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What's inside a Warframe? (#2)


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25 minutes ago, Xgomme said:

The Excal P entry reminds me of Dark Sector. Like a few people (Hayden included) was able to handle the infestation. They are the first warframes, they are why warframes are gendered and with a story, because the first of each was an infested human transformed into a warframe, and later maybe cloned to be used as vessel

People like Hayden werent realy warframes. They're similar in form, and may have been some basis on the development, but a warframe without a tenno is powerless.

From what i understand, there is only one of each warframe. Only one frost, only one excal, ect. In an ideal naritive, every member of your party would be a different frame. However, it would make a sucky video game, so its a narrative compromise that we can use many of the same frame. Remember that the tenno on the Zariman wouldnt have been as large a number as the tenno in game. A single ship wouldnt have held that many. Also, its likely that each warframes power is derived from the base abilities of the tenno pioting it. So embers fire powers isnt just because of the frame, but because of the tenno operator.

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13 minutes ago, SilvaDreams said:

I'm sure you are talking about Margulis (The woman) whom originally cared for us after the Zimmerman 10-0 reappeared, and which was blinded and scared by our uncontrolled powers who was later executed by her lover Ballas (the male) because she refused to kill us as we were a blemish on the Orokin perfection.

We were then kept for unknown time in the dream and likely experimented upon as we no longer had Margulis to protect us, eventually the insane bastard mentioned in the Rhino Prime codex released the infested beast and guided it near our sleeping place and Transference was discovered and the birth of the Warframes.

Thanks for filling the gaps. I couldnt remember the names there.

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4 minutes ago, chaotea said:

People like Hayden werent realy warframes. They're similar in form, and may have been some basis on the development, but a warframe without a tenno is powerless.

From what i understand, there is only one of each warframe. Only one frost, only one excal, ect. In an ideal naritive, every member of your party would be a different frame. However, it would make a sucky video game, so its a narrative compromise that we can use many of the same frame. Remember that the tenno on the Zariman wouldnt have been as large a number as the tenno in game. A single ship wouldnt have held that many. Also, its likely that each warframes power is derived from the base abilities of the tenno pioting it. So embers fire powers isnt just because of the frame, but because of the tenno operator.

Well the Zimmerman was a war ship, and if the Corpus and Grinder ships are even partly the size an Orokin was then it could have held hundreds of thousands easily.

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Humm... Ordis said something in the Limbo quest, warning the Operator to be more careful when they 'possess' or something the warframe, I can't remember the exact word he used.
  Would imply each Tenno can have multiple Warframes, but Limbo had to be frivolous and mathematical genius and everything to have attempted the insane rift jump that broke himself to bits, so that almost implies a personality specific to a Warframe.  Much like some of Mirage's quest, actually, I think she had something poetic satirical things to say about life being a stage or some such.

Perhaps the Limbo and Mirage in those quests were originally unique, like when Warframes were first being designed they'd have to use something/someone as a template.  Like they were originally built custom-made for specific Tenno for their trial run; when it's obvious it's a success, they can use the template to mass produce them for all Tenno to use?

Could possibly justify the existence of Primes and their cheap knock-offs xD but that's pure speculation.

Definitely getting the impression each frame has its own personality though, if only from recalling how they referred to each frame in their introduction trailer/video things -could be looking too deep into that though.  But Second Dream... it'd be awfully anti-climactic if the Warframe was able to be remote-controlled to break War, not to mention it'd make a few earlier obstacles questionable, so it'd imply there'd be some sentience in a Warframe -something that obviously cares about the Operator enough to break War of its own accord.  Had the Warframe be operating purely on survival instinct, it would've stopped itself from getting impaled in the first place.

So, I assume it's alive, sentient, and has a personality.  Except Alad dissected one and said the insides 'didn't quite make sense'.  That is an incredibly odd thing to say... was he referring to the fact he didn't know how the Warframe moved around?  Confused how it was alive?  I'm no biologist, but I should think those things are pretty easy to figure out and 'make sense of' -to say nothing of him creating Zanuka.  Source of power?  He got Infested Mesa to use powers without a Tenno powering her.  Either DE broke his character so they could be coy with the details, or there's something profoundly wrong with Warframe physiology.

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I don't think they are hollow at all. More like a whole body made out of the same material that makes up the Infestation, but not quite the Infestation. Inside the outermost shell, is something looking similar to default Valkyr, who was striped of the Gersemini skin. And as you go deeper through the frame's flesh, you only find more layers of organic/mechanic layers that make up this puppet made only to channel the Tenno's powers.

And like others said, Alad was most likely being metaphorical.

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1 hour ago, SilvaDreams said:

Well the Zimmerman was a war ship, and if the Corpus and Grinder ships are even partly the size an Orokin was then it could have held hundreds of thousands easily.

Of people yes, but it was implied that the children were a smaller part of the crew. After all you wouldnt say 'all the crew were gone, except for the children' if there were only a few crewmen on the ship.


Also, i dont think the Zariman was ever said to be a warship, though it was military. It could vary well have been smaller than a Corpus or grineer ship, as the corpus ships are more like colony ships, and the grineer ones are technologically inefficient. Still, even if it was large, there were 7.8million registered tenno in 2014.


Its likely that there were alot of tenno children, but the devs still need time to make alot of frames for each :)

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3 hours ago, chaotea said:

People like Hayden werent realy warframes. They're similar in form, and may have been some basis on the development, but a warframe without a tenno is powerless.

From what i understand, there is only one of each warframe. Only one frost, only one excal, ect. In an ideal naritive, every member of your party would be a different frame. However, it would make a sucky video game, so its a narrative compromise that we can use many of the same frame. Remember that the tenno on the Zariman wouldnt have been as large a number as the tenno in game. A single ship wouldnt have held that many. Also, its likely that each warframes power is derived from the base abilities of the tenno pioting it. So embers fire powers isnt just because of the frame, but because of the tenno operator.

Segregation of gameplay and lore is one thing, I'll give you that. However, insisting that there are less than fifty Tenno, and each one directly corresponds to a specific class of 'frame......that doesn't actually make sense with the lore as presented.


The lore as presented states that there were enough Tenno for them to have:

Organised into clans.

Formulated their innate Tenno powers into disciplined Great Schools.

Developed their own technological and craft traditions (see Boar Prime, Dragon Nikana, Dojo architecture).


That means thousands of Tenno. You don't form clans and Great Schools if there are only thirty of you.


What would we expect to see if thousands of Tenno were active in the Solar system? Well, we'd see Tenno bases of operation where people go to trade favours with them. (We've got those.) We'd see technology and squads developed specifically to deal with Tenno incursions. (We've got those.)


Besides which, it's pretty clearly stated that a modern Operator can synch with any properly designed Warframe.


What you're arguing here is what used to be called the "poly-Tenno" theory, which is that each player account is actually a bunch of different Tenno, each one bound to a specific suit. Second Dream addressed that and made it clear that it's not the case.

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29 minutes ago, BornWithTeeth said:

Segregation of gameplay and lore is one thing, I'll give you that. However, insisting that there are less than fifty Tenno, and each one directly corresponds to a specific class of 'frame......that doesn't actually make sense with the lore as presented.

I never said there were less than 50 tenno. Im no fool. We simply dont know what they all are yet. To quote myself in the post above your own " Its likely that there were alot of tenno children, but the devs still need time to make alot of frames for each :) ".


31 minutes ago, BornWithTeeth said:

Developed their own technological and craft traditions (see Boar Prime, Dragon Nikana, Dojo architecture).

Actually its likely that most of this was developed for them by the Orokin that originally outfitted them. So its not so likely that they really ever crafted things themselves. Even the design of these things are orokin.


33 minutes ago, BornWithTeeth said:

What would we expect to see if thousands of Tenno were active in the Solar system? Well, we'd see Tenno bases of operation where people go to trade favours with them. (We've got those.) We'd see technology and squads developed specifically to deal with Tenno incursions. (We've got those.)

Seeing how much damage 4 tenno operatives working together can cause, it wouldnt be surprising for these thing to crop up if there were only 50 odd of them, but as i said above, i dont believe there are few tenno, just not over 8 million of them (there are alot of registered users).


36 minutes ago, BornWithTeeth said:

Besides which, it's pretty clearly stated that a modern Operator can synch with any properly designed Warframe.

I dont think this has ever been stated, even vaguely. I think this is one of those times that gameplay over-writes lore. If you do know where it clearly states this, please link. DE has always been abit cagey about this subject.

38 minutes ago, BornWithTeeth said:

What you're arguing here is what used to be called the "poly-Tenno" theory, which is that each player account is actually a bunch of different Tenno, each one bound to a specific suit. Second Dream addressed that and made it clear that it's not the case.

Second dream did nothing of the sort. Its true that we used to believe that a warframe used to be a tenno, however second dream did show that the tenno and the warframes are separate entities. It may be that a tenno could 'sync' with another frame, but would the powerset be defined by the frame, or the tenno. Would a ember tenno piloting a hydroid frame be able to use water powers? Or would it still be fire based abilities? (I dont know the answer to this obviously, but its an interesting thought).

What the second dream does not show is that a warframe can sync to more than one warframe (I'd like to point out at this point that one of my on theory's around the second dream acts on the assumption they can, sometimes with more than one, so im not exactly just fighting for this one point). If anything, it points more towards the other way, by the fact that you can only enter the final mission in a solo party. Yes, maybe it was just for gameplay reasons, make it more dramatic by being solo, but it could be because of this 'poly-tenno' theory.

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2 hours ago, p_ar7hur said:

I don't think they are hollow at all. More like a whole body made out of the same material that makes up the Infestation, but not quite the Infestation. Inside the outermost shell, is something looking similar to default Valkyr, who was striped of the Gersemini skin. And as you go deeper through the frame's flesh, you only find more layers of organic/mechanic layers that make up this puppet made only to channel the Tenno's powers.

And like others said, Alad was most likely being metaphorical.

I said this earlier to someone, but i wonder if the warframe is actually, on a physical level, a fully functioning being, except one that doesnt have any way of maintaining its own consciousness (like no physical brain or something). It instead lives of the power from the tenno (as our frames seem more protective of the tenno than it would if it were a puppet).

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8 minutes ago, chaotea said:



I dont think this has ever been stated, even vaguely. I think this is one of those times that gameplay over-writes lore. If you do know where it clearly states this, please link. DE has always been abit cagey about this subject.

Second dream did nothing of the sort. Its true that we used to believe that a warframe used to be a tenno, however second dream did show that the tenno and the warframes are separate entities. It may be that a tenno could 'sync' with another frame, but would the powerset be defined by the frame, or the tenno. Would a ember tenno piloting a hydroid frame be able to use water powers? Or would it still be fire based abilities? (I dont know the answer to this obviously, but its an interesting thought).

What the second dream does not show is that a warframe can sync to more than one warframe (I'd like to point out at this point that one of my on theory's around the second dream acts on the assumption they can, sometimes with more than one, so im not exactly just fighting for this one point). If anything, it points more towards the other way, by the fact that you can only enter the final mission in a solo party. Yes, maybe it was just for gameplay reasons, make it more dramatic by being solo, but it could be because of this 'poly-tenno' theory.

We have multiple 'frames, and one Operator. Steve was asked why, and his response was.....hang on, let me dig that up.


Devstream 72, starting from 11.30, for one minute up until 12 minutes 30 seconds.




Multiple Warframes. One singular identity. Steve says it right there. Unless you want to argue that what's really going on is that each Tenno really does have only one Warframe, and that having multiple Warframes itself is the gameplay conceit.

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24 minutes ago, chaotea said:

I said this earlier to someone, but i wonder if the warframe is actually, on a physical level, a fully functioning being, except one that doesnt have any way of maintaining its own consciousness (like no physical brain or something). It instead lives of the power from the tenno (as our frames seem more protective of the tenno than it would if it were a puppet).

My opinion is that they are not self-conscious, but are still able to respond to certain stimulus and incentives, such as when the frame broke War apart from within its body by itself in order to save the Operator.

All in all, the point is that a warframe is less like Iron Man and more like Vision, anatomically speaking.

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I would like to be inside some of the Warframes  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

But more seriously, I believe people  or whatever version of space future people are inside a Warframe due to the resemblance of human forms the take the form of. We could just have a stack of unused people in our liset that we replace limbs of and slap on infested goo onto their face to create a Warframe.

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8 minutes ago, Mr.ToastForPresident said:

I would like to be inside some of the Warframes  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

But more seriously, I believe people  or whatever version of space future people are inside a Warframe due to the resemblance of human forms the take the form of. We could just have a stack of unused people in our liset that we replace limbs of and slap on infested goo onto their face to create a Warframe.

Or, we grew the beings that we stuff into the suits, which together are known as the Warframe. I don't think technology can't grow us a living creature, so far into the future.

Heck, don't we already make specters of Warframes? With what limited actions they can do, they do them exactly how the players (Operators controlling Warframes) do it. I don't see how we can't grow ourselves a being that, with the help of a special suit, can contain the power of the Tenno, and channel them into special powers.

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I know what's inside the Warframe, the Founders have been keeping this secret for so long... If you haven't finished the Second Dream Quest, skip my spoiler. This image was taken from the quest after we manipulated one of the cutscenes. Your welcome, your eyes are open and I help you see what's underneath.




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I think it's a mixture of organic and technological parts.

10 hours ago, chaotea said:

From what i understand, there is only one of each warframe. Only one frost, only one excal, ect. In an ideal naritive, every member of your party would be a different frame. However, it would make a sucky video game, so its a narrative compromise that we can use many of the same frame. Remember that the tenno on the Zariman wouldnt have been as large a number as the tenno in game. A single ship wouldnt have held that many. Also, its likely that each warframes power is derived from the base abilities of the tenno pioting it. So embers fire powers isnt just because of the frame, but because of the tenno operator.

A few things

-Tenno have a basis for clans in the thousand range. Meaning at some point thousands would've been the minimum.

-The fact that with a foundry you can make a warframe use only blueprint and resources. Means that any tenno could make any frame.

-Inaros's backstory notes Orokin kidnapped children. So it isn't like they didn't have the possibility of making more mutants.

-Going by the new prime lore each frames powerset was designed for a specific threat.

-Pretty sure it was stated by DE one operator multiple warframe is how it is.

Edited by (PS4)Lowk721
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5 hours ago, chaotea said:

be defined by the frame, or the tenno. Would a ember tenno piloting a hydroid frame be able to use water powers? Or would it still be fire based abilities? (I dont know the answer to this obviously, but its an interesting thought).

Given Focus, I don't think there is an "ember pilot" or "Hydroid pilots", just operators. They all have access to the void energy and can shape it in multiple ways. 

I'll use a hose as an example, with water being the void energy. Water comes out and you can use your thumb or hand to alter the flow. That is what Tenno do with Focus, they are manually shaping how the void comes out of them.

Waframes however are specialized nozzles that shapes the water in a specific for them instead of relying on your hand to do all the work. And Chroma would be sort of like those multi-mode nozzle fixtures. 

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11 hours ago, Venom-Snake said:

No, he never found out about the Operators. Hunhow found him and made him run long before he could.

My mistake, I believe you are correct. It's been a while.

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20 hours ago, BornWithTeeth said:

Multiple Warframes. One singular identity. Steve says it right there. Unless you want to argue that what's really going on is that each Tenno really does have only one Warframe, and that having multiple Warframes itself is the gameplay conceit.

Yea. I mean as i said im in two minds, both on the idea of each tenno bound to a single frame, or the idea that tenno are the power sorch and the frame is the coloured lense. Still, i wonder if by 'operator' he means the tenno or the player.

I think all of this will only ever be speculation until DE lays it out. After all the second dream itself was a curveball. It could go anyware.

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20 minutes ago, chaotea said:


I think all of this will only ever be speculation until DE lays it out. After all the second dream itself was a curveball. It could go anyware.

Um. You appear to be one of the very few people who do not view Second Dream as having 'laid it out'. Each player account is tied to one Tenno/Operator. The controlling mind of the Warframes is in the Tenno. We have never had any indication that each Tenno should be considered bound to only one Warframe. To assume that such is the case requires assuming the existence of a staggeringly enormous gap between gameplay and lore, whereas Steve indicated pretty openly that Second Dream was meant to resolve some of the apparent contradictions, not create more.

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