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New tileset confirmed for U19!


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We know the quest is coming in U19, so that means new Tileset as well!
What do you guys think about this? Where could this tileset be?

It's highly unlikely to be on Earth, as it already has a tileset (Moon will be separated in starmap rework) and it's completely ruined by overgrowth.
It's doubtful to be on Sedna. People speculate that the new Boss Arena is part of the new Tileset, but it's completely stylized after the Asteroid tileset, so I highly doubt it.
So that only leaves Mercury and Saturn, with the possibility of a completely new location.

Looking at the Trailer, it looks cleaner and more sleek than anything we've ever seen in Grineer architecture. That, and the presence of the Queens, leaves me to believe that the location is the Grineer's new headquarters, making it potentially the most unique tileset ever!




Edited by Cyborg-Rox
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Just now, p_ar7hur said:

I kinda wish they made a Tileset for the surface of Eris. An Infested version of the Corpus snowy tileset maybe.

But it's Grineer related so I don't know. Maybe it's what we saw at the trailer.

That's most definitely part of the tileset. I was thinking Earth since it's the 'Grineer homeplanet' but eh, still plenty of Grineer planets lacking Tilesets.

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Come to think of it, I would definitely like it to be on Earth. I mean, it's where the Grineer are mainly based, and those forests don't give the idea that they are making much of a difference to it. Grineer aren't exactly the Greenpeace so it's weird that the only tileset on their main base planet is so full of green. There should be tilesets on Earth that nod back to their destructive presence and ominous power of mass production and warfare. Something like the Grineer Shipyard, but with even more Grineer to it.

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1 minute ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

all i heard there was NEW CINEMATIC QUEST 


Well... we've already known about that for ages. Even before the trailer, we knew there would be a new cinematic quest for each major update this year.

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Just now, Cyborg-Rox said:

Well... we've already known about that for ages. Even before the trailer, we knew there would be a new cinematic quest for each major update this year.

to my knowledge they said only major quests would have cinimatics 

and it wasnt confirmed yet, so it was just nice to check that off in things to come 

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10 hours ago, p_ar7hur said:

Come to think of it, I would definitely like it to be on Earth. I mean, it's where the Grineer are mainly based, and those forests don't give the idea that they are making much of a difference to it. Grineer aren't exactly the Greenpeace so it's weird that the only tileset on their main base planet is so full of green. There should be tilesets on Earth that nod back to their destructive presence and ominous power of mass production and warfare. Something like the Grineer Shipyard, but with even more Grineer to it.

I'm going to guess you weren't here for the Cicero Crisis.  The Grineer may well consider Earth to be the motherland but it has become overgrown by genetically engineered plants left behind by the Orokin.  The Cicero Crisis was an attempt by the Grineer, commanded by Vay Hek, to use the 'Cicero Toxin' to poison the plants and start reclaiming Earth.  We stopped him, repurposed the Cicero Toxin injectors to instead disperse an antidote and maintained the status quo of Earth being an inhospitable death world where plants will break anything you try to build.


Vay Hek was in charge of this operation after Vor had lost favour with the Queens.  Hek's background of assassinating those he needs to on his path to power combined with his failure here and the rise of Regor as the new favourite led me to question Cephalon Cordylon on the possibility of a Grineer civil war.  A roundabout answer was given that avoided th eactual question so I reserve the right to say 'I told you so!' in the event of a Grineer split.

On topic, cinematic quest woo!  I'm expecting the new tileset to be related to what we saw in the teaser so maybe some kind of Grineer command post/ship?

Edited by Katinka
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24 minutes ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

to my knowledge they said only major quests would have cinimatics 

and it wasnt confirmed yet, so it was just nice to check that off in things to come 

Steve confirmed the next big quest would be a cinematic in an earlier tweet before the teaser. He mentioned Ballas having a role in it.

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1 hour ago, AuroraSonicBoom said:

Kela's boss tile looks very different from the asteroid base it is set in.

Actually... no, it didn't. There were rocky tunnels and walls, rails, lava, and architecture just like in the rest of the Asteroid tileset. What we see in the trailer is something completely different. In fact, it just barely even looks like it's Grineer, so it's definitely a very central Grineer location. Probably their new headquarters since Earth is ruined by overgrowth.

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17 minutes ago, Cyborg-Rox said:

Actually... no, it didn't. There were rocky tunnels and walls, rails, lava, and architecture just like in the rest of the Asteroid tileset. What we see in the trailer is something completely different. In fact, it just barely even looks like it's Grineer, so it's definitely a very central Grineer location. Probably their new headquarters since Earth is ruined by overgrowth.

It does. The tile has a distinct look that is significantly different from the asteroid tiles. Yes, it's in the grineer style and set into rock like the asteroid, but so is Ceres, and if anything Kela's boss tile looks a lot closer to Ceres than it does to the asteroid base. They might relight the old stuff to look more like Kela's room, which would work, but as of right now it's more reasonable to assume they're different sets.

Edited by AuroraSonicBoom
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2 minutes ago, AuroraSonicBoom said:

It does. The tile has a distinct look that is significantly different from the asteroid tiles. Yes, it's in the grineer style and set into rock like the asteroid, but so is Ceres, and if anything Kela's boss tile looks a lot closer to Ceres than it does to the asteroid base.

DE wouldn't replace Kela's arena without having the proper tileset for it. Imagine if we got to fight Tyl Regor early on and out of nowhere in the middle of a Grineer Ship, we're suddenly underwater. Doesn't make sense. The arena is obviously made to fit the Asteroid tileset. Yes, there are differences, but that's to be expected. The Grineer Asteroid is the 2nd oldest tileset in the game, DE have upped their style since then, and you'd think something like a Boss Arena would generally look more unique than the rest of the tileset, specially in Kela's case, who is a big showoff. Also, there isn't a spec of dust of resemblance in the Arena with anything we saw in the trailer.

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1 hour ago, Katinka said:

I'm going to guess you weren't here for the Cicero Crisis.  The Grineer may well consider Earth to be the motherland but it has become overgrown by genetically engineereed plants left behind by the Orokin.  The Cicero Crisis was an attempt by the Grineer, commanded by Vay Hek, to use the 'Cicero Toxin' to poison the plants and start reclaiming Earth.  We stopped him, repurposed the Cicero Toxin injectors to instead disperse an antidote and maintained the status quo of Earth being an inhospitable death world where plants will break anything you try to build.


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18 minutes ago, Cyborg-Rox said:

DE wouldn't replace Kela's arena without having the proper tileset for it. Imagine if we got to fight Tyl Regor early on and out of nowhere in the middle of a Grineer Ship, we're suddenly underwater. Doesn't make sense. The arena is obviously made to fit the Asteroid tileset. Yes, there are differences, but that's to be expected. The Grineer Asteroid is the 2nd oldest tileset in the game, DE have upped their style since then, and you'd think something like a Boss Arena would generally look more unique than the rest of the tileset, specially in Kela's case, who is a big showoff. Also, there isn't a spec of dust of resemblance in the Arena with anything we saw in the trailer.

There's no reason to change the assets of a tile if is intended to be part of that tileset. The lighting mood on Kela's set is blue/cold, on the asteroid it's the opposite - orange/green. The walkways leading up to and away from her arena have solid wall guardrails, on the asteroid set its metal sheets. Kela's pre-arena room has new models, cameras, and the arena itself is plastered with screens. Explaining all of that away with "lol small discrepancies" doesn't work. Every other boss arena in Warframe shares the same assets, style and lighting as the tileset it belongs in. You might not expect DE to put effort into keeping their levels artistically coherent, but I do. It's simply more likely for Kela's room tile to be a part of a completely new or a reworked asteroid set than it is not.

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