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Game needs "fat" warframes


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A fat frame wouldn't make sense if the frame existed purely because they were fat


now, if their bulky size contributed to some other plan that actually served militaristic/combat usage, say for example, if it was an ordnance based warframe with a giant missile pod on their shoulder (with appropriate powers connected to that design), then I could definitely see this warframe being "fatter" than everyone else as it serves a purpose and isn't just "warframe who doesn't understand exercise"

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"Heavy or big?"  Sure, more body types whee. 

"Fat?"  Nah.  There's a reason "the token black character" is frowned upon, why would "the token fat character" be pulled off any better?  At best it would feel like pandering considering how much of a difference it would be compared to previous frames.

Also, those images do not help your case in the slightest.  Especially considering you mentioned they are not representative of what you want, so all they really do is... what?  Add shock value?

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6 minutes ago, Vox_Preliator said:


Also, those images do not help your case in the slightest.  Especially considering you mentioned they are not representative of what you want, so all they really do is... what?  Add shock value?

Ok you got me. Better fix that later than never I guess.

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I would applaud the addition provided it was only one of many options.

Such as:

  • Gender
  • Height
  • Build

Since frames are locked in all of those areas, the notion of making an obese frame doesn't seem relevant.

SWTOR (the game used as supporting reference in this thread) Offers gender, size,skin tone, and race as build options.


It's also important to note that Warframes, in the narrative, are machines being somatically linked to operators. Obesity wouldn't serve a relevant purpose. I could see the relevance if the theme of the frame required that the frame be of that degree of immensity though. I can't think of a theme that fits that description without being insulting sadly.


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This is pointless. I see the motive behind it, and it's pointless. The Warframes have been seen as machines since the first dream, they are based off of people, but they have 0 reason to have extra bulk/fat. Energy is pulled from the void, and capacity is done in capacitors. There is literally 0 reason to have them except to stroke someones idea that being overburdened with excess fat-reserves can make you cool and even "Ninjaesque". I get this may seem rude, but I am tired of seeing this stuff everywhere. Excess weight is a problem for many reasons in regards to a warframe 1) Breaks things easily due to excess mass, 3) excess mass = excess sound 4) excess mass = slower speed 5) Excess mass = bigger target 6) Excess mass = harder to hide.


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10 minutes ago, xubile said:

if only fatness could translate to armor just like how heavy tanks works on WoT, i would like to see a frame with this kind of stuff rather than just sticking metallic glitter on an exosuit.


Having a much bigger size for a warframe is completely detrimental to the user if it serves no purpose whatsoever. Look at Limbo, with his top hat. Why is he this tall? Because he doesn't need to be small. He already has a rift to avoid damage. Look at Chroma. Why is he that large? Because his ability Vex armor directly relies on receiving damage to even function. Most warframes that are taller or bigger than the others has enough damage mitigation abilities to survive. Glass cannons like Nova are significantly shorter than most other frames by having a smaller hitbox to compensate for her frailness. It's logical to not have massive Warframes because they don't serve a purpose and will be a complete drag, unless their abilities have something to do with it.

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Is it wrong that the only way I would accept a fat frame into the game is if one of its moves causes it to pull a Katamari Damishi / Rolling Boulder skill that deflects a high percentage of damage while crushing units in its wake, while adding bodies and objects to its mass and getting stronger? Extra points if there was an Augment that causes all smaller enemies to flee before you while you try to run them over?

Yes, there are plenty of games that have chubby / fat characters in them (Dynasty Warriors, HoTs, Samurai Showdown, etc.) and there have been a few ninja shows that had "fat" ninjas that were stealthy; the only problem is that some would feel that it is trying to "cater" to certain demographics or it won't fit in game. The former I can see as an issue while the latter would be covered under body control. Small spaces = have their body be like an Octopus (yes, tentacles are covered by Hydroid, but bear with me here) that just compresses to fit the space. Flying through the air = the body flattens out a bit like the membranes of a flying squirrel. Using its rolling ability to bowl over foes = it uses energy to keep its body a certain size while sucking in more items into itself.

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Really wouldn't make sense design wise, warframes are not people and are powersuits that are controlled by the operators. For a warframe to be fat, the body type would have to make sense by actually having form follow function. Otherwise there shouldn't just be a fat warframe for solely for the sake of body diversity, but it would be nice to have a fat warframe whose form suits it's function.

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i agree with the OP.  The frames aren't human so who's to say they don't operate differently.  A large bodied one could be totally plausible.  Just like a dwarf frame could be done well.  With rhino, inaros, and Saryn in there already large bodies frames are already a thing.  I can already think of a huge number of skills that aren't 'stealthy.' Bring on Sumo Frame.  

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It is the year 2020. Body shaming has now become an inherent aspect of Fashion Frame. Plump frames have become the object of derision over Region and Recruiting, and shunned when attempting to land on the planet Ceres; so much so that their Lisets are beset by Lokis scrawling obscene graffiti on their exteriors. Traders refuse to sell armour to these outcasts on account of them not having 'no goddam XXXL size for that armguard. Go get something that size from Jordas.' It is a dystopia of ostracisation, and the future is bleak indeed.

Edited by Vesper3
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The idea that DE SHOULD include a fat frame to... help overweight people feel included into the world of Warframe? is downright stupid. You seem to be forgetting that the entire point of this game is to play as a space ninja. NINJAS PLAY FREE. Big frames would also cause a lot more visual bugs. Limbo and his top hat cause enough bugs as is, and the game is buggy as hell in the first place. The only way I would ever accept this as a possibility is if it was a frame that specifically revolved entirely around taking damage for itself and away from it's team, maybe with a Mag bullet attractor aura for itself or something like the new Ack and Brunt mod, since that massive body is not gonna be dodging bullets in any way. There is no reason at all to include a frame that has an innate disability compared to other frames (significantly larger hitbox) simply because some people think this NEEDS to be included in the game not to alienate some players. That is downright stupid logic. The only way frames are even really distinguished in this game anyway is whether they appear more masculine or more feminine. We don't need any anorexic looking frames, we don't need any overweight frames, nor do we need frames that are clearly racial stereotypes, etc etc. Just let them be.

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4 hours ago, Deshiel said:

to represent the wastly ignored part of humanity

Right there is where the argument lost all credibility. You will not be convinced that your pet idea might not be right for the game, and this thread will drag on with increasingly charged rhetoric until it is locked by a moderator, and nothing will come of it.

I have no time for this nonsense. Bless the long-suffering people who are taking the time to discuss it politely, but your ideas begin in a place so impossibly alien to me that I cannot possibly hope to meet you halfway.

Every response I start to make drifts off into some rant that probably has no business on these forums. Let it be enough for me to say that I am strongly opposed to this idea. I'm more than happy to ignore the steady stream of off-topic threads about music I don't care for and strange ideas that don't interest me; I don't have anything nice to say about it, so I simply move on.

This, however, is different. Thank goodness for all the people who have already made most of the points I would want to make on this issue, because it means I'm free to simply say:

"No, this has no business in the game and is only introducing strife where none previously existed. "

Think before you introduce these pet ideas, about the impact they will have on the tone of community discussions and the possibility of unnecessarily introducing new lines along which people can divide themselves and each other.



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if anyone saw the preview to the queens update they chose to make the guards overweight as seen at end of the update I don't see why a fat or big warframe is out the question he would just fall into the category of a tank warframe big armored and slow.... I actually think its a nice toss up being that rhino and I guess chroma are only bulky frames... and as of late inaros was a walking stick just like nekros and limbo and list goes on... mix it up a bit... im noticing the female warframes are a bit more curvy and different in sizes granted no fat chicks yet but why not.... I could see a grineer stylized warframe that big and tanky and armored since u have vaubaun who obviously is stylized after the corpus and hes semi bulky too...

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Heels are also unhealthy, but here they are. It's just a different level of fan service. I'm sure, the question is not about how little sense the idea has, but about aesthetical preferences of majority of people.

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2 hours ago, jfhsanseiIII said:

i agree with the OP.  The frames aren't human so who's to say they don't operate differently.  A large bodied one could be totally plausible.  Just like a dwarf frame could be done well.  With rhino, inaros, and Saryn in there already large bodies frames are already a thing.  I can already think of a huge number of skills that aren't 'stealthy.' Bring on Sumo Frame.  

And on the flip side, "The frames aren't human so who's to say they don't operate differently." Why would a large bodied frame have any sort of merit? The point is to be quick and agile. Sorry, it doesn't matter what your physical capabilities are, a large body is going to be more difficult to move, and it will be a larger target. Why would the Orokin make something that inefficient? If the frame is capable of the same physical feats. why not make it smaller, and thus more efficient and harder to hit? A smaller frame will always make more sense.



If DE can make it fit thematically, I have no problem. However, political correctness for the sake of political correctness makes little sense. Why try to "fix" something that is already stable and making people happy?

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Maybe instead of a "large" frame, one that has an ult that turns it into essentially a Tenno Juggernaut? Massively increased size, with armor/health/shield/damage buffs to go with it, speed debuff and can only attack with it's massive fists/stepping on enemies? Think a frame made for both fear-factor and as a heavy tank unit. Bonus points for being about the size of Nova pre-transformation, but being bigger than the Juggernaut Behemoth post-transformation.

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