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Lumped Together Mosh-Pit of Ideas I've had for too Long


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Allo there most venerable capti. . . capitivateing! I was gonna say captivating audience! Anyway, just wanna drop in and let folks know I might be entering a period of consolidation of unfinished concepts rather then further expansion. Sure, constant expansion might be what most (or at least, those in the corporate world) consider good, but if I leave a trail of "broken" concepts in my wake, am I not emulating cancer?



Backbreaking Addendum= Annnnnddd I lied, the dark gods of the feedback pile have blessed me with a concept! Apologies, but, hey, at least it's just the one. . . I hope.

Edited by Unus
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3 hours ago, Unus said:

Allo there most venerable capti. . . capitivateing! I was gonna say captivating audience! Anyway, just wanna drop in and let folks know I might be entering a period of consolidation of unfinished concepts rather then further expansion. Sure, constant expansion might be what most (or at least, those in the corporate world) consider good, but if I leave a trail of "broken" concepts in my wake, am I not emulating cancer?




I'm not complaining. Your ideas are fantastic, and more detail can only help. c:

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Dem it, lost it once.          Post 150

(Conceived circa 12/10/2016 at 22:36 (roughly) from the loosed spitballs of this piece of thread.)

Hmmmm, seems there are some folks who want slightly more science-fiction stirred into their buckshot-brew eh? Let's see if I can scratch that old itch then.

(Notice, prepare thine ani for the APEX in convolution young and old readers alike!)


Designation: Sikhan

Weapon Designation: Shotgun

Manufacturer: THE Board of Directors, Industrial Division. Finished products can be found anywhere a "Forge-Post" can be found, but all tools MUST be returned upon the post's conversion into the appropriate facility on the threat of contributory erasure (essentially, your bloodline up to three jumps forward or back is terminated or exiled to a "risk zone"). The blueprints can only be found in the offices of the board of directors and even then, only by passing 3 paternally-synchronized gene-locks set for two sets of directors per lock. Only high profiticians can touch (much less comprehend) the controls needed to attune each lock to each set of directors.

Statistical Breakdown:

Projectile= "Hit-Scan" (Duh)

Damage= 70 Puncture and 70 Heat per beam.

Pellet= 1-10 (charge dependent)

Accuracy= 18.2 (Built for close range discharge onto a metal ridden assembly belt. Accuracy at further distances complicated due to dissipation, bloom, and mediocre lens quality.) 

Beam Range= 30 Meters

Cyclic Rate-of-Fire= 4.67 if one wishes to constantly pull the trigger, subtract a 1.0 to charge two extra diodes. At -4.5, all 10 diodes are active and ready for assembly belt discharge at 5 ammo consumed (each diode, from left to right, top to bottom, discharges a quick beam in succession). At -5.5 seconds, assembly-line mode changes to heavy machining mode consumeing 10 ammo (all diodes fire a beam at once)

Critical Chance= 7.5%

Critical Damage= 2.0X

"P.R.O.C." Chance= 2.5% (The bare minimum safety threshold for this civilian qualified industrial tool.)

Magazine= 10 charge battery pack.

Reload Speed= 2.1 (press safety cut-off switch (the "iron sights" on the top of the frontal diode bank), turn securing bolts on both sides, pull back bolts, swing forward diode bank downwards, pop back battery out of back bank slot, click new battery into place, push diode bank up and into place, push securing bolts in, twist into "secure" position, press cut-off switch, assume firing stance.)

Trigger= Semi-Auto/Charge Hybrid

Mastery Rank Qualification= 5

Polarity= None

Special Trait(s)= 

Variable Discharge Pattern 

(See Explanation Section on Fire-Rate area)

((As an added trait, semi-auto fire only fires out of the far-left upper diode, meaning one might need to adjust their aim to account for the lopsided fireing pattern.))


   Largely built to it's specific role, the Sikhan is neither pretty nore slim. The vast majority of the barrel consists of nothing more then a massive box, replete with a bank slight indent at the front where there are a set of deep-orange tipped diodes in two neat rows arranged on top of each other in stacks with a small amount of space in between them. Said boxy barrel is hinged in the middle to ease user access to the battery attached immediately behind the bank, held togethor to the midsection and butt-stock by a pair of easy to manipulate safety bolts that exist on either side of the weapon. On the back of the portion that remains attached to the stock when reloading, ten orange-colored (user's choice) light spots exist which remain off most of the time save for the one in the top left. Upon chargeing the weapon, each of the lights will gradually turn on two by two until the last light turns on and the device emits a quick electronic whine.

   If the trigger is held down still the lights will all immediately adopt a shade of bright whiteish blue and a beep will sound off to confirm it is ready for full discharge. On the top of the "diode box" a U-shaped nub exists on the tip of the weapon's "barrel" that allows the user to disengage the batteries' connection from the diode bank in the event of an emergency and for safe access to the battery for recharging. The middle point of the body occurs quite suddenly, a simple stick of rugged tan plastic meant to hold the weight of the mess at the front. The stock is largely skeletal, meant more to act as a means of holding the hulking machine on a tool rack or hook rather then absorb any manner of recoil. The trigger houseing and grip however, are quite elaborate, carefully molded so that it is as hard as possible to drop the device or misfire the device through a "hard pull" beaver-tail trigger housed within a square houseing (again, also useful for hanging it up or carrying it.) and a special pattern along the grip which conforms quite well to the human hand, work gloved or bare.

The bulky portion at the front is of a darker metallic color with golden rims around the "mouth" of the recess the diode bank is in in order to dissipate heat given off with every shot. 

(Design Miscellaneous Addendum= Unique to this weapon is the fact that, while the "lights" color selection affects what it's "Prime" color will be, the "Accents" color choice will define what the color switches to when it enters heavy machining mode.)

Basic Description= 

   All great things made by men have always started with a man or a few men, his/their tools, and an idea. Even in this dark and dismal hyper technological age that man's neptunian Conglomerate finds itself in, this statement remains as true as ever. The future may be largely automated, but, someone must automate the automation, build the thrice-folded  metal houseing, and jump start the power-source required in order  to let the juggernaut of profitable production loose upon the system. The Board knows this better then anyone, and therefore keeps a tight monopoly on any and ALL "foundation tools" required in order to begin a new facility. All Corpussian facilities start as a small 1-5 person (know commonly as "architect-monks for their somber yet fanatical devolution to creation and design) structure known as a Forge-Post. 

   The Forge Post comes stocked with all manner of tools, from blast charges to metal cutters (such as the Sikhan) as well as a kinetic generator, a solar panel array, a nuclear battery and of course, the eponymous macro-forge. These specially programmed nano-factories are purpose-built to take in all manner of raw material (sometimes even dirt, stone, trash, or other forms of undesirable waste) and spit out very blueprint specific pieces of facility material, from liquid cement, to raw acrylic, to solid plate steel. With minor adjustments made to the terrain and/or dispensed building materials, the facility gradually grows through the work of it's laborer or laborers. Eventually, as the facility becomes to large for human labor to be sufficient, the rector-coordinators monitoring progress will unlock the blueprints for transport m.o.a.s and cargo-ospreys, freeing the workers up for continued official expansion and delicate tasks such as wiring. Upon reaching a point that the facility may begin functioning in it's assigned task almost independently, a foremen-abbot is dispatched.

   If the foremen abbot gives the clear ping through the macro-forge after surveying the results (sometimes after a frowned -upon-but-not-taboo period of ritualistic favor-exchanging diverted-attention-palm-greasing, and gift exchangein), EVERY tool is recovered (so sacred are these tools that some searches have gone on for weeks or even years for something as simple as the screw off of a pair of pliers) and  the macro-forge is lifted out of the heart of the new facility by a squadron of large white cargo osprey's, the foremen-abbot onboard giving their "Spiel of Benediction" to the approaching occupiers of the facility. As for the architect-monks, they are returned to the comfortable gilded prison of their monastery-bureaus, held "captive" in the lap of luxury till they are needed for yet another new venture in the name of the Conglomerate. Naturally, there have been incidents where unfiscaly pious heretics have intercepted the the return vessels, spilling the sacred tools into their cargoholds and the blood of foremen-architects alike. There have even been architect monks who have suffered from grievous mental distress, to the point that these individuals become convinced that they must see the world and use their talents elsewhere, sometimes even escaping in the progress. For these hopeless vermin, only death, poverty, and the cold caress of the Void await, be that here now with the barrel of a gun, or in the beyond, where their soul is torn apart and leeched and fought over by the desperate departed. 


   Well, I gotta say, if it doesn't have quality, it certainly has convulsion and comtent, THATS for sure. Now it's time for met go pick-up a recent idea of mine, accidentally jumpstarted by the lovely mind of one of our resident image magicians, Mrs. Marifire. See you soon folks, enjoy. 

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Alright, NOW is the time of consolidation. Before I begin delveing into the Pit's cryptlike depths, I must ask my fellow Pit viewers a question. In the event I appear to be caught up in a storm of physical-reality related activity that drags me away from my cradle of infants, how long will the Pit remain open before it is sealed forever more?

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On 12/15/2016 at 8:17 PM, Unus said:

Alright, NOW is the time of consolidation. Before I begin delveing into the Pit's cryptlike depths, I must ask my fellow Pit viewers a question. In the event I appear to be caught up in a storm of physical-reality related activity that drags me away from my cradle of infants, how long will the Pit remain open before it is sealed forever more?

I believe threads are locked after three months, but it may be a little longer than that. 

3 months is a good estimate which allows you to make even a monthly update post to keep things fresh and alive.

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35 minutes ago, Rhekemi said:

I believe threads are locked after three months, but it may be a little longer than that. 

3 months is a good estimate which allows you to make even a monthly update post to keep things fresh and alive.

PHEW! Thank The Power(s?) that Be! Didn't want to have to start shoveling filler fluff down the barrel of my topic muzzleloader instead of chunky content minie balls. Just gotta mantle over this writers block over on my last chapter of the Sentient Struggle and things should go back to normality. . . relatively.

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You know, I gotta say, I'm quite  stumped when it comes to the  Sentient piece. I got an ending, I got a spectacular series  of events. . . but I can't seem to fill in the hole between now and the next big event! Any writers out there willing and able to collaborate? I'd love to put down some new concepts I have, but, I'm trapped here out of my sheer stubborn desire to complete things.

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                                         Post 155

(Conceived somewhere between December 9th and December 21st 2016, birthed from insights gained through this thread piece.)

Goddem it, I can take no more time in trying to leap over the Sentient writer's block. Gotta single big concept clogging up the mental pipes which is interfereing with overcoming the block which is interfereing with new concept design which is interefereing with new co(head explodes in cloud of puppet stuffing)

  (Ahem), let's move on to bigger and better things, shall we?

Designation: Shoesh

Weapon Designation: Sniper Rifle


Manufacturer: Formerly a Saturnian orbital orokin foundry comandeered during the "Great Consolidation", now, a variety of black market foundries of varying quality and reputation.

Statistical Breakdown

Damage= 13 Impact, 78 Puncture, 65 Slash.

Projectile= "Hit-scan"

Accuracy= 15

Cyclic Rate-of-Fire= 1.5

Critical Chance= 25%

Critical Damage= 2.0X 

"P.R.O.C." Chance= 30%

Magazine= 1 10+1 round opaque rotary magazine (One round always remains In the chamber before reload, ensuring there is no need to pull on a bolt or rack a noisy slide. Magazine extensions result in more and smaller bullets getting added to the rotary magazine as well as causing the catch magazine to extend further down.)

Reload Speed= 1.5 (pull out magazine, remove caseing-catching magazine, replace magazine, replace caseing-catching magazine.)

Trigger= Semi-auto.

Mastery Rank Qualification= 7

Polarity= None

Special Trait(s)= 

   The Death Lock= The first shot after completely emptying the magazine and reloading does 50% damage on headshot, 100% damage on an unalerted target, and 150% damage on a headshot to an unalerted enemy

(Kween-Kin always took care to polish and sharpen the first and very last bullet in every magazine. This round, known as the "Death-Lock" to the Kin, was customized for the sole purpose of killing the enemies' leader on the battlefield. To be "Locked-In" was to have a near-absolute guarantee of death, and to be one of the "Evasive" was to earn the respect of the Kin.)



   The barrel is long and heavily fluted, with an extremely dull brass sheen and a bulging cylindrical barrel tip that turns the loud bang of shots fired into not much more then the quiet crinkling of cloth. The magazine appears at the exact point where the barrel appears out of the gun, an opaque caseing that looks like a cross between a drum magazine and a revolver cylinder. The very dull ceramic white body is largely featureless beyond it's "typical" gun shape, with no real ornamentation upon it. Even the slide is hidden beneath the exterior, no longer needing manual manipulation due to it's unique feed mechanism. Moving back towards the rear of the weapon, a single feature stands out from the ceramic white nothingness. A dull brass magazine is clipped into place over the ejection port, bending out and downwards while staying flush with the body. This "magazine" catches spent bullet casings within it's padded confines, leaveing no spent bullets behind for the enemy to reload into their own killing instruments nore evidence of a killer being in the public's midst. The trigger has no houseing, instead consisting of a pair of hair triggers that sit front-to back all in front of a lumpy grip that very clearly has the outline of a hand molded into it. Putting enough pressure on the first trigger turns off the safety, while compressing both fires a shot. The buttstock consists of a single brass colored butthook, ensureing the user maintains consistently locked on target even in absolute extremes of weather. As stated previously, the top is completely unadorned and precisely weighted so that any added weight to the top will completely unbalance the weapon, the entire gun relying on the need for the user to be  augmented optically.

"Basic" Description= 

   Lethal in the extreme, the Shoesh is a weapon with a pedigree that can be traced back well into the depths of history. In the tumultuous time just after the Orokin fall from grace, dozens of petty dictators, people's republics, and nascent corporations rose to fill the massive void left behind. Interestingly, each one soon fell apart almost immediately, their leaders slain and their territories soon trampled under the thousand clomping boots of protogrineer infantry. This led to the rapid expansion of what would soon become the Grineer Empire, it's borders rapidly expanding and it's territories soon swelling with disposable slave labor and battlefield salvage in equal measure. This string of successes have all been traced back to the existance of a single strain of Grineer, forged in a time when Orokin technology was constantly within arm's reach.

   A product of the splicing of the genes of the Emperor's specially bred concubines with those of their Dax guardsmen, these "Kween's Kin" were incredibly charismatic, staunchly loyal. . . And irrefutably lethal. Sent by the Kweens right into the heart of enemy strongholds, these thorn-covered roses would leverage everything they had to rise in the enemy hierarchy. . . and then wipe it completely off the strategic table. Unfortunately for the Empire (and fortunately for every standard human left in the Sol-Origin system), the wear and tear of time has torn the template genome of the Grineer asunder. The Kween's age of marching super men and strategic infiltration are long gone, replaced only by mindless massed rabble and half-mad one-shot units. Though the "Kween's Kin" are long extinct, their reputation and their weapons (or at least their construction template) remains strong in the minds of man and Grin alike. From time to time, copies of their signature rifles reappear in the underworld as the "weapons of a true assassin". Though of inferior quality to the near-Orokin originals, in the right hands, these copies can paint a canvas of violence not unlike the near flawless "artwork" the Kin made long ago.


PHEW! I'd forgotten how cathartic it felt to build these things! I might possibly be an addict. . . whoops.

Edited by Unus
Yeesh, grammatical train-wreck= detected.
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2:40 A.M. 12/25/2016

   Allo again folks, it'sa me, Unus!

   Just wanted to wish a Happy Holidays, a Merry Christmas, Furaha Kwanza, and Tnl'a Hanukkah to all those folks out there who take the time to read my forum booshet and those that don't as well, may we have a year of success (or at least limited political damage)!


Message for Avid Pit Readers.


In addition to the constant head-banging against the proverbial concrete wall that is the last Sentient story, I will also be going through the process of adding faction symbols to the appropriate weapons and units on the front page so that folks that have a bias to one of the many can sniff out what they wanna look at even more on the fly. Snot much, but, hey, might work, right?


GODDEM Extra box! How do I delete this!?

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Project Complete! Enjoy?. . .
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   You know, the recent Nydus tumult that has occurred and ravaged the forums has got me thinking about something quite important. I might be able to continue conjureing weapons and units for moderately well into the foreseeable future. . . but I have forgotten about you my audience. Sooner or later, I KNOW you will grow tired of my work, that the Pit will someday become an empty room where an "old man" sits rambling to people who aren't even there. Therefore, I have a quick question for those experienced in the matter. If I were to, say, scribble out an attempt at a "Moshpit Display Case" over at the mythical Reddit website, is it true that I would more then likely be digitally massacred on the spot and laughed out of the Redditlands? I've heard folks there can be slightly more. . . bloodthirsty/ sinister then folks around here. It's not that I wish to stop posting here, far FAR from it, I only wish to see fresh opinions and discussions upon my work, rather then wave my soggy alphabetical sketches around in the faces of people who are, at best, blase about my work or, at worst, wish I would finally shut-up and get replaced.


Feel free to answer at your holiday/New Year leisure my Tennoisian associates! This is Unus, pulling back for a nap.


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Some of my thoughts on WF subreddit vs WF forum. Warning, it's a long read.

The subreddit is not the ideal place for:

  • Personal concepts which you want to have a considerable amount of feedback and discussion about.
  • Fan concepts in general (I found two subreddits for WF concepts, one that was really dead, and one that might have promise, but when I spoke to the latter's creator, he said it needs content and moderators to help it flourish. People to build the site and know CSS).

The upvote and downvote system (along with comments) can be incredibly brutal if people just don't get what you're selling, don't like it, or simply disagree with it. Sometimes things get downvoted just to move it off the front page for whatever is considered more meaningful.

In general, even if a topic is really interesting, it can simply disappear from public view due to the influx of new content and never return. Unlike the forum, adding a new post won't bump it. Only upvotes can put it on the front page for more than 24-48 hours.

Concepts with art will always do better than text concepts.

That said, I like the honesty I always get from the subreddit. On the occasion it got brutal, it took getting used to, though.

I would advise against not posting your Mosh Pit showcase to the subreddit.

However, if you've hand-picked a few entries you're showcasing each time (like, say 3-5 weapons a post), edited them wisely to cut make it easier to digest (for the subreddit, I'd advise brief summary, stats, and small bio, then leave a link to the weapon/entry's full bio post on the forum). That way you can occasionally post a few entries as a "showcase" every week, or two weeks, or monthly. 

Another big thing is to follow the reddit rules of etiquette and to interact with other redditors content: don't just post your own.

An example of what I mean is how I post my lore entries to the subreddit (though they're decidedly less wordy than your weapon entries, naturally):



First installment.




Another example would be Ushtar and Nzeru's time in the subreddit. 

Ushtar's journey can be found here:



First installment. (This was instrumental in fixing fundamental issues with Ushtar, then known as Semper Fi.)


Third (This was the first time I had art. Each art post always got more upvotes/stayed on the front page longer than just his concept with my text.)

Fourth (Notice that in all cases, including this one, despite the downvotes, you can still get a decent amount of good feedback if someone is interested.)

Fifth (Art again)

Sixth (Final art post)

Seventh (Yeah, I posted about Ushtar seven times. SEVEN. I'm sure some were just plain sick of seeing it, esp without the art. I don't advise posting reworks of the same concept 7 times to the subreddit, or the forum, mate.)





First installment.






If you decide to go with the subreddit, have a thick skin, differentiate clearly between helpful feedback and bashing (if you get any, cuz you might not), and respond when needed. Try not to use the downvote button just to say "I disagree", or at least I do. I tend to use it if a post is sh** masquerading as feedback or discussion. Otherwise, I prefer to dismantle, challenge, or give rebuttal to posts with my replies.

You don't have to read all that word for word (I sure as hell wouldn't) but it should give you an idea about how I feel about the subreddit and concepts. I post all major concepts there, succeed or fail, because I value the feedback I get even if it's very little. 

I forgot I posted Lopata, too.

I learned to tune out the small number of people who care or the downvotes I get and focus on the feedback. If you can do that without letting negative feedback, downvotes, or concepts that get no shine like this and this, you might be fine. I say that because downvotes and lack of discussion doesn't always mean your idea has no merit. Not at all.

The last thing to keep in mind is timing. The subreddit has a laser-focus on topical issues of the moment, like for weeks it's been Rivens. Now it's the quest, Nidus, etc. But great memes, gifs of doing random things, artwork, and really good suggestions for something tend to show up at all times and gain traction.

Hope this helps.


Edited by Rhekemi
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8 hours ago, Rhekemi said:

Some of my thoughts on WF subreddit vs WF forum. Warning, it's a long read.

The subreddit is not the ideal place for:

  • Personal concepts which you want to have a considerable amount of feedback and discussion about.
  • Fan concepts in general (I found two subreddits for WF concepts, one that was really dead, and one that might have promise, but when I spoke to the latter's creator, he said it needs content and moderators to help it flourish. People to build the site and know CSS).

The upvote and downvote system (along with comments) can be incredibly brutal if people just don't get what you're selling, don't like it, or simply disagree with it. Sometimes things get downvoted just to move it off the front page for whatever is considered more meaningful.

In general, even if a topic is really interesting, it can simply disappear from public view due to the influx of new content and never return. Unlike the forum, adding a new post won't bump it. Only upvotes can put it on the front page for more than 24-48 hours.

Concepts with art will always do better than text concepts.

That said, I like the honesty I always get from the subreddit. On the occasion it got brutal, it took getting used to, though.

I would advise against not posting your Mosh Pit showcase to the subreddit.

However, if you've hand-picked a few entries you're showcasing each time (like, say 3-5 weapons a post), edited them wisely to cut make it easier to digest (for the subreddit, I'd advise brief summary, stats, and small bio, then leave a link to the weapon/entry's full bio post on the forum). That way you can occasionally post a few entries as a "showcase" every week, or two weeks, or monthly. 

Another big thing is to follow the reddit rules of etiquette and to interact with other redditors content: don't just post your own.

An example of what I mean is how I post my lore entries to the subreddit (though they're decidedly less wordy than your weapon entries, naturally):

  Hide contents


First installment.




Another example would be Ushtar and Nzeru's time in the subreddit. 

Ushtar's journey can be found here:

  Hide contents


First installment. (This was instrumental in fixing fundamental issues with Ushtar, then known as Semper Fi.)


Third (This was the first time I had art. Each art post always got more upvotes/stayed on the front page longer than just his concept with my text.)

Fourth (Notice that in all cases, including this one, despite the downvotes, you can still get a decent amount of good feedback if someone is interested.)

Fifth (Art again)

Sixth (Final art post)

Seventh (Yeah, I posted about Ushtar seven times. SEVEN. I'm sure some were just plain sick of seeing it, esp without the art. I don't advise posting reworks of the same concept 7 times to the subreddit, or the forum, mate.)



  Reveal hidden contents


First installment.






If you decide to go with the subreddit, have a thick skin, differentiate clearly between helpful feedback and bashing (if you get any, cuz you might not), and respond when needed. Try not to use the downvote button just to say "I disagree", or at least I do. I tend to use it if a post is sh** masquerading as feedback or discussion. Otherwise, I prefer to dismantle, challenge, or give rebuttal to posts with my replies.

You don't have to read all that word for word (I sure as hell wouldn't) but it should give you an idea about how I feel about the subreddit and concepts. I post all major concepts there, succeed or fail, because I value the feedback I get even if it's very little. 

I forgot I posted Lopata, too.

I learned to tune out the small number of people who care or the downvotes I get and focus on the feedback. If you can do that without letting negative feedback, downvotes, or concepts that get no shine like this and this, you might be fine. I say that because downvotes and lack of discussion doesn't always mean your idea has no merit. Not at all.

The last thing to keep in mind is timing. The subreddit has a laser-focus on topical issues of the moment, like for weeks it's been Rivens. Now it's the quest, Nidus, etc. But great memes, gifs of doing random things, artwork, and really good suggestions for something tend to show up at all times and gain traction.

Hope this helps.


    Geezus! I ask a question and I get the whole manual! Also, oh dawlin! You think it might be to long for me? Bah! The Pit loves long thi. . . ew. 


Ah, the Reddit, she is more popularity dominated, yes? I got ya, that's why the showcase is/was/might mostly consist of those folks who made it into the absolute best pile at the bottom of the Pit's first page. Doesn't change the fact that my work isn't of extremely good quality, it just helps filter the stuff people seem to like.

   You know, with the "bulk" articles existing here, I wouldn't mind doing some nip-tucked bits. Ell, mayhaps I could have links to the Pit entry there for a "for details, see. . ." bit. Although, if things are as you describe, folks may not like that. . .

   Sounds like Mr. Mako's talent will come in handy then! Phew, thank goodness I found him, and you, and Mr. Tncs. A perfect storm a pure luck that is.

    Much applause master tutor and Pit Acquaintance Rhekemi!



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1 hour ago, blazeshadow44 said:

HEHEHE....the description of your zor (post7)....pretty funny about how to be adopted by the queens....

  Yeah, heh, never thought we'd actually get to see the Kweens at that point, musta been the micro-Worm who made the choice. Also, that reminds me! When Rathuum came about, a guy roughly matching his description popped up in that pit a despair, gotta find his name at some point.


Also, SCRAP-SACK! Did I miss out on the vote?

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9 hours ago, Unus said:

  Yeah, heh, never thought we'd actually get to see the Kweens at that point, musta been the micro-Worm who made the choice. Also, that reminds me! When Rathuum came about, a guy roughly matching his description popped up in that pit a despair, gotta find his name at some point.


Also, SCRAP-SACK! Did I miss out on the vote?

for the first round on my concept set?  yes.  Belisama was victorious, her design has already been posted after i finished her.  Up next is another four to bee chosen if you are interested.  

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2 hours ago, blazeshadow44 said:

for the first round on my concept set?  yes.  Belisama was victorious, her design has already been posted after i finished her.  Up next is another four to bee chosen if you are interested.  

Eh, what the hey? Something to do while another idea brews, be it something to defeat the story clog or a new tool for the table.

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1 minute ago, Unus said:

Eh, what the hey? Something to do while another idea brews, be it something to defeat the story clog or a new tool for the table.

just a voting for what i should draw a design for from my concept lists.  almost instantly i was able to draw belisama when people voted on her.  im seeing if it was just a fluke or it was the motivation i needed to draw these awesome machines.  


Another topic, have you drawn some of your weapon concepts, id like to see that freezing hot gunblade and that protogrineer sniper.  they had a good catch to me.

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2 hours ago, blazeshadow44 said:

just a voting for what i should draw a design for from my concept lists.  almost instantly i was able to draw belisama when people voted on her.  im seeing if it was just a fluke or it was the motivation i needed to draw these awesome machines.  


Another topic, have you drawn some of your weapon concepts, id like to see that freezing hot gunblade and that protogrineer sniper.  they had a good catch to me.

      But of course, you scratched my back, only makes sense for you to get a scratch and massage! I'm not the greatest at frame-viewing (my dear sweet lass Feynman has been my first and only foray into the realm of frame molding), but I can give it the figurative and literal college try.



Ah, the first and the last eh? I have the artistic talent of a bonobo with fingerpaint. So far, my dear heroic associate Mr. Mako has been my heroic creator. So powerful has my council of forum advisors, Mako's pen, and my. . . uh, something, we've grown a garden so powerful (some how) that it was noticed on a Prime Time (using one of my concepts that had no art no less). While I love the work Mako has done for me (with no payment beyond fame sadly), I'd love to relieve some of his burden and find others who might wish to do some work.

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Glad it helped, and I should have seen that joke coming.

The subreddit really isn't as scary as it seems, you just need to know what you want out of it, how to navigate and use it properly, and to have a thick skin.

Edited by Rhekemi
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1 hour ago, Rhekemi said:

Glad it helped, and I should have seen that joke coming.

The subreddit really isn't as scary as it seems, you just need to know what you want out of it, how to navigate and use it properly, and to have a thick skin.

  To be honest, I had to double take as I typed it. Remember, anything I type in a social manner is pulled straight from my mental voicebox and slathered directly onto a page. Hard to lie, hard to maintain clarity, but, goddem does it make life simple.


I gotcha, perhaps it was just the responses to your (In a humanly positive way) lecture that had my hackles rise temporarily, thick-skin growth away. 


As A side-side note. Passive Pit viewers! Apologies for the current delay in new and tasugly material for viewing pleasure. Me old thinker is breaking due to fighting the writer's block war and embarking on the new content quest. Rest assured, there wi. . . oh. . . oh my. I believe the inspiration fairy has just sunk it's teeth into me shoulder. . . TO WORK!

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                                         Post 168

(Conceived in finality circa 3:59 A.M. on 12/28/2016)

Shakeing off the euphoria of the revelation that we have now reached 168 pages of relevant posts, time for me to move onto the next weapon. I made the energy conduit critter, Digital crafted the blood gorger, balls back in my court to brew up another member of the drainer series. Onwards!


Designation: Harshkav

Weapon Designation: Pistol.

Manufacturer= Luxor Forge

Statistical Breakdown: 

Damage= The continuous beam does magnetic damage equal to 2% of the target's shield bar over time (and only to the targets shield), storing it away in a charge pack that signals the amount of stored energy via a holographic display bar on it's side. Similarly, the user can reverse the current and charge allied shield batteries, sometimes even over charging them (although the batteries are subject to field bleed of the excess shielding). If the onboard cell has sufficient charge, the right trigger can be held down in order to shunt charge into the frontal projection for offensive purposes, though a simple tap of the right trigger will simply shift it into it's electrical projection fireing mode. "Cold Switched" shots deal a humble 15 Magnetic and 25 Fire. Charged shots increase in damage by 1.5% for every point of shield battery charge put into it.

Projectile Type= Mode 1 Discharge, Mode 2 Projectile.

Accuracy= 100 (Autotargets shielded units if they are within sufficient range and "within" the cross-hairs).

Fire Rate= 7.

Critical Chance= 0.

Critical Damage= 0.

"P.R.O.C." Chance= 19%.

Magazine Size= The user's entire shield bar. "Magazine" wise, if the user exceeds the pre-programmed safety limit of 150 ( can be remodulated to greater limits through capacitor tweakage), the Harshkav will need to dump excess charge through the release of a conductive vapor cloud, createing tiny slow drifting "storm-clouds" of ionized gas that can be a dangerous inhalant.

Reload Speed= If the security limiters are surpassed, the Harshkav requires a full 4.0 seconds for vapor ventilation. Beyond that, the Harshkav will gradually stabilize over time.

Trigger Type= Continuous/Semi-Auto.

Mastery Rank Requisite= 4

Polarity= None

Special Trait(s)= 

   Charge Manipulation= See Damage section.

((Sorry about this next bit, details be details

Appearence= Simplistic, for the most part. A trigger-guarded pistol grip with a rubberized hair-trigger, a well ventilated boxy body with a set of six vertical pill-shaped batteries arranged in a set of 3 on the left and 3 on the right. a larger-then-average battery that is laid out horizontally on the right bottom side with a holographic bar that increases and decreases from the direction of the user outwards. The front has a pair of metallic prongs on the front that switch formats from the standard horizontal "inside one another"  conductor mode and the interlocking X shooting mode. The rubberized grip and trigger are of a burnt orange color, a light teal body-box, stainless steel colored prongs and two sets of stainless steel colored rings around the middle of each of the batteries with a glass section in the middle. A faded pure white Luxor stamp is emblemized on the left side of the big battery and the electrical current arcing inside of the batteries and arcing between the prongs is shield-bar colored. Depending on the settings, the arcs are either extremely "jittery" in shield project/siphon mode or slow and steady in the manner of an individual touching the glass on a plasma orb in shooting mode. At the point where the two arcs intersect an energy colored sphere with a surface like that of the sun forms who's size is dependent on much energy is fed into the offensive mode.

"Basic" Description= On the frenetic and lethal battlefields of the modern era, it is commonly tactically unfeasible to take cover to wait out a void-shield's "stress decompression period". On the other end, it is commonly almost impossible to dislodge a shielded unit from a sufficiently entrenched position. To combat these two problems, Luxor combed the solar system and it's own archives in search of an all inclusive answer to this bi-polar dilemma. Finding none, they "simply" created their own, the Harshkav. The bastard offspring of a shield osprey, a half-finished plasma-pistol protype, and an obscure illegal electrical siphoning tool commonly used on poorer worlds where the divides between rich and poor are almost like comparing epochs in human history, the Harshkav has finally passed the paper-stage. Fickle, complicated, and outright ornery in green-horn hands, the Harshkav truely shines in the hands of those specifically trained in it's use, ensureing a level of exclusivity in it's use. Exclusive that is, if it wasn't for the minuscule memory-stick M.O.A. hanging out of the side of the project leads closed-access terminal, injecting a plethora of cookies and worms into it's knowledge-filled host as it carefully copies everything from the lead's affair with a local bauxite tycoon's wife to the blueprints for Harshkav production in it's entirety.

   PHEW! That one got quite complicated! Thank goodness I finished just before the new western gregorian year's arrival. Prepare for the celebration my fellow Pittians! Er . . . Moshiees?. . . Lumpites? Dem it, gotta thinka something better!



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                                         Post 171

   (Conceived circa December 29th, time unknown. Finalized circa January 1st, 2017 at 1:18.)

A new year, a new post! What has changed?. . .Absolutely nothing.

(This creation brought to you by . . .)

Designation: Markhor

Weapon Designation: Melee Skin, Prova-Type.


Manufacturer= Grinic High-Command, Deimos Tear-Gate.

Statistical Adjustments: 

Elemental Damage switched to = Heat.

Swing Speed= -0.2

"P.R.O.C." Chance= +10%

Synergistic Reaction (Weapon To Sentinal)= Upon achieving a statistical "P.R.O.C.", a Diriga sentinel will immediately fire a shot at the specifically afflicted target that does not factor into it's typical charge-then-fire cycle, allowing one to potentially kill two separate targets or even fire a shot one after the other.

Synergistic Reaction (Sentinal to Weapon)= For every target killed by the triggered extra shot from a Diriga, the sentinel will proceed to beam auxiliary power into the Markhor's electrical pre-igniter tip via microwave transmission, increaseing it's damage by 2% and it's "P.R.O.C" chance by 2%. The maximum amount of excess power the Diriga can beam before further chargeing would compromise it's effectiveness is 20%.


Appearence= Simply put, the Markhor's appearence does not deviate very far from it's parent weapon, having been back-engineered from the earlier versions of what would become the Prova ((It's basically that exact skin)). The only true variations in it's design are it's grinic-issue paint-scheme of green and orange, it's rather burnt and worn body patterning, and (the greatest deviation of all) the addition of a "boweled-out" cap piece to the top of the implement that bears a lovely constantly burning reddish white magnesium flare, looking for all the world like some manner of futuristic primitive torch. The flame goes out when stowed, flickers like a candle when equipped, and blazes into it's full glory when charged.


"Flavor" Injection= 

   In a civilization where at least 85% of it's technology base is completely dedicated to keeping it's component citizenry alive (or a semblance there of), the Grinic military has had to come up with some creative alternatives to answers to problems that human nations solve utilizing robotics, and hyper-advanced computers. An excellent example of this is the rather simple Markhor target-painting tool. Rather then spend precious and unknown amounts of  time coming up with a complicated space-to-surface guidance system or special atmospheric entry-survivable marking mixture, high command simply equips the eldest Grineer available with camouflage and a Markhor, and either drops it unseen but a fair distance from enemy lines or deploys it amidst a "suicide barrage" of boarding shells to mask it's approach. Leveraging all it's years of experience,  the Markhor wielder will worm it's way through enemy lines  until it finds an open-air weak point or it has sufficiently degraded. Then, it will either smear the flare onto the target or simply light itself aflame.

   This signals a target for pinpoint orbital bombardment and ensures a steady deluge of overlapping strikes that tend to leave a crater deep enough to reach hundreds of feet underground. Through this method, the elder soldier is spared the agony  of ending it's days convulsing in a bed as it's organs are removed and repurposed and an important technological niche is filled utilizing pure manpower. Naturally, black market models have significantly tuned-down heating modules to prevent the acquisition of "unwanted attention", built more for the burn then the need to be noticed. Tenno who acquire one of these models are capable of tuneing it to interface with the targeting of specific models of sentinel who's origins are from the asteroids on the fringe of Grinic space, their proximity to the Grineer's technology affecting their "diets" and physical consistency.


   Phew! A blast from the past shot straight to the future! Was it worth it? Time to find out.


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9 hours ago, Unus said:

                                         Post 171

   (Conceived circa December 29th, time unknown. Finalized circa January 1st, 2017 at 1:18.)

A new year, a new post! What has changed?. . .Absolutely nothing.

(This creation brought to you by . . .)

Designation: Markhor

Weapon Designation: Melee Skin, Prova-Type.


I like that one. However, it might get under some people's skin due to its innate fashion frame effects. I like it a lot though, specially its lore use. However, wouldn't it be simple to simply use a sniper capable of painting those targets?

Additionally, why is it a prova skin, if its a grineer only weapon? Or its because the machete is no longer available?

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7 hours ago, tnccs215 said:

I like that one. However, it might get under some people's skin due to its innate fashion frame effects. I like it a lot though, specially its lore use. However, wouldn't it be simple to simply use a sniper capable of painting those targets?

Additionally, why is it a prova skin, if its a grineer only weapon? Or its because the machete is no longer available?

   Ah, dem it, I forgot about the existance of "Fashion Frame" bias. Although, I haven't heard folks say much about the Brokk hammer interfering with their style. 

Ah, but, you see, a sniper can miss. Plus, it would take time and effort to construct a specific bullet type to leave the residue and would also neglect the issue of the Grineer's riseing "veteran" population. 

As for why I selected the Prova? Well, the main reason was that I read Mr. Rhekemi's topic, saw a picture of the old Prova skin recently and then saw a picture of a caveman holding a torch. Through sorcery, luck, and pure booshet, this some how coalesced into a scrap-Prova torch. To conjure an explanation up on the spot, the Grineer are extremely effective at the gradual back-engineering of weaponry, it's in their blood. The fact that the Prova was wielded in the manner of their machete was just iceing on the cake for integrating it's use.

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