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Volt Rework Feedback [Post Update 18.13]


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So I decided to take a step back for a while to see if DE would actually listen and respond, or if they would simply treat their players as though they weren't worth their time. Rebecca's posts were a pleasant surprise and the revision of the speed pick-up was solid proof that DE is willing to hear what is said and revise things as needed. This is how you build brand loyalty, a lot of other companies could learn something from this. I then decided to sit back again and wait till things had seemed to settle down a bit and see where things are.

I decided to look over the accumulation of all the changes Volt has gotten since the beginning to see how he is doing now, mainly to keep things in perspective. Interim changes can throw your perspective off so it is good to remember where things have been. And, in true narrative form, I'll focus on "The Good" (buffs, improvements), "The Bad" (nerfs, broken areas, ignored problems), and "The Ugly" (those ugly little truths which need to be addressed to get the results we want), and what might be done about it.


The Good: Volt is actually in a better place than he was before. His passive may only be worthwhile in the extreme early game (lv15 or so), but it doesn't have to be a game changer and is interesting as it is. The recastability is a definite improvement to his speed.  The opt-out and lack of a PoV change basically fixes the problems with allies disliking it.  Despite the loss of the instant application and the loss of speed on rocket jumps and such, overall that is a plus. The reload speed is nice too, but generally too small to notice due to wow reload speed's math works and how most people wisely reload outside of battle. His Energy Shield now blocks explosions, meaning that the defense is actually meaningful at higher levels where explosions tend to one-shot and especially since explosions are becoming more common. That alone is significant. Furthermore his #4 is better than his old ability in that it deals more damage and has higher theoretical cc (though only sometimes does this translate to reality), but now it makes you more vulnerable to use and has less effective range and is less dependable. The vulnerability and lack of dependability probably makes the new ability come out far more even with his old ulti than actually making it a straight improvement (sorry DE, it is the truth as I see it). The Riot Shield is unusable, but it is there, so technically it also counts as an increase in power.

Furthermore some of the problematic areas of his new abilities have been and continue to be addressed. The spread on his Discharge, while not yet perfect, is much less likely to jump over enemies and gets stuck on terrain far less than it did before. The ability also hits flying enemies more often and will knock out turrets like it should as well. His Riot Shield is much less likely to be picked up accidentally when it shouldn't, though the problem still persists. This shows that work is still being done.

Lets also not forget that DE was also willing to admit that they went too far in the case of the drop activation for Volt's speed. A lot of companies would have tried to pretend that there was no problem and in so doing would have treated the player base as ignorant nobodies who's opinions meant nothing. Generally speaking, the players do know when a mistake is made and are willing to forgive. Afterall, the developers (as much as they are masters of the wizardry of programing) are still human. I'm not sure I can speak enough of how positively this speaks of DE as a whole.

So overall, he is slightly better.  Not better enough to really be in a good place, but most of his stuff didn't loose a lot in the rework. Not all reworked Warframes are so lucky.


The Bad: Specifically the ignored: His passive is lackluster past early game to the point where it basically doesn't do anything, though expecting a game-changer from a passive would be a bit unrealistic (it is mostly just "fine"). His first ability is still pretty weak and somewhat unreliable, though it is borderline acceptable. His speed still has the minuscule 10s base time, which has been needed to be increased for a while, though this isn't going to break him as it is. He still doesn't have the base move speed increase everyone has been asking for forever. His defensive capabilities are still brokenly low, especially considering how much he needs to be in the middle of the fight (Riot Shield costs too much to be a factor). The defensive problem is the biggest one, since three of his abilities work best either at or in front of the front line in a group (Speed helps mele, Energy Shield needs to be in front of the warframes to protect them, and Discharge requires being next to or amidst enemies to hit them).

The bad that's new: The Riot Shield still forces use of the secondary without auto-switching back to the primary when it is dropped. Hopefully the secondary restriction will be completely removed. Riot Shield is still picked up randomly when you are trying to do other things, though this has gotten a LOT better and only rarely happens rather than always happens. Shocking Speed, because of its longer range, completely prevents the Riot Shield bash from happening while both abilities are in use. The shield bash only works while running, so sword users won't get any benefit while spinning into targets (enemies take the stagger from the sword hit, but that is all). On a somewhat related note, the game now undoes your characters running randomly when they preform an action (such as firing) and forces you to retoggle running again. That is very annoying and I still have not figured out what is doing it. Also the interaction of his Shock with Energy Shield still gives only damage and not a proc, essentially making the interaction worthless past early level and generally a waste of energy even there.

The Bad: Specifically the nerfed or just bugged (no way to tell the intentionality of the changes): His speed no longer affects bullet-jumps and such. Considering how much this type of movement is a part of the game, that is a pretty significant loss. Furthermore certain projectiles can now penetrate his shield when they could not before, such as Vey-Hek's magnetic beam (and yes, I tested it before. That was how I got Hydroid). This is also likely a bug but I haven't finished testing to see all of what can now penetrate that could not before. The new limit on shield number is workable, though just barely, but it is still a limit placed for no good balance reason that anyone can find. The shield limit is intentional, but the others may or may not be.

The Bad: The Broken: Riot Shield costs too stupidly much, and has way too many negatives on top of it. If a new player, let alone a mid level player or anyone not building specifically for Riot shield, cannot afford to use the ability than that is broken. The other negatives added to it are just insults to the energy cost injury. This means that his defensive problems, which the Riot Shield was meant to mitigate, have been untouched. He is still a frame that requires getting up to the front line of battle without the defensiveness to do so safely.

His ultimate as a CC move is unreliable, costs too much in terms of vulnerability, and is therefore unusable in most circumstances when it would be most useful. The spread mechanic, though it has been improved, is somewhat to blame. Furthermore the fact that Volt must be on the ground and in the middle of his group of targets is another major flaw for someone so squishy. The damage cap is a major part of this problem, especially since it ends the ability early. This means that duration can only affect the ability negatively due to the damage cap always ending it early before increased duration can be used. The effects of range are much worse, however. Maxing range can result in the enemy breaking the stun before the casting animation is finished. Test it in the symlcrum if you don't believe me. Range at 250%, as many of a room full of high level chargers following you as you like, and then hit your Discharge; it is easily repeatable and waiting on a large group before hitting your high range aoe move is exactly the type of thing that might happen in a real game.

His ultimate as a source of damage, as it is designed, can most likely never be a viable source of end game damage and not be broken. Removing the damage cap would make it very good damage and end-game level CC, but it would not make the damage end-game level (with the possible exception of large crowds of infested, because they clump so closely together in such large groups which allows the AoE damage to do more). Adding in percentage based damage might make it good end-game damage without killing things too easily in early game, but that brings in balance issues. All that really needs to be said here, is that the damage it provides just isn't going to cut it in the extreme late game scenarios.


The Ugly: First lets say something that the Stormriders will be very pleased with: DE seems to have made it clear that they want volt to be a true damage frame as per the "alternative to gunplay" description rather than only a "compliment to gunplay". I'm more of the "compliment" crowd myself, but I will be happy as long as his current tools (#2, #3) aren't ruined and I'm very happy to know the direction that DE wants to take. That said, this brings us back to a problem I mentioned before: How do you keep that balanced? In most cases a non-exaulted ability simply cannot compete with a 5 forma weapon in terms of damage and not be broken. Realistically speaking the only warframe to have end-game non-exalted-weapon damage is Trinity (EV, in combo with WoL, single target, takes several seconds at minimum, usually multiple casts to kill); though some would put Saryn in that group, there is enough disagreement on that point to mark her as at least undecided. And yet, a good five forma weapon is realistically the standard of end-game damage.  Percentage based damage would have fixed the damage issue but not the balance one. Some of us here have come up with ways around this problem, but that belongs in the next section.

Let me say this to anyone and everyone at DE who will listen (I don't know their tags or how to tag, or I would tag them): One of those two is almost certainly correct: Either the restrictions on Riot Shield were thought acceptable because end game players could deal with it, or else the restrictions were not tested period. I'm giving the benefit of the doubt in saying that it may be simply balanced for the wrong people. Considering how many and across the board the restrictions are, I'm thinking that a lack of realistic testing is more likely.

You cannot balance around extreme end game players and have anything balanced for everyone else. The extreme ways that end game players have made the Riot Shield work PROVE that the ability is broken to begin with. Especially true is the fact that balancing for end-game players through energy costs is especially doomed to fail. They have unlimited energy restores, syndicate procs, pocket EV Trin, and absurd amounts of mods/arcane helmets to combine as they please. Anything limiting for them makes the aspect completely unusable for everyone else. This is ESPECIALLY true when the item in question is on a starter frame that new players should be expected to be able to use.

Even if Riot Shield wasn't balanced around the wrong people than, as a matter of tough love, one more thing needs to be said: You cannot test your products in unrealistic conditions (infinite energy, access to all mods, no HP loss) and expect to get relevant results. That is, at best, proof of concept, but fails to pass the bar of even Alpha Testing before Beta Testing even should become a concern. To give an example, think about what would happen if a rank0 player with a level5 volt uses his Energy Shield for the first time and sees the "press X to pick up" sign (without being warned about that trap)... Not a good result. The same result happens with a rank3 or rank5 player using all the mods they can be expected to have by that point in the game. If you want to deal with the problem of new players having a hard time, here is one place where you should start. When even mid-level and especially high-level players also say that they never use something because of how it is balanced (like many here, myself included, say about the Riot Shield because of the cost), than that shows that the alpha stage of balance and testing was not sufficiently done.

Finally, I think it needs to be said that use percentage is not a good measure of relative power. Some people seem to be implying that it is and at least one has pointed out statistics from DE that makes me think the devs might be implying the same thing. If so, let me set the record straight. Some people like things because the options are strong but other people simply like what they like. Making the thing weak will encourage those who simply gravitate to the most powerful option to find another powerful option, but for those others who simply like the thing it will encourage them to like nothing. Considering the words of the people who are on and continually return to this thread, I think it is safe to say that we are here because we like the thing and not because we think it is super powerful. Many of us have already pointed out that, while Volt has diverse talents, other frames do everything he does so much better. We aren't here for the power, so judging the power by our presence won't give good data and reducing the power won't encourage diversity of our use. If you want diversity, give other options that appeal to the same things that draws us to what we like.


What to do about things? For starters the costs and downsides for the Riot Shield need to be rebalanced. While the shield bash is a nice gimic, it essentially adds no power in the vast majority of circumstances. If enemies are advancing on you, than you aren't running, so it doesn't block melee enemies. If you are moving forward toward enemies to attack than you generally are already sword spinning, which prevents the knockdown from running. If you are trying to rush forward than you would use shocking speed to cc far more enemies at far less cost, and again the shield bash does nothing. As for the cost of the rest, balanced would be a cost per second of 2-3 with the duration timer but without any of the other downsides (cost per movement, weapon restriction, speed restriction). While that may seem low (probably because people have gotten into the habit of thinking that there must be SOME reason why the current numbers are reasonable) I have already explained why this is actually fitting with what is already in the game. Here is a link back to it: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/652763-volt-rework-feedback-post-update-1813/?do=findComment&comment=7406665

The unreliability of his ultimate comes down to two things: the spread mechanic and enemies popping out due to the damage cap. The spread mechanic seems already to be being worked on and the reliability of it must be dealt with before the question of range can be properly addressed. The best thing to do about that is to keep working on it and wait. The damage cap just really needs removed, even if this means rebalancing in some other way. It makes 2 out of the four main power modifiers (duration and range) either useless or actively detrimental to use. It punishes the player for using the ability on large or clumped groups, which is good strategy in all other cases. Even so, if the damage cap of 4000 can be reached in less than a second with a full 12 seconds on the duration, some rebalancing will need to be done. The obvious easy rebalance is to reduce the base damage and just let people be rewarded for gathering a large group of enemies before setting the ability off, though not quite as quickly. Another simpler rebalance might be to have the affected targets only zap one target at a time rather than all enemies in range (prioritizing those not already under the effects, because lightning seeks to be grounded). Someone mentioned keeping the cap but letting the stun outlast it, though it would leave the enemy just standing there dumb and would sacrifice the ability's damage aspects, but it is an option. If this is chosen than his shock might recharge the damage batteries of all affected targets. The duration might also be reduced as part of the rebalancing, though too much of a reduction will just highlight the long casting time even more. There are lots of options so hopefully something can be chosen.


As for the damage aspect, especially as it relates to balancing with the time and effort that is put into getting high end weapons, that is more complicated. Someone mentioned turning his ultimate into a railgun exalted-weapon as one option, perhaps it could use the current spread mechanic when it hit? Or reduce the damage on his ultimate and turn his current shock into the railgun exalted weapon. If it was based on primary weapon mods than it might even give a reason for his shield to be limited to secondary weapons. Multiple combining synergys might be a way to give end-game damage through abilities without using the exalted-weapon method, though those who are unhappy about the Saryn rework would strongly disagree and even mag requires good weapon use to hit her end-game damage dream. It is an option that would anger many if not done right, but is still an option and there might be a way to make it work. Perhaps including a mechanic that allows the damage to ramp up over time might work, though that would be hard to find a way to put into volt's toolset. Perhaps some sort of a link where, if you stay close to an enemy, it drains a flat amount of energy but increases the damage per second higher and higher till the enemy dies? It would need to be on a frame that was more of a tank, though. An ability that could be charged to deal ramping damage, at the cost of not being able to attack with other weapons during the charge time, might be another method. Any damage number might be possible, it would just take longer to get the numbers and meanwhile other weapons might be better for quick damage. These ideas may or may not help, but at least putting the ideas out there has the potential to do some good.

Finally, there are still quite a few bugs that still need to be worked out and other reductions in power that may well have been unintentional (such as the loss of speed's benefits on rocket-jumps and such). What to do about those seems obvious (fix them), so I won't go too much into detail on it.


TL/DR: Volt is demonstrably in a slightly better place than he was before the rework, mainly because of his shield blocking explosions, but there are still a few things that desperately need to be addressed and some new bugs. The biggest current problems are the massive restrictions/costs on his Riot Shield and the undependability of his Discharge.

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1 hour ago, EnderDDT said:

So I decided to take a step back for a while to see if DE would actually listen and respond, or if they would simply treat their players as though they weren't worth their time. Rebecca's posts were a pleasant surprise and the revision of the speed pick-up was solid proof that DE is willing to hear what is said and revise things as needed. This is how you build brand loyalty, a lot of other companies could learn something from this. I then decided to sit back again and wait till things had seemed to settle down a bit and see where things are.

I decided to look over the accumulation of all the changes Volt has gotten since the beginning to see how he is doing now, mainly to keep things in perspective. Interim changes can throw your perspective off so it is good to remember where things have been. And, in true narrative form, I'll focus on "The Good" (buffs, improvements), "The Bad" (nerfs, broken areas, ignored problems), and "The Ugly" (those ugly little truths which need to be addressed to get the results we want), and what might be done about it.


The Good: Volt is actually in a better place than he was before. His passive may only be worthwhile in the extreme early game (lv15 or so), but it doesn't have to be a game changer and is interesting as it is. The recastability is a definite improvement to his speed.  The opt-out and lack of a PoV change basically fixes the problems with allies disliking it.  Despite the loss of the instant application and the loss of speed on rocket jumps and such, overall that is a plus. The reload speed is nice too, but generally too small to notice due to wow reload speed's math works and how most people wisely reload outside of battle. His Energy Shield now blocks explosions, meaning that the defense is actually meaningful at higher levels where explosions tend to one-shot and especially since explosions are becoming more common. That alone is significant. Furthermore his #4 is better than his old ability in that it deals more damage and has higher theoretical cc (though only sometimes does this translate to reality), but now it makes you more vulnerable to use and has less effective range and is less dependable. The vulnerability and lack of dependability probably makes the new ability come out far more even with his old ulti than actually making it a straight improvement (sorry DE, it is the truth as I see it). The Riot Shield is unusable, but it is there, so technically it also counts as an increase in power.

Furthermore some of the problematic areas of his new abilities have been and continue to be addressed. The spread on his Discharge, while not yet perfect, is much less likely to jump over enemies and gets stuck on terrain far less than it did before. The ability also hits flying enemies more often and will knock out turrets like it should as well. His Riot Shield is much less likely to be picked up accidentally when it shouldn't, though the problem still persists. This shows that work is still being done.

Lets also not forget that DE was also willing to admit that they went too far in the case of the drop activation for Volt's speed. A lot of companies would have tried to pretend that there was no problem and in so doing would have treated the player base as ignorant nobodies who's opinions meant nothing. Generally speaking, the players do know when a mistake is made and are willing to forgive. Afterall, the developers (as much as they are masters of the wizardry of programing) are still human. I'm not sure I can speak enough of how positively this speaks of DE as a whole.

So overall, he is slightly better.  Not better enough to really be in a good place, but most of his stuff didn't loose a lot in the rework. Not all reworked Warframes are so lucky.


The Bad: Specifically the ignored: His passive is lackluster past early game to the point where it basically doesn't do anything, though expecting a game-changer from a passive would be a bit unrealistic (it is mostly just "fine"). His first ability is still pretty weak and somewhat unreliable, though it is borderline acceptable. His speed still has the minuscule 10s base time, which has been needed to be increased for a while, though this isn't going to break him as it is. He still doesn't have the base move speed increase everyone has been asking for forever. His defensive capabilities are still brokenly low, especially considering how much he needs to be in the middle of the fight (Riot Shield costs too much to be a factor). The defensive problem is the biggest one, since three of his abilities work best either at or in front of the front line in a group (Speed helps mele, Energy Shield needs to be in front of the warframes to protect them, and Discharge requires being next to or amidst enemies to hit them).

The bad that's new: The Riot Shield still forces use of the secondary without auto-switching back to the primary when it is dropped. Hopefully the secondary restriction will be completely removed. Riot Shield is still picked up randomly when you are trying to do other things, though this has gotten a LOT better and only rarely happens rather than always happens. Shocking Speed, because of its longer range, completely prevents the Riot Shield bash from happening while both abilities are in use. The shield bash only works while running, so sword users won't get any benefit while spinning into targets (enemies take the stagger from the sword hit, but that is all). On a somewhat related note, the game now undoes your characters running randomly when they preform an action (such as firing) and forces you to retoggle running again. That is very annoying and I still have not figured out what is doing it. Also the interaction of his Shock with Energy Shield still gives only damage and not a proc, essentially making the interaction worthless past early level and generally a waste of energy even there.

The Bad: Specifically the nerfed or just bugged (no way to tell the intentionality of the changes): His speed no longer affects bullet-jumps and such. Considering how much this type of movement is a part of the game, that is a pretty significant loss. Furthermore certain projectiles can now penetrate his shield when they could not before, such as Vey-Hek's magnetic beam (and yes, I tested it before. That was how I got Hydroid). This is also likely a bug but I haven't finished testing to see all of what can now penetrate that could not before. The new limit on shield number is workable, though just barely, but it is still a limit placed for no good balance reason that anyone can find. The shield limit is intentional, but the others may or may not be.

The Bad: The Broken: Riot Shield costs too stupidly much, and has way too many negatives on top of it. If a new player, let alone a mid level player or anyone not building specifically for Riot shield, cannot afford to use the ability than that is broken. The other negatives added to it are just insults to the energy cost injury. This means that his defensive problems, which the Riot Shield was meant to mitigate, have been untouched. He is still a frame that requires getting up to the front line of battle without the defensiveness to do so safely.

His ultimate as a CC move is unreliable, costs too much in terms of vulnerability, and is therefore unusable in most circumstances when it would be most useful. The spread mechanic, though it has been improved, is somewhat to blame. Furthermore the fact that Volt must be on the ground and in the middle of his group of targets is another major flaw for someone so squishy. The damage cap is a major part of this problem, especially since it ends the ability early. This means that duration can only affect the ability negatively due to the damage cap always ending it early before increased duration can be used. The effects of range are much worse, however. Maxing range can result in the enemy breaking the stun before the casting animation is finished. Test it in the symlcrum if you don't believe me. Range at 250%, as many of a room full of high level chargers following you as you like, and then hit your Discharge; it is easily repeatable and waiting on a large group before hitting your high range aoe move is exactly the type of thing that might happen in a real game.

His ultimate as a source of damage, as it is designed, can most likely never be a viable source of end game damage and not be broken. Removing the damage cap would make it very good damage and end-game level CC, but it would not make the damage end-game level (with the possible exception of large crowds of infested, because they clump so closely together in such large groups which allows the AoE damage to do more). Adding in percentage based damage might make it good end-game damage without killing things too easily in early game, but that brings in balance issues. All that really needs to be said here, is that the damage it provides just isn't going to cut it in the extreme late game scenarios.


The Ugly: First lets say something that the Stormriders will be very pleased with: DE seems to have made it clear that they want volt to be a true damage frame as per the "alternative to gunplay" description rather than only a "compliment to gunplay". I'm more of the "compliment" crowd myself, but I will be happy as long as his current tools (#2, #3) aren't ruined and I'm very happy to know the direction that DE wants to take. That said, this brings us back to a problem I mentioned before: How do you keep that balanced? In most cases a non-exaulted ability simply cannot compete with a 5 forma weapon in terms of damage and not be broken. Realistically speaking the only warframe to have end-game non-exalted-weapon damage is Trinity (EV, in combo with WoL, single target, takes several seconds at minimum, usually multiple casts to kill); though some would put Saryn in that group, there is enough disagreement on that point to mark her as at least undecided. And yet, a good five forma weapon is realistically the standard of end-game damage.  Percentage based damage would have fixed the damage issue but not the balance one. Some of us here have come up with ways around this problem, but that belongs in the next section.

Let me say this to anyone and everyone at DE who will listen (I don't know their tags or how to tag, or I would tag them): One of those two is almost certainly correct: Either the restrictions on Riot Shield were thought acceptable because end game players could deal with it, or else the restrictions were not tested period. I'm giving the benefit of the doubt in saying that it may be simply balanced for the wrong people. Considering how many and across the board the restrictions are, I'm thinking that a lack of realistic testing is more likely.

You cannot balance around extreme end game players and have anything balanced for everyone else. The extreme ways that end game players have made the Riot Shield work PROVE that the ability is broken to begin with. Especially true is the fact that balancing for end-game players through energy costs is especially doomed to fail. They have unlimited energy restores, syndicate procs, pocket EV Trin, and absurd amounts of mods/arcane helmets to combine as they please. Anything limiting for them makes the aspect completely unusable for everyone else. This is ESPECIALLY true when the item in question is on a starter frame that new players should be expected to be able to use.

Even if Riot Shield wasn't balanced around the wrong people than, as a matter of tough love, one more thing needs to be said: You cannot test your products in unrealistic conditions (infinite energy, access to all mods, no HP loss) and expect to get relevant results. That is, at best, proof of concept, but fails to pass the bar of even Alpha Testing before Beta Testing even should become a concern. To give an example, think about what would happen if a rank0 player with a level5 volt uses his Energy Shield for the first time and sees the "press X to pick up" sign (without being warned about that trap)... Not a good result. The same result happens with a rank3 or rank5 player using all the mods they can be expected to have by that point in the game. If you want to deal with the problem of new players having a hard time, here is one place where you should start. When even mid-level and especially high-level players also say that they never use something because of how it is balanced (like many here, myself included, say about the Riot Shield because of the cost), than that shows that the alpha stage of balance and testing was not sufficiently done.

Finally, I think it needs to be said that use percentage is not a good measure of relative power. Some people seem to be implying that it is and at least one has pointed out statistics from DE that makes me think the devs might be implying the same thing. If so, let me set the record straight. Some people like things because the options are strong but other people simply like what they like. Making the thing weak will encourage those who simply gravitate to the most powerful option to find another powerful option, but for those others who simply like the thing it will encourage them to like nothing. Considering the words of the people who are on and continually return to this thread, I think it is safe to say that we are here because we like the thing and not because we think it is super powerful. Many of us have already pointed out that, while Volt has diverse talents, other frames do everything he does so much better. We aren't here for the power, so judging the power by our presence won't give good data and reducing the power won't encourage diversity of our use. If you want diversity, give other options that appeal to the same things that draws us to what we like.


What to do about things? For starters the costs and downsides for the Riot Shield need to be rebalanced. While the shield bash is a nice gimic, it essentially adds no power in the vast majority of circumstances. If enemies are advancing on you, than you aren't running, so it doesn't block melee enemies. If you are moving forward toward enemies to attack than you generally are already sword spinning, which prevents the knockdown from running. If you are trying to rush forward than you would use shocking speed to cc far more enemies at far less cost, and again the shield bash does nothing. As for the cost of the rest, balanced would be a cost per second of 2-3 with the duration timer but without any of the other downsides (cost per movement, weapon restriction, speed restriction). While that may seem low (probably because people have gotten into the habit of thinking that there must be SOME reason why the current numbers are reasonable) I have already explained why this is actually fitting with what is already in the game. Here is a link back to it: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/652763-volt-rework-feedback-post-update-1813/?do=findComment&comment=7406665

The unreliability of his ultimate comes down to two things: the spread mechanic and enemies popping out due to the damage cap. The spread mechanic seems already to be being worked on and the reliability of it must be dealt with before the question of range can be properly addressed. The best thing to do about that is to keep working on it and wait. The damage cap just really needs removed, even if this means rebalancing in some other way. It makes 2 out of the four main power modifiers (duration and range) either useless or actively detrimental to use. It punishes the player for using the ability on large or clumped groups, which is good strategy in all other cases. Even so, if the damage cap of 4000 can be reached in less than a second with a full 12 seconds on the duration, some rebalancing will need to be done. The obvious easy rebalance is to reduce the base damage and just let people be rewarded for gathering a large group of enemies before setting the ability off, though not quite as quickly. Another simpler rebalance might be to have the affected targets only zap one target at a time rather than all enemies in range (prioritizing those not already under the effects, because lightning seeks to be grounded). Someone mentioned keeping the cap but letting the stun outlast it, though it would leave the enemy just standing there dumb and would sacrifice the ability's damage aspects, but it is an option. If this is chosen than his shock might recharge the damage batteries of all affected targets. The duration might also be reduced as part of the rebalancing, though too much of a reduction will just highlight the long casting time even more. There are lots of options so hopefully something can be chosen.


As for the damage aspect, especially as it relates to balancing with the time and effort that is put into getting high end weapons, that is more complicated. Someone mentioned turning his ultimate into a railgun exalted-weapon as one option, perhaps it could use the current spread mechanic when it hit? Or reduce the damage on his ultimate and turn his current shock into the railgun exalted weapon. If it was based on primary weapon mods than it might even give a reason for his shield to be limited to secondary weapons. Multiple combining synergys might be a way to give end-game damage through abilities without using the exalted-weapon method, though those who are unhappy about the Saryn rework would strongly disagree and even mag requires good weapon use to hit her end-game damage dream. It is an option that would anger many if not done right, but is still an option and there might be a way to make it work. Perhaps including a mechanic that allows the damage to ramp up over time might work, though that would be hard to find a way to put into volt's toolset. Perhaps some sort of a link where, if you stay close to an enemy, it drains a flat amount of energy but increases the damage per second higher and higher till the enemy dies? It would need to be on a frame that was more of a tank, though. An ability that could be charged to deal ramping damage, at the cost of not being able to attack with other weapons during the charge time, might be another method. Any damage number might be possible, it would just take longer to get the numbers and meanwhile other weapons might be better for quick damage. These ideas may or may not help, but at least putting the ideas out there has the potential to do some good.

Finally, there are still quite a few bugs that still need to be worked out and other reductions in power that may well have been unintentional (such as the loss of speed's benefits on rocket-jumps and such). What to do about those seems obvious (fix them), so I won't go too much into detail on it.


TL/DR: Volt is demonstrably in a slightly better place than he was before the rework, mainly because of his shield blocking explosions, but there are still a few things that desperately need to be addressed and some new bugs. The biggest current problems are the massive restrictions/costs on his Riot Shield and the undependability of his Discharge.

@[DE]Steve @[DE]Rebecca Please read everything EnderDDT says about volt, master of enormous posts!!!

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Well I think some of you are overreacting. With Volt as my most used frame, I can confirm that the ult is an extremely positive change. It is very effective crowd control as it puts enemies at a dead stop, and with capacitance equipped, your shields will be constantly restored because of the damage over time. Before the rework, overload was a cool ability, but it's reliance on lights hindered it in many mission types and tilesets. Discharge is a much needed change. 

I can agree that the Riot Shield has some issues. I rarely find myself using that feature.

Some small things were annoying at first with the rework, such as the change in the field of view of speed, the look of the shields, and the complete removal of overload, but after continuous play with volt and tweaks to my builds, I can now say that I prefer the rework over the old Volt. 

The best suggestion I can give to Volt users is to forget damage altogether (yes rip it is very sad). I have 2 builds. A duration and range build for CC with no power strength so the damage cap isn't reached. This build is also effective for electric shield and very long distance shocks for quick CC to help out teammates. My other build is just power strength because gotta go fast. The first build is my go to for trials and some sorties and my teammates all agree that it is very effective. They can feel the powerful effects of discharge CC and capacitance overshields and they appreciate having a reworked Volt on their team much more than they would want the old Volt.

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4 hours ago, (PS4)WINDMILEYNO said:

Volt and Saryn are my favs, I didn't want to get off topic, but I am passionate about a lot of things...

I vow from now on to be entirely on topic. 


I'm very sorry, but y'all hit a nerve.  Yes, I agree Saryn's loss of health doesn't sit well with the 'Frame.  Then again (and even with forced synergy between Toxic Lash and Spores) Saryn is better off than this batteries-half-dead Volt rework.

There were some really great ideas here, and there were some thoughts that I really was looking forward to when the rework was teased.  The fact is this:  half a rework does little more than create more problems than it can possibly fix.

In an earlier post I talked about the possibility of Speed becoming a part of Discharge.  The two thoughts there were to give us a Discharge that can be balanced (ish) AND have a percentile health damage aspect.  If you have to charge the move first, you can't spam it so easily.  The second thought was that Speed should be more integrated with Volt's kit, and less of an energy tax every 10-20 seconds.

I also mentioned a short-to-medium range blink with knockdown and electrical procs at start and end points.  This is because I love blink abilities, true, but also more because I've been trying to figure what we can do to fit Volt into a tactical role.  The problem there is that Volt is about as tactical as a 600lb man in a dress is a ballerina.

He never was envisioned as a tactical 'Frame back in the day, and this role-shift feels nothing so much as an excuse for his godawful performance as a DPS.  I WANT Volt to have a role.  The problem is that he really hasn't for a long time, and his kit sort of morphed to fit this super-general space-filler thing he did.  If Volt is to be tactical, then he needs tactical abilities.

That's the rub, isn't it?  We don't want to LOSE anything from Volt, but he needs something else to be what he's supposed to become.  That's why I suggested merging his Speed and his Discharge.  He needs a slot for another ability, but not at the COST of what he does well right now.  Even if "what Volt does" isn't cutting it, it's what he's done for years and who he is to us.

Saryn never had this degree of identity crisis.  Yeah, she had/has issues (and I agree there are some things wrong there), however this Volt is a politician's alabi.  Yes, it's there, but who's going to trust it or believe in it?

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20 minutes ago, Cytobel said:

I'm very sorry, but y'all hit a nerve.  Yes, I agree Saryn's loss of health doesn't sit well with the 'Frame.  Then again (and even with forced synergy between Toxic Lash and Spores) Saryn is better off than this batteries-half-dead Volt rework.

There were some really great ideas here, and there were some thoughts that I really was looking forward to when the rework was teased.  The fact is this:  half a rework does little more than create more problems than it can possibly fix.

In an earlier post I talked about the possibility of Speed becoming a part of Discharge.  The two thoughts there were to give us a Discharge that can be balanced (ish) AND have a percentile health damage aspect.  If you have to charge the move first, you can't spam it so easily.  The second thought was that Speed should be more integrated with Volt's kit, and less of an energy tax every 10-20 seconds.

I also mentioned a short-to-medium range blink with knockdown and electrical procs at start and end points.  This is because I love blink abilities, true, but also more because I've been trying to figure what we can do to fit Volt into a tactical role.  The problem there is that Volt is about as tactical as a 600lb man in a dress is a ballerina.

He never was envisioned as a tactical 'Frame back in the day, and this role-shift feels nothing so much as an excuse for his godawful performance as a DPS.  I WANT Volt to have a role.  The problem is that he really hasn't for a long time, and his kit sort of morphed to fit this super-general space-filler thing he did.  If Volt is to be tactical, then he needs tactical abilities.

That's the rub, isn't it?  We don't want to LOSE anything from Volt, but he needs something else to be what he's supposed to become.  That's why I suggested merging his Speed and his Discharge.  He needs a slot for another ability, but not at the COST of what he does well right now.  Even if "what Volt does" isn't cutting it, it's what he's done for years and who he is to us.

Saryn never had this degree of identity crisis.

Yeah, she had/has issues (and I agree there are some things wrong there), however this Volt is a politician's alabi.  Yes, it's there, but who's going to trust it or believe in it?

I agree with the weird tactical thing, especially since Vauban is a thing? I only make that reference because Vauban has One ability that procs electric, they really aren't similar at all, but Volt never felt to me like he was setting enemies up for anything, what tactics?........what are you doing Volt?


1 hour ago, TheSketchDevice said:

Well I think some of you are overreacting. With Volt as my most used frame, I can confirm that the ult is an extremely positive change. It is very effective crowd control as it puts enemies at a dead stop, and with capacitance equipped, your shields will be constantly restored because of the damage over time. Before the rework, overload was a cool ability, but it's reliance on lights hindered it in many mission types and tilesets. Discharge is a much needed change. 

I can agree that the Riot Shield has some issues. I rarely find myself using that feature.

Some small things were annoying at first with the rework, such as the change in the field of view of speed, the look of the shields, and the complete removal of overload, but after continuous play with volt and tweaks to my builds, I can now say that I prefer the rework over the old Volt. 

The best suggestion I can give to Volt users is to forget damage altogether (yes rip it is very sad). I have 2 builds. A duration and range build for CC with no power strength so the damage cap isn't reached. This build is also effective for electric shield and very long distance shocks for quick CC to help out teammates. My other build is just power strength because gotta go fast. The first build is my go to for trials and some sorties and my teammates all agree that it is very effective. They can feel the powerful effects of discharge CC and capacitance overshields and they appreciate having a reworked Volt on their team much more than they would want the old Volt.

The giant problem you just outlined that contradicts the statement about over reaction is the two contradictory builds.

People appreciate Volt. I'm glad to hear it. Sad that mirage and trinity had to get shoved aside for it to finally happen.

You are dealing with the same discharge problems as everyone else more likely than not with your second build, but I am resorting to assumption because you didn't say anything about that build and where you use it.

And there's more.

What does the shock do to electric sheild right now? How does it interact with Discharge? Read the description, it all sounds really nice. Nice on paper, but DE has this thing where they make a big deal out of something that really is not.

For example.

Fire Blast
Slams the ground for high damage in a small radius and creates a persistent ring of fire which deals high damage over time.

No. It does not.

Now, admittedly, this is from the wiki. 

But my point is, in relation to Volt things, maybe if whoever at DE didn't hype stuff up so much..."we" wouldn't overreact when our hyped up expectations were not met.

I really think there are only a few in here that could be accused of overreacting, I'll be proud to be on that list, but generally there are plenty of rational people giving constructive feed back to real issues that do not need to be ignored. Once volt gets labeled as fine by De, it could be momths before anything gets looked at on him again. So it absolutely has to be assessed right now.

Fine as is can not be allowed here right now. This is not the time.


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I think discharge should be like nova's 4 and mag's 3 and let the range scale with duration, and let shock scale with duration. This would make him way easier to mod, just focus on duration and strength


And remove the pointless damage cap on his 4. The damage isn't nearly high enough to warrant a cap at all


And his passive honestly shouldn't be capped IMO since it requires build up. Maim both doesn't have a cap and charges way faster(it does cost energy but it isn't much)


And the energy per meter should be removed. It contradicts his mobile play style and without zenurik, max duration,efficiency and a volt prime with primed flow the mobile shield is just too harsh, and unusable to people just starting the game. The drain can be slightly increased for compensation


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2 hours ago, OzoneSlayer said:

I think discharge should be like nova's 4 and mag's 3 and let the range scale with duration, and let shock scale with duration. This would make him way easier to mod, just focus on duration and strength


And remove the pointless damage cap on his 4. The damage isn't nearly high enough to warrant a cap at all


And his passive honestly shouldn't be capped IMO since it requires build up. Maim both doesn't have a cap and charges way faster(it does cost energy but it isn't much)


And the energy per meter should be removed. It contradicts his mobile play style and without zenurik, max duration,efficiency and a volt prime with primed flow the mobile shield is just too harsh, and unusable to people just starting the game. The drain can be slightly increased for compensation


skip to 42:40. and yeah, i agree.

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Weirdly, I don't agree about Volt's 4.  That guy may have his points, but I feel like Volt's Discharge is closer to good than people think.  I see the rest of Volt's kit as having more issues than Discharge, and I call bullS#&$ with the way people build.  You either build Speed OR basically everything else.  That makes Speed the odd man out.

I like what Speed does well enough, and I know we need it to be there anyway, just not as a focal point for a build.  Rather than nerfing it or pulling it, building it into a charge-up for Discharge could work.

Think about it: isn't 100 energy worth a Speed buff that doesn't have duration?  Isn't losing your Speed until you spend 100 energy and charge up worth a Discharge that does percentile health damage?

I guess I'm now hoping for more rework to this rework, and I didn't think that way before we saw this point we've reached.  I vehemently disagree with the "starter 'Frame" argument.  All 'Frames should be equally viable.

[Yeah, I repeat myself.  Some folks don't read older posts, so I feel compelled to make sure to present my full argument.  It helps smooth out disagreements over meaning.]


Shock should have a chance to knock enemies down.  Like a 50% chance at max rank.  Just a thing.

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7 hours ago, Cytobel said:

Weirdly, I don't agree about Volt's 4.  That guy may have his points, but I feel like Volt's Discharge is closer to good than people think.  I see the rest of Volt's kit as having more issues than Discharge, and I call bullS#&$ with the way people build.  You either build Speed OR basically everything else.  That makes Speed the odd man out.

I like what Speed does well enough, and I know we need it to be there anyway, just not as a focal point for a build.  Rather than nerfing it or pulling it, building it into a charge-up for Discharge could work.

Think about it: isn't 100 energy worth a Speed buff that doesn't have duration?  Isn't losing your Speed until you spend 100 energy and charge up worth a Discharge that does percentile health damage?

I guess I'm now hoping for more rework to this rework, and I didn't think that way before we saw this point we've reached.  I vehemently disagree with the "starter 'Frame" argument.  All 'Frames should be equally viable.

[Yeah, I repeat myself.  Some folks don't read older posts, so I feel compelled to make sure to present my full argument.  It helps smooth out disagreements over meaning.]


Shock should have a chance to knock enemies down.  Like a 50% chance at max rank.  Just a thing.

I just don't like how DE is trying to slow everything down to a snails pace. Restricting discharge so that it can only be cast on the ground frustrates me to no end, refusing to increase volts base duration for his speed ability and his Sprint speed, requiring a loadout stuffed full with every mobility mod available to see the most benefit and still have a reliable 4th, nerfing forward momentum on melee weapons for pc guys right now (apparently)...I think bullet jumping was also changed, something some pc guy  was saying...something I can't remember...it's all for what? Why are we being slowed down? What is DE trying to do?


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9 minutes ago, (PS4)WINDMILEYNO said:

I just don't like how DE is trying to slow everything down to a snails pace. Restricting discharge so that it can only be cast on the ground frustrates me to no end, refusing to increase volts base duration, requiring a loadout stuffed full with every mobility mod available to see the most benefit and still have a reliable 4th, nerfing forward momentum on melee weapons for pc guys right now (apparently)...I think bullet jumping was also changed, something some pc guy  was saying...something I can't remember...it's all for what? Why are we being slowed down? What is DE trying to do?


Speed no longer affects aim glide.  Don't know about any bullet jump changes, but I did notice that we've been moving a bit slower lately.  Thought that was down to not having a Speed worth a damn as I tried to run ANY OTHER BUILD.

This whole U19 thing is turning into a debacle.  Too much being messed with, and all of it is coming out a bit runny...

I really wish the Volt rework hadn't been in the middle of this hailstorm of Snickers bars and tiny d1cks.  So many good things, and soooo many d1cks...  This can't be intentional.

Edited by Cytobel
"$&*^", while oft misused, isn't a curse
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11 hours ago, Cytobel said:

I really wish the Volt rework hadn't been in the middle of this hailstorm of Snickers bars and tiny d1cks.  So many good things, and soooo many d1cks...  This can't be intentional.

It was first unvealed to us on april 1st...We got an april fools joke...HAHAHA!!! very funny! alright! now were the real volt rework! anyone know? uh, anyone? ...

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18 hours ago, (PS4)WINDMILEYNO said:

I really think there are only a few in here that could be accused of overreacting, I'll be proud to be on that list, but generally there are plenty of rational people giving constructive feed back to real issues that do not need to be ignored. Once volt gets labeled as fine by De, it could be momths before anything gets looked at on him again. So it absolutely has to be assessed right now.

Fine as is can not be allowed here right now. This is not the time.

We wan't volt to be awesome, anything reallly would do but this, for the most part we (aside a few others) weve all been working towards a common goal. Making volt amazing with all of our ideas and our feedback because this "rework" is lacking...Maybe I'm just waiting for someone to say we messed up and our feedback willl be overviewd but were not even getting a hint of that...Also, the word "High damage" is sooo overemphasised. Wether you think volt is meant to be a power hungry damaging machine or a supportive team player, he still lacks all of that...

I'm with you, Overexageting and proud! 

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I really want volt to get some visual upgrade, he's wearing a short skirt that will be looks really cool if it work like a cloth, because it looks awkward when i saw volt in his noble stance from behind... it's like the tail of a rabies infested dog (tail between leg), no offense here, but i really love volt, he's my first frame... and i want to help him to get another fan... i love for what you've done for volt skillset DE, that's all... 

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11 hours ago, (PS4)WINDMILEYNO said:

I agree with the weird tactical thing, especially since Vauban is a thing? I only make that reference because Vauban has One ability that procs electric, they really aren't similar at all, but Volt never felt to me like he was setting enemies up for anything, what tactics?........what are you doing Volt?


The giant problem you just outlined that contradicts the statement about over reaction is the two contradictory builds.

People appreciate Volt. I'm glad to hear it. Sad that mirage and trinity had to get shoved aside for it to finally happen.

You are dealing with the same discharge problems as everyone else more likely than not with your second build, but I am resorting to assumption because you didn't say anything about that build and where you use it.

And there's more.

What does the shock do to electric sheild right now? How does it interact with Discharge? Read the description, it all sounds really nice. Nice on paper, but DE has this thing where they make a big deal out of something that really is not.

For example.

Fire Blast
Slams the ground for high damage in a small radius and creates a persistent ring of fire which deals high damage over time.

No. It does not.

Now, admittedly, this is from the wiki. 

But my point is, in relation to Volt things, maybe if whoever at DE didn't hype stuff up so much..."we" wouldn't overreact when our hyped up expectations were not met.

I really think there are only a few in here that could be accused of overreacting, I'll be proud to be on that list, but generally there are plenty of rational people giving constructive feed back to real issues that do not need to be ignored. Once volt gets labeled as fine by De, it could be momths before anything gets looked at on him again. So it absolutely has to be assessed right now.

Fine as is can not be allowed here right now. This is not the time.


Contradictory builds? They're just two different builds used for different things focused on different abilities. Yes they are supposed to be different.

I actually specifically said that I use the first build I mentioned in trials and sorties.

All my experiences with Volt's abilities are from actually playing as him. It doesn't matter what's said on paper. I can see through my own playtesting that his abilities are effective.

Honestly, I didn't even read anything you initially posted about Volt's rework, and you've been very constructive and calm, so I wouldn't lump you with the people that are overreacting.

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1 minute ago, TheSketchDevice said:

Contradictory builds? They're just two different builds used for different things focused on different abilities. Yes they are supposed to be different.

I actually specifically said that I use the first build I mentioned in trials and sorties.

All my experiences with Volt's abilities are from actually playing as him. It doesn't matter what's said on paper. I can see through my own playtesting that his abilities are effective.

Honestly, I didn't even read anything you initially posted about Volt's rework, and you've been very constructive and calm, so I wouldn't lump you with the people that are overreacting.

Having 2 different builds is one thing. Having negative results in game from being forced to build for one or the other is completely different.

I know you specifically said what you use the first build for. I was saying that you never said anything about where you use the second build. The speed build with all strength and how it affects your use of discharge.

Conflicts of interest.

And thanks.


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Just now, (PS4)WINDMILEYNO said:

Having 2 different builds is one thing. Having negative results in game from being forced to build for one or the other is completely different.

I know you specifically said what you use the first build for. I was saying that you never said anything about where you use the second build. The speed build with all strength and how it affects your use of discharge.

Conflicts of interest.

And thanks.


I think you kind of took away the wrong points from my initial post. I probably worded some stuff wrong trying to sound fancy and all but really I can sum it all up as this:

"I like the Volt rework."

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25 minutes ago, TheSketchDevice said:

I think you kind of took away the wrong points from my initial post. I probably worded some stuff wrong trying to sound fancy and all but really I can sum it all up as this:

"I like the Volt rework."

As you have every right to do. No one is saying you can't like the rework, I think that is awesome. That's all there needs to be.

But the way I saw your argument, it sounded as if you were saying anything wrong could be tolerated because everything else is awesome.

I am saying that nothing wrong should be tolerated because everything else IS awesome.

If you are already content with the way things are, then I assume you are speaking out against contrary views of the abilities because you are worried that volt will be ruined in some way, too easy or overpowered, given an identity you don't think fits him.

I'm not content with anything. Especially not discharge. Its not horrible, but I want to use it just as effectively as I did overload.

No Warframe should be tiered, but since in this day and time we can clearly tier warframes in terms of effectiveness, I want volt to be on top. My views will conflict with yours.

It seems you already feel he is on top. There is no real reason that I can see to say anything about people overreacting other wise. Unless you are trolling, and I'm certain you aren't a troll.

But I often take points being made the wrong way. 

I promise you, everyone wants what is best for volt, but no one person has what is actually best for him. (except maybe a few people in here, specifically EnderDDT, I'm not trying to brown nose, that poster just always lays it out perfectly, the way I see it).

Are you content with everything as is?


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I'm really glad there are some of us that feel like all is well with Volt.

To be totally honest, he isn't without some use, depending on how you build.  I just despise the contradictory build thing, and I really have issues with certain aspects of his moves.  For me, I know what I want, but I'm not going to say everybody esle has to be wrong for me to be right, ya know?  That's the same kind of logic that leads to the Speed/non-Speed builds.

I really don't think Volt is good because of the lack of decent full-moveset builds.  I also have a special kind of love affair with Itzal and Blink, so I want to have some of that on my favorite 'Frame.  All I see there is goodness, and I admit I cannot see drawbacks to losing the need to pay the energy tax and recast something I need constantly running to keep constantly running, ya know?

Even before that thought, I wasn't happy with where Volt has been left.  Still and all, he's Volt, and he's what I use.  I just don't feel any real need to play much (kavats aside), and I have serious doubts about putting money into game until I see any changes to this situation.  That's the strongest protest I can make, so I will.  I suggest others do the same if they feel similarly.

And if you feel happy with things, then by all frikkin means BE HAPPY!  Don't feel unhappy just because we do, and PLEASE feel free to bring your happiness here.  We could use a bit of that.


hap·pi·ness /ˈhapēnəs/ :  Locking the G3 into meat statues that twitch and scream as I leisurely shoot them and they electrocute each other.  <-- A thing I recently experienced with Volt.  It was good.

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4 hours ago, RealPandemonium said:

Volt wasn't even changed that much, lol.  IDK why everyone's freaking out, really.  I feel like this thread is full of crazy people.  

Look, just because I'm as sane as a boiled herring it doesn't mean I can't have a decent point now and then.  It happens.

I would love a few more changes, honestly.  I feel like the shift to Discharge did more to underline the way Electric damage underperforms than it did anything else, and I KNOW how brutal a CC it can be when used correctly.

Yes, I know I'm asking for more.  No, I don't feel like that's a bad idea.  Yes, my sanity is...  shall we say, "beyond debate"?

I don't care, so long as Volt is left in an even better place for it.

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5 hours ago, RealPandemonium said:

Volt wasn't even changed that much, lol.  IDK why everyone's freaking out, really.  I feel like this thread is full of crazy people.  

:facepalm: Long story short it's that there's not enough changes, us volt's have many ideas no matter what others may say, we expected more then we recived which is why you see all these propositons, if you think were crazy and youv'e went far to disagree with me in the past, I'm fine with being crazy and I can live with that. Maybe we got a little to excited for real changes, myself included, and we should have! Why? because volt is under-developed and under-appreciated!!!    I had high-spirits that something as intresting and with fluid interaction as mags rework would have arrived, but alas, that is not the case, am I crazy for beliving in something I feel strongly for? I guess that's up for debate, but for the most part, were working towards a common goal!  

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1 hour ago, Cytobel said:

I feel like the shift to Discharge did more to underline the way Electric damage underperforms than it did anything else, and I KNOW how brutal a CC it can be when used correctly.

well, i am happy to let you now that i am working on a rework to status soon. if anyone has any good ideas to rework electric status please message me.

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