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Lumped Together Mosh-Pit of Ideas I've had for too Long


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So folks, my apologies on the latest piece, as it seems to only appear when your using a laptop or full computer. I know of no way to alter it so. . . .dem the luck.

Also, almost hit the vote quota!


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                                         Post 352

(Conceived Circa 2/17/2018, Finallized circa 3/2/2018 at 14:14, Put-to paper circa 3/10/2018, Completed circa 3/14 /2018 at 5:20)

And the winner is. . . . the Gift of the Unum!

Thanks for the assist folks! This don't happen very often at all when it comes to my designs, but, when it strikes, it strikes a crippling blow to my Achilles Heel. First time I've had many hands on deck for something like this though, so not so bad on the recovery! Fingers crossed the sailing is smoother on the seas ahead.


Designation: Speculari

Weapon Designation: Primary, "Shotgun" Type.


Manufacturer= The Unum, through the Quill's extraction of the Eidolon shards embedded within her very body, quietly and surreptitiously extracted from the flesh as it is transported for sale.

Statistical Breakdown:

Projectile= Projectile (Rad-Bolt)

Damage= 119 Radiation.

Pellet Count= 8 Rad-Bolts

Accuracy= Slight scatter for each volley, though the bolts tend to remain within the reticule for a fair distance.

Cyclic Rate-of-fire= 10.00

Critical Chance= 34%

Critical Damage= 1.5X

"P.R.O.C." Chance= 7.5%

Magazine Size= 8 "round" "inner essence" reserve.

Reload Speed= 2.4 (Fragment goes dark while tower side lights up with an inner glow, user pulls up on separation plate and allows both sides to meet, user observes a tendril of essence from the tower chunk emit from it's surface and arch into the fragment with the sound of a female inhaling deeply intermingled with a spectral animalistic groan slowly growing in volume, user releases separation plate and interrupts transfer, tower chunk goes dark while fragment brightens, user assumes firing stance.)

Trigger= 8 Round Barrage. 

Mastery Rank Requisite= 0 (But the feat needed to obtain it. . . not so much.)

Polarity= 1 Madurai, 1 Vazarin, 1 Naramon (all different roads, coalescing into one, just as she wills)

Riven Disposition= ?????


Slay a Vomvylast, a Teralyst, a Gantulyst, and Hydrolyst either all in one night or over the course of four consecutive nights.

Acquisition Text=

Engaging Tenno by technical nexus at Quill Onkko Primary.


You have reached a critical point in your development along your journey Tenno, one that precious few of your kind have ever or will ever reach in their existences. The Unum deems your anomaly warrants closer examination. Are you aware of what this means Tenno? Lacking a way to integrate you into the weave as a reward for being such a strong agent of change, the Unum has decided to accompany you from here on out. Attached to this whisper mail is an incarnation of her will upon the universe. Do as you will Tenno, even never having her by your side is a meaningful data point in the cosmic vastness that is the experience of the Unum.


Disengaging tenno via technical nexus at Quill Onkko Primary.

Special Trait(s): 

Unuic Projection=

On reload, project a rectangular energy-colored shield disturbance that is 2.0 meters tall and 2.0 meters wide. The shield shrinks and decays over 60 seconds, but will absorb any and all damage that strikes it, regardless of the source. On swapping to another weapon, the shield dissipates immediately.

No matter how far away the wielder is from the Unum's vision, so long as the weapon is wielded by her chosen, they are never truly alone. Through her sheer force of will, intermingled with the Sentient's the Unum projects a shield like the one that surrounds her beloved Cetus for a time.

The Call=

If Sentient, then -50% damage dealt to wielder if Speculari=Wielded.

Leveraging the Sentient fragment's latent connection to it's former parts and the Unum's own precognitive capabilities, the Speculari can forcefully project an "all clear" sign directly into the mind of approaching Sentients at the very moment of initiating an attack, instinctively forcing power  out of their own weapons and protecting the wielder from the brunt of it.



It is a thing of a truly exotic nature, one that, for your average layman, might be considered a product of some mad man's art project. And yet, despite the lack of understanding, it works. A slab of tower shell, more shaped in such a way that it would fit as a short vertical buttstock rather then having been shaped by the crafters, faces back towards the wielder, the top half rounded off with a slightly squareish underlay like some manner of smooth bizarre eggshell. The other side is hideous in ways that even the Infested tissue isn't, for it looks like, for all intents and purposes, someone has ripped a chunk out of a human body and left it's peritoneum and marrow exposed, laid bare for all to see. Despite this, the tissue continues to calmly move as though it wasn't exposed to the elements, while the bone maintains a fresh yellow white complexion. 

   Jammed into the tissue is a variety of copper wires, cathode-ray tubes, and spinning apparatuses that all slowly maintain their functionality, whatever that functionality may be. Activity among these objects upsurges whenever the weapon is "reloaded" while the tower shell side loses it's luster and the "inside side" assumes an unhealthy and rotted tint throughout. This luster and unhealth rapidly begins to subside as the weapon fires until it is back in it's original healthy state. In the open space that is at the center of the body, where several of the wires are cut cleanly to have their open areas contact it, is a tall metal guillotine-like wedge of typical metallic coloring.

   When this slab is lifted up, the wires arc electricity between their exposed pairs on the other side and a tendril of cloudy ghostly cyan (energy colored) "essence" snakes out of the tower flesh and into the other side, forming a wispy cloudlike "vein" of sorts. When the guillotine is dropped, the "vein" is severed and each side "reconstitutes" it. Shielding all but the open air (though "roofed" in such a way that moisture slicks off the sides) top are a set of copper slats that guard either side, unadorned save for the snarlings of wiring that are bunched up along their insides. The middle has a stony polished marbled slab "mini-pillar" on either side acting as the holder of the metal slab, each adorned by an array of unknown symbols and scribbleings that look like a cross between cuneiform or some manner of egyptian symbolige crossbreed with arithmetic and trigonometric formulas. The "barrel" of the weapon, if you can call it that, is a chunk of Sentient material, blast warped and heat scarred into a charcoal-like consistence yet still somehow showing semblances of life in the form of the faded glow of ghostly cyan (energy-colored) "energy veins" that dance across it's surface like an aurora.

   Though mangled and cracked, the splinter still retains a vague layout of a roughly carved cylinder with a just barely triangular top. From it's surface on the front portion of the weapon, not unlike trees sprouting, are eight tiny synovial sproutlings, each clipped with tiny jumper cables (who's wording has been apparently been punched through the entire length of the fragment) as well as a tiny metal stand that forces them to stand stock straight out of the weapon. It is from here that the deadly barrage materializes, seemingly emerging from rapidly opening. . . gates? portals? tricks of light?. . . that spit vicious bolts of raw atomic particles in an withering barrage. With every shot, the fragment begins to look dimmer and dimmer until it lies still as nothing more then a charred rock. Then, as soon as the metal wedge is lifted, life seems to begin coming back to the fragment, culminating in a restoration (but by no means a rejuvenation) of it's "healthier" charred-but-alive tone. The final distinguishing piece on this weapon is, of course, the trigger mechanism. A copper shoulder-mount underlays the entire hodgepodge assemblage of parts, aesthetically resembling a palanquin save for it's trigger assembly and it's generous shoulder mounting area.

"Basic" Description:

Any individual who claims significant knowledge of Cetus can more then likely tell you the story of the war against the Eidolon and Gara's sacrifice against it. What they cannot tell you, save perhaps from the rare loose-lipped mention from the eldest Quills, is the war that waged in the long decades after that would rock the Quills and the Unum till this very day. In the aftermath of Gara's sacrifice, as the Eidolon was engulfed in a furious swirl of fire and fury, the beast tried one final time to leave its mark on the Earth. Perhaps out of spite, perhaps as a final act of survival, the Eidolon guided an assemblage of it's components towards the back of it's body and commanded them to take flight. Riding the shockwave of the blast, a scattered shotgun burst of Sentient fragments ranging in size from tree-stumps to specks of sawdust hurtled towards the tower, many striking the sea, but, many more hitting their mark and burying themselves into the Tower's deep layers.

   In moments, the Unum's lucid view of the continuity of worlds was disrupted by hundreds of confused alien memories, mashed together with a thousand different death-cries from thousands of newborn consciousnesses dieing in agony, unable to muster the strength to oust the Unum's presence. Across the Unum's weave, thousands of Quills died or went mad, displaced along a million different versions of themselves with no concrete consciousness to return to. As always though, the Unum had forseen the Eidolon's last actions, though she knew not what effects it would have on her network. Preemptively drawing some of her closest and most valuable Quill members to her in both body and mind, her Primaries, the Unum weathered the storm until each Sentient shard had been carefully enclosed by the tower in it's own muffling cyst. The damage was done however.

    Her group in ruins and her view of the future muddled and dimmed, it would take centuries of subtlety guiding her Ostron patrons to each area of herself she had prepared, unsealing each shard, silencing it, and processing it's jumble of thoughts into something more relateable before it's excision and hidden collection by a Quill. With every "infected" piece displaced, a sliver of her former power returns and and a minute amount of relief is given to the taxed minds of the Primaries, now almost unable to disconnect from her overwhelming view on the world like a hopeless chemical addiction.


As for what became of the shards themselves? The Unum has been stockpiling each and every one, all in preparation for a prediction she had made the day the Eidolon landed, the return of the Tenno and a future part they have to play in the future of the Sol-Origin system. . .


I'm furious that I lost both my best version of the "basic" description and the lovely letter I had made for all of you, but, in the end, I am just happy about both all your involvement in this latest piece and that, at long last, after significant delays and several arduous trials, I offer the Unum's gift unto you, my fellow Tenno.


Thank You!

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On 3/15/2018 at 2:45 AM, Yhtmahyll said:

Whoa, that's very detailed description for this gun, longer than what I've seen before so far.


Still hard to imagine for me how it looks like being made of tower flesh but it's a really good idea.

For some reason, that seems to happen every time I have to do an organic description. Alotta the previous Infested weapons and creatures tended to end up with lengthy descriptions of each individual fleshy chunk and attached gubbins they had. Tended not to be the most popular  ones, so, makes sense they may not top the charts popularitywise. 


Oh, I can understand if it's a bit difficult to follow, some excellant examples you can see is the tissue behind the one getting chopped out on the Cetus beach or the pic in the thousand year fish codex. 

Oh. . . uh. . . um, thanks mam!

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I have to sincerely apologize for the significant delay going on lately folks, my job has been absolutely KILLING me lately, so, any moment I can take to breath has been mostly filled with. . .well. . .breathing.

Rest assured, there IS  a project coming up that will be done quite soon, in addition to some old project finishing touches and retrofitting (The Battlefield Salvage section has been receiving some unannounced new additions, though one is still in "data-search"  mode), i'm just worried that the latest addition might leave a bad taste in folk's mouths. Its something new I haven't been as able to acquire as much data on as I hoped, but, eh, till its done, I won't be able to work on much else.

Heres hoping for lighter times ahead! Least folks can finally catch up with the pile on everything that mighta been left behind in the flurry of thought!
See ya round!

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To my Dear Pit viewers

Alright folks, it is purest and truest agony to have to go this long without a new piece, but, the war continues in the work-a-day world for me.

At the very least, I am proud to announce that, rather then use this as a "filler piece" to get the Pit back to the top of Fan Concepts, I can say that EVERY link on the front page is finally linking to the proper place, rather then sending folks to pages that don't exist or linking to the wrong sections.

Enjoy folks!The Pit is now properly open to all, rather then a select few who have to trip and stumble into the front-page "sign-posts" trying to go anywhere. Might not be a completed concept, but, it is sure as ELL worth it's weight in gold to let you folks go through and see things that you mighta missed out on.

Anyway, be on the lookout for the next piece coming up! Should be done by the end of this week, when things enter a sort of "isle of stability" before I get hit by the workplace hurricane again.

Be seeing ya round!
Unus, sleepless at 1:56.


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                                     Page 357

(Fully conceived circa 3/17/2018 at 00:31, completed circa 4/1/2018 1:11.)

The Unum Gift was a truly massive project on my end, so, apologies for the work-related delay, but, here I am again, this time with a gun that's a tad bit. . . controversial, to say the least. Is it really? Well, time to find out!


Designation: Kasaratee

Weapon Designation: Rifle, Rifle Type.


Manufacturer: Lotus operatives under the strict order and guidance of Teshin Dax. With the lack of a commanding Lotus at the heart of the organization, Teshin has focused even more fervently on preparing the Tenno, even diverting resources from ongoing Lotus operations towards his own training programs. Lacking in commands beyond automated contingineces and "holding pattern" stand-by protocols, most enlisted operatives are just happy to have something to do at all.

Statistical Breakdown:

Projectile= "Hit-Scan"

Damage=  10 Impact and  100 Puncture within 30 meters, 100 Impact and 10 Puncture beyond 30 meters.

Accuracy= Beyond 30 Meters, accuracy is pinpoint. From 30 to 0 meters, accuracy progressively worsens until shots are "single pellet from a shotgun" accurate at point-blank range.

Cyclic rate-of-fire= Steady 6 beyond 30 meters, gradual increase up to 10 from 30 meters to 0. 

Headshot Multiplier= 1.8X

Magazine= 10 round "bullpup-style" magazine.

Reload-Speed= 2.5 (Wielder pulls ejection slides down on either side with index finger and thumb, magazine loosens, wielder pulls magazine out easily, wielder exchanges empty magazine for fresh one, wielder places magazine into weapon in it's "loose state", wielder pushes up on ejection slides with thumb and index finger, wielder assumes firing stance.)

Trigger= Semi-Auto

Mastery Rank Requisite= 3

Polarity= Vazarin.

Riven Disposition= ?????

Cost= ??,??? Credits, ???? Resources.

(Field statistics unknown due to Teshin's single-minded focus upon the Conclave usability of the weapon.)

Special Trait(s):

Autonomous Adjustable Ammunition=

If target= < 30 Meters, then Increase accuracy and make  Puncture = Main Damage.

If target= > 30 Meters, then decrease accuracy, increase fire rate, and make Impact = Main Damage.


Believing that the wielder should be far more focused on defeating the enemy then fiddling with their weapon's internal components, Teshin commanded his cadre of Lotus operatives to conceive of a weapon flexible enough to adapt to any situation for the wielder. Lacking in the esoteric technology and the towering infrastructure that the centuries-old Dax once had at his beck-and-call, the operatives had to settle for something a bit less then grand.

Rather then proper bullets, each magazine is filled with a set of metallic "bullet blanks" which are complete save for an excess amount of metal on them that forms them into a rectangular shape. On being loaded into the weapon, a micro fabrication proxy awakens and connects to the weapon's front-mounted optical sensor. Depending on the distance to the enemy, this tiny machine will either shape the blank into a rounded, more aerodynamic slug for distant targets, or into a heavier pointed armor-piercing round for foes up close, all in a few short seconds before the trigger is fully depressed.

While this processing speed is absolutely remarkable, it doesn't come without it's quirks. The closer a foe gets, the more "overwhelmed" (self-preservation "instincts" are very difficult to edit without accidentally making the machine forget how to self-maintain) and agitated the proxy gets, working with less precision and quality on each blank and far more on pushing the round out as fast as possible.



Unlike many weapons in the Tenno Arsenal, the Kasaratee is downright spartan when it comes to furnishings. The barrel and the accompanying gas-block beneath it are a coppery metallic grey mixture and are clean and unadorned. The barrel is subtly fluted in a pattern that resembles two crossed swords, each going in the other direction, though this is almost impossible to tell without close examination. Both barrel and block protrude from a short ridged neck (the rest of the gas block is housed here.) of very dark almost prisma-colored plastic which is outlined by a brilliant cyan white accent. From here on past, the barrel is exposed for all the world to see, with only a "prisma-esque" plastic top and bottom cap (both outlined again the brilliant cyan white.) holding it in place with the rest of the body until it enters the receiver.

   At the point where barrel meets receiver, a vertical fore-grip of the same coppery metallicity as the barrel sticks out. Simple and shaped not unlike a metal ingot of sorts, an image of a circle houseing a path going through a mountain can just barely be seen on the forward facing part through the rich reflection the metal has. The foregrip is significantly reinforced to the rest of the weapon by a set of bolts and support structures, while it's bottom has an unusually tapered edge, suggesting that the weapon might be good for cracking another's skull open with.The body is simply a scaled-up version of the gas block's housing, a very dark "prisma colored" plastic case outlined by a brilliant cyan white. The grip matches the precedent set by the body, save for the addition of a blocky thick trigger.

   Behind the grip is the magazine well, feeding into the middle of the matte-black stock topped by yet another of the blocks, only, this one has a set of three white (energy colored) lights on either side. Finally, at the end of the buttstock is . . . yet another one of the plastic blocks, shifted vertically so as to absorb recoil and shaped to comfortably fit to a shoulder. There isn't even the slightest hint of an aiming system to be found on the weapon, as it is created under the assumption that the wielders would be suitably "augmented" to make such things unnecessary, though the minifacturer block on top of the magazine well might just barely do in a pinch.

"Basic" Description:

Purpose-built under Teshin Dax's orders by a cadre of enlisted Lotus Operatives, the Kasaratee commands mobility and precision from it's wielder and rewards them with flexibility and raw power in return.



PHEW folks! I am TERRIBLY sorry for such a mundane release! My biggest issue with it was actually simplifying it as much as possible to intermesh with Teshin's style, but, also inkeep with the otherworldliness of Warframe. That, combined with the crushing job workload and a nasty bout of. . . sicklyness? Unhealth? Something like that, really hampered production.


While I can promise production of the next few designs will be much less hampered by self-editing of complexities and "draconian theme matching", I can't say the same for the workload.

Wish me luck! Cuse bloody ell am I gonna need it.


(Also, Happy Easter folks! Bloody ell it took WAY to long!)

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                              Post 358

(Fully Conceived circa 3/??/2018 at ??:??, put to paper circa 4/1/2018 at 16:11, completed circa 4/13 /2018 at 13:07.)


And now a derivative project weeks in-the-making, from way WAY back when when the Battlefield Salvage project was in high gear and a single side mention of an "unknown weapon" was planted like a seed and grew into what it is today. Should be interesting, hopefully for you as much as me.


Designation: Cherubyte.

Weapon Designation: Primary, Rifle-Type, Launcher-Ammo. 



System-Wide Orokin Foundries systemwide,  though only Dax forces could bypass the gene locks on the designs at said forges, as Grineer were seen as being "suspect" when it comes to the use of projectiles.

Statistical Breakdown:

Projectile= Projectile (Drone + Mines)

Damage=Fully laden, the drone  deals 1600 Blast damage on detonation in a rather small area-of-effect. With each charge threshold passed, 12% of the drone's damage is removed and redirected into a pair of "floater" mines (6% into each) the Drone will leave in it's wake, starting at 196 Blast damage (98 blast each).

Accuracy= (Insufficient current data, left to actual coders to determine.)

Cyclic-Rate-of-Fire= 1.75. (Though it doesn't really matter given it's nature.)

Charge Time= 1.0 (0 to simply launch the drone itself, 0.2 for the drone to deploy, then 0.4, 0.6, and 0.8 for the rest. On 1.0, the mines are scattershot fired before the drone itself launches, usually in a vaguely geometric pattern.)

Critical Chance= 10%

Critical Damage= 2.0X

"P.R.O.C." Chance= 43.75%

Magazine= 1 "Cherub-Class" osprey with explosive payload.

Reload Speed= 2.5 (Pivot shoulder down so that top of rail is reachable. Acquire drone, place drone in field between rails, drone unfolds and slots itself into place, drone assumes launch stance with thrusters on rails and engages prefire-mode on thrusters, assume firing stance.)

Trigger= Charge (Optional).

Mastery Rank Requisite=10

Polarity= Madurai and Madurai.

Riven Disposition= ?????

Components= Launch Rails, Generator, Grip.

Special Trait(s):

Adjustable Fury=

25% Charge Intervals= -Damage on Drone, but drops two mines that deal the divided off damage. Maximizes out at eight droppable mines.


The Cherubyte was purpose-built to be a flexible weapons platform for both hard targets and large groups. By simply diverting energy from the drone's extremely over-charged power core over to a portion of it's explosive payload, the Cherubyte can discharge some of it as antigravitic homing mines on it's flight-path, allowing damage to be distributed across a much wider area then just wherever the drone impacts.



Two sets of massive gilded rails, arranged side-by-side, dominate the front and much of the midsection of the weapon. Deep indigo lightning occasionally archs between the rails in quick flashes, with said arcing getting more active as you go along the rails till you reach an indigo-tinted distortion where the rails first protrude. This conflux of electro-gravitational fields is where the drone is placed, allowing it to "ride-the-bubble" when it launches in order to multiply it's kinetic energy and reserve fuel for use as a back-up primer for the drone's violent detonation. There is no bottom beneath the rails, just empty space, as the weapon relies on the generated field and the drone's own motive power as a launching mechanism. Along the top of the rails, a celestial scene featuring tall robe-clad figures being catered to by a variety of angelic beings on a set of clouds overlooking a simple map of the Sol-Origin System is embossed into the top in a medieval-age style.

  The sky above is filled with stars and one of the taller figures with a "divine circle" drawn around their head is looking towards these heavens. Beneath this thin layer of golden decoration is the metal of the rails themselves, a set of long pinkish white metal rectangles with the consistency of marble. Dozens of mini rectangles dot the inward side of both rails, the many field-generators needed to launch the drone properly. The back end of the weapon is completely dominated by a bulky generator mechanism consisting of a square golden block dominated by a rotating deep indigo (energy colored) glowing sphere banded by four golden rectangles and capped with a squashed cone. Four smaller versions dominate the four corners of the generator, each a perfect miniature copy of the original in every way and divided by a flat plane of the marbled white metal.

  Beneath the generator is the shoulder-mount for the weapon, a saddlelike piece that is smart-conformable to a variety of shoulder sizes and is of a very dark bittersweet shimmer color with a cream color inside. Uniquely, the trigger-mechanism is not found anywhere on the weapon itself. Rather, a knuckle-mounted targeting mechanism resembling a large ring with a deep indigo (energy colored) horizontally facing crystal on top projects a beam whenever both the gun is in the ready position and the knuckles of the right hand are flexed. Extending all fingers on the right hand causes the weapon to fling it's deadly cargo. The drone itself resembles a tiny osprey mirroring the color-scheme of the weapon, minus the "feet-guns" the normal ones have, the now free "tail" being the portion that is slotted between the rails when the weapon is loaded. Along the top of it's wings are the rows of explosives that give the overcharged drone increased potency. When hitting the charge intervals, the bomblets light up the weapon's energy color to signal their readiness, continuing to do so after breaking off to float in the air until an enemy approaches and the mine accelerates toward them at projectile velocity.

"Basic" Description:

A design predating the Empire's Golden Age, many a rebel learned to fear the howl of the Cherubyte drone's engines as they soared through their lines blowing vehicles and soldiers alike to pieces.


Yeesh, delays delays delays! Between work, losing material due to connection outages, general life shenanigans, and trying to not step on other's creative toes as possible, the wait times are getting absolutely abysmal! Sincere apologies audience-consisting-of-one-viewer! I wish I could predict production timelines, but, I fear I might be in Digital's boat here, "done when it's done". Fingers crossed my Nidus cosmetics don't extend on into millennia! See you folks when those are mission accomplished, hopefully you folks don't mind H.R. Giger's work.

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Excellant news everyone, ANOTHER piece of artistic craft has been born from the mind and generosity of one of our local tenno artisans! The Trokar has been given digital life by resident FluffyWolf36 over in his artistic abode, Fluffy's warframe concepts.

AGAIN, another artist who has managed to translate my designs into actual tangible authentic results. Either i'm misconstruing how complicatedly long my writing is or I just happen to be in the company of saints! Either or, thanks Mr. 36, this post goes out to you!

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I love the design, go back to read your description and I feel like we need more 'basic' looking grineer weapons. Minimal but strong and rugged.

That recoil though, definitely fit the faction.

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11 hours ago, Yhtmahyll said:

I love the design, go back to read your description and I feel like we need more 'basic' looking grineer weapons. Minimal but strong and rugged.

That recoil though, definitely fit the faction.

Which reminds me, I was just about to make a Grineer flaregun.

EDIT: As for more 'basic' guns... what're you thinking? Maybe stuff like the Karak? 

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17 hours ago, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:

Which reminds me, I was just about to make a Grineer flaregun.

EDIT: As for more 'basic' guns... what're you thinking? Maybe stuff like the Karak? 

I'm actually thinking of Brakk, well, as it's being a 'revolver shotgun' it's probably not the most basic thing but it stills look clean. I meant the one that doesn't have a too much blobby baysplosion designs (Look at you Qaurtakk, one of the best guns, but the head just like cow's udder.) Hek, Gorgon and Grinlok/Marelok type.

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4 hours ago, Yhtmahyll said:

I'm actually thinking of Brakk, well, as it's being a 'revolver shotgun' it's probably not the most basic thing but it stills look clean. I meant the one that doesn't have a too much blobby baysplosion designs (Look at you Qaurtakk, one of the best guns, but the head just like cow's udder.) Hek, Gorgon and Grinlok/Marelok type.

Ah, I get it. Though personally I think the Karak still kinda counts for what you're thinking here.  The Quartakk isn't that bad by the metric of "blobby baysplosion designs," mind - but I personally think it's at its worst with the Hind.

It just looks melted and unfinished.

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4 hours ago, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:

Ah, I get it. Though personally I think the Karak still kinda counts for what you're thinking here.  The Quartakk isn't that bad by the metric of "blobby baysplosion designs," mind - but I personally think it's at its worst with the Hind.

It just looks melted and unfinished.

Hind just looks weird, compared to the rest of Grineer things. It feels melted and very infested-y, grineer designs can be blobby sometimes but it's more of a 1940s tank/militarialistic take on Streamline Moderne than something like Hind. It's like an outlier of its own.

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1 hour ago, Yhtmahyll said:

Hind just looks weird, compared to the rest of Grineer things. It feels melted and very infested-y, grineer designs can be blobby sometimes but it's more of a 1940s tank/militarialistic take on Streamline Moderne than something like Hind. It's like an outlier of its own.

Super agreed. There's usually a utilitarian feeling to Grineer weaponry, like the Gorgon.

Meanwhile, the Hind just... it just doesn't quite look like it fits. If you can compare Grineer manufacturing (cause I'm pretty sure the Grineer use some sort of Orokin-created, Technocyte-lite manufacturing system to  make weapons in massive qualities. They could easily build Prime weapons with it, they just really don't want to.) to cooking, the Hind would be undercooked.

Which reminds me. I saw a proposed rework of the Hind - what do you think?


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1 hour ago, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:

Super agreed. There's usually a utilitarian feeling to Grineer weaponry, like the Gorgon.

Meanwhile, the Hind just... it just doesn't quite look like it fits. If you can compare Grineer manufacturing (cause I'm pretty sure the Grineer use some sort of Orokin-created, Technocyte-lite manufacturing system to  make weapons in massive qualities. They could easily build Prime weapons with it, they just really don't want to.) to cooking, the Hind would be undercooked.

Which reminds me. I saw a proposed rework of the Hind - what do you think?


Still looks too blobby to me. I think a Burston/Braton level rework would need to be done on it.

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16 hours ago, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:

Ah, I get it. Though personally I think the Karak still kinda counts for what you're thinking here.  The Quartakk isn't that bad by the metric of "blobby baysplosion designs," mind - but I personally think it's at its worst with the Hind.

It just looks melted and unfinished.


20 hours ago, Yhtmahyll said:

I'm actually thinking of Brakk, well, as it's being a 'revolver shotgun' it's probably not the most basic thing but it stills look clean. I meant the one that doesn't have a too much blobby baysplosion designs (Look at you Qaurtakk, one of the best guns, but the head just like cow's udder.) Hek, Gorgon and Grinlok/Marelok type.

You know, i'v tried hard to work on the Grineer "ramshackle aesthetic", but, the only two times I feel like it worked around here were on the Krancor with its greasy clanky aesthetic and the Clepa for it's temperamental smoke-belching flavor.

Grin work seems to be among the most difficult sets to work on when your aiming for the low-bar weapons and not the upper-crust, even for Digital.

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12 hours ago, Unus said:


You know, i'v tried hard to work on the Grineer "ramshackle aesthetic", but, the only two times I feel like it worked around here were on the Krancor with its greasy clanky aesthetic and the Clepa for it's temperamental smoke-belching flavor.

Grin work seems to be among the most difficult sets to work on when your aiming for the low-bar weapons and not the upper-crust, even for Digital.

The funny thing about Grineer weapons is that it's super easy (for me anyway) to come up with a gimmick or general overview of how it works, but much harder to design while striking that balance between organic and utilitarian. Meanwhile, Corpus guns are (superficially) easy to visually design because hey, more boxes! Buuuut, they're much harder to conceptualize, and the boxiness almost makes them so easy to design that it loops back to being hard again.

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                                     Post 370

(Conceived Circa 4/13/2018 at 20:01. Completed circa 4/27/2018 at 03:57)

Hahahahaaa! Once again, thank you Developer Stream for lighting yet another creative candle just by existing! I wonder why most of my biggest content comes in my strangely synchronized post-devstream bike rides?


Designation: Vima Carver/ Vima Demolisher and Vima Pilot.

Unit Designation: Archwing (In Atmosphere)

"For once you have tasted flight, you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

               - Leonardo da Vinci


Health Type= Robotics/Alloy light chassis with a heavy Shield layer over it. 

Health Statistics= (To be determined by masters of game balance greater then I.)

Manufacturer: Beekloud, produced systemwide for any (Conglomerate approved and rigouresly tested) commercial venture willing to shoulder the exorbitant fees for the machines.

Equipment (Vima Platforms):

Repulsor Lift Engines=

Reliant on little understood Orokin-era propulsion technologies stripped from derelict engines (The Carver variant even more so.), the Vima platforms are capable of daring feats of aerial acrobatics while carrying man-sized or greater loads despite their seemingly frail designs. Carvers are capable of full omnidirectional travel, performing inertia-defying side slides, instant stops, and stationary vertical travel. Demolishers meanwhile, being the economy models, require h/o recycling rockets for continuous forward thrust, the repulsors merely keeping the platform off the ground.

Onboard "Weaponry"= 

Though not actually purpose-built as combat units, Vima platforms still remain exceedingly lethal when their tools are "misused". The Vima Carver is equipped with a downward facing death sphere beam, salvaged and utilized for precision open-pit mining and excavation. Turned on foes, the result tend to be quite grizzly, though said foes need to be directly under the V.C. in order to be threatened. Vima Demolishers meanwhile, house a small minifactureing suite that produces on-the-fly demolition charges for cruder mining operations, land clearance, and "urban renewal". These more primitive models quickly dump a series of 4 charges each which adhesively stick to whatever they land on for 4 seconds before detonating in a modest sized blast.

Skilled Pilots=

Commonly, the mining overseers who are made to fly Vima platforms are unlanded or "accidental" sons and daughters of various Corpussian nobles. To white-collared and valuable (as agents of influence without the restraints that being true nobility requires) to be sent to directly work blue-collared jobs, they are sent into positions of command over the other workers, forming their own "peasant noble" hierarchies where each tries to beat the other in quotas and skill. This keeps pilot quality high, but less through employment and more through sheer grit and survivability.

Equipment (Pilot)= 

One-handed Lex, Pack-mounted descent-field emitter.



Quality varies significantly between variants. For the Vima Carver, artistic quality is considered just as much as product functionality. The central dias, polished to a sparkling sheen, is made of Corpus-typical light cyan metal and is embossed with the seal of the four founding corpus families, two crossed serpents with the founder's initials nestled in their coils. A control throttle sticks up out of the top of the symbol on a long bent armature, allowing the user to drive the platform entirely with one hand while using the other to direct underlings or, in combat, fire and reload with the other. Ringing the outside of the dias is an iridescent white metal ring that has visible seams on it's inner and outer outer portions.

   This ring is in turn encircled by another brownish orange one that is capable of limited up-and-down articulation and all-around rotation. On the "natural front" (what direction the platform's ring turns to automatically when entering idle mode) of the platform is the lozenge-shaped head of the machine, an altered osprey model merged with the ring and with a scorpion-like eye-set (four really small and close together ones in the middle and two others evenly distributed on either side). The outer two sets constantly move to take in the surroundings, while the center four unyieldingly face straight ahead. The bottom of the platform is dominated by the central eye of a transplanted death sphere, held in place by a set of protective armatures and meshes which contain the glistening green chaotic energies found behind the eye. 

The bottom of the white ring's underside ringing around the harnessed death sphere has a thin green (energy colored) strip lining it's middle which constantly emits an air distorting field alongside a deep thrumming sound that increases in volume whenever the machine rises vertically and slows down whenever it is in it's idle state.


The Vima Demolisher, though similar in several ways, lacks much of the fanfare and polish that the Carver has. Instead of the symbol of the founders being embossed into the dais, two simple "Corpus" and "Beekloud" stencils occupy the same space. In addition, rather then the assembly that keeps that transferred guts of a death sphere in check, a squat square-shaped nano-forge juts from the bottom with a sliding sheet-metal door that slides down into the side of the forge covering the top. It is from here that the demolisher charges are disgorged in carpet-bombing-bursts of four small packs that explode one after the other after four seconds of ground contact. Rather then the wide gap that exposes greenish internals and emits strong anti-gravitic thrust on the bottom of the white ring, the Demolisher's gap is thin and it's distortions are more like ripples then the rapidly oscillating fields of it's blessed brother, only able to elevate the platform up and down with the same flawless efficiency as the Carver. The outer ring presents the largest change of all, for, rather then have the full 360 rotation and clearly define "head" of the Carver, the demolisher instead harnesses the power of four vectored-thrust hydrogen-oxygen thrusters to clumsily propel it in a generally forward direction, requiring proper steering on the pilot's part to get it moving. Each of these thrusters emits white blue flame like a candle and are capped off on the top with a similar "head" structure to the Carver's though, it has been simplified to a three-eyed format and a smaller size.


The Pilot themself is largely dressed in the manner of a Scrambus or Comba, though their gear is bulkier for their high-altitude cold operations. Each one wears a set of flight goggles with a faux-leather mask attached, a rebreather to further fight the hostile conditions up above. Both outside and inside the goggles, one can see faint lines of inlaid circuitry, computational systems that feed the pilot all manner of data, from height above planetary sea level, to projected flight path, to today's required quota from the company. The final defining piece of attire for them is the pill-shaped heavy-duty metal pack that they have which weighs them down movement-wise. If the pilot were to fall from a great height, such as from the sudden loss of their craft, a pair of antennas unfold out from either side of the pack and immediately begin churning up the air with a pretty electro-gravitational light-show of disruptions and electricity. This slows the descent of the pilot considerably, enough so that they can even engage in combat on the way down with deadly accuracy. Upon landing or vitals ceasing, the antennas refold back into their compartments.

"Basic" Description:

"Corpus flyer that patrols the sky in search of trespassers and unruly workers alike. Steer clear of it's deadly payload."



PHEW! I'm at the edge of my seat folks! I have so many new ideas, but, it seems that my work is an inverse of my design time. There's so much I wanna do, and yet, so little time to do any of it now. I hate leaveing my viewers out in the cold.

Heres hopeing for a healthier work-life balance in the times to come, assumeing I stay at my job hopefully.


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  • 2 weeks later...

                                    Post 371

(Conceived circa 4/28/2018 at 0?:00 P.M. Completed circa 5/5/2018 at 03:58)


A new piece for an upcoming faction addition I'm slowly cooking up, born in the sweat and exertion of yet another bicycling excursion.  The most unique of a large set of weapons I had in mind I needed filtered down to the most unique. Unique enough? Lesee!


Designation= Jut Ret.

Weapon Designation: Melee, Hammer-Type.


Manufacturer: The Grineer of Venus in their tribal encampments. Though deprived of resources and pushed to the brink, limited access to Orokin machinery, constant raids, and sheer pre-programmed adaptivity allow these primitives some limited innovation.

Statistical Breakdown:

Damage=85 Impact, 15 Slash  10 Puncture.

Slide Attack= 220.

Attack Speed= 1.1.

Critical Chance= 12%.

Critical Damage= 2.0X.

"P.R.O.C." Chance= 12%.

Mastery Rank Requisite= 3.

Polarity= Madurai.

Stance= Vazarin.

Special Trait(s)

Engineered Leakage=

On "P.R.O.C.", hammer emits immolating vapor in a small radius which lingers for 60 seconds. Any target passing through this cloud is afflicted with the burning "P.R.O.C." and suffers from the panic animation. Two cloud limit till previous clouds expire.


On the frozen tundras of Venus, any source of fire is of extreme value when you tend to lack the technology to power home climate-control. The role of the fire-keeper then among the Dotter Grineer tribes is the closest thing to a spiritual role their ruthless pragmatism will allow, sparking off whatever combustible pile the others have gathered to end the day or stave off the worst of a bone-chilling blizzard. The effects of their hammer's phosphoritic discharge on living flesh and metal  alike allows them to engage in battle as effectively as any of their interplanetary cousins, if not even more viciously.



A crude and vicious weapon, it is clear from the outset that the Jut Ret is a home-brewed tool constructed from a scavenger's inventory. The head of the hammer is made up of two crewmen helmets crudely forged together bottom to bottom and battered into an appropriately hammer-like shape. Punched through the hammer's foe-facing portion are an adhoc mix of bits of flint, nails and chunks of bone which cover all the roles of the firekeeper (combat, fire-starting, and sacred ritualism). A tiny slit remains on the frontal area where the helms meet that leaks small puffs of noxious white (energy colored) vapor as it is swung, sometimes belching forth particularly large clouds on certain strikes which are ignited by the hammer's flint portions striking something hard enough to make a spark. The body-grip grip segment is a long chunk of rebar that's had it's harder-to-grip areas hammered down and smoothed so that a set of cracked leather grips could be wrapped around and tightly to the weapon. Hanging from various loops of leather up and down the rebar are tiny bone fetishes, scrimshawed from other fallen Grins of notoriety who's legacy lives in the depths of the flame. Overall, everything is colored naturally, with actual color adjustments taking on the form of smeared on fire-resistant paint that blends in quite well with it's natural material colors.

"Basic" Description: 

This searing symbol of authority among the Dotter Grineer tribes creates terrible flames with which to push back both Venusian cold and Corpus aggressor alike.

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Just a P.S.A. for those of you searching for new content!


Expansion is currently underway over in the Grineer Generations for a new faction of Grineer who have never known the Kweens, nor know of the fall of the Orokin or the Sentient War. Had to make them Venus based of course, but for very good story reasons. You can check out it's development over the next set of days right here at the very bottom of the list, but, I'll let you all know when it is concluded. 

See ya soon!

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On 2017-07-17 at 6:30 PM, Unus said:

                                  Page 260

(Conceived circa some time in the past 3 months, fully gestated circa 7/15/2017)

This one was once a technological pipe-dream until Digital flexed it's technological prowess and revealed the Plains to us. Made the concept sooooo much more feasible.


Because of it's inordinate size, I'll be doling out updates for it slowly and carefully until I have filled in the gaps.


Designation: The New Tethys Arco-Sphere.

Location:  Midwestern Pacific Ocean, Sea Platform 3.

  Reveal hidden contents

Advertising Cinematic:

  Reveal hidden contents


(Screen filled with static)


(Clinking sound)

"Helloooooo? Is this piecea spacer. . ."

(screen adjusts, revealing a dimly lit room with the outline of a man's upper-body in the center)

"Harhar!, ahoy there fellow scum! This be yar frenly admeral speakin! I'll be frank Tenno, I be needin yar help something fierce."

(Screen transitions to reveal a distant large metal platform in the middle of an ocean on a foggy afternoon seen from above, as if landing)

"Me home, Barboga, she been found at last."

(Gunfire begins to erupt from somewhere below the camera in addition to rockets from the sides as the camera closes in, sporadic gunfire is returned from the platform as a maze of low-set perfectly square black-blue buildings finally resolve themselves from the seemingly solid square in the sea.)

"Try as we might to float under thar radar, the lost men be houndin us now somethin fierce. . ."

(Camera focuses in on a distant rooftop where a turret of sorts has managed to assemble itself in a liquid manner from the roof material)

". . . albeit not witho acquirin a bloody nose. . ."

(a harpoon fires from the turret's barrel and slams into the camera bearer. The camera twists loose from the housing, dangleing from a chord and revealing to the viewer that it was attached to a Grineer dropship. Blood pools around where the harpoon has struck as it falls and several others can be seen receiveing the same treatment in the background.)

". . . or twelve, harharhar."

(Camera and vehicle splash down into the water, revealing organized teams of dragas of varying types standing atop submarine platforms held "aloft" by giant roters exchanging fire with a large wall seemingly made of liquid mercury where gritty looking men and women in strange opaque and body-tight blue suits that allow one to see the tattered synthetic textiles they wear as plain cloths beneath and torpedo turrets pop in and out of it like water. A large and bulky looking machine with an almost blinding orange light on top is puttering towards the wall as the wall turrets and people shoot frantically at it and the dragas)

"But try as we might. . ."

(The dull shake of an explosion jolts the camera, causeing it to go dark)

". . . wer on our last few sea legs out here."

(Screen flickers back on to the dim-lit room and the figure)

"So, Tenno, what say ye? Ya willin to help a salty old sea-brow  keep hiz olllll ship afloat? Don't worry bout the payout. . ."

(The figure holds up an Orokin Cell in a glowing container that still has a pair of Grineer hands wrapped around it, revealing his face. Above the snuggle-toothed grin (as if delivering the punchline to a particularly hilarious joke), Infested and oceanic tattoos line his grizzled and wind-battered features, exceedingly "average". . . save for the fact that, in place of his eyes, a pair of M.O.A. eyes on short plastique stalks jerkily focus on the screen. The room lights up to reveal he is sitting on a chair in a room where dozens of similar containers are scattered about messily alongside the viscera of various butchered Grineer)

". . . I've already taken care a that."

(As the man throws his head back in the beginning of a long cackle, a raucously decorated osprey with tiny M.O.A. legs and feathers glued across it dashes in and snatches the canister with a static-filled "RAWK!". It quickly turns and rockets out of the room, brushing past the camera and causing it to jerk. The man looks surprised for a few moments before leaping frotm the chair brandishing a red-energized black and white sydon knocking the camera onto it's side)

(Said as if fading into distance. Sounds of clattering and crashing abound)

"Avast ye outdated bag a feathers an bolts! When I get my hands on that scrawny polymer neck a yours. . ."

(Techno-Piraty music starts up)

(Sudden transition to title sequence of a tidal wave crashing against a sandy shore, revealing "Warframe: Restless Depths" on the metal beneath)

(Transition to additional additional information again by tidal wave)

(Transition to camera finally hitting sea floor, scaring away a Lanx variant and what appears to be a mangled humanoid body with it's feet placed in a sharklike pattern and bones sticking through the skin)

(A sudden extremely low decibel whale-call occurs and something absolutely GARGANTUAN with a giant light-bordered maw drifts towards the camera from the oceanic black at menacing speed before the ad ends.)




Vay Hek


Ex-Admiral Mer Cappen=

Formerly the scion of one of the military families of the Corpus before the expensive concept of having a standing military was phased out and replaced by the hiring of mercenaries and the use of proxies, Mer Cappen was once meant to sit at the forefront of fleet actions before he rebelled against the dry and passionless practices practiced by the admiralty. Rousing a rebellion amongst the the now jobless crew, Mer Cappen seized control of several mothballed military assets and fled with a sizable contingent of troops to the backwater of Europa, where they became the largest privateer group in the Sol-Origin system. Sadly, the fervor of the cause soon faded from the hearts of much of the crew and, soon, thoughts turned to greed and paranoia as it gradually fractured, splintered, and was defected from by many, eventually leading to the Admiral being shived in the gut and both eyes by power-hungry recruits, tossed into an escape-pod, and left to fly onto a random trajectory. As always though, luck seemed to favor the grizzled old fellow as his pod shocked into Earth orbit and plunged into the briny depths just outside Barboga's hull. Retrieved and cared for to the best of the inhabitant's abilities, Mer Cappen stands as one of the isle's prodigal adopted sons and the face of it when dealing with foreign powers, willing and able to do what it takes to make sure Barboga comes out on top in many an important deal.

Grandmother Tessa "Slit-Throat" Thetch=

"Tenno! Come in, come in! Just in time for my free salmon fillet per-ton-purchased discount!"-

An elderly women with a love of children in her heart, a culinary eye towards seafood, and a razor sharp business mentality when it comes to the bulk transport of basic goods. Through a combination of diplomacy, disarming charm, and pure terror-inspiring brutality, Grandmother Thetch has cornered the market on bulk shipping to Barboga in it's totality since the day it opened it's businesses to outside powers. Tenno will get to know her through the resource exchange services she provides in the form of her "Barboga's Best" trade company.

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I'm [•| d34& y£! ?{;m;t;>e5. 5to9 your n0[~€£5!(al a€|!€/ f!5€!€9 @nd find £3 6€?ore 1 9€.


A retired soldier from the endless war against unnatural nature and now the grineer that has gone on for decades in and around Barboga, Koyaweg eventually suffered a mental breakdown and was honorably discharged from service into the local Pub system. Bounced from institution to institution over the course of three years in a state of crippling melancholy, Koyaweg eventually found himself under the care of the hard-nosed caretaker of "The Hollow Leg" Pub, Tanaya. . . and immediately making a positive turnaround, almost TO positive. Now an irrepressible optimist (to a fault) and styleing himself as a "friendly business man" in the tattered garb of a conglomerate merchant, the wild-eyed ex-soldier now has a mind filled with grand financial buzzwords and his heart set on flexing mercantile muscles he never knew he had.


Direct and blunt are two words that may as well have belonged on a permanent name-tag for this ex-soldier of the seas. Never one for the long nights of endless nothing occasionally interspersed with frantic bouts of life-and-death action, the laid-back tomboy took the first chance she could to duck out of the line of fire 


Vay Hek's Royal Service Corps=

An overblown title for what amounts to a smattering of assets (vehicles, personnel, materials, etc) privately owned by the governor himself, the Corps only current goal is to find a way to remove the corsairs by any means so that Barboga  ("NEW DEIMOS!" according to Hek) can be claimed as the planetary capital of the Frontier (and secretly, to Hek, as a pleasure palace to call his own). Alas, their attrition tactics have begun to make headway on the battered artificial isle. Could the Tenno tip the scales back in the Corsair's favor?

The Barbogan Corsairs=

Descendants of stranded human workers who kept the service platforms for _____ and basic commerce functional in the days of the Empire, the Corsairs have been hardened by centuries of survival alone in a world that they had largely assumed had been cleared of all human life until the discovery of radio transmissions all across the system decades ago. Years of isolation and self-sufficiency (thanks in no small part to the platform's extensive self-maintenance systems) have led to a unique clannish utilitarian society of fishermen, salvagers, sailors, and, of course, pirates (a ritualized way of settling critical grievances is by naval combat till a ship is crippled and it's captain captured.). It is only recently that commerce has initiated with the more "rogue" elements of the Sol-Origin system, as the Corsairs remained leery of contacting the Corpus (as their resemblance to their former masters is uncanny) and the Grineer (who were once being considered as their ultimate replacements before the war threw all Orokin plans into disarray.). Unfortunately, the new residents of Earth had other plans. . .

The Forgotten

What lies below. . .

The Old Light

. . . and what lies beyond.



Foamed Aluminum Pearls= Found in the transgenic barnacles (purpose-built by the Orokin for ease-of-production) that sway and swish with the liquid hull of Barboga, these pearls are quite valuable for reasons both monetary and mechanical. When not being incorporated into sea-going craft, temporary structures, or light weaponry, Foamed Aluminum Pearls are used as a form of currency among the Corsairs, although credits are commonly used when dealing with outsiders.

Supercavitation Generator: Once a powerful tool of the Orokin utilized to boost worker efficiency beneath the waves, the rarity of the cells once required to utilize them has led to a decrease of use in these esoteric machines as well as a transition over into the far more power-hungry-but-still-functional microwave-powered personal models. When activated, the generator forms a thin supercaviitation bubble around the user, allowing them to perform actions at roughly the same speed as one could on the surface. For Tenno, this means that, in exchange for gradual power consumption while it's activated, under-water Archwing travel assumes the same speeds and reactivity as in-air movement. Naturally, these devices can be further augmented with three separate side upgrades (purchased via pearls) that have emerged over the years, those being the Charge Recycler (S.G. only uses half an energy point per moment activated), the Kinetic Supplement (Melee Attacks while using an S.G. temporarily halt consumption) and the Cavitation Ram (Flying into enemy units while under the effects of an S.G. underwater causes 35 Impact damage and knocks them back in a stumble.). S.G.s automatically shut-down on contact with an atmosphere, lack of power, or on accidental activation, remaing dormant for about two minutes before returning to stand-by mode.


Barboga's Best Tradehouse=

The busiest (and, as of only recently, the only) area of mercantile contact with the outside world for Barboga, the Tradehouse is the throbbing cardiac artery from which all material flows outward and all wealth flows in. Heavily guarded at any and all times by a slew of readjusted security systems and a rotating shift of overpaid merchant militia, nothing illicit can go on on the gantries, the helipads within, and pens both outside and beneath the dockyard without the gaze of Grandmother Thatch washing over it like high-tide. Between her heavy security systems, her ubiquitous surveillance into each and every transaction going on, and her fantastic wealth, the aged gladiator-turned-fiscal matron is secure in her monopoly and the community hopes to keep it that way.

Koyaweg's Bounty=

The drifting hulk of a battered Orokin scout submarine, refurbished and tethered to Barboga by retired soldiers Koyaweg and Tanaya as their permanent home. The large vessel's intact communications systems, large cargo-bay, and relatively air-tight nature has  allowed the pair to refurbish and reopen it as a floating hunting lodge of sorts, complete with wall-to-wall-to-ceiling grisly trophies of just about every phyla in addition to pre and post-orokin salvage from the depths. A quirky gaggle of three A-M.O.A.s has taken residence outside and inside the hull. Though Hu (red), Mu (green), and Lu (blue) are inquisitive to the point of annoyance and tend to "bicker" loud enough to raise any customer's attention, they still provide a service and earn their keep in the form of hauling carcasses through the briny depths back to the Bounty and add a bit of liveliness to contrast with the gruesome decor.

Samodeus' Wreckage

  Reveal hidden contents

Shot down during the Old War by foes unknown, this mangled hulk is the final resting place of the self-proclaimed cephalon genius Samodeus. Buried deep into the seabed and surrounded by high-level active defenses, this well-hidden and difficult-to-reach locale seems to offer little beyond the rare benthic organisms that are found occasionally circling the hull. Those who brave the ancient fire of it's guns and who hold a piece of his "art" however, may find a reward worth more then platinum waiting for them inside in it's dim corridors and on it's flickering consoles. . .

The Gunge

  Reveal hidden contents


In the aftermath of the Grey Goo catastrophe that scrubbed the Earth clean of 99% of all native life, the proto-Orokin wished to accelerate the cleansing process by removing the remaining roiling masses of organic tissue that steadfastly refused to roll over and die of starvation in a timely manner. With the slow and arduous process of hauling the material up into orbit and firing it into Sol becomeing far to labor and resource intensive for the still reeling population, corner cutting procedures were implemented. Put simply, the remaining material was placed inside sealed pods and fired down into the deepest oceanic crevices as could be found and largely forgotten about. In time, as the proto-Orokin transitioned into the Orokin of the gilded age,  the dumping was all but forgotten and, by the time of the Sentient war, few remained who could even point out on a map of Earth where anything was centuries before.


Under this shroud of lost information, the Gunge has grown from it's unholy crevices, twisting tendrils of night-black sludge with a dull volcanic glow coating the sea floor in a patchwork of disturbing facsimiles of trees and plants where no light ever touches, inhabited by crude puppets that are not entirely man or beast. In these "black meadows", pristine items hundreds of years old remain for the takeing, unused by the stagnate Gunge as it feeds on the dead that rain from above and geothermal heat. Ignoring the potential mass suicide of attempting to disturb the Gunge for these treasures, there's a fortune to be had down in the murk. . . have ye the pair that clank to test the waters?





Barboga's Best Tradehouse

Here at the Tradehouse, several services can be acquired from Grandmother and her myriad blood and adopted relatives. First and foremost, Common resources can be exchanged at unequal rates in order to fill in gaps in one's inventory in 250 to 125, 500 to 250, 750 to 375, and 1000 to 500 allotments. In addition, for a "modest" 30,000 dollar fee, grandmother's associates can pull a few simple strings to "supply" vulnerable areas on the Sol-Origin map with resources for Tenno to ransack, acting as a resource booster, but ONLY for common resources for 30 minutes.

Koyaweg's/ Tanaya's Bounty=

Run by a former soldier and his wife who have retired to a "less hazardous" occupation, Koyaweg's Bounty sells spear-guns (spears must be acquired from Cetus), attractant, and nerve agent dosages to allow daring fishermen to battle the fiercest aberrations that lurk in the murk below hand-to-hand. Particularly fierce prey can be sent back by A-M.O.A. tow on defeat and be turned into head mounts and ceiling-mounted dioramas. Particularly ambitious fishermen can even take bounties on particularly malicious organisms who have earned reputations as man-eaters or are the result of accidental exposure to orokin machines or other more sinister sources.

Individuals interested in hunting the beasts of the depths can (and will be pressured to) receive a free "Koymunicator" device that will allow one to contact one (or more, depending on the kill) of the couple's A-M.O.A.s for one of their various offered options.

(Deep-Sea Fishing 101)=

Unlike the more sedentary land-bound fishing style, fishing like a Corsair is far more of a battle of life-and-death. After the spear is lodged into a target's hide, the shooter must hold onto the tether as the entity struggles and thrashes in species unique ways, carefully scaling up the tether until they reach the beast. Once there, the real battle begins (via button prompts) whereby the hunter must strike at various points on the prey's form in order to cripple and (hopefully) kill it. Careless hunters can find themselves hurled off and viciously mauled or bashed against scenery or even suffer more esoteric effects such as poisoning or finding themselves at the center of an angry pack. Subsequent "reattachment" to the target will result in easier and easier battles if the prey isn't outright killed on the first try (though exceptions exist). At the end, when the battle culminates and the horror floats bleeding it's last, options present themselves. Depending on the hunter's goal, they can outright butcher it on the spot for meat and a few choice pieces of viscera or contact the Bounty for one of their presented options, those being 1. Processing, where the beast is sent back and more viscera is extracted from it then meat, 2. Trophy-Stuffing, whereby the beast is sent back and hollowed out for a few bits of viscera and meat and kept in storage till the hunter decides on either mounting it's head or body, 3. Feasting, whereby the beast is brought back to the Bounty to be served at the local Pub (Pubs serve as poorhouses, restaurants, and churches in Barbogan Corsair society) for a healthy chunk of reputation dependent on the beast in question, and 4. Display, whereby the beast's data and corpus are uploaded whole-sale into Simaris' paradise, showing a ranking of time-to-kill and weight on a sort of "leader-board" console found back on the Bounty in addition to holographically projecting an image of the beast in motion on a nearby table and showing off various fact blurbs and anatomical features. If all blurbs are filled out, one instead simply gets bonus Simarisian points. 



Mobidi Launcher=

Standard issue-speargun, a tube with a snail-shell-aesthetic buttstock, a cord-rope body tether, a coral-style grip, and a flotsam wood style barrel alongside a set of CO2 canisters shaped like sea sponges for pressurized launch. The canister is stuck onto a short branchlike-tube on the side and twisted into place.

Pelgata Launcher=

Equipped with a L.A.S.E.R. sight tuned outside of most organism's view-able wavelengths that assists in targeting and a refined set of canisters shaped like male anglerfish for even more launch pressure to penetrate thick hides. The short buttstock is now sculpted into a lump of more exotic coral, the body tether now adopting a more aesthetically pleasing piece of seaweed appearence, the grip a fish fin, and the barrel an upside-down anglerfish with the laser emitting from the angler's lure-tip.

Nemota Launcher=

Equipped with a full scope assembly shaped like a squid's eye that, when viewed, outlines targets in vibrant red, shows their direction-of-motion, and provides a modest amount of zoom. As an added bonus, a second tube-branch has been added to the other-side allowing for two shots in rapid succession. The buttstock has been shaped into a nautilus shell, the tether a tentacle, the grip an artistically carved spurt of ink, and the barrel a rearing squid, its two "feeder tentacles" making up the canister insertion branches.


A thick cocktail of industrial waste, sea-urchin venom, and her husband's spit( so Tanaya jokes). Applying this to the spear before launch can slow the target down and weaken it, but will also ruin a portion of the meat in the process. Comes in Crippler (25% loss in meat, speed, and strength), Maimer (50% loss in meat, speed, and strength), and Kiss of the Gunge (75% loss in meat, speed, and strength)


Proclaimed by Koyaweg to be the aftershave he wore on the day he met Tanaya, attractachum is a messy blend of fish-flesh, spices, and various choice bits of fish gore. ANYTHING will come for it, but certain adjustments to the blend can be made in the nano-forge to draw specific breeds of horror out of the shadows. The side-effect is that, while organisms will most certainly come for it, they will also put up far more of a fight for this food source, leading to an increase in strength.


The Mariner's Dispute

To prevent grievances from resulting in grievous injury or murder amongst the populace and damaging their tightly controlled genetic diversity, the Corsairs of Barboga have arranged a sort of gladiatorial proving ground where individuals both directly or indirectly involved in the dispute can board modular combat vessels and fight till one or the other reaches the sinking point. The public is not told what the disagreement is about, only that a dispute will occur and what time it will commence. Aside from considerable preparation to prevent fatalities (thankfully, a rarity) and an unspoken law of no outside influence when a battle occurs, everything is fair in the circular arena, from false surrenders, to gut shots, to lopsided battles between grizzled seafarers and simple fishermen.


In "Crunch" terminology, The Mariner's Dispute is a specialized Conclave Battle where two teams, one red and one blue, board moving vessels and fire various forms of turrets at the opposition, attempting to either knock the entire crew into the water, "near-sink" (a flotation foam within the upper hull activates the moment it takes on enough water, making it buoyant enough for towing) the opposing ship, or down/throw over-board the designated "captain" of the vessel, who drives the ship from within an armored cockpit. Quality Points are awarded based on how success is achieved, with near-sinks being worth a low "Jetsam" point, crew-clears being worth a mid "Pearl" point, and Captain take-downs being worth one high "Abalone" point. Points can be redeemed at the Tallyman's Crownest (The square blue upward rectangle where the chap sits surrounded by coffee cups overlooking the arena) for various bundled prizes, ranging from Pearls, to Credit Bundles, to Cosmetics and even uniquely adjusted weaponry.

Turret Types:

Smart Chain-Shot= 

A drone-minded bolos that will either slowdown to temporarily entangle crew or speed up to impact hills and deal damage.

"Boxer" Chain-Ball= Spring-loaded metal ball on a long chain. Automatically adjusts for "lower" pressure blows to knock over crew and to higher level blows to smash hulls.

Canister Teargas= Deploys an armored canister of tear-gas at a very low fire-rate that unpacks and slows down crew movement significantly in addition to blurring player screens. The canister is destructible.

Shocker Suctioncup= A fish-shaped battery equipped with a set of taser prongs with suction-cupped tips in the mouth area. Will adjust it's charge dependent on the target it attaches to, with a low prolonged charge for stunning crew for a time and one massive burst to temporarily disrupt onboard electronics. The insulation on these turrets renders them immune to their own effects.

"Fishnibbler" Rubber Machinegun= Rotary machine gun equipped with rubber bullets. Pushes Units back slightly and has a tendency to cause knockback. Does no hull damage.



(Torn between making em either ambient motile scenery or allies)

An aquatic variant of the ubiquitous avian-esque androids that were once used throughout the length and breadth of the Empire, the rare and finicky-to-maintain A-model M.O.A.s now only survive within the halls of the cube-covered city of Barboga.  Klutzy and clumsy on land due to the bulk of their strategically placed propellers and their awkward webbed feet, A-M.O.A.s move at astonishing speeds underwater, paddling with an organic grace that could seem almost breathtaking. Utilized for a number of vital roles from undersea deposit scouting, hull scraping, closed-message transmission, and even remote communication (the user wirelessly overrides the A-M.O.A.'s control of it's body in order to portray proper body language), it is rare to see these specialized machines optimized for combat. Unlike Corpussian standard M.O.A.s, modern A-M.O.A.s commonly lack a control bolt, partially to conserve resources that would be spent on miniaturization of the modules and partially because most A-M.O.A.s (with VERY few exceptions) are retrofitted to rely on "outdated" microwave power transmission, making "escape" or "rebellion" suicide. This means that, ofttimes, Barboga's outskirts and dry-docks are teeming with small swimming "families" of idling A-M.O.A. of various models and sizes, their unshackled electronic minds and years of active duty allowing them to experience basic animal emotions, though they will always snap to attention and arrive at the beck-and-call of whoever needs them. As is typical of the nostalgic Orokin, A-M.O.A. calls are a medley of Pre-Disaster sea-bird noises, from terns and gulls to penguins and puffins.


Gunge Ecoforms:

  Reveal hidden contents


Collectively Dubbed "The Forgotten" due to their out-of-sight out-of-mind existence, the Ecoforms are far less of an attack force like the Infested forms are and far more of a self-maintaining biosphere where all actions boil back to feeding the "Gunge Core", a vast roiling mass of nearly immobile synaptic fiber which guides the ecosystem's every action through guided pulses and pheromone vents. Though the Ecoforms are largely contained within the general area of where the "Gunge Blot" spreads across the sea-floor, they are as absolutely merciless as their land-bound counterparts when it comes to discovering organic material in the area. Once "word" of an entities' existence reaches the Core, every entity within the zone springs to life in pursuit of the prey. Below are the most common ecoforms to spawn when the Gunge is disturbed, though by no means is this list final. 





Massive tendrils that stretch up from below and swing wildly in the abyss. The tubes at their bottoms contain a shrimp like "processor" which does continuous damage to any unfortunate entity that is reeled in, though strong or healthy creatures might potentially break through the stalks with sufficient force. Multiple Riftia clustered together will assist in dragging prey in, increasing the difficulty in escaping. 





Ghoulish looking shark analogues with the haphazardly slapped on semblance of a humanoid "spilling" from the "maw". They erupt from pores in the Gunges'  oil slick of a body, hell-bent on dragging the prey back into the mush with them, in pieces or otherwise. Fast, but, like their home, vulnerable to electrical shock. They tend to avoid direct light and will circle to strike from the shadows. Needless to say, they burst when brought above deep-sea pressure zones and have highly conductive flesh.

The Chum

Even the seemingly natural circling shoals of ""fish"" are nothing more then cleverly disguised lures for the super-organism, easily re-purposed to deadly effect as engine clogging distractions or as a living flurry of obstacles to slow prey down.  

The Morgawar




When the murky shadows of the depths are pushed hard enough, the Gunge will push back with all the brutality the surface breeds are known for. Significantly expensive for a Gunge Node to disgorge, but extremely deadly at it's job of driving off the most deadly threats, the Morgawar is a massive undulating black blob that shimmers with inner volcanic light in it's "cleanest" portions haphazardly scattered throughout the amorphous form. Armed with a territorial mentality, a difficult-to-penetrate cell wall, and an array of whiplike psueudopodic tentacles capable of smacking together so hard they create hot water shockwaves capable of reaching sunlike temperatures, to fight a Morgwar is to have pressed the Gunge mass to the brink of death. To slay the Morgwar, however, is to leave the mass in the area lethargic and significantly weakened, an excellant time to move in and recover what booty thar might be thereabouts, hyar.




It's been a long time. How have you been? 


I've been really busy since the game finally murdered my enthusiasm. I've said a lot of things about the game I regret. But I think I can put my differences with Warframe aside, for the Lotus. 


To begin with I just got sick of the game, I became jaded. I had it ALL. Sure, I was only MR16, but that's the thing, I didn't want everything. Everything I did want I had or could easily get and forma up so fast it was sickening. I had all the best mods leveled up, which was the real thing that made things too easy. Nearly all prime mods at level 9 and a couple at ten. Like most of the rare r10 mods at 9-10, uncommons at ten, a few more tertiary ones at nine etc. So, so many mods. So many frames, so many frames deleted not out of space but out of boredom... so many valuable primes. Because I was so, so sick of everything. Same with weapons... it's kind of sad lol. But I really was that sick of things. 


Then, I tried to come back, still not feeling much enthusiasm, and my computer decided to stop working on me forever. So I had to switch to Xbox and start an entirely new account after YEARS of play. And there is no migration to console. Migration only happened once and probably won't again. Anyways, I am actually starting to enjoy the game now that I am starting from the basics again. Sure, it is a little bit slow going right now and I have like.... nothing at all. No potato's, almost none of the basic mods, etc. But, I will get there over time. The new player experience is way better this time and I am actually excited about doing the quests and junctions. 


That said, I think the reason the game got boring in the first place, for me and so many others, is that there just wasn't enough to do. The PoE was a nice attempt to fix that, but it is still too limited in too many ways. For starters, it's still a four person squad at max and the whole thing feels very modular. The world also feels big and open, but to be honest, at least from my perspective, it actually doesn't seem that alive or that there is that much going on besides a lot of grineer noise and skiffs flying around and disturbing the otherwise almost too idyllic landscape. I think the biggest issue is still that the whole space is just wasted when DE won't at least try a small beta test of making the whole thing (cetus + plains) one big relay that is hosted by them... but maybe that's just too expensive? 

Regardless, despite squad limitations, I think it could still be better if it felt like there was more going on and it felt more immersive. Despite the attempts at story, the creatures that come out at night, etc, the plains feels kind of bare. You don't run into friendly npc's, and yes I know there are lore reasons, but the whole thing just feels kind of sterile. It's just you against grineer and some random wildlife, except at night you fight kaiju, it what I was disappointed to find out would not be an epic battle with dozens of tenno against a giant monster. Anyhow, I think your very well written idea and conceived idea is a really cool way to alleviate some of the biggest problems with the first open world landscape mode/thing. The way you conceive of it provides a landscape that gives you a chance at finding rewards, as I can read from the descriptions, but the very world itself is almost against you, and seems to hint at a certain level of sentience on its part. I think it sounds like a place maybe not so boring and ho-hum where you just sit around and fish all day, but somewhere where you can feel like high risk will be worth high reward, and you are always fighting for your life. It would also probably be a good excuse for DE to finally fix sharkwing... and make it more useful. They need a kick in the pants on that level really. Since the sharkwing planet thing they haven't done much and it's kind of sad. No real depth for sharkwing at all or any reason to be that interested in it. An underwater open world tileset with some real room to explore, and some fixes in the holes in sharkwing memory leaks and some more depth to sharkwing combat and archwing gameplay in general would be reall good for the game. 

The only thing I would caution is that, to be honest I could see DE making something like this, or even something inspired by reading this. But, if they did, it wouldn't be out of any offense to you (because it is well written and conceived as a creative work), but I expect they would write their own lore/characters entirely, even weaving a lot of their current ones (potentially) into the story. I'm also not sure if they would go with a pirate theme (since there are already lore hints that we might learn about some ice pirates at some point... okay, well not any real hints I guess, just description for the quanta aefis skin, but I can dream, right?), or more of a general salvager theme for something like this? But I think either could work. But to be honest I doubt this is something I needed to point out in the first place. Most writers know that when coming up with something for a fictional universe that already exists, you run the risk of them liking the essence of your idea, but throwing out the vast majority of any actual script or the like that you wrote (and Steve has always been particularly controlling about story direction and seems to have a lot of plans for where he wants things to go in his head, even if some of it hasn't been hinted at yet). I'm not entirely sure I like the name "the gunge" simply because to me personally it doesn't sound particularly intimidating, but YMMV. 

Overall I think it's really creative and I could definitely see them making a similar landscape tileset at some point in the future. They definitely plan to keep making more, and I imagine an underwater one with sharkwing would have to be in the cards at some point. The most impressive is that you came up with this before the Plains was even known to be something DE considered feasible for their company. Very cool idea, and easy to follow explanations for all aspects. Well done. 


I would like to add, that while script itself and sometimes characters are harder to keep when getting ideas noticed, in terms of enemies, or weapons and such like that, those are definitely far more likely to be added. And you have some interesting stuff there. The only thing really missing is getting someone artsy to get some artwork to go along with that stuff, and you could always have it ready in case they make a underwater landscape and ask for submissions. Not that you necessarily need artwork for it, as if they saw the thread and were inspired by it they could always make their own art. And even when they use Tenno art, they still modify it to some degree. However, if there ever is any submissions contest for art for say, an underwater tileset or landscape, especially for new enemies, if you had some art to go along with it, you would have some well thought out submissions pretty much ready made. And while names might change a bit or art might be tweaked a bit, etc, Silverbones for example and some others have all seen their ideas in the game, so it wouldn't be a stretch at all to see some of this stuff in the game at some point as well. The more you can refine it, and maybe get concept art for some of this, the more it might be easier to catch someone's eye even if there isn't a contest going on. I'm not one to do art, but maybe someone out there is interested. 

Edited by Tesseract7777
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10 hours ago, Tesseract7777 said:

It's been a long time. How have you been? 


I've been really busy since the game finally murdered my enthusiasm. I've said a lot of things about the game I regret. But I think I can put my differences with Warframe aside, for the Lotus. 


To begin with I just got sick of the game, I became jaded. I had it ALL. Sure, I was only MR16, but that's the thing, I didn't want everything. Everything I did want I had or could easily get and forma up so fast it was sickening. I had all the best mods leveled up, which was the real thing that made things too easy. Nearly all prime mods at level 9 and a couple at ten. Like most of the rare r10 mods at 9-10, uncommons at ten, a few more tertiary ones at nine etc. So, so many mods. So many frames, so many frames deleted not out of space but out of boredom... so many valuable primes. Because I was so, so sick of everything. Same with weapons... it's kind of sad lol. But I really was that sick of things. 


Then, I tried to come back, still not feeling much enthusiasm, and my computer decided to stop working on me forever. So I had to switch to Xbox and start an entirely new account after YEARS of play. And there is no migration to console. Migration only happened once and probably won't again. Anyways, I am actually starting to enjoy the game now that I am starting from the basics again. Sure, it is a little bit slow going right now and I have like.... nothing at all. No potato's, almost none of the basic mods, etc. But, I will get there over time. The new player experience is way better this time and I am actually excited about doing the quests and junctions. 


That said, I think the reason the game got boring in the first place, for me and so many others, is that there just wasn't enough to do. The PoE was a nice attempt to fix that, but it is still too limited in too many ways. For starters, it's still a four person squad at max and the whole thing feels very modular. The world also feels big and open, but to be honest, at least from my perspective, it actually doesn't seem that alive or that there is that much going on besides a lot of grineer noise and skiffs flying around and disturbing the otherwise almost too idyllic landscape. I think the biggest issue is still that the whole space is just wasted when DE won't at least try a small beta test of making the whole thing (cetus + plains) one big relay that is hosted by them... but maybe that's just too expensive? 

Regardless, despite squad limitations, I think it could still be better if it felt like there was more going on and it felt more immersive. Despite the attempts at story, the creatures that come out at night, etc, the plains feels kind of bare. You don't run into friendly npc's, and yes I know there are lore reasons, but the whole thing just feels kind of sterile. It's just you against grineer and some random wildlife, except at night you fight kaiju, it what I was disappointed to find out would not be an epic battle with dozens of tenno against a giant monster. Anyhow, I think your very well written idea and conceived idea is a really cool way to alleviate some of the biggest problems with the first open world landscape mode/thing. The way you conceive of it provides a landscape that gives you a chance at finding rewards, as I can read from the descriptions, but the very world itself is almost against you, and seems to hint at a certain level of sentience on its part. I think it sounds like a place maybe not so boring and ho-hum where you just sit around and fish all day, but somewhere where you can feel like high risk will be worth high reward, and you are always fighting for your life. It would also probably be a good excuse for DE to finally fix sharkwing... and make it more useful. They need a kick in the pants on that level really. Since the sharkwing planet thing they haven't done much and it's kind of sad. No real depth for sharkwing at all or any reason to be that interested in it. An underwater open world tileset with some real room to explore, and some fixes in the holes in sharkwing memory leaks and some more depth to sharkwing combat and archwing gameplay in general would be reall good for the game. 

The only thing I would caution is that, to be honest I could see DE making something like this, or even something inspired by reading this. But, if they did, it wouldn't be out of any offense to you (because it is well written and conceived as a creative work), but I expect they would write their own lore/characters entirely, even weaving a lot of their current ones (potentially) into the story. I'm also not sure if they would go with a pirate theme (since there are already lore hints that we might learn about some ice pirates at some point... okay, well not any real hints I guess, just description for the quanta aefis skin, but I can dream, right?), or more of a general salvager theme for something like this? But I think either could work. But to be honest I doubt this is something I needed to point out in the first place. Most writers know that when coming up with something for a fictional universe that already exists, you run the risk of them liking the essence of your idea, but throwing out the vast majority of any actual script or the like that you wrote (and Steve has always been particularly controlling about story direction and seems to have a lot of plans for where he wants things to go in his head, even if some of it hasn't been hinted at yet). I'm not entirely sure I like the name "the gunge" simply because to me personally it doesn't sound particularly intimidating, but YMMV. 

Overall I think it's really creative and I could definitely see them making a similar landscape tileset at some point in the future. They definitely plan to keep making more, and I imagine an underwater one with sharkwing would have to be in the cards at some point. The most impressive is that you came up with this before the Plains was even known to be something DE considered feasible for their company. Very cool idea, and easy to follow explanations for all aspects. Well done. 


Strangely interesting suh! I just got a phone call saying that my diploma as a college graduate is on its way. The delay in recognition just kinda caught up to me and sent me reeling.


I understand sir, my sincerest apologies that I dragged you in here to read my work long after the spark had faded. Happy that some little fragments of sparked off at the bottom of your heart though! Even if they are small, who knows, perhaps Venus will provide you with more of the hustle, bustle, and busy business that you crave and make them grow!


EXACTLY suh! It was one of my main drives when constructing Restless Depths to maintain those two highest aspects you highlight! 1. We had our dosage of land-based movement, now we move to another form of movement to focus on and refine with items. 2. To have an area that is aggressive, but in a passive manner. Less guns and harsh language and more "whispering orange tendrils in the black you can just vaguely make out in the murk".

And, yes, I understand that things could be scrapped, warped, heavily twisted and the like. It's mostly the fact that a greater mind then my own possibly paused and glimpsed at my work and saw something, ANYTHING of value. Ell, just by giving your own two cents here is enough to give me the excitable jitters.

I have had a sneaking suspicion for the longest time that my Zor Mortar Rifle might have possibly been the basis for the Zar Cannon we have today, but I can't tell if that's disgusting self-preening or an actual observation.


In any case, thank you very much for taking your time looking this over, even after a year of silence on my part! That took some memory and at least a smidge of dedication.

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