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/kick command


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Yesterday i invited a squad to play sortie.

One guy has a level 15 warframe and level 19 primary (synoid).

I requested him to put lvl 30 and change the synoid as it was radiation condition, he refused.

As i host i asked him to leave, he also refused.

Had to dissemble the squad and re-invite the other player.

DE, can we please have a /kick command which can be used only by the host upon gathering a squad? PLEASE!!!!!!!!

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It was talked over dozen of times and many players agree that kicking would be very abusable, tus dangerous to the game.

Maybe if only to your condition "host only" also add a condition "lobby only" (can't kick someone if already in the game).

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honestly that response of " that kicking would be very abusable" sounds like a WOW  ( world of warcraft) response where everyone gets a freaking trophy and everyone is on the same playing field. the reality is not everyone plays the same. not everyone has the same skill lvl. if a party lead wants to kick. the kicked has the right to not join that specific party lead again. problem solved. if someone doesnt like you stay away. if you dont like someone stay away ...


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A kick command would be abusable -besides, haven't you noticed just how many times the host migrates around? Annoying that is.

A kick vote requiring 2/3s or 3/ths majority (namely; everyone else but the to-be-kicked member need to agree) would not be opposed by me.

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No. Ive seen kick commands available to public use in other games and it never gets used properly.

You wind up having the select few who are too lazy/forget to change their matches to private with 2 of their friends resulting in a ton of insta-kicks cause they dont want you in the group.

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1 hour ago, Artek94 said:

It was talked over dozen of times and many players agree that kicking would be very abusable, tus dangerous to the game.

Maybe if only to your condition "host only" also add a condition "lobby only" (can't kick someone if already in the game).

This would seem to be reasonable. If someone boots you before you start, no harm no foul right? 

Personally, I still think the minor inconvenience of re-inviting a few people isn't too much to ask. I would prefer a few more invite clicks over the possibility of being kicked in tons of public pug missions because people think a certain warframe or weapon are useless or over-powered. I mean, do I like playing with Limbo? No, I'd rather play a no energy survival with only sapping ospreys. But if you find him fun I'm not going to complain or try to block that. If it's important enough for me to invite people, I'll go for reasonable team composition with decent players anyway. 

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I honestly don't wanna see another mass effect 3 multiplayer where you were kicked about every time you tried to match make into a party, even if you were among the highest ranking player among that party. In short, yes, it would be abused just as bad, maybe worse, lets go with that lol

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Oh yessss tempo royale finally dropped; but I don't want to inflate the market... /kick player 2 /kick player3    /kick player4 
Thank god I finally got it.


Whoo this sortie is almost over, 10 waves of defense... 30 minutes... damn.. lucky I brought 2 of my clan homies, but that other guy hasn't been doing much... /votekick player 4 hahah trololl #suckaduck bring a tigris next time fgt. 

^ The future if this bad idea ever comes true.
Anybody who ever tried to join a premade draco will understand;  some tenno are a-holes, and we really shouldn't give them more power.
for all I know, OP might even be one of those tenno.

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The "abusable" argument has never struck me as being particularly apt. Nearly every multiplayer game I've ever played has had a /kick command of some sort. A minority abuse it, but mostly it gets used for what it's designed to be used for: removing problem players from groups. Warframe being what it is, a vote kick system would seem to be the best fit.

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Why fix what isn't broken?
So, yeah maybe you get a bad experience every now and then and can't kick someone; but maybe (and obviously the arrogant refuse to accept this) just maybe, it would be a bad experience more often with people able to kick; keep in mind that a decent amount of the playerbase are juvenile and their personality cannot be described without profanity.

Edited by T7Alpha
typographical error.
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