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If Oberon gets a rework soon...

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6 minutes ago, (XB1)DataStorm 8Bit said:

Alright then, tell me how your amazing Oberon can scale endlessly wityb it's OP build then maybe I'll tell you about spore saryn which totally isn't a common build that you obviously ignored because you probably sold her when she was no longer a press 4 to win frame. 

I never said it scaled endlessly, I had a hard time finishing it.

Renewal didn't help much, but it was enough for me to at least survive. You can come with me on the next sortie if you want.

And don't tell me that Miasma can do 6000 a second, because we all know that's is untrue. It was something you achieve pre-revisit because of inverse power duration, but that does work anymore. You may be able to get that damage after all the ticks, but not in one second.


Edited by PUR3K1LL3R
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Can we not talk about Saryn in an Oberon thread?


Anyway, I'd like Oberon's Smite to do more confusion procs. It should proc on each Smite hit, not just the initial one. Renewal is fine and so is Reckoning, although it could use more range. As for Hallowed Ground, it should be replaced. Or at least should be changed from a stationary ability to an aura-like ability, similar to Chroma's Elemental Ward.

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6 minutes ago, Genitive said:

Anyway, I'd like Oberon's Smite to do more confusion procs. It should proc on each Smite hit, not just the initial one. Renewal is fine and so is Reckoning, although it could use more range. As for Hallowed Ground, it should be replaced. Or at least should be changed from a stationary ability to an aura-like ability, similar to Chroma's Elemental Ward.


2 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

Oberon isn't a terrible frame, but he does need a few tweaks here and there. let's see if DE mention anything in the next Devstream.

Basically these ^

Edited by PUR3K1LL3R
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1 hour ago, Zachatoo said:

All the damaging abilities you just mentioned do fall off.

Oberon doesn't need a rework, just a few QoL tweaks to his 2 and 3. His 2 is awkward to make use of, it should preferably be a circular aura around him or at least be a circle instead of a rectangle. His 3 takes too long to reach a target he needs to heal, it should be much faster or be instant.


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His 2 and 3 are out right terrible. Esp in comparison to other healing such as blessing. But good luck trying to get a rework. You are more likely to get his dedicated fan base coming into this thread saying hes fine, or you need to learn to play. Oh wait, already happened:D.

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5 hours ago, PUR3K1LL3R said:

It's true XD

it is not.
try using a 145 power strenght saryn with high power range. pop up spores 2 times over an enemy in a group of enemies (more than 7 if possible) Then shoot the enemies with a gun that deals high damage and has a good status chance (mod it with gas procs) Shoot like 5 times, and every one shot cast spores again. If you know how how poison works (gas is just AoE poison) you will know why a high damage + status weapon is a good option. After these 5 shots it will take like 5 seconds until you start seeing rooms of level 130 enemies die.
This works because when you destroy spores with weapons that have poison or gas, it will spread the damage in all the spore area of effect. Also poison itself deals a % of the total damage your weapon deals per second.and the poison damage will stack if you are fast enough. Also with that high damage, all the enemies also have the viral effect that will let you kill them way faster. ( This means that spores will sort of scale with your weapon damage)
In fact, the more enemies you have together will help you to kill them faster, because each time the spores spread, each enemy will spread 3 more spores to the group that have the poison damage added, and you will stack the poison damage way more faster and it will deal tons of damage.
If you don't trust me, try that with weapons like: Lanka, Vectis Prime, Quanta Vandal, Tysis, Staticor, etc... (just remember to increase the status chance and mod it with gas element only)

Edited by (PS4)BrutalReaper32
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6 hours ago, (XB1)DataStorm 8Bit said:

But that is his problem, he can a jack-of-all-trades, that's fine, but the abilities he has fall off too easy for actual use later game.

Oberon is a bad example of Jack of all trades, for jack of all trades see Equinox. 

  • no limit on damage amount from maim 
  • Can heal
  • Can sleep
  • Can speed up
  • Can slow down
  • Can increase damage taken
  • Can increase damage output via buff
  • Can make 27 perfectly formed french omelets
  • Self buff when switched

Compare to Oberon:

  • Can heal very poorly (has to have a heal spec min/maxed around duration and power str)
  • Can make the ground hairy with a weak armor buff and terrible dot
  • Can use seeker missle to do really weak damage that does not scale well and requires to you spam it, which instead you could use almost any gun in the game and do more damage
  • Can Slam Jam and pretend to be excal, except excal kills things, you don't they are just confused about why you are shaking them like an angry parent
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44 minutes ago, Pyus said:

Oberon is a bad example of Jack of all trades, for jack of all trades see Equinox. 

  • no limit on damage amount from maim 
  • Can heal
  • Can sleep
  • Can speed up
  • Can slow down
  • Can increase damage taken
  • Can increase damage output via buff
  • Can make 27 perfectly formed french omelets
  • Self buff when switched

Compare to Oberon:

  • Can heal very poorly (has to have a heal spec min/maxed around duration and power str)
  • Can make the ground hairy with a weak armor buff and terrible dot
  • Can use seeker missle to do really weak damage that does not scale well and requires to you spam it, which instead you could use almost any gun in the game and do more damage
  • Can Slam Jam and pretend to be excal, except excal kills things, you don't they are just confused about why you are shaking them like an angry parent

Thank you :)

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1 hour ago, Pyus said:

Oberon is a bad example of Jack of all trades, for jack of all trades see Equinox. 

  • no limit on damage amount from maim 
  • Can heal
  • Can sleep
  • Can speed up
  • Can slow down
  • Can increase damage taken
  • Can increase damage output via buff
  • Can make 27 perfectly formed french omelets
  • Self buff when switched

Compare to Oberon:

  • Can heal very poorly (has to have a heal spec min/maxed around duration and power str)
  • Can make the ground hairy with a weak armor buff and terrible dot
  • Can use seeker missle to do really weak damage that does not scale well and requires to you spam it, which instead you could use almost any gun in the game and do more damage
  • Can Slam Jam and pretend to be excal, except excal kills things, you don't they are just confused about why you are shaking them like an angry parent

Spot on. But hes fine. Didnt you know that? I have a 4 forma OB and hes barely better than a 0 forma build. Everything I can do with Obs I can do with Equinox (except rad procs) and do it 10x better. Drop the horrible heal and then even Rhino is a better "jack of all trades". Hell id rather have a healer chroma than a Obs healing the team.

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6 hours ago, Pyus said:

Can make the ground hairy with a weak armor buff and terrible dot

You forgot that your entire team is immune to knockdowns and have status proc immunity while on his "hairy ground." Cannot overstate how useful that is late-game.  The only problem is it's not user friendly to use, it needs some QoL changes so everyone on your squad can use it without changing their playstyle.

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1 hour ago, Zachatoo said:

You forgot that your entire team is immune to knockdowns and have status proc immunity while on his "hairy ground." Cannot overstate how useful that is late-game.  The only problem is it's not user friendly to use, it needs some QoL changes so everyone on your squad can use it without changing their playstyle.

Except...... asking team mates to all gather on a small patch of real estate in a mobility based horde shooter is like asking someone if they would like a punch in the face.

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5 minutes ago, WARLOCKE said:

Except...... asking team mates to all gather on a small patch of real estate in a mobility based horde shooter is like asking someone if they would like a punch in the face.


1 hour ago, Zachatoo said:

You forgot that your entire team is immune to knockdowns and have status proc immunity while on his "hairy ground." Cannot overstate how useful that is late-game.  The only problem is it's not user friendly to use, it needs some QoL changes so everyone on your squad can use it without changing their playstyle.

I covered that, it does need tweaks to be easier to use in a game like Warframe.

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7 hours ago, WARLOCKE said:

Spot on. But hes fine. Didnt you know that? I have a 4 forma OB and hes barely better than a 0 forma build. Everything I can do with Obs I can do with Equinox (except rad procs) and do it 10x better. Drop the horrible heal and then even Rhino is a better "jack of all trades". Hell id rather have a healer chroma than a Obs healing the team.

I would not mind secondary variations of Chroma, so we can have a radioactive healer (Friendly Fire, Friendly Heals :) )

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23 hours ago, (XB1)DataStorm 8Bit said:

Tell me what you think.

I think I completely disagree with your thoughts on him and that you think he needs a major re-work when in fact he does not. He is very viable in every mission if you understand how to play him properly. It takes a lot to understand his strengths and weaknesses and learn how to counter act them so it is effective. He is not meant to be a straight up support frame or a straight up damage frame but somewhere in the middle.  #2 & #3 could use a bit more love in terms of QoL but otherwise he is a great frame to play. 

Keep in mind this is coming from a guy who has played him as my main frame since his release in 10/13 well before XB1 even hit the scene. You are welcome to find my YT listed under the "Official Fan Channels" page and see just what Oberon can do!

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14 hours ago, DogManDan said:

I think I completely disagree with your thoughts on him and that you think he needs a major re-work when in fact he does not. He is very viable in every mission if you understand how to play him properly. It takes a lot to understand his strengths and weaknesses and learn how to counter act them so it is effective. He is not meant to be a straight up support frame or a straight up damage frame but somewhere in the middle.  #2 & #3 could use a bit more love in terms of QoL but otherwise he is a great frame to play. 

Keep in mind this is coming from a guy who has played him as my main frame since his release in 10/13 well before XB1 even hit the scene. You are welcome to find my YT listed under the "Official Fan Channels" page and see just what Oberon can do!

Crowd control when there a frames that can do it with their first ability?

Or single target chaos? 

He literally is just a downgrade from every frame.

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On 4/20/2016 at 10:21 AM, (XB1)DataStorm 8Bit said:

Crowd control when there a frames that can do it with their first ability?

Or single target chaos? 

He literally is just a downgrade from every frame.

Obviously you have it already set in your head that he is crap and a downgrade so I am not going to bother trying to convince you otherwise because it is clear from this discussion you don't want to see or listen. Your loss not mine.

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2 hours ago, DogManDan said:

Obviously you have it already set in your head that he is crap and a downgrade so I am not going to bother trying to convince you otherwise because it is clear from this discussion you don't want to see or listen. Your loss not mine.

This is how you know you won an argument.

'Yeah I could convince you with some evidence, but you clearly are misinformed and your beliefs are crap, so I wont bother'

Ok, tell me how Oberon can be gud.

The only thing he could be is a 'fill role' frame, but sadly, equinox fills that way better, so why use Oberon?

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The problem with oberon is equinox, equinox have scalable damage with maim, health and SHIELDS restoration with mend, better CC with rest than the radiation proc and the short range and duration blind from reckoning, equinox is a better jack of all trades than oberon by a mile.

My suggestions:

Change hallowed ground to a circle with 15-20 meter radius, change the armor buff because for most frames is useless and standing in a limited area for an insignificant amount of armor is not enough considering the risks.

Hallowed ground offers 50% damage reduction (unaffected by mods) and enemies receive 50% more damage from all sources when standing in the ability radius.

Give smite and reckoning something to scale better in terms of damage, increase the blind radius of reckoning to 10 meters and the blind duration to 10 seconds.

For the most part the problem is hallowed ground, an armor buff is not enough reward for standing still, most warframes get like 12 more armor? melee frames are not designed to be in a limited area, is the only ability who i find it useless other than status immunity and even then i can use renewal to heal status procs.

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On 4/18/2016 at 9:43 AM, (XB1)DataStorm 8Bit said:

I can't find feedback forums so move this if it exists.

He needs his healing to be based around damage, as an example, he first ability could be an ability where damage he does is spread out to team mates as 5% health, and 1% shields, effectively allowing Oberon to be a support frame, but his second ability could be an offensive ability based around the well-being of the team, the power can be based around how healthy everyone is, and how long it lasts is based on how much shields everyone has.

This synergy means you can have a very powerful attack based on how much you damage the foes, while supporting the team.

His third ability could give an armour buff to each team mate when damage is taken, this could be split between everyone and won't last long, but the idea is that this will increase survivability when things hit the fan.

His ult should be a combination of all three, if everything is buffed, his ult should be able to have a higher range based on armour, damage based on health, and duration effected by shields. The ultimate could be where Oberon devastates a room full of enemies, filling the survivers with a potential radioactive proc, allowing a room clear very easily if the Oberon focuses on his synergies.

Tell me what you think.

I like the idea for the first ability, but I think the second or third ability should be a high ranged ability where a percentage of the damage to allies is taken by Oberon. For this to mostly work, he would need an armor buff. His Ult should be similar to Inaros' scarab swarm. Consuming energy, he forms an orb of light the follows him. If recast-ed, it releases a rolling wave that damages enemies. All damage dealed to the enemy is converted into health that is given to the squad. Hallowed ground only needs a buff really, nothing major.

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