don't know what does.

Don't even trip, dawg.

Hope you're doing okay.

   Fair point, helps to have a real perspective coming in from the totally polar-opposite  perspective. Thank ye.

  Honestly, I think it is tripping me up as of late, I find my productivity sapped by this weird looping cycle of nearly falling into emotional pieces, shouting my troubles into a text room, and then feeling a euphoria I’ve never felt in my life, then having a few moments of lucid productivity before the cycle begins anew.

This is NOT a normal thing for me. At best, I side mentioned current events in my life alongside my proper quality writing, something folks could easily skip right through to get to my thread-strand’s title.

I’m wondering if this is some kinda decade-long withdrawal symptom, given my lack of confidant-friends in my life (I’ve always been THE confidante friend), but then. . . why? Why now, when I’ve never needed it before?


My own concern is with all of you, but, thank ye! Far more then “just” being my associates and my audience, I have never forgotten that you are all flesh and blood humans. I know it seems like a creepy parasocial relationship, but, honestly? I can recall quite a few of the folks within here “properly”, when they showed up and what they said. Can’t forget them, honestly, because it is through them I discovered how much I wish to create, and I count you, Mr. Wolf, as being among them.

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3 hours ago, Unus said:

My own concern is with all of you, but, thank ye! Far more then “just” being my associates and my audience, I have never forgotten that you are all flesh and blood humans. I know it seems like a creepy parasocial relationship, but, honestly? I can recall quite a few of the folks within here “properly”, when they showed up and what they said. Can’t forget them, honestly, because it is through them I discovered how much I wish to create, and I count you, Mr. Wolf, as being among them.

Ah, don't even trip, dawg. Me considering the bassist of Deadstar Assembly a "friend" because we've had a few nice interactions and I've liked his content? that'd be parasocial because even so, I don't know him that well. Us... like, we've talked before, learned about each other...

That counts. That absolutely counts. I absolutely do consider you a friend.

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  • 2 weeks later...

  Alright folks, bringing you good tidings on the creative front!


  Now that I’m slowly settling into my first long-term paying job at long last, I’m starting to feel the same mojo I felt back in my college days when the Pit was but a wee dimple in the forum landscape.


  With any luck, that means my design whole will be dug even deeper with even more original material, a miracle in itself, given how “late-term” in the Pit’s lifespan it is.


  If there are any folks who bother reading this in the modern day, good lord, thanks for sticking it out for so long! The times, they are a changing back!

(And, for new folks who have just tripped over me, welcome! Please, feel free to browse through! My Pit runs deep and many-layered, and, I’ve assembled the front-page “scaffolding” for rapid ascent and descent to the best of my ability. Please, feel free to put down questions, comments, and concerns as you desire. I am MORE then happy to accommodate in any and all ways. 
Despite the long apparent absence, I can assure you, I’m constantly on, constantly trying to shift through the Pit’s layers to make sure I do not tread the same paths twice.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

                                        Post 821                             

(Conceived circa 3/1/2021 at 17:50, completed circa 3/27/2021 at 21:45)

Designation: Braton MK3

Weapon Designation: Rifle

Manufacturer: Luxor Forge as a premium product run, Ultor Outpost, Mars.

Statistical Breakdown:



Trigger= Auto.

Damage= 4.9 Impact, 4.9 Puncture, 11.2 Slash.

Critical Chance= 8%.

Critical Damage= 2.1X.

Status Chance= 18%

Projectile= Hit-Scan.

Cyclic Rate-Of-Fire= 10.25.

Magazine Size= (See “Special Trait(s)”)

Reload Speed= (See Special Trait(s)”) 

Polarity= None.

Mastery Rank Requisite= 9.


Special Trait(s)= 



Ammo Forge MK 1-

This weapon utilizes the spare ammunition capacity of the user as it’s magazine capacity. However, the user is unable to reload it until the magazine is depleted, whereupon it has a 5.1 reload speed (Insert several rifle universal ammunition packs into side hopper, give magazine several moments of sparking and whirring as pack is converted into a slowly extending belt of ammunition. When belt is completed, a magnet draws the first round up into the receiver. Assume firing stance.)





The Braton MK3 borrows much from it’s Corpus-cloned ancestors in regards to it’s general design, albeit with material quality taken to the extreme and with imperfections made indetectable to the naked eye.  The most obvious divergence comes in the form of the hand grip, which has been lengthened even closer to the trigger housing, elongated forwards toward the barrel, and extended downwards, leaving a space in the middle for the user’s hand to wrap around semi-comfortably. An open semi-translucent hopper on the right side of the weapon has just enough space that one can load a universal rifle ammunition package into, taking several in order to fill it’s feedstock storage section with adequate raw material. Beneath the opening, a cyan (energy colored) light ring resides with an electrum metal gear at it’s middle with the name “Luxor Forge” beam-carved into it’s surface. This gear turns and sparks during the reload process, partially as a means to vent heat through a light spattering of vapor coolant and partially to act as a visible display of the manufacturing process taking place within the weapon. A full clockwise turn of the gear back to it’s original position indicates when the process of fabrication is completed, the first round in the chain has been drawn up into the receiver by magnetic field, and the weapon ready to fire.


Basic Description:



Produced for Luxor’s recent centennial celebration, the origins of the Braton MK3 can be traced back to the idle remarks of the companies’ treasury secretary over synthetic alcohol in the boardroom luxury lounge. Remarking on their recent record windfalls in metal acquisition and reminiscing about it’s origins as a projectile firearms corporation, the secretary mused about the possibility of tieing the two events together into some manner of “Collector’s Package for Consumer Loyalty”. Without their awareness, the inebriated Deacon for Consumer Design took the secretary’s idle thoughts as a dare, and, in a fit of muted indignation and a feat of physical prowess, managed to half-way scrawl the schematics for such a possibility onto a napkin in jellyfish sushi drippings before loudly proclaiming their genius and passing into unconsciousness due to alcohol poisoning. Had it not been for a particularly keen-eyed Vox Solaris deep-cover operative posing as an entertainment-servant charged with cleaning up the the celebration’s aftermath, the schematics would have been lost in a solar trash launch.


  Being the canny sort, the “employee” turned in the unkempt item in exchange for an upgrade in accommodations, in addition to the return of their left arm, while also keeping an optically-snapped photographic record of it to pass along to their “extended family”. Unfortunately, while the discovery earned the D.C.D. (much to their surprise, given having no memory of such a thing) a new synthetic liver and a ticket out of an entangling medical plan, Vox Solaris could do nothing with the plans even after a significant amount of gap-filling and extrapolation, as any and all “what ifs” and possibilities required access to manufacturing technologies that no Solaris member had even a slight amount of access to. They could only watch in annoyance as the ads for “a piece of the past, here to bring peace to the future!” fit themselves into the regularly scheduled ad blitzes that filled the Corpussian airwaves, as collectible-obsessed merchant scions the system over fought tooth and nail to order and obtain these glorified status symbols.


  Fortunately for the Vox, it did not take long at all for their earnest allies, the Tenno, to begin stumbling across the lethal baubles in their frequent deeply penetrating cullings and either collecting them for themselves or selling them off as cash infusions into the criminal underworld to be brutally killed over during black-market auctions and inter-criminal heists. Thanks to their insider knowledge, Vox Solaris came into a lucrative under-the-counter income source in the form of Mark 3 maintenance procedures, away from the “lawfully” exorbitant fees of Temple resanctifiers, and especially proving it’s value as the wheels of black market counterfeiting slowly grind into action.


Pit News:



My sincerest apologies for this millennium of lax production and general silence, but, having a steady job and the stresses that lead up to it and after it  and copeing with both certainly applied a weeeeeeee bit of a damper to personal projects and auxiliary interests that don’t make bank (lord I HATE that.).

  From here on out, it seems things may get more sporadic, going on both ends of the scale of inspired single-day revelations and month long “concept constipation”. Perhaps that may be a return to norms, from my ages past, during the times of my education when the Pit had it’s beginnings and exponential growth.

   Wherever things go from here, rest assured, I will still be here regardless of rain, sleet, hail, or, in the case of two days ago, human excrement deposited in a parking lot.



Edited by Unus
Spoilers properly added circa 3/28/2021 at 20:52.
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3 hours ago, Neo3602 said:

really like this one, so unless I'm reading this wrong it's mag size is equal to it's max ammo

  Yessir! Actually given time to process it more mechanically in addition to my forte of “”fictional reality””, it almost reminds me of the way guns were treated in the ancient original arcadey-style shooter genre, guns with bottomless magazines and no reload mechanics involved, just point and spray and pray you find more before the dreaded click is heard.


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  • 4 weeks later...

  Ah, time for another report folks, figure it’s not a “bump” if enough time passes with silence being the only thing echoing through. My job means that production and updates are fewer and farther between alas, besides the mental stimulation the job has certainly been providing me with and I MOST CERTAINLY needed!


  First up, theres a new upcoming piece of art on it’s way from the generous art gods atop talent mountain folks! Mr. Fluffy Wolf has once again decided to grace us with his abilities by bringing one of my popular pieces to digital ink and pixelated life! I can’t wait to unveil it to you soon!


  Secondly, trapped upon indecision isle as I am, there’s gonna be a vote on which one of my designs will be next up for completeition and placement in yet another Pit layer folks! 
   Keep your eyes peeled for a weekend announcement, when I shall unfurl the ancient tapestry that is my list of unborn designs, so that YOU folks may have a say in the ordering of the Pit’s newborn children!


Thats all for now folks! So happy that I still have something left of me, even with a job demanding my attention. I hope and plead and pray it sticks with me even as the future grinds onward.

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Alright ladies and germs! As promised, heres the current "menu" of projects I have in the ol pile that I might dig deeper into the deepest layers of the ol pit. Which ones strike your fancy?

If its legitimately difficult for you folks to write a paragraph or two as to the why, please, feel free to just say the letter of the one you desire and that will be all I need to finish a vote tally! Give it about a week for it to soak into the viewer pool.

A) The Targeter and the Executer handgun pairing.

B) The Blackmatter manipulation engine.

C)The Scutimite arm Symbiote.

D) The Hammer Shotrifle combogun.

E) The Jugulus Throwing Glaive.

F) The Toggle Trigger Solar Gun.

G) Asymmetric Gamma Radiator Twin Pistols/Carbine.

H) The Retroactive Warframe Weapon Specialization Initiative.

I can provide additional detail on any of the chosen ideas, if they appear to vague descriptionwise or they simply catch your eye.

Have fun folks! I know I always do when I get to let folks actively interact with the Pit's future!

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On 2021-04-27 at 11:16 PM, (XBOX)Fluffywolf36 said:

That one sounds especially intriguing...

  PHEW! Pardon me ladies and germs! The weather AND my job are conspiring to lay me out flat more often then I’d like!

  Righty ho suh! That one dates back to my time spent mulling over “Impossible effects in a possible universe”, whole idea being the further into the Void you go “away” from “leaky high traffic” areas within it, the more likely you’ll trip over things that take standard physics and natural laws, spit upon them, and then throw them in a car compacted. Inevitable something could and would be weaponizef.

On 2021-04-28 at 8:58 PM, Neo3602 said:

I'm going to go with H, "The Retroactive Warframe Weapon Specialization Initiative" sounds interesting.

  Righty ho then! Figured I could continue what Digital began long ago with weapons like the Fulmin for Wisp and the Acceletra for Gauss. Back in the day, they even actually HAD “The Preferred Loadout for ____” sets in the marketplace. Only seems fair to make those much more tangible with bonuses that fit their abilities and themes.


Right ho folks, looks like I got me work order pencilled in then! See you folks on the other side of writing!

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  • 2 weeks later...

  (Apologies for the long delay folks, friend had his father up and die on him and Mass Effect caught me up in it’s warm embrace again, both are making things a weeeee bit. . . difficult now. Rest assured, I have blueprints coming up as we speak (and a review for you Mr. Wolf) for Banshee and Rhino suit loadouts , with more to come! Times are just, well, tough.)

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  OH, shoot! Finally get to come back to look through my associates work before work today and before going on a design crusade this weekend, and, I’ve noticed something.

   Am I suppose to apply a “community” label to the Pit somehow? Or, is that something Digital is putting on active thread strands? Production might be very slow, but, rest assured, I have not concluded my Warframe journey! Life is just. . . lifeing really really hard right now .

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5 hours ago, Unus said:

  OH, shoot! Finally get to come back to look through my associates work before work today and before going on a design crusade this weekend, and, I’ve noticed something.

   Am I suppose to apply a “community” label to the Pit somehow? Or, is that something Digital is putting on active thread strands? Production might be very slow, but, rest assured, I have not concluded my Warframe journey! Life is just. . . lifeing really really hard right now .

IDK man. It's hard to say. I added it cause it was the only thing that seemed to apply, and then I couldn't remove it.

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  • 1 month later...

  Yowza, sorry this is taking so long, work has been kicking my tail in recently and I’ve only just gotten to get back to playing Warframe to recharge my resolve.


  Did check out a bit of the update recently, and, fascinatingly, I’ve run into two “ convergences” to add to my list of “Extremes Designer and my Brain Simpatico” thoughts.


1. My Dual Harpitrixes, an ancient set of pistols of mine, they bear a marked mechanical similarity to Granum’s newest design, the Tenet Diplos.


2. The Sisters themselves bring back memories of an old weapon of mine’s backstory use by an all female “poster children” Corpus military force, the Falcon Moagun.


Heh, feel like I was stealing ideas from the future, years in the past. 

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14 hours ago, Unus said:

  Yowza, sorry this is taking so long, work has been kicking my tail in recently and I’ve only just gotten to get back to playing Warframe to recharge my resolve.


  Did check out a bit of the update recently, and, fascinatingly, I’ve run into two “ convergences” to add to my list of “Extremes Designer and my Brain Simpatico” thoughts.


1. My Dual Harpitrixes, an ancient set of pistols of mine, they bear a marked mechanical similarity to Granum’s newest design, the Tenet Diplos.


2. The Sisters themselves bring back memories of an old weapon of mine’s backstory use by an all female “poster children” Corpus military force, the Falcon Moagun.


Heh, feel like I was stealing ideas from the future, years in the past. 

I went and looked over the Harpitrixes and... that is spookily accurate. 

Always weird when that happens, huh? Makes a dood wonder if they could get hired by DE if we're on the same wave as them so often...

(I may have accidentally predicted the Cedo lol. Among other things.)

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  • 1 month later...

  Lordy Lordy Lordy, I’m so sorry folks! Employed life is a whirlwind and it’s dragging me along like a ragdoll!! I’ve never forgotten about my “”actual”” work, I can assure you indeed, but, my ability to get to my laptop to publish it has been absolutely horrendous on account of there never being enough time.


  Still, for those two or one of you who still read my work, when your bored, I’m curious, would you like to read some of my Warhammer 40k material while I continue to endeavor to get to my work on Warframe off my blasted Google Document and into the Pit?


  I know we’re on a Warframe forum to share Warframe related designs, but, I also know the Pit is likely extremely boring given it’s lack of updates (and, aside from me myself, how many folks delve into my archives of their own accord honestly?), I want to give you folks some eye candy while I grind out the eye-meal into delicious (maybe) eye-bread.


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On 2021-08-11 at 12:18 AM, (XBOX)Fluffywolf36 said:

Sure, why not? 

Very well! If nothing else, perhaps there might be inspiration to be found for others in my other muse?

(Also, DEMIT! That’s right! I need to get back to paging through your gallery as well! Blasted blinding-by-work!)


(To explain a bit, using the abilities I’ve honed here in crafting places such as “alternative Deimos”, the Pirate-esque city state of Barboga, and the Void agglomeration that is Spatili, I took the time to carefully put together a pair of Forgeworlds a little beyond the border of the Imperium known as Sanctus Ornamentes and Sanctus Nullam. These worlds, though differing in culture, are both bound together by the intergovernmental body that is the Conclave, which oversees development and distribution of their main focus, the Robot.

Inevitably, because I’m me, this made me wish to make something ruleswise, thus, I’ve been scouring 40k’s archives for all of their robotic mentions and designs in order to either update their rules for modern use or create them wholecloth.


This is my largest piece of work, running in third place from my Tau Auxiliary Document and my lovely Pit when all my background data folders are combined into a singular document.)

Hope it’s interesting!

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  • 4 weeks later...

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Post 839

(Jugulus Throwing Glaive conceived circa 12/7/7/2020 at 18:18.)

Designation: Osteolys

Weapon Designation: Melee, Glaive.

Manufacturer: The Son, Deimos.

Statistical Breakdown:


Damage= 178 Slash.

Slam Attack= 535.

Slide Attack= 356.

Range= 1.25 m.

Slam Radius= 5 m.

Attack Speed= 1.

Critical Chance= 14%.

Critical Damage= 2.2 X.

"P.R.O.C." Chance= 14%.

Mastery Rank Requisite=0.

Polarity= None.

Stance= Naramon.

Riven Disposition= ?????

Acquisition= Free gift on reaching the final level of Entrati Standing and speaking with The Son a week afterwards real time.

Special Trait(s):


Shield Breaker:

The animal cunning of the symbiote far surpasses that of its former host, though it is certainly missing all aspects of typical sentience. The creature can learn quite rapidly how to adjust itself to various defensive measures to get at the tasty snack that lies beneath.

The Osteolys ignores bubble shields and penetrates through enemy-held blockers such as grineer shields and corpus helmets. It cannot cut through the environment, enemies themselves unless killed on hit, or placed obstacles, such as blunts unless it is given actual punch-through. 

Mitotic Carnage:
Using those it slays as metabolic fuel for its most primal of needs, the Osteolys rapidly generates offspring that move with the parent and act in concert with it to prepare foes for easier consumption. Alas, lacking the warm and inviting membranes of the Jugulus’ neck crevices, the offspring are destined to die quite quickly unless they are continuously fed. 

When dealing the killing blow to an enemy unit, a single “offspring” splits off from the Osteolys and begins orbiting it in the manner of a butterfly from Titania’s ability. The offspring then orbits the Osteolys as it flies, slowing over time as it degrades due to a lack of a nurturing environment, though it will speed back up again if it makes a kill itself. If no kills are made for a duration, the offspring’s accelerated metabolism causes it to burn out into particulate dust. Only a maximum of three offspring can be in flight at a time.



Mostly intact after the Son’s careful tampering of it’s limited nervous system, the most prominent feature on the Osteolys’ form is the implanted control node drilled into its middle eye, with a webwork of artificial nerve-circuitry radiating from it just beneath it’s tough skin and boney surfaces in a grotesque parody of a retinal display. Additionally, thanks to Son tampering, the Osteolys’ surface is coated in a dense forest of sharp yet flexible keratinous spines, though the wielder will never be able to see or feel them (thankfully), as they smooth in the presence of the Helminth strain. 

"Basic" Description:


 A gift from the Son to his Tenno patrons, in truth, the Osteolys is actually the product of a failed project of his more ambulatory years past. In an attempt to sever his family from the Vom-Fass Gestalt, the Son sought to sever individual glaives from the control of their host Jugulus through invasive cybernetic nerve stimulation as a proof-of-concept design for use on themselves. Effectively, an artificial nerve cord is drilled into the central nervous system of the glaive itself and artificial nerve fiber is distributed throughout the rest of its body, running in parallel with the pre-existing nerve architecture. In this way, the old infested architecture is completely bypassed and the glaive is freed to its own devices. Early production showed great promise, and the Son pursued the project with great interest, each new glaive freed providing further information on how to broaden the process to apply to more complex organisms, a technological reprieve from hive mindedness..

   Then, like a lightning bolt, tragedy struck. Alad V’s malefic tampering with the Phoroid Strain to produce the technophilic Mutualist strain had farther reaching effects then the madman could have predicted. When crippled ships seeded with the mutualist strain touched down on Deimos and the Vom-Fass Gestalt responded in uproar, it consumed the mutualists aboard (along with what little remained of the crew) and incorporated its ability to influence machine’s into it’s own mutational templates. Almost overnight, the Son’s collection of “free” glaives simply incorporated the artificial materials into their own mass, becoming much smarter independent entities all their own, though unable to survive without the nurturing confines of a Juggulus’ neck apertures or artificial equivalents.

  His work obliterated overnight, the Son dove deeper into his despair, convinced that his family was destined to be rendered nothing more than clay for the gestalt to sculpt as it saw fit. Fatalism became his philosophy, and  Deimos itself, his mistress, a mystery with a timer attached to count down to his family’s extinction. The independent Osteolysts became nothing more than yet another pet in the Son’s collection, mere collectibles to be observed in the name of scientific interest before being lost in the archives or frozen deep below in stasis for gruesome examination. It was not until the Tenno arrived and showed themselves as beacons of hope to the system that the Son thought back to those bygone days, and, with those scattered memories came remembrance of those lasting creations. Unable to recall the original purpose of these entities, the Son has begun “clearing house” of his oldest work, to make room for the future, and what better way to do so then to grant them to his liberators as “custom made weapons, to celebrate their victory”?

AT LAST, I get to come up for air with a new piece once more! My sincerest apologies folks! How I wish I could maintain output like I once did in the days of yore, but, job focus intrudes upon my "job" focus! Still, for the 2.5 people who still page through my work, please, enjoy! I was tempted to add this to me old enemy weapon's project, but, the inhabitants of that section are just mods to pre-existing weapons to function like their enemy counterparts, so, the Osteolyst didn't quite fit the mold. Sure, MAYBE as a reskin for the Cerata, but, I think the bonuses added with such a change might be a weeeeee bit to. . .drastic, to say the least.

Anywho, you don't know how happy I am to finally bring a new piece before your eyes folks, and with more to come! Very happy that, rather then the well being dry, its just harder to get the bucket down to the bottom of the well to fill before pulling back up!

Edited by Unus
Completed circa 9/2/2021 at 21:56.
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