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Lumped Together Mosh-Pit of Ideas I've had for too Long


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Alright folks, progress continues! Today's additions are.


A very special form of Conclave ""vehicular"" combat dubbed "The Mariner's Dispute".


A rare ancient breed of aquatic M.O.A. That can be found throughout Barboga in flocks.


Not much JUST yet, but, I feel these add-ones were quite good, at least the arena Battle one at any rate.

Lemme know how it looks!


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A bit of a push, a few buttons fiddled with annnndddd. . .THERE, the layout for Restless Depths appears to have become FAR more readable then the mess it once was, fingers crossed and wood knocked upon accordingly.

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  • 2 weeks later...

HOOOOOOBOY FOLKS! My apologies for a lack of updates for the Pit lately. Was in the midst of a Cetusian sniper-rifle project when suddenly a rabid paperwork monster jumped upon me and started manhandling me accordingly. Its gonna take some time folks, but, rest assured, the paperwork should be completed by next week and I should be able to polish of the Horizon quite easily. 


In addition, been grappling with an idea for the "Restless Depths" section about whether or not I should leave the crews in "The Mariner's Dispute" as generic every-men and the same model ships or if I should designate specific factions one could join to compete alongside with specific modus operandis, vessels, and crew for specific play-styles. Might flip a coin.


Thats all for now folks, figure I should explain why there is such a gap between updates.

See ya in the future folks.


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  • 2 weeks later...

                                  Post 272

(Conceived Circa 7/26/2017 at 16:37)

A few salient points were brought up in a thread that set me mind a churning a bit further then the current Restless Depths mega-project. A bit of a something something to appease the sniper hunger that seems to be rumbling in the guts of the many Eidolon seekers on the forums.

Designation: Horizon 

Weapon Designation: Sniper Rifle


Manufactuer: Various, but always with Hok's Anvil contracted as the middleman, Cetus Colony, Earth.

Statistical Breakdown:

Projectile= Projectile (Salvaged Oro-Beetle, Rocket Assisted)

Damage= 460 Impact, 100 Puncture.

Accuracy= 100 (Till dropoff at around 

Cyclic Rate-of-Fire= 2.5

Critical Chance= 20%

Critical Damage= 2.0X 

"P.R.O.C." Chance= 30%.

Magazine= 4 Round tube (tube extends forward in accordance with magazine upgrades)

Reload Speed= 2.5 per round, no "slam-fire" capability (Pull back straight-pull bolt on right side of tube till click, place each round into loading tube, push bolt handle/button in to release bolt, assume firing stance.)

Trigger= Semi-Auto.

Mastery Rank Requisite= 8

Polarity= Madurai

Zoom Multipliers= 4X, 8X, 13X.

Zoom Boni= + 20% projectile speed, + 40% projectile speed, + 60% projectile speed.

Special Trait(s):

   Difficult to Trace Report=

From the gun's barrel to around 30 meters from the user, the projectile is silent save for a slight whistle in the air as it travels. After 30 feet however, the microthrusters flare up and accelerate the beetle with a thunder clap, drawing enemy attention to the area of the round, but not to the user themself.

   Kinetic Ram=

The thruster's activation sends an electric jolt through the oro-beetle, causing it to immediately start off it's engineered natural instinct to project a powerful force-field around itself. The field widens and picks up debris as it travels, slamming into targets along the beetle's flight-path before it is either obliterated on impact with a target or surface (and sending the target flying back with force ranging from a car accident to a plane crash at full thrust) or literally burning out from overexertion without any other beetles to regulate the field.


     Immersed in the aesthetic of the local Ostron people, the Horizon is a complex weapon of devastating purpose. Never meant to be taken from it's sentry-post and wielded in the field, the Horizon has a length that skirts the very edge of what Tenno can wield, with the stock shortened just so it can be  braced against the shoulder while the barrel remains long and and protruding. The field models are made with composite materials (mostly fish and crustacean derived plastics and polymers) in comparison to the purely metal ones stationed within Cetus' fortifications, cutting down on the weight to the best of the crafter's ability. The barrel is a blue-to-cyan metallic color and is pipe-like in appearance, with a long chunk of Orokin building material that has been roughly shaped into a tube running from barrel opening (and potentially beyond) to the gun's midsection under-slung beneath. This under tube acts as a sort of magazine for the oro beetles, lulling them into the assumption that they are within the confines of an Orokin structure's fleshy mass, causing them to go dormant.

      Cycling the bolt into place however, lifts the beetle up into the actual barrel, where a "launch rail" of sorts exists. The butt-stock that sticks out from directly behind the barrel's beginning is a blue/cyan metallic rectangle with a shoulder pad on the rear and a "grate" of sorts in the middle. Beyond the grate's bars is an electrically powered piston that, upon pulling the trigger, pushes the oro-beetle out of the barrel at high speed with no-easy-to discern muzzle-report and nothing required beyond keeping the piston powered. Accessing the piston's power supply is as easy as pulling the pad off and switching the cells, something that is rarely ever done in the field due to the longevity of the batteries. The scope on the top is simple enough, a telescopic piece made from a hollowed out drone's head with a hinged protective cap at both the front and back sections and a rough ring around both gold tinted lenses (the energy color of the weapon) with which a user can adjust scope magnification. The trigger towards the rear of the gun is thick and spurlike, more resembling an angled light switch then anything firearm-related.


The beetles themselves have a tan gourd-style body with 6 spindly legs emerging from the top, just below a circular set of four bird-beak like chelicerae and two sets of large multifaceted amber eyes. Their backs are covered in slowly pulsing yellow circuitry patterns and, in the case of the ones utilized for the Horizon, have a tiny set of thrusters on either side of the body attached via adhesive glue. In their dormant appearance, the eyes on the beetles dim and their six legs hold tightly to themselves, wrapping around their bodies towards their opposite respective ends.


"Basic" Description=

Without steady access to more common materials that, for the rest of the codependent Sol system are highly expendable such as metals for bullets and basic electronic components, the inhabitants of Cetus are forced to carefully utilize every resource available to them down to the very waste (organic or otherwise) they produce. While this has led to a dearth of ballistic weaponry among the Ostrons, those that do exist are built to last and usually function under unorthodox systems such as air, steam, or mechanical systems. In the case of the Horizon pintle-gun, a pair of fallen Orokin drones and a section of the tower itself have been mated to a long length of polymer piping and a piston assembly to create a "firearm" in the loosest definition of the term. While the common guard-tower pintle-mounted models usually fire polish stones to devastating effect, a more exotic ammunition is utilized during times of significant threat via en-masse invasion (and by the "scaled-to" models sold to the Tenno). Deep within the fleshy confines of the tower's organic internal structure, a strange "breed" of synthetic lifeform grows and thrives. These tiny largely sedentary defense organisms, when threatened with significant kinetic force, will deploy an expanding kinetic field of unknown composition that violently knocks away the threat.

  Multiple groups of these living machines, dubbed "oro-beetles" by the local Ostrons, are capable of networking together to form such powerful fields as to be able to knock full sized aircraft away from the Tower walls with sufficient velocity as to cause such craft to become helpless projectiles, making them extremely dangerous for the "cutters" in the local harvesting industry. Once removed from the pasty nutrient rich flesh of the wall however, the entities go inert until they are returned to the flesh again or struck with sufficient force to cause a reaction. With so many oro-beetles showing up in waste piles from harvests and presenting a potential hazard for the unacquainted, many attempts were made at potentially finding a use for them, ranging from the disastrously faulty "beetle suit" to the self-defeating "beetle-hammer". In the end,  it was decided that the small insectile organisms would be best used as ammunition, as the entities' deadly natures could be put to use at extreme distances, their expanding fields ravaging infantry columns like wrecking balls before the stress of flight and discharging alone literally burns them out from within. Because of the size and weight of the launchers used to safely discharge them, the Ostrons only ever really kept and maintained the tower-mounted models until the exotic tastes and innovative thoughts of their new Tenno neighbors arrived on heir collective doorstep materials in hand.



PHEW folks! Thank the powers that I FINALLY got a chance to finish this project! The backlog has been killing me lately and I'd love to finally go whole hog on the new designs. For some reason, my thoughts have been filled with shotguns lately. . . you think the massively long Horizon project has made me traumatized?




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Completed circa 8/13/2017 at 3:16.
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Howdy folks, in the interim between now and my upcoming Corpus Quick-Draw Shotgun, its time for an update!


First off, Thanks to one of my elder associates, Mr. Tnccs215, I've embarked on a front page condensing project to help folks navigate the glossary WITHOUT feeling like taking their eyes out with a spoon. Should make things a bit more welcoming then the modern word-columns.


Secondly, a new piece of artistry has arrived, but this time, not from the desk of the well-entrenched Mr. EternalDrkMako. Instead, as a part of my reaching out to the artists of the community, I have petitioned (and actually found through some unknown miracle) another who was willing by the name of Sketch065. BEHOLD! Dem Ful's Krancor prototype recovered just after a horrendous meltdown. Take note of the features that made it onto the modern version, such as the blinker light and the bolts holding this jalop. .. I mean, advanced weapon of redoubtable defensive prowess together. 


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Ding, Turkeys (Updates) Done!
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                               Post 274

(Conceived Circa 8/1?/2017 at ??:??) 

Do Corpus even have "redneck" equivilants? Dunno, but I know there's a market for nearly anything and that, with a system-spanning civilization, that the market would be even more expansive and varied. Moving on.

Designation: Arc Carbine

Weapon Designation: Shotgun


Manufacturer: Damaged A.I., Luxor Forge, Polar Satellite Complex 8, Mars.

Statistical Breakdown:

Projectile= "Hit-Scan" (Lightning bolts and beam bank)

Damage= 100 Heat circle-beam and 15 Electric per bolt (naturally four)

Accuracy= 12.5 for the bolts and 100 for the beam-pulse ring.

Range= 35 for the arcs, 30 for the beam.

Cyclic Rate-of-Fire= 4.00

Critical Chance= 5%

Critical Damage= 1.5X

"P.R.O.C." Chance= 17.5%

Magazine= 6 charge triangular cell.

Reload-speed=   (Place four fingers on cell and press down to depress safety holder, slide cell towards the rear of the gun till cell is completely off rail, remove old cell, directly insert new cell into empty space, push cell in till click is heard and side tube fills with arcing electricity. Assume firing stance.)

Trigger= Semi-Auto.

Mastery Rank Requisite= 1

Polarity= None

Special Trait(s): 

Forced Separation=

Due to purposeful discharge constraints installed on the onboard emission equipment, the heat beam and the lightening electricity elements will never combine with each other no matter what modifications are applied. For the other elements however, those placed in the top row affect the heat beam while those in the bottom row effect the lighting emitters.

Engineered Instability= 

Whenever a target that is fulgurating is struck with the thermal beam or an enflamed target is struck by a bolt, the fire is explosively ionized into a plasma, triggering an explosive "P.R.O.C." and instantly applying the other effect to the target. This effect only functions if the baseline elements are left untouched.

Efficient Build=

Thanks to the sheer amount of user-friendly features applied to the gun, users utilizing the Arc Carbine can expect a 30% increase in drawspeed when switching to and from it  and a 15% increase in aim speed when wielding it.


Small and compact with a variety of ergonomic features. Stockless and short-"barreled", the Arc Carbine only just barely stands above pistol size when compared amongst the various other weapons in existence. The nearly blue black grip is fully apart of the weapons entire body, from the textured hand-hold just before the "barrel" in the front all the way down to the faux-butt-stock that caps off the back end. A thumb-hole is present in this mold, allowing for a more natural feeling aiming style. The body is all a single full injection mold piece with a dark sea foam blue on a subtle slightly paler sea foam blue  blotchy color pattern and no moving parts whatsoever.

   The right bottom side side of the weapon has it's internals opened up to the world, revealing a solid pale pinkish-white plastic cross-section with a set of quite small grayish nubs "battery nubs" at it's center. This is where the triangular wedge-shaped cell is plugged into place, "completing" the weapon and making it fully functional. The cell is much more adorned then the weapon itself, with a long arc lamp projecting a thin strip of purple electricity between two metal prongs on the side that faces outward. The ""barrel"" is a satellite dish style emitter with a ring of purple crystalline "lensing" around the edges and 4 electrodes arranged in a diamond shape. The emitted beam is solid in appearance, while the electrical arcs appear as, well, electrical arcs.

"Basic" Description: 

   Between the vast war with the Grineer, the myriad Infestation outbreaks, and the sheer size of the corporations involved, it is no surprise that accidents have a tendency to occur in great numbers. But, sometimes, accidents can lead to opportunity, and every salary-man worth his occupation knows to leap upon opportunity the moment it peeps out from hiding. Such was the case of Luxor in one of it's satellite facilities on the arid snowy lands of polar Mars. Having been strafed by Grineer attack ships but surviving seemingly unscathed, the automated facility was allowed to resume production the very moment there was a break in the action. 24 hours later however, a significant discovery was made.

  Apparently, in the attack, the system A.I. for the facilities' memory core had been fried in some areas from the stress, leading to a loss of certain important data points from the construction profiles of certain products. To compensate, the a.i. simply filled in the holes with similarly shaped data from other damaged products, leading to dozens of manufacturing crates filled with such odd designs as "Table Chairs", "Ziplock Clothing", and "Osprey-M.O.A.s". With to much material on hand by the time that the errors were discovered on the first shipments back from the facility, Luxor did the one thing it knew how to do best. . . sell.

Ultimately, few times of the "Hyproject Limited Line" sold well, but, among those that did, one stood out with a surprising number of sales. Utilizing various components of both a commercial industrial arc welder and the military grade flux rifle, the a.i. had assembled a powerful collage, fully capable of a variety of deadly effects when utilized "appropriately". Dubbed the "Arc Carbine" in order to market it's utilitarian design (largely derived from the welder) to a more combat focused audience, the weapon soon proved to have excellent sales potential among the more well-off mercenaries and fringe-dwellers in the Sol-Origin System. Elated at this surprise development, Luxor continuous to attempt to replicate this "adaptive synthesis" effect in other production lines, breaking some areas of a unit's software while keeping others intact in the hopes of gaining yet another example of "mechanized creativity". Till then, the broken machine continues to churn out the few successes to be found in it's oddball product line, oblivious to the constant tampering and tinkering with it's synthetic brain as it trudges ever onward to meet set quotas of things few men have ever thought of.


GOOD GOD folks! I've been out of the loop for so long, the Pits nearly succumb to archiving! I have GOT to get back into production, STAT, been to much of a lazy putz lately!

Edited by Unus
Completed circa 8/21/2017 at 3:32.
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PHEW folks, sorry that not much has been occurring lately. Been a bit on the sick side of things, been trying to work with other people on their own equipment and be less of a self-centered sleaze,  and i'll be jumping back into my job tomorrow for the next several months, so things have been hectic.

Rest assured, the Obar shotgun will be coming quite soon, with the Corpus automatic gyro-rocket launcher coming in after it, just gotta get a grasp on things again.

As for what i've been working on to improve with a fellow, heres his own design right here, Numo the army of one, a sort of "Specter-Commander" of the non-Shepard variety.


Thats all for now, just wanted to let you folks know the ship hasn't sunk JUST yet, still got a few bilge pumps goin at it!

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Dannnngggg folks, what a busy whirlwind of madness I've been thrown into lately. Apologies for the last people on Earth who still bother reading my work here, still have up-and-coming projects i'm working on. On the Bright Side? Got a content update of a slightly different kind today for ya chaps and chappettes, a piece of concept art for my dear sweet Feynman, from the writing desk of a newer member of our artistic community, Mr. Lay-Z (Alternative name= BURNINGTITANIUM226)  and his" Lay-Z Art's Concept Art, Fan Art and stuffs ". Enjoy!

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                                   Post 277

(Conceived circa 8/1?/2017 at ??:??)

Borrowed a few tiny pieces of this pretty little number's mechanic from an ancient game, but the rest is all my own thoughts. Thank the powers that be that I've never done outright plagiarism here in the Pit, be a disgusting way to keep the old gal kicking.

Designation: Obar

Weapon Designation: Shotgun


Manufacturer: Unknown. Multiple engineers have stepped forward to claim ownership and the typical method of establishing ownership (forcing the claimant to build the weapon under observation under penalty of death) has resulted in multiple successful victors. By making it so easy to build, the original creator has effectively locked them-self out of history.

Statistical Breakdown:

Projectile= Hit-Scan.

Damage= 16 Impact, 16 Puncture, and 16 Slash (480 full damage, 960 overload damage.)

Pellet Count= 10 (20 when overloaded).

Accuracy= 5.0

Cyclic Rate-Of-Fire= 2.5

Critical Chance= 15% 

Critical Damage= 2.0X

"P.R.O.C." Chance= 10%

Magazine= Four-chambered integrated cylinder.

Reload Speed= 2.0 per round (Shift side grip-lever back in pumping motion to eject spent shells from back-bottom-mounted shell-catch trapdoor, firmly grip grip in order to depress "bike-brake" handle and pull down to reveal chamber, place round into chamber, manually revolve cylinder to next empty chamber, repeat until full, firmly grip grip and pull upwards back into place, assume firing stance.)

Trigger= Semi-Auto.

Mastery Rank Requisite= 4

Polarity= None.

Special Trait(s):


Thanks to the large size of the rotary case's chambers and the uniquely shaped shells used by the Obar, the user can "overload" a chamber by placing a second shell atop the waiting first, effectively doubling the pellet amount for the shot at the cost of recoil and a 15% chance to deliver a self-inflicted knockdown. Additional magazine augmentations increase both pellet count and the chance for knockdown when utilizing the overload function.


Rounded and bulbous like most of the Grineer arsenal, the Obar's main body basically amounts to a metallic pan shape merged with a large wedge that goes from the beginning of the butt-stock all the way up to the front of the gun. The   "Pan" shape cuts off quite suddenly at the front, leaving the modestly sized cigar-shaped tube of a barrel jutting out into space. On the left "edge" of the pan, the horizontal grip of the weapon resides in a recessed groove that goes about halfway along the body, with a branching offshoot that comfortably sits just behind the grip portion which is articulated in the manner of a bike-break. Squeezing this together with the grip allows the lever to pull down, unsheathing the cylinder's protective case and revealing the cylinder to be fed by the wielder manually. Without "full-grasping" the grip, the grip can be pulled backwards with enough force to "rack" it, opening the central shell trapdoor and dumping it's shell contents below during a reload. The butt-stock resembles a human femur bone of sorts, two skeletal metal rods that end at a butt-pad seemingly made up of a tan-white spongy material, something like impact foam or ceiling insulation with bits missing here and there.

Two long sections of piping begin just before the butt-stock and run parallel along the top until they sink into either side of the barrel, reinforced along the way with direct connections to to the body at key reinforcement points. The trigger grip consists of several injection molded circles all connected together by distinct wrinkles between them before finally hitting the chassis. Atop the pipes, a set of karak iron-spike sights sits with small pale-orange glow dots on the sides facing the wielder. The trigger housing looks exceedingly like the karak's own trigger grip, while the trigger is of the beaver tail type with three holes interspersed along the inside going vertical. Overall, aside from the stock's unique coloration, the weapon is completely colored and patterned in the manner of Frontier lancer armor, brown serpentine patterns across an algae green background.

"Basic" Description:

Looking to merge quality with the quantity that currently dominates Grineer ranks, the Obar was seemingly created in order to allow for the average Grineer soldier to actually be able to take on far deadlier opponents without requiring specialized ordnance, ammunition, or additional weapons. By utilizing an electric sparker instead of a firing pin and by shaping the shells so that they can effectively stack together on each other, a soldier can effectively put forth the same amount of firepower as two soldiers with the right positioning with absolutely no extra training required.

The catch, that of horrendous recoil, was completely ignored, simply shifting the user base away from male-templated infantry to female's, who's near-universal lack of legs requires them to equip shock-absorbing prosthetic legs. With a few adjustments to the fibers used in the limbs, felt recoil can be rendered minute enough for easy use. Unfortunately, despite all the benefits the weapon provides, a single seemingly insurmountable roadblock has occurred, that of ownership. In the process of making the weapon easy to build and use, the creator left themselves fully exposed to outside claimants. To this day, the "War of Construction" continues, with each survivor building copy after copy as additional claimants join the fray, all fighting to have their specific genetic material upheld as being worthy of being preserved. In this chaos, excess copies continue to go missing little by little, with seedy black marketeers happily adapting the designs to produce and sell whole-cloth to all manner of planetary militia, leaving the bewildered and cumbersome Grineer war machine besieged with it's own weaponry as the war of egos continues to rage into the foreseeable future.


There we are folks! After weeks of work, slacking, sickness, and stress, behold! My newest child of the Pit! It's fascinating how this is the first one in quite a long time that I have been able to completely visualize in-game use of and all of it's varied mechanisms and mechanics. Sound like a keeper? Onwards towards whatever the ell arises next!

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Fascinating news first folks! In the process of tallying my Pit votes, I discovered a concept that had been figuratively and literally hidden away. If anyone knows how to fix it (or is at least curious), go have a gander at the Tongue-In-Cheek named but very much mechanically sound Hack and Blunt!


In maintainaince news, I managed to cleanse the front page's featured section of all the uneccessary dates of addition and place them under their own spoiler heading. It should be far easier and less eye-sore developing for you folks out there who don't want  to take the time to go in-depth with my creations and provide votes or critique, but, rather, just wanna see me at my apparent best.


Enjoy more enjoyably folks! Barring sudden inspiration or devastating apocalyptic hurricane force winds sending me off into the stratosphere, next projects should be a niptuck on my dear-sweet Feynman suit to bring her into a more implementable state and a "Beyond the Preliminaries" work period for my Corpus Auto-Rocketeer gun.


Be seeing you folks soon and hopefully not Soon(TM)!

With Moderate Spirits


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/3/2017 at 9:15 PM, Unus said:

Dannnngggg folks, what a busy whirlwind of madness I've been thrown into lately. Apologies for the last people on Earth who still bother reading my work here, still have up-and-coming projects i'm working on. On the Bright Side? Got a content update of a slightly different kind today for ya chaps and chappettes, a piece of concept art for my dear sweet Feynman, from the writing desk of a newer member of our artistic community, Mr. Lay-Z (Alternative name= BURNINGTITANIUM226)  and his" Lay-Z Art's Concept Art, Fan Art and stuffs ". Enjoy!

That's wonderful! Glad to see you still working on your concepts, and gaining more artistic assistance to re-imagine them. :thumbup:

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On 9/16/2017 at 2:49 AM, Rhekemi said:

That's wonderful! Glad to see you still working on your concepts, and gaining more artistic assistance to re-imagine them. :thumbup:

PHEW, took me ages to have the time to finally respond, but, thanks for the happy response! Things have been really slow on the artistic side of things due to a crippling concern of being seen as a parasite, but, the Pit is still going at a snail's pace! Just need a good name for one particular weapon. . . .


Same for you few folks who bother to come back every so often! Rest assured, if it wasn't for my current job-project, I'd be hammering the current difficult-to-describe infested projector immediately, with several dozen developed ideas still down the pipe-line!

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On 9/27/2016 at 2:17 AM, Unus said:

 Hekatom Post

Love it. The B-Wave seems a bit OP and out of place, though. It just doesn't quite fit in with this particular weapon. Perhaps you can repurpose it for another weapon? Up to you, of course.

Your way with words concerning instruments of death, weapons of mayhem, and all things destructive in Warframe is always a good read.

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                               Post 282

(Conceived circa 9/9/2017 at 7:50)

This one came out in its entirety in a few short hours in the morning. Even after all this time, I STILL can't get over just how quick of a shift in focus I can go through and how suddenly a concept can unfold itself. Spend a few weeks on an auto-rocket launcher, have an Infested weapon suddenly unfold itself before your eyes. Heh, let's see where this new-found trail blazes, shall we?


Designation: Kankara (Frisian for "Ice Jaw", part ice joke, part near-biological name of interest.)

Weapon Designation: Sniper Ammo.


Manufacturer: Unknown, although the enigmatic creator of the Somnocyte is continuously fingered, do in no small part to the fact that the weapon began appearing among crates of the handguns only recently. Despite numerous attempts at tracing the route the shipments take across the system, only a handful of shell companies and aliases have been debunked, most of which were centered within the inner system, Leading some to suggest an outer system origin.

Statistical Breakdown: 

Projectile= Bolt (Anti-Thermic Wyrm)

Damage= 45 Impact, 67 Puncture, 273 Cold On Impacted Target. Continuous 15 Cold for those caught in the the "splash zone".

Accuracy= 12.5

Cyclic Rate-of-Fire= 1.00

Critical Chance= 25% 

Critical Damage= 2.0X

"P.R.O.C." Chance= 18%

Magazine= 1 Anti-Thermic Wyrm.

Reload-Speed= 1.3 (Pluck larval wyrm from umbilical branch on top of upper "jaw", shake to stimulate, place in "cradle" of lower jaw, clamp top jaw down onto bottom "jaw" for a few moments until violent venting of vapor ceases, release top "jaw" in order to let it snap back into position, assume firing stance.)

Trigger= Charge

Mastery Rank Requisite= 5

Polarity= None

Special Trait(s): 

Organic Avalanche= 

If the wyrm kills its first target, the target will immediately begin freezing and remain attached to the icy spike that juts from the wyrm's mouth. The spike will either go through the target or simply manifest on the other side of the target's body, increasing damage by 25% as the new misshapen projectile travels. If the next target dies from the shot, the process repeats. On hitting a wall, both body and wyrm alike explode into fragments of ice.

Coolant Spillage= 

If the Wyrm does not kill it's target, it will simply impale the enemy and then immediately begin to compress, leaking a nasty extremely cold vapor cloud that damages those who enter it in a ten meter radius and slows targets down. After 15 seconds, the wyrm's now-tube thin body will flop off the victim and turn to sparkling dust.



A fascinating emulation of technological features using an entirely biological make-up, each Kankara appears to have been deftly and carefully surgically carved from some technoycitic mass. The bottom portion resembles, for all intents and purposes, a reptilian lower jaw, complete with scattered gnarled teeth at haphazard concentrations and types along the rim. The flesh inside is pale-blue and shriveled like that of one suffering pneumonia, yet it still ripples and thrums with life. Instead of saliva, cold steam, like that of dry-ice, wafts upwards from unseen glands over the rims in a chilling white (energy-colored) miasma. A single slightly scaled bony plate on the lower part of the jaw allows for one to hold the weapon, albeit not quite comfortably.

The flesh on either side sags as though constricted by the plate's presence, although it is ""natural"" for it. At the back, a thick column of rippling muscle stands firm, housing a single mass of bone that can stretch back to the point it shows against the skin on the back. The bone is connected to an upper jaw that sits atop the column by a weave of sinew and tendons resembling a net of sorts. When the jaw pulls upward, it pulls the connected bone back to it's maximum "draw strength" and, upon depressing the orange trigger gland down below, the jaw snaps down with significant force, launching it's unique projectile at high speed. On the top jaw, emerging from the "snout" and curving over towards the back, is a tree-branch like horn (or is it a horn-like tree-branch?) where a fleshy pulsing orange mass dangles and twitches. 

This is the "prenatal mass"  from which the weapon's projectile is formed. Plucking it and placing it within the jaw will trigger the start of development, while clamping both jaws together will finish the process, resulting in a nasty looking scaly worm of sorts with three reptilian jaws and a nasty disposition. In a few moments of wriggling, the worm goes stiff, opens it's jaws slightly, and a long and gnarly looking icicle emerges, sparkling with hoarfrost and ready to be driven into the enemies' heart. It needs only to have the orange gland of a trigger, jutting uncomfortably from the rhinoceros foot-like grip, to be depressed to send the "wyrm" spiraling straight and true like a sinuous arrow. Finally, on the front of the large under-jaw, a single node, attached to the jaw directly 

"Basic" Description: 

Another disturbing marvel (if one could call it that) originating  from parts unknown. Wrought by unknown hands for seemingly inscrutable purposes, the Kankara shares little but the crates they arrive in with the Somnocyte pistols that can be found popping up throughout the Sol-Origin System proper. Whereas the Somnocyte appears to have simply been grown to it's template and then harvested at a point of "ripeness", the Kankara appears to be a disturbing medley of parts of dozens of origins surgically grafted together and self-integrated through the nightmare medium that is the Technocyte Plague. Each of these pieces would be a marvel on it's own (tendons twice the strength of spider silk, organic ammunition that remains alive and infected even though it's internal cavity is absolute zero, and a retro viral infection that seems to have destroyed the plague's ability to infect, instead reducing it to be a sort of progenitor cell to name but a few), but together, they form a Bizarre Frankenstein assemblage which, despite it's crude look, can inflict horrendous destruction on the battlefield. Few have ever attempted to utilize it for its seemingly intended purpose, content to sell supplies of it off to researcher groups and institutes to be dissected in order to comprehend the truly bizarre traits of the weapon's parts. In truth, with only the Tenno being willing to openly wield Infested weapons into combat in defiance of seeming common sense and Corpussian Board mandate in equal measure, many of the more financially inhabitants of the system vault at the sheer volume of product the unknown creator pushes out, wrapping them up even further in a shroud of confusion, misdirection, and rumors and leaving the creator of these strange weapons far from the grasp of many.


GOOD GOD folks!

I am SO sorry I've been caught up in the whirlwind lately, this was supposed to have been "published so VERY long ago! I really have to get onto a really nice schedule for this again. Otherwise, who knows how far between concepts the time gap will get!


Rest assured folks, I'm still working the old typewriter-o-concepts, just been really hard to drag my job and distractive leisure ball-and-chains over to the ol writing desk! Here's hoping I can shave one down, get more active again, specially with Eidolon just round the bend!


Sincerely and Eagerly yours

Unus, Workaholic and  Slack-off of Unfathomable Proportions.

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6 hours ago, Unus said:

                               Post 277

(Conceived circa 9/9/2017 at 7:50)

This one came out in its entirety in a few short hours in the morning. Even after all this time, I STILL can't get over just how quick of a shift in focus I can go through and how suddenly a concept can unfold itself. Spend a few weeks on an auto-rocket launcher, have an Infested weapon suddenly unfold itself before your eyes. Heh, let's see where this new-found trail blazes, shall we?


Designation: Kankara (Frisian for "Ice Jaw", part ice joke, part near-biological name of interest.)

Weapon Designation: Sniper Ammo.


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Manufacturer: Unknown, although the enigmatic creator of the Somnocyte is continuously fingered, do in no small part to the fact that the weapon began appearing among crates of the handguns only recently. Despite numerous attempts at tracing the route the shipments take across the system, only a handful of shell companies and aliases have been debunked, most of which were centered within the inner system, Leading some to suggest an outer system origin.

Statistical Breakdown: 

Projectile= Bolt (Anti-Thermic Wyrm)

Damage= 45 Impact, 67 Puncture, 273 Cold On Impacted Target. Continuous 15 Cold for those caught in the the "splash zone".

Accuracy= 12.5

Cyclic Rate-of-Fire= 1.00

Critical Chance= 25% 

Critical Damage= 2.0X

"P.R.O.C." Chance= 18%

Magazine= 1 Anti-Thermic Wyrm.

Reload-Speed= 1.3 (Pluck larval wyrm from umbilical branch on top of upper "jaw", shake to stimulate, place in "cradle" of lower jaw, clamp top jaw down onto bottom "jaw" for a few moments until violent venting of vapor ceases, release top "jaw" in order to let it snap back into position, assume firing stance.)

Trigger= Charge

Mastery Rank Requisite= 5

Polarity= None

Special Trait(s): 

Organic Avalanche= 

If the wyrm kills its first target, the target will immediately begin freezing and remain attached to the icy spike that juts from the wyrm's mouth. The spike will either go through the target or simply manifest on the other side of the target's body, increaseing damage by 25% as the new misshapen projectile travels. If the next target dies from the shot, the process repeats. On hitting a wall, both body and wyrm alike explode into fragments of ice.

Coolant Spillage= 

If the Wyrm does not kill it's target, it will simply impale the enemy and then immediately begin to compress, leaking a nasty extremely cold vapor cloud that damages those who enter it in a ten meter radius and slows targets down. After 15 seconds, the wyrm's now-tube thin body will flop off the victim and turn to sparkling dust.



A fascinating emulation of technological features using an entirely biological make-up, each Kankara appears to have been deftly and carefully surgically carved from some technoycitic mass. The bottom portion resembles, for all intents and purposes, a reptilian lower jaw, complete with scattered gnarled teeth at haphazard concentrations and types along the rim. The flesh inside is pale-blue and shriveled like that of one suffering pneumonia, yet it still ripples and thrums with life. Instead of saliva, cold steam, like that of dry-ice, wafts upwards from unseen glands over the rims in a chilling white (energy-colored) miasma. A single slightly scaled bony plate on the lower part of the jaw allows for one to hold the weapon, albeit not quite comfortably.

The flesh on either side sags as though constricted by the plate's presence, although it is ""natural"" for it. At the back, a thick column of rippleing muscle stands firm, housing a single mass of bone that can stretch back to the point it shows against the skin on the back. The bone is connected to an upper jaw that sits atop the column by a weave of sinew and tendons resembling a net of sorts. When the jaw pulls upward, it pulls the connected bone back to it's maximum "draw strength" and, upon depressing the orange trigger gland down below, the jaw snaps down with significant force, launching it's unique projectile at high speed. On the top jaw, emergeing from the "snout" and curving over towards the back, is a tree-branch like horn (or is it a horn-like tree-branch?) where a fleshy pulsing orange mass dangles and twitches. 

This is the "prenatal mass"  from which the weapon's projectile is formed. Plucking it and placing it within the jaw will trigger the start of development, while clamping both jaws together will finish the process, resulting in a nasty looking scaly worm of sorts with three reptilian jaws and a nasty disposition. In a few moments of wriggling, the worm goes stiff, opens it's jaws slightly, and a long and gnarly looking icicle emerges, sparkling with hoarfrost and ready to be driven into the enemies' heart. It needs only to have the orange gland of a trigger, jutting uncomfortably from the rhinoceros foot-like grip, to be depressed to send the "wyrm" spiraling straight and true like a sinuous arrow. Finally, on the front of the large underjaw, a single node, attached to the jaw directly 

"Basic" Description: 

Another disturbing marvel (if one could call it that) originating  from parts unknown. Wrought by unknown hands for seemingly inscrutable purposes, the Kankara shares little but the crates they arrive in with the Somnocyte pistols that can be found popping up throughout the Sol-Origin System proper. Whereas the Somnocyte appears to have simply been grown to it's template and then harvested at a point of "ripeness", the Kankara appears to be a disturbing medley of parts of dozens of origins surgically grafted together and self-integrated through the nightmare medium that is the Technocyte Plague. Each of these pieces would be a marvel on it's own (tendons twice the strength of spider silk, organic ammunition that remains alive and infected even though it's internal cavity is absolute zero, and a retro viral infection that seems to have destroyed the plague's ability to infect, instead reduceing it to be a sort of progenitor cell to name but a few), but together, they form a Bizarre Frankenstein assemblage which, despite it's crude look, can inflict horrendous destruction on the battlefield. Few have ever attempted to utilize it for its seemingly intended purpose, content to sell supplies of it off to researcher groups and institutes to be dissected in order to comprehend the truely bizarre traits of the weapon's parts. In truth, with only the Tenno being willing to openly wield Infested weapons into combat in defiance of seeming common sense and Corpussian Board mandate in equal measure, many of the more financially inhabitants of the system vault at the sheer volume of product the unknown creator pushes out, wrapping them up even further in a shroud of confusion, misdirection, and rumors and leaving the creator of these strange weapons far from the grasp of many.


GOOD GOD folks!

I am SO sorry I've been caught up in the whirlwind lately, this was supposed to have been "published so VERY long ago! I really have to get onto a really nice schedule for this again. Otherwise, who knows how far between concepts the time gap will get!


Rest assured folks, I'm still working the old typewriter-o-concepts, just been really hard to drag my job and distractive leisure ball-and-chains over to the ol writing desk! Here's hoping I can shave one down, get more active again, specially with Eidolon just round the bend!


Sincerly and Eagerly yours

Unus, Workaholic and  Slack-off of Unfathomable Proportions.

Hoodoo I like this one. Both in terms of design and mechanically. To make a massive ice pick with increasing damage through impalement seems awfully rad, and if not, at least the CC usability. 

Another great concept. 

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11 hours ago, tnccs215 said:

Hoodoo I like this one. Both in terms of design and mechanically. To make a massive ice pick with increasing damage through impalement seems awfully rad, and if not, at least the CC usability. 

Another great concept. 

In all honesty, since it sort of assembled itself overnight, I was actually afraid it was gonna be a bit of a mess. Especially since I had no real parallel to compare it to. The closest I could get in style is something between a crossbow, a slingshot, and some kinda meaty blowgun. Was happy about the mechanics though, figured they might be desirable since single-targeting has been going around the forums .


As an aside, in the process of putting the final finishing touches on it at 2:00 this morning, I had a revelation as to where my unconscious mind might have pulled the aesthetics from!

I wasn't trying at all, but

288384 full

This guy came to mind, Old Earth Stalker.


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10 hours ago, Unus said:

In all honesty, since it sort of assembled itself overnight, I was actually afraid it was gonna be a bit of a mess. Especially since I had no real parallel to compare it to. The closest I could get in style is something between a crossbow, a slingshot, and some kinda meaty blowgun. Was happy about the mechanics though, figured they might be desirable since single-targeting has been going around the forums .


As an aside, in the process of putting the final finishing touches on it at 2:00 this morning, I had a revelation as to where my unconscious mind might have pulled the aesthetics from!

I wasn't trying at all, but

288384 full

This guy came to mind, Old Earth Stalker.


That's a pretty nice aesthethic tbh. 

Though, I'm not sure a vertical jaw is the best choice, in terms of player commodity and form elegance. Maybe 3,one on the bottom and two on each side? 

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On 10/1/2017 at 7:13 AM, tnccs215 said:

That's a pretty nice aesthethic tbh. 

Though, I'm not sure a vertical jaw is the best choice, in terms of player commodity and form elegance. Maybe 3,one on the bottom and two on each side? 

Oh, its not exactly like that fellow, I was merely drawing parallels that unexpectedly led back to him with the ice and and blue-tinged lips and such, both jaws still go horizontal. I assume my appearance sections are still to thick to parse through, eh?. . . .sigh. Really gotta figure out this brevity thing without resorting to art every time.


Oh, and, excellent news ladies and gents! My sincerest apologies for the work related time-gap in my schedule, but, it hasn't all been for nothing. In addition to the slow and steady progress made on my next design, I also have a splendid bit of art from yet another surprisingly willing artist. It isn't an exact replica, but, it certainly captures the gist of what I was aiming for. May I present, the Loxodont Proxy Tank, drawn from a merger between the mind of Mr. Reaar (His own art designs can be observed here) and my own Mastodon Siege Proxy.


Warframe -- Concept: Loxodont by DerTodesbote



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Quick update for the Pit ladies and gents. In the interim of working on paper-work and designing the new claws, I had a MASSIVE revelation that, for some extremely stupid reason , never came to me before. I know not many folks read what I put out, they usually just come to look at the pretty title page or the pictures and leave. While thats okay with me since it shows that theres at least SOMETHING about this place others enjoy, I realize that can also COMPLETELY rob any of the recognition my artistic associates might have received had the viewer read through or past any of my textblocks.

Therefore, from this point onward, at the very top of my front page, the first thing folks will see before the first entry is a listing of ALL contributors and the art they have created for my hole-in-the-ground.


 EternalDrk MakoBURNINGTITANIUM226 Sketch065 Reaar, Be ye past or presently here on the forums, thank you very much for being apart of my Pit Werk. Your contributions have catapulted my gaping void in the digital earth FAR beyond my wildest dreams, so, I figure that this might be the best way for me to compensate you for it as a low wage lab-grunt. I wish you luck on your future designs and hope to see you around for quite some time! 

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                               Post 287

(Conceived Circa 9/1?/2017 at ??:??).

I feel really REALLY excited about this one, a lot of development went into this puppy even when the Kankara was still gestateing, might have been getting just a teensy tiny bit. . . antsy about creating more to share. 15 days of delayed creation tend to do that to me. 


Anyways, ONWARDS to a set of rather exotic killing implement!


Designation: Slosilo ("Of Key Importance" or alternatively "a lock opening device", a name chosen due to reasons in the "Basic" Description and Manufacturer sections.)

Weapon Designation: Melee, Claw-Type.


Manfacturer= Originally Rigel Solutions, a "mercenary" think tank that existed durin the Post-Orokin age that accidentally led to the end of it. Gifted with special dispensation to utilize Orokin crafted artificial elements and technological  ingenuity to solve problems that require a "mortal's mindset", almost all legitimate products of R.S. have been cannibalized, over-utilized, or spent since their accidental self-orchestrated collapse during the Collapse. In the modern age, many a company seeks to emulate many of it's rabidly popular products, though most tend to under-shoot original standards with simplified copies of copies of copies nano-forged on a budget or are merely shell-scams from organizations trying to get ahead in the hierarchy.


Statistical Breakdown:

Damage= 1 Impact, 19 Slash, 20 Toxic.

Slide Attack= 130

Jump Attack= ??? (Unable to decide due to loss of reference wiki material)

Wall Attack= ??? (See Above)

Radius= ??? (See Above)

Swing Speed= 1.15

Critical Chance= 35%

Critical Damage= 2.5X

"P.R.O.C" Chance= 10%

Channeling Damage= 1.5X

Amount of Hittable Targets= 1

Mastery Rank Requisite= 3

Polarity= 1 Madurai

Stance= Madurai

Riven Disposition= •••oo (Guesstimate)

Special Trait(s): 

A Key for Every Lock=

Even with the sub-par materials utilized in it's modern construction, quality models are still able to capture at least a spark of the brilliance that brought it to such renown in it's heyday. +25% Assassination Kill speed standing bonus with an additive 25% for 1 minute for each target killed that is of the same type as the first. Resets to 25% if the next kill is a different unit type. +25% Ground-Finisher speed with same parameters as above.




Subtlety is ingrained into the Slosilo's very being, although it is a kind of subtlety unfit to be utilized among the unwashed masses. Four splendid sapphire (energy colored) cabochons rest upon the top of each hand, each inset in it's own lovely off-white/gilded platform. It would take an extremely keen eye for one to realize that much of the "polished sheen" of the shaped gems is actually self-made, a gaudy outer coating meant to hide the magnetic array, energy cell, and microprocessor that makes the device work. An odd peach-colored tint covers the hands, but, this could easily be mistaken as just a part of the user, gloves, or some manner of farmer's tan. That all changes the instant one swings at a potential target.


Calculating the various variables that go into the swing (user weight, target mass, potential vulnerabilities, swing accuracy), the microprocessor will send a series of commands to the array about the shape, size, and density of the blade required for the job. As soon as the message is sent, the coating on the wielder's hands (a metallic-glass "dust" of sorts with a few heavy metals mixed in) is quickly assembled at the front of the gems and is drawn into the shape of a set of jagged, razor sharp claws that make contact with the target. Between the fact that, rather then a single solid blade piercing the target, the blade is made up of  thousands upon millions of tiny sharp shards itself and the fact it has a high heavy metal content, the target's death should occur quite shortly, if not from the first ragged slash hitting something vital, then by heavy metal poisoning or exsanguination in the aftermath.


Upon the last blow or blows being landed, the blades immediately reintegrate back into their original hand-coating state with such speed that any material clinging to them simply drops off in midair, leaving no visible evidence on the user's own hands.


"Basic" Description= 

In the aftermath of the slaughter of the Orokin and the Tenno's departure from daily life, chaos raged across the colonies. Between the brutal civil wars, the desperate resource raids, and the "miraculous" appearance of a "savior", a "benevolent leader", or a "last royal orokin descendant" every other week, life was a living hell of hardship for the common man. For those companies who had worked with the Orokin closely but indirectly enough that they avoided the vengeful Tenno's gaze? It was a fiscal paradise. Without unyielding masters holding their reins and dictating their every action, these former watchdogs of the empire soon began to tear the now empty homes and businesses of their overlords apart in search of every scrap of knowledge that they had inevitably hidden from them, in some cases while their master's bodies were still warm and their kuva still imprinted. For a time, the myriad companies were content to let the system burn as they consolidated their newfound assets and sieved through mound after mound of blood-stained data.


Eventually however, hungry eyes began to drift over the strife-filled colonies and the opportunities they represented, the first set of which belonged to the C.E.O of the ancient Orokin-supported think tank known as Rigel Solutions. Having been among the first to make a groundbreaking rediscovery in the form of the claytronic material known as morphics and realizing  the potential of a wider, more stabilized market, the C.E.O. began their efforts in the form of diplomatic outreach and infrastructure maintenance support which, to the many beleaguered colonists who had had lived under the Orokin yoke, was a return to safe and quiet norms. Soon, other companies caught on to the strategy. . . and the many pirate confederacies, petty dictators, and oratory demagogues as well, leading to harsh backlash, blockades, and, worst of all, competition. With diplomacy faltering, Rigel simply fell back onto the old ways of subterfuge and assassination, utilizing their monopoly on the claytronic material known as morphics, Rigel began to enthusiastically ship weaponry disguised as consumer products across the Sol-Origin system to revolutionary forces that seemed sympathetic to their corporate cause.

Unfortunately, while this had once worked very well under the protective net of the Orokin's guiding iron fist, things spiraled rapidly out of control when the weaponry leaked beyond the revolutionaries into the system's nascent black market. With none of the protective measures of the modern age, it wasn't long before even the other corporate heads became victims of these hidden weapons, leading to an outbreak of blame among the other corporations as each fought and bickered as they to were silenced. Crippled and terrified, the corporate forces fled in blind panic to the outer reaches of the colonies. . . and a new force moved in to take advantage of the void left behind, known by the name Grineer. 


PHEW! Sweet LORD! All these Goddem workprojects are distracting me from addin to the Pit! That, and, the Internet disconnected thrice while working on this, so some of my best bits may have been lost in the rebuilding process! Regardless, here it is, at last. . . complete. And now? ONWARDS TO THE DEIMOS GRINEER BROTHERS!

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Now, with the recent completion of the Slosilo claws, time for another news piece. First up, judging by the tidal wave of projects that are coming down my pipeline, it looks like it might be a bitta time until the next piece pops up. Sincere apologies my two and 1/3rd viewers, life is being a bit of a Putz.


On much more positive terms for the Pit, Mr. Reaar has suddenly decided to grace us once again with his creative presence, this time in the form of a more obscure unit from the Pit's light-touched upper crust (soil-wise), the Broadside long-range Infested unit.

Quite a surprise for me considering it's lack of attention-votes, but, that quality is fantastic in my book!


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                           Post 289

Ooooooo, this is a big one folks, that bike-ride had me going through the villain's monologue and the visual details the ENTIRE time I was moving! Let's see if it works.

(Conceived circa 10/1?/2017 at ??:?? ?.?., fully gestated 10/16/2017 at 19:39)

Designation: The Deimos Ecumen/  The Starborn Brigade.


First, an Introduction to Deimos in the form of an introduction cinematic.



(Crackling of an old-timey radio being tuned as camera slow moves in on what seems like a giant city in orbit of Mars, suspended inside a shell of what must have been a planetoid)

(Said with gentlemanly eloquence)

"Brothers, sisters, dearly begotten children of the royal gemini, know this, adapt. . . or die."

(Camera jumps ahead to show a sky blotting bustle of ships moving in an endless flow from places all across and within the structure. In the middle, the baleful glow of a voidtear glimmers like a second star from what appears to have been the planetoid's core)

"It is the rule of nature in all things. If the mountains do not bend, then they are ground to dust, if the rivers cease to carve, they stagnate and evaporate, if the beasts of the field do not learn to flee from the flames of a forest fire. . .

(Camera jumps even closer to the rough tinted windows of a certain building on the rocky outside. Inside, the smokeing corpse of a Grineer sits strapped to a table, the shiny prosthetics attached to it barely blackened by their owner's combustion. Above it, a set of mechanized claws poke at it disappointingly ) 

". . . then they burn and blacken like so much kindling."

(Grinnic percussion music starts up as well as a very slow chant)

(The claws dispassionately rip the prosthetics out of the corpse, pick up the now limbless body by one claw around the waist, and hurl the corpse into a nearby open hole that says "grokdrul production" in Grineer.)

(Slowly, the camera pans behind the claws to the darkened windows beyond. Inside, slow camera pan along row after row after row of torsos, alive and breathing, abeing hoisted along a ceiling by circular claws around their waists. Screams can be heard occasionally above the din of heavy machinery, the sounds of drilling, bolting, and stamping being the most prominent.)

"The finance-obsessed teat-sucklers will never understand this the way we understand this, oh children of the gemini. Oh no, they preach that market forces dictate that one should adapt or die, a petty little mantra to lend credence to their faith in their ancestors, long since crumbled to dust."

(The slow pan finally reaches the end of the line where the screams are loudest. There, each torso is laid out on a slab, the "buds" of it's nonexistent limbs are stretched out, and prosthetics are quickly bolted on assembly line style as the torso writhes and screams)

"They will NEVER know what it means to truly adapt or die. . .

(After being slotted together, the groaning Grineer is picked up and slid down a nearby chute. As the camera follows it, other chutes are shown on either side that lead down to furnaces and putrifying vats)

(The Grineer emerges from the chute into the waiting arms of a team of other Grineer, each one looking them over and makeing clinical and mechanical adjustments in equal measure.)

". . . and they will never know what awaits those who embrace adaptation in all things!"

( The Grineer is pulled to it's feet by the team, it stumbles with one member supporting it by the shoulder, it stops by a nearby window and looks out . . . and gapes in slackjawed awe)

(Music crescendos)

(Said in a reverent, almost tearful tone)

"Glory. . ."

(The view outside of the window is of a muster yard that stretches out onto the "horizon". On it, separated only by white chalk lines in the bare rock, billions upon billions of Grineer march in perfect synchronicity under a smog and dust covered sky, with a few minor ripples of imperfect stepping here and there in the mass. At the front, there is a giant stone wall backdropped by a giant  white stamp of the Grineer symbol, with several platforms in the rock where higher Grineer sit and observe the masses. Above each section, a truly massive regulator drone floats, from it's speakers come the marching orders of a recording of the Queens, obeyed without question by those below. On the far wall, an endlessly moving set of modular platforms covered in billions upon billions of various guns move along massive chains that stop and start in jerky motions. The chains lead up to a tall tower and double back around to be filled again.)

"And so you see breth. . ."

(A submarine like klaxon begins wailing.)


(The screen pulls up to the camera of one of the giant regulators, panning in on it and backing out to reveal a grainy film feed on an old Grineer console. A set of clawed mechanical hands, press a large red button on the console and a full wall of cameras is revealed. Amidst a wall of flickering monitors, one claw taps against the glass of one that shows a vent-cover sitting on top of a lancer crushed flat.)

(Said thoughtfully)

"So, they finally show themselves in my own home at last."

(The cameras move along the claw's length to a seeming fish-tank that is inset into the wall.)

"Splendid! I hope the Tenno know the first rule of the Grineer."

(From the dark tank, a pair of red rimmed-glowing eyes open.)

"Adapt. . ."

(Several dozen other sets of eyes open throughout various spots in the tank.)

". . . or die."

(A throaty chuckle with a background of muffled laughter as the title "Warframe: Deimos Tear-Gate" is bolted onto a black background and a mechanical beating heart is plugged into the center of the D in Deimos.)



Crunch Time:

Basically, the Deimos Ecumen would be the full utilization of that entire base you see in the sky of Mars as a 3D fully traversable environment, even if said traversability is only limited to one "arm" and one section of the greater whole at a time. The section is divided into four separate areas, The Shipyards in space, the Crust on the outer surface, the Guts inside the Crust, and finally, The Ecumen on the coreward side.

"Crust-Side" to "Shipyard-Side" travel is nearly seamless via Archwing, and, in some cases, such as the Grineer Hellion and the Dargyn, enemies can actively follow Tenno between transitions.

Getting to the Ecumen side involves either breaking through heavy defensive lines on the Shipyard side's borders or infiltrating it through the dangerous tangle of machinery and waste below the Crust known as the Guts.


Acquireable Resources:

Detonite Ampules From Chem Waste Barrels.


Alloy Plates

Neural Sensors (Only Core-Side Containers, but Grineer Units Everywhere.)



The Crust-Side is mostly smoke-thick polluted regolith with limited visibility and facilities scattered throughout like blisters in the landscape. Massive smokestacks jut from the earth and pump breathable air into the sky, while the waste from the process of creating it as well as the residential and industrial sectors flows from their sides in a congealing corrosive water fall. Mars is barely visible through the choking smog in the sky "above" on the Crust side, as well as occasionally Phobos.


Within the Crust is a labyrinthine mass of tunnels, pipes, wires, cables, and aging machinery all haphazardly laid down on top of one another as needed like ancient rock layers. This area is known as "The Guts", and it's existence is the only thing keeping Deimos from being rendered back into a blasted rock. The "youngest" areas, located just beneath the Crust and the Core, largely consist of "immediate needs" infrastructure. Redundant sewer lines, water piping, air tunnels, and electrical junctions all meet together in a distinctly Grineer fashion, some areas having failed and  been made desolate lying right alongside "thriving" work stations filled with happily toiling Grineer workers with only a wall separating them. Further in, in the ancient areas, lie the remains of Orokin architecture and technology, most of it still functioning despite the passage of the centuries. Here, livable atmosphere is produced, massive gravity generators hum with power, and the "liveliness" of the younger areas is replaced with dread silence and dead stillness. Nothing ever enters willingly to brave what security systems still cling to life, yet, rarely, there are still poor souls who must enter the depths to twist a loose bolt or press a button before being rendered a fine paste.

 On the Core side,  the "sky" above is dominated by the other sections and the searing light of the void portal at the center, burning as bright as, if not brighter then, Sol itself. Sunken into it's Crust like a tumor is the Ecumen itself , a tightly-packed blob of a city-scape sprawling outward, filled with infrastructure and ""civilian" (uninformed or focus built) Grineer going about their endless business of going where one needs to go and doing what must be done there. The city lacks any real advertising or personalization, just stencil after stencil of Grineer mantra and Kween praise painted onto billboards between each uniform Grineer barnacle skyscraper, the sky filled with transiting darygns, shuttles, and ships that lends a sort of flickering photography-style kind of lighting to the ground below. Almost every building is crowned with an or several anti-air emplacements, though most of it is slow-firing and meant to shoot down inevitable chunks of floating debris that come through the void rift or slip through the fissures from the outside.


In the space around both Crust and Core side, vast amounts of orbital infrastructure resides, making movement difficult through the debris, detritus, and active machinery that make up the area. Wretched derelicts, some being picked apart and others being patchwork put back together intermingle with a thick cloud of orbital debris from years upon years of satellites living and dieing in a thick kessler cloud that requires either agility or armor just to get past, ships leaving the surface breaching through it like giant chemical-stained whales from a metallic sea.

The massive fissures between the arms that lead into the interior of the planetoid are lined with a variety of ship counter measures that only internal security can shut down (and even then, there aren't exact guarantees in some areas), rangeing from ship-splitting beam "wires", recess-hiding rotary turrets, darygn launch-bays, even the decaying remains of ships past their prime are lodged in areas as immovable obstacles to prevent entry inside. Even for the fleet-of-flight Tenno, this is a challenge to bypass, though it is quite an effective way to skip the guts and head straight to the core for those who can make it through.


While normal and arid Grineer can be found on both sides and in space, the majority of enemy forces actually consists of a greater faction of Grineer, the Starborn Brigade, detailed elsewhere (The Grineer Generations, Section 3).


Environmental Threats: 

All Areas= 


Even when it seems the battlefield is clear, the silence can be broken by a few simple commands from on high. Occasionally, a few dargyns will pull away from the endless traffic flow and either temporarily strafe the field (even in "occupied" areas) or commence attack runs.


Core + Crust=

Feral Life-

Feral drahk and hyekka packs skulk amidst squalor and rust, preying on whatever happens to stumble into their midst, even their barely domesticated brethren.

(Random Wildlife-Aligned Drahk and Hyekka Packs, Drahk and Hyekka have a special acid-marked, and emaciated skin to differentiate them from Grineer Drahk and Hyekkas.) 

Wretched Lands-

Sewage and industrial toxic byproduct flow like rivers on the section's surfaces, flowing all the way down to the bottom sections where tanks made from half-mile wide asteroids catch it and store it away. Eventually, when filled to the near brim, cannons emerge from them and fire the waste like a pressure hose into the darkness of space. Sometimes, on sections nearest to Mars rotation-wise, the back-scatter caused by the red planet will cause some of the spray to fall back onto the surface, leading to oily and corrosive (to a degree) rains.

(Falling in the liquid inflicts the toxic P.R.O.C.)

Virulant Miasma-

In some areas, toxins clot together in the air to such an alarming degree that not even hardy microbes can survive contact with them. Though these slow-moving fog-banks of chemical death are extremely easy to avoid, they have a nasty tendency to form in enclosed spaces and at unexpected times, stripping flesh and bleaching bone until all that remains is whatever metal articles the deceased had on them, sinister bait for the downtrodden and destitute, like an industrial tar pit.

(Terrible gas/corrosive P.R.O.C. clouds that can quickly kill those trapped in them. Commonly haunt cave entrances, alleys, abandoned buildings, or randomly floating around. Tenno can quickly slide through them to avoid the health draining effect, but, nothing can guard against the corrosive P.R.O.C.)

Guts + Core=

Sewer Horrors -

To fix clogs in the byzantine waste networks that run through the Guts, standard procedure for waste managers is to send expired into the mess and THEN repair the structural damage. Being simple creatures, some get lost in the vast piping systems, dieing alone or turning  feral. That, combined with the incubators thrown into the sewage as cheap vermin-killing labor means that these septic warrens are the last choice of anyone trying to travel across Deimos. . . but a perfect place to slip through unnoticed from one place to another.

(Extremely high ghoul presence in the sewer areas, ghouls are hostile to everything.)


Shred Clouds=
Orbital debris above Deimos have ascended beyond being simply obstacles for orbital launch. From hefty steel girders to tiny 2 centimeter flecks of glass, even the slightest bit of contact with these high speed debris has the potential to shred concrete and dent armor.
(Random drifting clouds of debris trigger bleed effects on anything entering them.)


Notable Personages:

Alink Innoy=
As ancient as the Ecumene itself, dating back to the days when it was an Orokin testing ground, Alink Innoy was the orokin's first foray into "alternative intelligence systems" in the form of a biological super computer. Based on the template of the Grinneer, but, heavily edited for cognitive functionality above all else, Innoy was once destined to be a poster boy for future biological computers. . . until the engrammatic effects of kuva were unlocked. Destined to rot on this distant hellrock for the rest of existence until the Kween's Grineer came and set up shop, Innoy has become exceedingly bored with living, contenting himself with sabotaging his own systems and killing un suspecting personnel in order to come up with problems for him to solve. The recent arrival of the Tenno has been a welcome beacon of joy in his existence, allowing him to let the Tenno loose upon his hosts and giving him so many new situations to experience, such as loss, anger. . . and perhaps. . . death.



(Posted early on 10/17/2017 at 14:06 due to issues with Internet connection and for value judgement by others)

Edited by Unus
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Apologies for the extremely slow pace of development and renovation I've been going through lately. The 20 ton anvil known as "Potential Lay-Off Due To Being Lowest On The Occupational Totem-Pole" has been dangling over my head the past few weeks and I've feared for the worst.


With any luck, a normalized return to the creation of the Starborn Brigade over in the Grineer Generations and the completion of  Deimos and all it's wonders and terrors should resume in. . . carry the one. . . account for miscalculation. . .maybe this week and half the next?


Hopefully you folks won't mind reading and rereading some of me old shet while I wage war on reality, will ya?



Caffeine-addled, sleepless, and inevitably prematurely grey-haired Unus.

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Dem it, I don't know how to mention folks exactly, but, Mr. KeLaRo.


Yeah, was thinking that might be one of the big ways that the Corsairs form some starting kinship with the Tenno is the fact both are big "loner" groups that have had to rely on their own two hands to survive for ages against unhappy neighbors who want what they have. Gotta start somewhere.


Hmmmm. . . a sort of. . . convoy assault/defense attachment in addition to the Conclavist "Mariner's Dispute", for folks of a more single-player bent? Hmmmm. . . hmmmm. . . I'll have to put that under consideration suh. While I tried to make Barboga more "Sharkwing" orientated then Archwing given how much folks seem to dislike standard Archwing and the "fueled" nature of Eidolon's "Skywing", there's something about the image you conjure, something distinctly appealing. . . I'll run it by a few folks, see how they feel about it suh.



For the 14 of you who still bother reading this (Goddem why did it take me so long to look at the follow button!), things are progressing slowly but surely! With any luck, updating the Pit should occur earlier then expected!


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Okay folks, just wanted to pop in with a. . . a bit of a stupid question.

 You see, over in the Grineer Generations on the first page, I've been doing some renovations for my Deimos concept in the form of new as well as "improved" Grineer units that inhabit it.


Unfortunately, in the process of crafting the new roster, I realize now that I've made the Grineer Generations extend on for an unholy amount of text, to the point I fear it might cause reader fatigue.


Being myself, I'm utterly torn as to what I should do.

Being my audience then, I must ask, should I:

1. Continue adding on the final set of Starborn Grineer as they are listed.

2. Continue adding on the final set of Grineer, but attempt to textbox the new units into their own sections to prevent text-bloat.


3. Transfer the Starborn Brigade to their own posting and place a link to the Generations in the corner to show they share concepts in the form of being "Grineer Permutations".


Its up to you folks. Me, I can go any which way in all honesty.


If you really REALLY don't want to post an opinion post, you can leave a vote in the form of one of those now-actually-useful "emoji" cachiggers.

The Yellow One for 1.

The Blue One for 2.

And The Red One for 3.


I apologize if I look like one of those poor desperate "like-farmers" by suggesting this system, it just seems like a convenient alternative for those of you out there who have to economize your time.


Anyway, thats all for now folks! See ya in the future!


Nightoil-Burnin Unus.


Edited by Unus
OH, huh, balanced votes eh? Unexpected, might need a tie-breaker.
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