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Volt Rework Feedback [Post Update 18.13]


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2 minutes ago, SylvenStar said:

You know what? Fine. I'm done. Everybody opposing me keeps ignoring my ACTUAL points, so I won't bother replying. I'm done putting in effort to have my words skewed and misinterpreted. So I'll end on this note with my goodbye because somehow people keep missing this: Volt requires more work than any other frame to be both viable as well as fun at level 50+, and requires the highest tier of endgame content to go higher. Most other frames don't take so much out-of-the-way effort.

The best way to show what you mean is to find gameplay of volt before the rework. And copy that situation and show what you are talking about. 



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Just now, (PS4)WINDMILEYNO said:

The best way to show what you mean is to find gameplay of volt before the rework. And copy that situation and show what you are talking about. 



What I mean is the particular combination of mods, weapons, augments, focus, and "habits" that are obligatory for the volt aren't so on other frames. This was almost entirely unaffected by the rework.

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2 hours ago, SylvenStar said:

What I mean is the particular combination of mods, weapons, augments, focus, and "habits" that are obligatory for the volt aren't so on other frames. This was almost entirely unaffected by the rework.

So, Volt has no dump stat and has to mod thoughtfully?  He's balanced?  I'm not seeing the glaring flaw here.  Other frames being OP means that they should be addressed; not that that Volt should also be made OP.  

Inb4 "Capacitance is mandatory" and "powers are too expensive; need Zenurik."  That's also untrue.  Capacitance makes Volt safer (easier) and Zenurik enables low-efficiency builds while making high-efficiency builds uber cheesy, which again makes the game easier.  The issue here is a reliance on crutches and not a core problem with Volt's design.  

Edited by RealPandemonium
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5 hours ago, SylvenStar said:

What I mean is the particular combination of mods, weapons, augments, focus, and "habits" that are obligatory for the volt aren't so on other frames. This was almost entirely unaffected by the rework.

I agree.

I have been pondering the limitations...

Volts speed is two stats on an ability. Sprint Speed. And melee attack speed.

Speed, complimented or substituted by mods, pick your poison. 

It makes sense if DE feels that volt would too easily out pace his team mates, leaving them behind. DE probably imagines that a volt casting speed will catch up to the loki, vanguard rhino and nezha who out ran him using speed. Therefore his Sprint speed must be low, to prevent cheese of missions and non teammate friendly gameplay.

I worded that as nicely as possible

I was going to type out a bunch more nonsense...but...

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8 hours ago, RealPandemonium said:

So, Volt has no dump stat and has to mod thoughtfully?  He's balanced?  I'm not seeing the glaring flaw here.  Other frames being OP means that they should be addressed; not that that Volt should also be made OP.  

Inb4 "Capacitance is mandatory" and "powers are too expensive; need Zenurik."  That's also untrue.  Capacitance makes Volt safer (easier) and Zenurik enables low-efficiency builds while making high-efficiency builds uber cheesy, which again makes the game easier.  The issue here is a reliance on crutches and not a core problem with Volt's design.  

What is overpowered? What does that even mean right now...? Or any time that word is used?




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13 minutes ago, (PS4)WINDMILEYNO said:

What is overpowered? What does that even mean right now...? Or any tone that word is used?

I'm not sure what he says is OP but some examples I'd use would be gimmicks that make some frames effectively immortal.

Another that can be a bit silly is some frames being able to completely ignore certain stats with no consequence. Not necessarily OP, but its a bit dumb.

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2 hours ago, Ohmlink said:

I'm not sure what he says is OP but some examples I'd use would be gimmicks that make some frames effectively immortal.

Another that can be a bit silly is some frames being able to completely ignore certain stats with no consequence. Not necessarily OP, but its a bit dumb.

I don't want immortality, I want lightning!:( 

To the guy saying stuff about over empowerment....

I don't want dumb throw away stats, but I want to see a real benefits from this stupid trade off system people keep talking about, and I don't want to feel like I know exactly what play style DE is trying to make me use. And every frame had better have it, this new fangled "risk/reward" system for modding warframes that only some have. (melodrama)

Zenurik is overpowered! All the focus schools are overpowered!

Primed mods....really?

Syndicate weapon procs and effects are overpowered!

Large Pizzas! Energy, Health, Ammo, and Sheild restore are overpowered!

I remember a simpler warframe, before all these things, but you know what has changed? Enemies. You know what hasn't changed? Volt. Because in the end the only buffs he got was a better sheild and cc on his discharge. 10000 damage....wwhhhooo..!... Tactical alternative to gunplay here. It would be ok if that was all, but extra nonsense was done to him that didn't need to be done. Shock ignored because it's perfect. Ok, that's acceptable. May not be true, but its not terrible. A sheild limit? For the buff? Cus he would have been too over powered, with that infinite timer on all those sheilds...speed not affecting parkour? To help people not run too fast, especially not volt...riot sheild and it's limits? It was an unkown and so they treated it like a rabid dog, held at arms length with a choke collar. They need to take riot sheild out back and shoot it. Or make it better.

I remember seeing that ish, every single new power creepy thing and knowing that it was utter nonsense (i am screaming very excitedly right now, in my head). Don't screw a frame and a rework for nonsense that was added in that was unnecessary and unneeded, and it was known at the time these things weren't needed, but they were added anyways. Don't screw balance for new gizmos.

Overpowered my foot.

Excuse me...

My personal tinfoil hat theory that is really just a joke (it's just a joke) is that there is no clear plan for how to fix enemy scaling at the moment, but since everyone was complaining so much about mirage, they just low key nerfed her prism and then applied the same thing to volt so LOR nightmare could stay in the game. Once they fix enemy scaling, he will get a real rework. Other wise, the 20 second stuns iv been hearing about are also overpowered by the context of the word and the way it's been used.


Its late at night.
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On Saturday, July 23, 2016 at 1:31 PM, Ohmlink said:

What is the content that normal Volt is intended to be compared to?

Sorry, but I don't understand the question.

If you're asking what the level range I'm looking for is, I usually run to lvl ~150ish with clannies, so I'm seeing the area where numbers are breaking down in scaling anyway.

Where this rework leaves me is with a non-Prime Volt that bites it to a single bleed proc around level 60 following my build logic.  Primed Volt usually holds into the early 100s, not further.  Again, my build is likely the issue.

If you're asking me to set up a level timeline, with an "abandon all hope at point X" outlined, I'm not trying to throw numbers at people because of how far player skill can skew things.  Even good ol' Volt was enough for level 100 content before the rework, for me at least.  That likely hasn't changed too much, but hiccups to mobility and the ground cast lock are problems.

Nothing I hate more than running in circles getting Toxin and/or Bleed stacks waiting for the game to stop telling me "cannot cast in air". 

My largest issues are this:  First, Volt STILL feels like he needs everything in his build.  Not optional, but true need.  Yeah, I get that you don't truely require more than 100% Duration, but it's amazing QoL.  Second, time and again I see people saying "all's well" while sporting Speed builds (@Brasten, thanks for jumping in with a counter-view AND a non-Speed build).  This bothers me because Speed builds were essentially unchanged by the rework, so I basically find such a response wasted space in the thread.

Can Volt run out into the levels I want?  Prime, basically yes.  Base Volt?  Not so much, because 15 armor leaves you vulnerable to stray Toxin/Bleed deaths.  Both Volts are a bit under par for speed too, so I have to wonder how that affects the numbers.

I've said my piece on the rest of the rework, and I'm looking forward to DE FINISHING IT.  Sooner rather than later, I hope.


Edited by Cytobel
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2 hours ago, Cytobel said:

.Where this rework leaves me is with a non-Prime Volt that bites it to a single bleed proc around level 60 following my build logic.  Primed Volt usually holds into the early 100s, not further.  Again, my build is likely the issue.

If you're asking me to set up a level timeline, with an "abandon all hope at point X" outlined, I'm not trying to throw numbers at people because of how far player skill can skew things.  Even good ol' Volt was enough for level 100 content before the rework, for me at least.  That likely hasn't changed too much, but hiccups to mobility and the ground cast lock are problems.

Nothing I hate more than running in circles getting Toxin and/or Bleed stacks waiting for the game to stop telling me "cannot cast in air". 

My largest issues are this:  First, Volt STILL feels like he needs everything in his build.  Not optional, but true need.  Yeah, I get that you don't truely require more than 100% Duration, but it's amazing QoL.  Second, time and again I see people saying "all's well" while sporting Speed builds (@Brasten, thanks for jumping in with a counter-view AND a non-Speed build).  This bothers me because Speed builds were essentially unchanged by the rework, so I basically find such a response wasted space in the thread.

Can Volt run out into the levels I want?  Prime, basically yes.  Base Volt?  Not so much, because 15 armor leaves you vulnerable to stray Toxin/Bleed deaths.  Both Volts are a bit under par for speed too, so I have to wonder how that affects the numbers.

What enemy units are able to inflict a 300 damage Slash proc at level 60?  Not even Eviscerators do that much damage.  You can also roll to reduce proc damage by 75%.

Agreed that Discharge should have an air-cast option; the animation length is enough of a drawback by itself, IMO.

Sacrificing some strength for more duration seems fair to me, especially if you don't care about direct damage.  Speed suffers, but not tremendously, and sprint speed isn't that important in some missions anyway.  That almost makes powerstr a valid dump stat for Volt, and doubly so in the 100+ range that you say you gear for.  

Slash procs ignore armor so the armor value is irrelevant for them.  Toxin is very rare and easily avoidable (rolling applies here as well for reducing its damage,) and the extra HP of Volt Prime, while nice, isn't a game-changer when it comes to these procs either.  

Volt: 300 Flesh HP, 15 Ferrite armor = 315 EHP.  100 incoming Toxin damage = 181 Toxin damage after resists and armor, or 45 if you roll.

Volt Prime 300 Flesh HP, 100 Ferrite armor = 400 EHP.  100 incoming Toxin damage = 150 Toxin damage after resists and armor, or 38 if you roll.

You could make a valid point that the large amount of extra energy that Volt Prime enjoys does wonders for his HP pool when QT is used.  

56 minutes ago, (PS4)Sidathre said:

Sorry but i think they nerfed Volt so much that many gamers don´t want to play him anymore.

He was one of my favorite Frames, now he lies in the cellar :(


What?  What was nerfed about him recently?

EDIT: My damage calculations were off; Toxin does fair amount more damage than I initially calculated, due to Tenno having Ferrite armor and not Alloy.  

Edited by RealPandemonium
Fixed Toxin damage calculations; end result is more damage
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@RealPandemonium:  Want a laugh?  I seriously thought it was my armor, not my habitual rolling to break enemy aim that was reducing damage from procs against me.

Wow.  I really fubbed that one.  I need to review my assumptions reguarding numbers a bit then.

As to what enemy could do that kind of bleed damage that fast, usually it's Elite Lancers and that damn Hind or those bastards with that saw blade gun that I only remember because of how wildly disappointing it was to use.  I drop in about 2 seconds from them, and nearly always when they spray sawblades like a machine gun over cover. 

My point about the armor being a bit low still feels right though.  Many 'Frames are both better armored AND faster.  And I still think base Volt should have 225 energy to start, especially with Riot Shield's insane drains (insane because of the laundry list of penalties and mitigating factors also attached).

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1 minute ago, Cytobel said:

@RealPandemonium:  Want a laugh?  I seriously thought it was my armor, not my habitual rolling to break enemy aim that was reducing damage from procs against me.

Wow.  I really fubbed that one.  I need to review my assumptions reguarding numbers a bit then.

As to what enemy could do that kind of bleed damage that fast, usually it's Elite Lancers and that damn Hind or those bastards with that saw blade gun that I only remember because of how wildly disappointing it was to use.  I drop in about 2 seconds from them, and nearly always when they spray sawblades like a machine gun over cover. 

My point about the armor being a bit low still feels right though.  Many 'Frames are both better armored AND faster.  And I still think base Volt should have 225 energy to start, especially with Riot Shield's insane drains (insane because of the laundry list of penalties and mitigating factors also attached).

Eviscerators can stack up nasty amounts of bleed, yeah.  The procs you get from Elite Lancers should only tickle (especially if you roll) and be mitigated entirely by Medi-Ray until you reach around the 150 mark.  

I think that held Shield shouldn't drain energy/distance, since it already slows you down anyway.  

I also think that 100 should be the minimum armor value for all frames, since anything less than that has a hard-to-notice effect.  

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I've been running Kavats and deliberately forgoing Medi-Ray use.  Feels too much like a crutch.  The kitty is more than good enough, and I have to break bad habits I was forming under constant Medi-Ray use.

Any time I'm hit, I roll.  It breaks aim and is a VITAL Volt skill.  Many people would do well to take this one lesson to heart.  Also it's habit from the bad old days of parkour 1.0

As to all 'Frames having 100 armor base, I...  can't agree.  First, some just don't need it, and second SOMEBODY would have to tell DEScott that Trinity is getting an armor buff.  I just don't see that ending well.

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Just now, Cytobel said:

I've been running Kavats and deliberately forgoing Medi-Ray use.  Feels too much like a crutch.  The kitty is more than good enough, and I have to break bad habits I was forming under constant Medi-Ray use.

Any time I'm hit, I roll.  It breaks aim and is a VITAL Volt skill.  Many people would do well to take this one lesson to heart.  Also it's habit from the bad old days of parkour 1.0

I find that Medi-Ray is a good bandaid for the scarcity of HP sources in WF.  Compared to using Life Strike or spamming pizzas, Medi-Ray feels more organic, and also restores a fair, not excessive amount of HP IMO.  

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12 minutes ago, RealPandemonium said:

I find that Medi-Ray is a good bandaid for the scarcity of HP sources in WF.  Compared to using Life Strike or spamming pizzas, Medi-Ray feels more organic, and also restores a fair, not excessive amount of HP IMO.  

This is a point that needs to come up in a thread of its own.  I completely agree.

Riot Shield is a major bone of contention for the majority of people who Volt, yes?  I have to call into question the cost per meter, because of how unfriendly this is to Speed.  I also have issues with the slow (if you can make a shield like that, why not use ion wind to BOOST your speed with it?) and with the main gun restriction.

I know this will catch flak, but if the +200% crit damage bonus is the issue, I'd happily drop it for the mobile defense screen.  Being able to move AND have a shield is what Riot Shield is all about anyway, not massive damage.

EDIT:  Actually, why have so many costs and restrictions if the Riot Shield was still going to have a timer anyway?  It's just another thing that bothers me there.

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The cost per meter should definitely be dropped.  I also favor teammates being able to pick up the shields as well and for held shields to not contribute to the 6 simultaneous shield cap (dropping a shield when there are already 6 in play would just make it disappear.)

The rest of the shield's drawbacks (slower movement, no primary) are fine, IMO.  I would make the held shield a tiny bit wider, though.  

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Teammates should maybe be able to pick up a version of the sheild, as in, you drop a sheild and teammates use that sheild to spawn their own for free, or use their own energy, with the original still being there. But that's not likely to happen. It'll probably be more like oberons renewal in practice, and you will never have any energy in a pub no matter how efficient you are because reasons. And then volt becomes only a solo frame or a frame you can only play with people you really trust.

But again, I don't know why you would want the extra energy tax on yourself for people picking up your sheilds, especially if you put one down for a specific purpose and some one runs off with it, accidentally or not. You'll just laugh it off after the 205th time and spam another one? Or will you spend the majority of your time in game screaming at people in all caps on group chat to leave your sheilds alone, spreading toxicity the way mirage would scream at people not to kill her prismed enemies?


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I've been playing the new Volt (mostly as Volt Prime) since the rework, and, as a frequent Volt player (97% of my 600+ logged hours are on volt or volt prime), I have to say there is a lot of good to go with the bad, but there are some things that need to be reverted, mostly overload. 

I'll start with the good: the sound effects. Spot on. I didn't initially like them, but after a while, I think that they make the experience more volty. I also like the new visuals; well done here.

To the mechanics: shock is good. It isn't meant to be a bazooka, but i think it functions perfectly as a spammable damage ability. It levels well because of the ability to repeatedly stunlock enemies as well. No issues here.

Speed: Speed is one of the powers that helps balance volt. As people stated earlier, he is a bit slow, and speed helps him catch up. It's also an easy way to turn him into an excellent medic, as he can get to a downed player fast, and drop a covershield to revive them. No issues here. I'm happy with the fact that DE removed the drop-able speed balls. It really helps pull in a hobbled dragon to not have them. The ability to refresh it is also a big help when using it to catch up to enemies. 

Shield: I like the new mechanic for the shield that allows it to be a damage net in theory, but I really haven't noticed any difference with enemies passing through the shield. The whole point, and the reason this ability is so useful is that it is placed between you and them. Because of this, my shields aren't really placed in areas that enemies will pass through because the damage they do to those that walk that way isn't enough to justify leaving the shield out there when it should be, you know, protecting something. Volt's shield is most effective two feet from your face so that it blocks all incoming fire from your, your allies, and the objective. Only the melee enemies usually run through it, and they aren't that big of a threat. So, in sum, keep the mechanic, or don't, but don't call it a buff because it really isn't making life any different. 

As far as being able to move the shield goes, I think it's rather frustrating. It doesn't cover enough when moving with it to make it viable as a tactic (blocking is actually better because you move faster, whoda thunk!), and if you need to reposition it, it's easier to just throw down another. The shield isn't that energy intensive, and volt, espeically volt prime, has energy coming out his ears, so it's almost never an issue unless you're spamming overload, in which case the shield isn't that necessary. 

Speaking of which! Overload! Please revert!!! Discharge is terrible and it takes way too long to do any sort of meaningful damage. Yes, it stunlocks the nearby enemies for a while, but, because they're still present, they act as inhibitory obstacles preventing you from continuing your sweep. You, and allies, either have to be very discriminatory with fire and abilities, or the effect is largely wasted as enemies who were simply immobilized are killed by things other than volt's damage. The new visuals are quite nice, but the overall function is much less helpful. Electricity kills instantly, and, if it doesn't kill outright, then it will stun. Overload would kill enemies with a massive electrical outright, as would make sense, and as it should be. It's what put the cannon in Volt's glass cannon type. Also, the mechanic of only being able to cast on the ground is counter-intuitive. Electricity does not spread through the ground to flesh targets, that's why we ground wires. If volt is grounded to fire discharge, then all of the electricity would simply go into the ground, leaving a nice burn mark, but nothing else. At the very least, DE needs to simply revert to overload to restore volt's overall functionality. Without it, and without it acting fast, Volt and Volt prime are no longer sortie capable, and this is from someone who used to use volt prime exclusively on all sorties (yes, he was that versatile). A better option would be to shift overload to a purely arcing mechanic, with a visual similar to that seen in Volt's codex entry, with the lightning arcing to all enemies in the radius from his hands, arms, and chest, dealing massive initial damage with a stunlock following similar to shock. The ability of the overload to daisy chain from lights also needs to be restored, especially since this can only be used once, after which the lights are out. Furthermore, it should be able to daisy chain off of moa's that die from the damage because they have batteries and electronics that would explode. Overload should be, in my opinion, a powerful electric surge that spikes the nearby grid causing all of the nearby electronics to overload and go dark, leaving everyone in dim, sparking, fizzling light. That would be a worthy fourth ability for volt. It justifies bringing the glass cannon in the first place.

I could go on about how good a frame volt is, but I'll save that for another time. He's my favorite frame, and will remain that way, but I dislike the nerf.


TL;DR, restore or enhance overload, but please dump discharge. Volt was perfect and perfectly balanced as is mechanic wise, and the discharge nerf hurt his overall functionality more than the shield buffs helped.

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1 hour ago, Adder9 said:

Discharge complaint

Discharge does more damage than Overload, period; there was no nerf here.  Clustered enemies take their full damag quickly, while isolated enemies are stunned for 4 seconds and then take their damage over the remaining duration.  Grineer get stunned forever, which is probably not intended but enjoy it while it lasts (probably a while.)

Overload could only ever do less damage (except in best case scenarios where enemies were very densely-packed) and its CC was unreliable and didn't last as long as Discharge's can.  Only nerf is that Discharge can't be used in the air and doesn't do more damage with electronics present.  Discharge may not be the "fixed" overload we were expecting, but it's almost as good, and was unaffected by the recent nerf to Electric procs.  

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2 hours ago, RealPandemonium said:

Discharge does more damage than Overload, period; there was no nerf here.  Clustered enemies take their full damag quickly, while isolated enemies are stunned for 4 seconds and then take their damage over the remaining duration.  Grineer get stunned forever, which is probably not intended but enjoy it while it lasts (probably a while.)

Overload could only ever do less damage (except in best case scenarios where enemies were very densely-packed) and its CC was unreliable and didn't last as long as Discharge's can.  Only nerf is that Discharge can't be used in the air and doesn't do more damage with electronics present.  Discharge may not be the "fixed" overload we were expecting, but it's almost as good, and was unaffected by the recent nerf to Electric procs.  

I'm probably noticing more of a nerf effect because I usually timed my overloads to be a) in the air, and b) to daisy chain off of electronic objects. Perhaps I'll learn to love it, but I don't yet.

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On 7/25/2016 at 6:15 AM, (PS4)WINDMILEYNO said:

As long as we are being civil, and not trying to tear other people down, I would also be happy for you to be right. But there is something not quite right about volt and the rework he got. For a lot of people it would be something different, but many people have posted about the things they find wrong.

i play volt for 3 years and things i found wrong are only energy cost on riot shield per distance, reload speed boost that's lower than melee atk speed and running speed buff, and can't cast discharge mid air. other than that volt rework is great, can't find any frame as perfect and balance as volt (maybe im just a fanboy but thats what i feel on volt compared to any frame i play). people used to say there are many warframe CC better than volt and overload, now with discharge they're equal, plus with capacitance give you overshield. old invulnerable electric shield return with bigger size, thats great, now frost isn't the only one with defense power that can block radius damage.
more synergy will be great addition. like @RealPandemonium said, powers exist to help you win the game, not to play the game for you. what i've seen most of the time is people force volt to be a DPS warframe with his power like excalibur, mesa, ivara, wukong, any frame that have exalted like power as their ultimate.

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Adder9 pointed out that blocking is superior to riot shield due to faster movement.


So to sum up, Riot Shield is a double-draining anchor that offers insufficient protection, limits weapon choice/use, and is outclassed by basic blocking with movement.

Are you listening, DE?


Edited by (PS4)Silverback73
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1 hour ago, Adder9 said:

I'm probably noticing more of a nerf effect because I usually timed my overloads to be a) in the air, and b) to daisy chain off of electronic objects. Perhaps I'll learn to love it, but I don't yet.

Air-cast for Discharge is pretty much universally supported; I hope they put it in.  

18 minutes ago, (PS4)Silverback73 said:

Adder9 pointed out that blocking is superior to riot shield due to faster movement.


So to sum up, Riot Shield is a double-draining anchor that offers insufficient protection, limits weapon choice/use, and is outclassed by basic blocking with movement.

Are you listening, DE?


Lol, blocking is not superior to held Shield; that's an exaggeration.

Removing its drain per distance will put it in a good place.  

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38 minutes ago, RealPandemonium said:

Air-cast for Discharge is pretty much universally supported; I hope they put it in.  

Lol, blocking is not superior to held Shield; that's an exaggeration.

Removing its drain per distance will put it in a good place.  

I hope they put it in too. I really miss the daisy chain off of the lights as well. 

Blocking depends on the situation. Channel while blocking and the reflected damage helps a lot, in addition to the energy drain being less per unit movement. Regardless, why take the 5 seconds to pick up and move a shield when the shield only lasts a little while and it takes energy to move it? My shield costs about 17 energy to drop. It lasts about 25 seconds. Therefore, running with the shield, due to the movement decrease, is simply a poor trade when compared to me simply relocating and dropping a new one. 

That said, removing the drain, or at least lessening it, would make this a viable tactic as a form of shield charging. I probably still wouldn't bother though.

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Another odd thought: I really prefer the name overload and I just thought of why. An overload is commonly used to describe an electrical event that causes massive damage. Discharge is more commonly used to describe a symptom of an STD or a negative fluid leak from the body.  The name now makes me think more of the latter.

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