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Frost Snowglobes on Draco


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10 minutes ago, (PS4)Redemption_015 said:

I don't think any Snow Globe is that huge.

I think you've got that backwards my friend. You're slowing enemies not your teammates. Since Parkour 2.0, you can easily get from C to B in under two seconds.

Even if I capture the point?

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41 minutes ago, (PS4)lupowolfen said:

I've seen some people say they like the interception points to be covered with bubbles and I've seen others say the bubbles get in their way.

The former are playing the game as it's intended to be played.

The latter are playing the game through cheese as draco sc- erm... "efficient farmers" I mean.

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For regular draco with rj, nezha, saryn or mag globe at points aint a problem, coz you don't shoot stuff outside of just for fun, unless you really messed up stuff, but in that case even if there no globe you'll be in trouble, but globe will slow up dudes, which is nice

Edited by Hekovashi
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9 minutes ago, Prinny13 said:

Sometimes you are facing 8-12 enemies at the same time and your weapon does not have any AoE type of damage, is it smart to get in there?

Of course there are times getting in there is the way to got but every time, you have to assess the situation before hand! 

You don't have to have a weapon that specifically deals out AoE damage. I rarely use AoE weapons in Interception simply because I like a challenge. There were times people played Interception when there wasn't many good AoE weapons. Now everyone seems to be relying on the Tonkor and Syndicate procs.


4 minutes ago, Hemmo67 said:

and if i like to use bows and snipers? do u know how much pain it is try to no scope and actually kill with sniper from point blank? :|

I use the Dread 87% of the time in Interception missions and I'm managing large groups of enemies just fine. Also as Crackle mentioned above, you can make use of the Ice Wave Impedence augment if you want that extra CC. It really isn't that difficult.


3 minutes ago, KorpusKrewman said:

Even if I capture the point?

I'm not sure what you mean....

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There is actually a way for a Frost to participate in Draco Intercept and that is to leave D (center) open and Globe the area directly in front of spawn points for C and A, and to Globe the double ramps leading down to B.

The logic there is to prevent enemies from swarming the players while leaving an open line of fire to snipe off any sneakers that manage to reach the control modules. 

Dropping the Globes on spawns also ensure that their numbers do not pour out immediately and swarm the map if the Squad is preoccupied elsewhere, because face it, we aren't perfect, someone might have been caught by a Hyekka or two and they need help, having a line of fire to prevent any sneaky Grineer from capping is very useful for situations like these. 


Here is a visual example :


>Red Circle = Placement of Globe

>Bluish Square = Control Module 

(The B point is skewed off somewhere lol dunno why)




Edited by YasaiTsume
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8 minutes ago, SenorClipClop said:

A Snow Globe will stop all shots from outside the globe reaching anything inside the globe. While this is one of the safest abilities in the game and ideal for point defense, A globe will still block ally fire. An overzealous Frost will end up placing domes all over the place and actually create enemy safe-zones, which are especially problematic for long-range frames like Banshee and Nova, who will incur bunches of damage getting up-close with the big bads. This is true for all missions.

Using a Snow Globe to defend an Interception tower is not a bad idea as long as you have someone on that point and in that dome - the globe is protecting them. But in Interception, the enemy takes control of a tower by standing in its radius, not by damaging the tower, and enemies can easily walk through the globe and take the node as long as nobody opposes or the enemy overpowers the globe's occupant (Snow Globe's augment mod can mitigate this). In this case, the globe actually becomes a problem for the Tenno, since the only way to a clear a node of enemies is to actually get inside the Snow Globe and deal with them at close range. You can't shoot at them on your way to the tower, since the globe now protects the enemy. A quick solve to this situation is to cast Frost's 1 at the globe, causing a violent ice explosion and heavily damging all enemies in the area.

Frost is a very powerful frame for defending objectives, but setting up his stuff requires a good sense of strategic space management to really shine. Domes only protect from damage, so use them when damage is an issue, and don't forget to pop globes that are getting in the way by casting Freeze at them.

Very good explanation of the situation.  I guess it does complicate logistics for frames that need to fire weapons from long range and for non tank style frames that might not want to enter a globe full of enemies.  

But there are many advantages to the globe as well.  I've always found them useful for my style of play which is running around, picking things up and running into globes for protection and defense of points.  I am seeing both sides of it though.  Some in this thread seem to find the globes useful as well.  And there are plenty that don't want to see the globes or want to see them taken down when no one is in them.  I'm seeing a lot of polarization here.  Whether to use globes or not probably depends a lot on the makeup of the party. 


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maybe he's not desired on Draco since the objective is less "win easily" and more "Kill EVERYONE" but on literally ANY other Intercept he's nothing but a boon. the Globes provide cover and a very handy slow and CC on enemies.

I saw someone argue that the "Detriment" is being unable to shoot enemies trying to capture a point through the globe, but I FAIL to see how that matters AT ALL. on ANY non-Draco Intercept (ESPECIALLY Sorties) everybody should park their rear at ONE of the 4 intercept points and defend it like their lives depend on it, with only the Frost moving around to refresh the bubbles as they fall and help rez where needed (meaning give the Frost the node most easily defended) there should be no NEED to cross-map shoot because you should be defending your own point and not worrying about someone else's.

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6 minutes ago, Ivan_Rid said:

I`m okay with snowglobe at D, but at all other points it just gets in the way.

Learn to adapt. Wow, it truly didn't occur to me how lazy people have become in Interception.

I suppose it's less about actually having fun like the old days and more about cheating the Mastery Rank system in the laziest way possible.

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Just now, (PS4)Redemption_015 said:

Learn to adapt. Wow, it truly didn't occur to me how lazy people have become in Interception.

I suppose it's less about actually having fun like the old days and more about cheesing the Mastery Rank system in the laziest way possible.

Learn to use your skills right. If your decisions did more problems, than useful possibilities, maybe you doing something wrong?

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12 minutes ago, KorpusKrewman said:

Learn to use your skills right. If your decisions did more problems, than useful possibilities, maybe you doing something wrong?

If you're insinuating that I don't know how to be skill full, the you are woefully wrong.

Im using my Frost just fine thank you very much and I have rarely got complaints like "Take down your globe" because generally the people I meet in Interceptions are not lazy and are quite happy to actually vacate point A, to defend point B.

I have not once lost an Interception while playing as Frost, so I think I must be doing something correctly.

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I dislike the Frost snowglobe because usually I'm the only one actually paying attention to when an enemy has started hacking a console. Many times enemies will be going to the same consoles, so if you kill the one currently hacking he gets replaced by the one behind him. You have to deal with all of them before going to the next console where the same thing is happening.

Then there's also the times when people will capture 1 point and not spread out at the beginning, then completely leave that point undefended to go capture another one. There are so many times where I'll be capturing A and have to Bullet Jump straight up and kill an enemy that has started capping C or D because somebody left it alone after capping it. If I leave A and go to the point to deal with them mid-capture, then A will become captured by the enemy as well.

Also when other players go down and enemies start capturing while you're reviving them eats away at the time. Being able to shoot them from a distance while you're heading to the point is necessary because you don't have the normal amount of time before it's captured.

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14 minutes ago, (PS4)lupowolfen said:

But there are many advantages to the globe as well.  I've always found them useful for my style of play which is running around, picking things up and running into globes for protection and defense of points.  I am seeing both sides of it though.  Some in this thread seem to find the globes useful as well.  And there are plenty that don't want to see the globes or want to see them taken down when no one is in them.  I'm seeing a lot of polarization here.  Whether to use globes or not probably depends a lot on the makeup of the party. 

Very true! I love Snow Globe, but used in excess it can get in the way. For me, popping unnecessary Snow Globes is more a politeness thing than anything. It's useful pretty much anywhere, though it can get in the way sometimes, which just means you gotta communicate with the team if an ability could be problematic when used a certain way.

Quick storytime. Recently I was on a Defense mission as Zephyr (fly around and snipe enemies in midair, super fun times), and we had a Frost who spammed a whole bunch of globes everywhere. Useful for the Tenno on the ground who could use the globes as cover, but I had much less to target because enemies in a dome were safe from my birdy wrath. And I also had to Divebomb the objective pretty frequently to clear out the Butchers we missed. Not a huge detriment, but the moral of the story is that Tenno should practice discretion and use their abilities with the whole squad in mind. A Frost is pretty high-damage and built well for melee combat, but as a strong support he should also be considering how he can best help the team.

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If I'm on Draco, I want to be able to kill everything, not have them all cc'd but also protected from my attacks.  Usually I'm on Saryn and I need to be able to shoot the Spores'd enemies so I can Gas proc them and get the kills rolling in.  The only Globe I would want is one on the central point, where I'm putting my Molt, otherwise it's just going to be in my way.

If it's any other interception and I just want to coast through on as few kills as possible, then sure, globe the whole damn map up for all I care.

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50% chance to freeze enemies inside, and a garunteed slow, why would they ever be allowed to cap if you're paying attention? Also, doesn't make sense for people to be running around draco much, match should be centered around point D after all other caps are blue, so everyone can maximize XP. I laugh when I see people camping separate spots, no 50m exp share 4u

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38 minutes ago, (PS4)lupowolfen said:

How does the bubble get in your way?

Warframe is game, right? Right. So I wanna get some, you know, FUN by shooting things from far away. Like doing sniper stuff or maybe using some assault rifle. And snow globe gives too less advantage, while blocking my fire and part od skills. This 50% slow literally do nothing when that so called "defender" Frost lying bleeding on balcony. And two other guys tries to save him. Why I should go through whole map when some f$%^w$%d set globes to block my bullets? So if frost puts globes ANYWHERE exept excavation and defence, or special ocassions like reviving ally, I treat this like he dont want me to shoot people. Especially on Draco where you can easily cover 2 points at same time. In 95% of situations Frost with globes is quiet useless of Interception. So now I asking you - why you dont want let other people play this game?

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44 minutes ago, (PS4)Redemption_015 said:

You don't have to have a weapon that specifically deals out AoE damage. I rarely use AoE weapons in Interception simply because I like a challenge. There were times people played Interception when there wasn't many good AoE weapons. Now everyone seems to be relying on the Tonkor and Syndicate procs.

And there were times we didn't have to deal with crazy powerful unites that can kill us by simply looking at us.

I do go to Draco every few days for Focus farming and boy some unites can give hard time, in pub game dont expect a healer frame to heal you or buffer frame to buff or debuff.

BTW when i got to Draco for Focus farming i bring melee weapon only and try to have fun :D

And one more thing, please never expect people to be like you or think like you, what you think is fun they see it as a chore, what they think is fun, you see it as nonsense, please try to see things from their perspective and saying things not from their perspective but from yours and FORCING them to see things YOUR way won't yield results!



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2 minutes ago, Prinny13 said:

And one more thing, please never expect people to be like you or think like you, what you think is fun they see it as a chore, what they think is fun, you see it as nonsense, please try to see things from their perspective and saying things not from their perspective but from yours and FORCING them to see things YOUR way won't yield results!



herein lies why draco becomes so toxic. everyone goes to one node with wildly different goals, with wildly different strategies and preferences and expectations and limits and potentials. All of these differences are clashing consistently in one location, and sometimes even with a mature mindset it can get annoying if you spend too much time with the dissonance

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1 hour ago, (PS4)lupowolfen said:

On the other hand, I've heard people say the bubble gets in their way.  How does the bubble get in your way?

Ultimately, it is how players want to play a certain mission. There is not 1 "perfect" way to play a mission. Frost is certainly not a requirement for Interception missions. It all depends on what frames, weapons, and strategies that other players are bringing.

Globes can get in the way because bullets and arrows cannot penetrate it. If there is a globe in between a player and the enemy that he or she is targeting, then the globe will get in the way of the player. Others will complain that the color of the globe is distracting and makes it more difficult for the player to see the enemies outside.

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4 minutes ago, Jakorak said:

herein lies why draco becomes so toxic. everyone goes to one node with wildly different goals, with wildly different strategies and preferences and expectations and limits and potentials. All of these differences are clashing consistently in one location, and sometimes even with a mature mindset it can get annoying if you spend too much time with the dissonance

Not really, sometimes seeing someone having the guts to bring a frame that most of us think won't do well only for him to prove us wrong is always refreshing and the point of this mission is to kill anything that get close to signal towers, if you got that right (killing everything that moves) then you are good to go and you can bring anything you want, as along as it does its role (kill and help you survive) then it ok.

Also when i go there i tend to go there with my Vazarin Focus, so i can revive with a press of a button, but there were times i ended up with over 22 new moon because everyone were holding themselves up pretty well.

Also the reason why Draco sees massive influx is because of how easy to gain affinity over there, which DE will hopefully rework this issue in Star Chart 3.0.

I say lets not argue, we both have different perspectives, we won't agree about Draco "issue" it seems :/


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