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Vauban's building requirements are too high [Reply from DE]


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This isn't flipping a coin where its 50/50, that statistic is completely unrelated. The chances of getting hit by lighting are like 1 in a million, it still happens. You cant just say enough numbers until you're right. I personally have over 1000 hours in warframe and grab nitains whenever available. Currently i have 5. Some people are luckier than others... Now you can brag about how easily you've built up 50 nitain or realize that the way it is acquired is not valuable to getting people to play the game more OR spend more money. I mean seriously there is nothing good about nitain.

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2 minutes ago, KorpusKrewman said:

Simple. You have no time - you have no Nitain. Its not the devs fault, its your fault.

If I have two hours I can farm quite a bit of just about any resource based on the effort I put into it. Nitain however? 1 or none in that span of time, regardless of personal effort.

Putting in a resource that's aquisition is based on time instead of effort was their choice.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)official_79 said:

If I have two hours I can farm quite a bit of just about any resource based on the effort I put into it. Nitain however? 1 or none in that span of time, regardless of personal effort.

Putting in a resource that's aquisition is based on time instead of effort was their choice.


10 minutes ago, Naftal said:

Btw, you can get Nitain from reactor sabotage caches. So it is farmable, even if it's kinda annoying to farm.


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1 minute ago, Zilchy said:

Give it time, accept it and do nothing and I guarantee you it won't be just 1 weapon and 1 prime frame.

Funny thing is that when weapons start having 10 Nitain as base for crafting they'll still be worse than stuff like the Tonk.

Edited by Ziegrif
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3 minutes ago, (PS4)official_79 said:

If I have two hours I can farm quite a bit of just about any resource based on the effort I put into it. Nitain however? 1 or none in that span of time, regardless of personal effort.

Putting in a resource that's aquisition is based on time instead of effort was their choice.

Who cares about your time? Some people has time, some not. I dont have time to farm Vauban Prime, so I dont care about him, until I get some free days for it. Take your time, stop whining, its game about grind and farm, not else. If everything you can get will be easy, who stay in this game? No one.

Edited by KorpusKrewman
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26 minutes ago, (PS4)SupeBoss said:

It's a bandaid solution to resource creep, (trying to be) right up there with argon decay. Combats players that have stockpiles of resources so that they can't just build everything in the game once they get a BP....

but as you can see, the creep is happening with nitain requirements as well - as more people are gaining stockpiles. Argon requirements remain consistent since you can't stockpile them.

I think you might have answered that. That's just... good understanding of resource farming design and virtual economics right there. You've basically explained "it's not just a bandaid, it's a bandaid that was already obsolete when it was implemented"


22 minutes ago, crackbeard said:

I personally have over 1000 hours in warframe and grab nitains whenever available. Currently i have 5.

How many of those hours were over the last 184 days? When Nitain was actually added. The fact that you have 1000 hours as a founder implies you play less than an hour a day (not judging you, just running calculations in my head)

Edited by TARINunit9
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16 minutes ago, crackbeard said:

I've been doing it all day and never seen it, every time i bring it up to people in game they've never seen it happen and didn't even know it was possible. 

I mean, that sucks and I feel for you, but sh*t happens. Trust me, I know; I ran over 200 mid-tier spy missions before I finally got Ivara's chassis. That's just the risk you run with rng.

3 minutes ago, (PS4)official_79 said:

Oh really? I had no idea about that, though I can bet its drop chance is abysmall

I've personally gotten 6 out of somewhere between 20 and 30 runs, so I wouldn't really say 'abysmal.' Low, sure, but what worth getting isn't?

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Good luck sitting in front of the computer, waiting for the alert to pop up, then rush to the extraction because the mission is pointless and easy, and repeat this action 4 times a day.

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11 minutes ago, KorpusKrewman said:

Who cares about your time? Some people has time, some not. I dont have time to farm Vauban Prime, so I dont care about him, until I get some free days for it. Take your time, stop whining, its game about grind and farm, not else.

What you said would be true if I was talking about farming in general, however I was talking about Nitain.

For a game about grind and farm you could not farm nitain in the way you say this game is about. At first it was just burning time between alerts

Oh and good job calling me stating facts whining.

Edited by (PS4)official_79
forgot to remove a word lol
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i'm more sick of throwing a lot of good things on survival T3 C, i mean there are soooooo many things at rot C that make almost impossible to get what you want there i mean...pls DE make vauban prime systems drop somewhere else

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2 minutes ago, Madho said:

Good luck sitting in front of the computer, waiting for the alert to pop up, then rush to the extraction because the mission is pointless and easy, and repeat this action 4 times a day.

This is implying that you aren't allowed to do ANYthing except sit still in your Orbiter waiting for Nitain. Sounds like I'm being argumentative, I know, but I simply cannot see your logic

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8 hours ago, TheBrsrkr said:


How about like every other thing which requires Oxium and/or Nitain Extract? That's a good start. Like 100 Oxium there, 5 Nitain Extract here, etc., etc., etc. I am not in spending hours grinding up Oxium specifically so I can build a single item when my current stockpile of ~1200 Oxium (built up through normal playing by the way, to have fun instead of monotonous Corpus fights?) can build things that will have more impact than a single part of a single Warframe which happens to require the highest amount of this really rare resource ever, yet.

Nitain Extract cost is fine, in my opinion. In fact, I am of the opinion that it should be the gating mechanism on top of the ridiculously low drop rate for the blueprints from already over-saturated Void missions. Cut the Oxium down to 1400 and I guarantee no complaints - though there are still people white knighting the 7000 Oxium cost solely because they are of the opinion that forced farming is a great addition to this game and that having the end-game capability to farm Oxium means there should be no complaints... even though virtually every other weapon or warframe isn't gated to requiring end-game capabilities...

This game is rapidly developing extreme crafting costs and you are doing absolutely nothing to address it.

Edited by Mackinz
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Just now, (PS4)official_79 said:

What you said would be true if I was talking about Vauban farming in general, however I was talking about Nitain.

For a game about grind and farm you could not farm nitain in the way you say this game is about. At first it was just burning time between alerts

Oh and good job calling me stating facts whining.

Take an app for your phone and you dont miss Nitain. There is no problem.

But your way is talking on forum about how hard Nitain to obtain.

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Just now, TARINunit9 said:

This is implying that you aren't allowed to do ANYthing except sit still in your Orbiter waiting for Nitain. Sounds like I'm being argumentative, I know, but I simply cannot see your logic

Never got that logic either, but if you are hard pressed for nitain all you can do is just burn time between alerts, however that may be

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2 minutes ago, KorpusKrewman said:

Take an app for your phone and you dont miss Nitain. There is no problem.


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But your way is talking on forum about how hard Nitain to obtain.


If you really need an app then there is a problem.

I don't think its hard to obtain, just extremely inconvenient at times for other players.

Empathy can take you a long way.

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12 minutes ago, TARINunit9 said:

This is implying that you aren't allowed to do ANYthing except sit still in your Orbiter waiting for Nitain. Sounds like I'm being argumentative, I know, but I simply cannot see your logic

Well you can grind other stuff in between the alerts, which is way longer in terms of duration. The alert speedrun takes under 3 minutes, which would in absolutely no way as interesting as higher level grinds.

4 minutes ago, (PS4)official_79 said:

If you really need an app then there is a problem.

I don't think its hard to obtain, just extremely inconvenient at times for other players.

Empathy can take you a long way.

And then we have this. Sure, you could say "It takes only at most a month to grind 20 nitain", but you'll have to wait a month for that. And unlike void grinds, you don't get prime junk, gold cores or forma while rushing nitain. If we could get like 2 nitain per alert, this situation would've been way better.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)official_79 said:

If you really need an app then there is a problem.

I don't think its hard to obtain, just extremely inconvenient at times for other players.

Empathy can take you a long way.

I have app for set excavators, set items to craft in foundry, take care of kubrow and as bonus I can set alarm for Nitatin Extract alert, and much more. That's not about "getting-app-for-seek-nitain".

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Entitlement is too real that's why, warframe grind is little compared to Korean mmos. You can enjoy Warframe knowing you are progressing where as some other games rely purely on RNG AND cash shop help for LITTLE gain

Edited by Laoshottie_X
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It could be coincidence at this point; just a bad omen that sibear and vauban came out at the same time and both cost a lot to make.
But then again; the stradavar cost a decent amount to make, I personally don't think it's worth the resources either, so things could be getting worse.

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30 minutes ago, clemza said:

As i said, just play the game, don't try to rush the new items and you won't feel disapointed with the huge requierments as you will get ressources without noticing it.

As i like to farm keys and cores, i got many cryotics on hieracon without noticing i was farming for the sibear for exemple, of course its alot and even too much, but you can't say that it is a problem or something that shouldn't happen, if you play the game you will get evrything, it is just a question of time.

You prefer items that we can farm in 20m all of the time ? For now its just 1 weapon and a prime warframe which is not even 1% of the game content :/


Do you not see where this resource creep trend for the last few months is heading into? 

Yes you have a large capital of resources enough to craft these new gear from playing for a long while. You can craft them tenfold. What about further down the road say a year, where there are a dozen more new gear released with a continuous gain in resource requirements? You will eventually hit a spot you will run out of them and goes into negative as resource gained via normal play are staying on the same level, while the resource required to craft anything has gone ridiculously steep. Before long you will notice a (unreasonable) grind for everything.

It's not just 1 weapon and 1 frame that is resource creeping now, almost everything new for the past months are also creeping up, just in a reasonable and less striking range, rather than the obvious sibear and booben p that caused much of the attention for everyone.

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