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Valkyr Revisions Feedback [Post Update 18.13]


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8 minutes ago, Valteria. said:

pretty sure that person did not.

I'm actually really salty about this. I don't main Valkyr, but I did for a long time she is my go to girl for Sorties. See not everyone has the Privalge of friend who play warframe on a clan to carry them thou content. I did It on my own. And Valkyr when i first got her pieces, interested me. Then, I used her a lot.  I used her power to surpass bosses and overwhelm them. She was my gateway to warframe. I went to the Forums and found out people did not like her too much, "Weak" they said "useless". But, I made use of her and I felt like a made something great out of something people said was worthless. Then time pass I unlock more frames and I start notice...Half the Community..is not that...well,bright.


That sounds mean, hateful,rude, but It is true. The Community rots of meta game and tryharding.

Limbo "Why play him when Frost does It better"

Nyx "Why play Nyx when Loki does It better" 


and even, Oberion "he is trash"


I've seen these frames surpass what people say about them. And I know for a fact nyx is stronger CC then Loki.


And these are the people yelling Valkyr is overpowered?


I know what is going on here. I'm not dumb. They mad because Valkyr cant easy. But, they don't play her. You give up a lot of crap in that Hyrsta,you give up guns,you have to be mindful of everything around you, you have to be mindful of engery. It is not a deathwipe, you have to have a weapon well modded to even effectively kill,the truth is. Hystra becoming useable to kill and surive with getting knocked on your rear. Requires so much to go right and so much to be in your favor, that calling Op while siting behind your aoe face melt skill insults me. Valkyr has no super damage spell, she has aoe buff, a pulling tool and a stun, she is the embodiment of close Qaurters combat, no a magic lazer sword, or Wukong who is a cluster of skills. She is the Embodiment of up close and personal. But, she can and has been pooled out of Hysrta. Everyone talks like it easy to but a Nullfier right in the skull. It is not If you are traped in close spaces and If you out your 4 you die. 


It is not easy when anything slightly drains you is not a "ooh, poo. I cant cast my spell" but a "OH, Sh!t I got to act fast or I am gonna die!"


Everyone says "Playing loki will make you better" No..Playing Valkyr in Sorties will. Because you have limits, you cant go invis or summon a safe space, your skills do not super melt eneimes you can heal yourself,but that is at the cost of almost dying. Valkyr was before this update a high risk high reward frame, she was a skillframe.


Now, she is being over nerfed to please people who are like "Good" but really they are not gonna play her. They are gonna go "Gonna go play my Loki and Radial disarm,because it is the best none damage move ever." While I get to sit there looking at my frame,my Valkyr and sigh. I will still play her. She is my girl, we have been thou hell together, thou insults, thou getting kicked for not being a metaframe, to winning great things, to saving team mates, to taking shots. I do not player her s much because she was my "Knuckle down" frame. Now,she has been over punished for being to good at being a hero and being strong enough to carry a team.


I sit there and I see the metaframers laughing at me yelling "Now play  frame who takes skill" as they lock in their Frosts,Novas, lokis,Rhino primes and Embers. And I think to myself. "I hope you understand one day how It feels to be Valkyr." 


To have been consider weak. But still be strong


To Finally be balanced, but decreed op


TO be broken and have others laugh at your pain.


Valkyr is a frame of a warrior, her story is of a warrior.


The underdog everyone counted out,to the Champion hated by the greedy ego driven glory hogs, Now crippled and at her lowest and much like the hero the warframes need she will return to good power, she will be unnerfed and freed from her jail!





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9 minutes ago, (XB1)TheRoflLizard said:

I'm actually really salty about this. I don't main Valkyr, but I did for a long time she is my go to girl for Sorties. See not everyone has the Privalge of friend who play warframe on a clan to carry them thou content. I did It on my own. And Valkyr when i first got her pieces, interested me. Then, I used her a lot.  I used her power to surpass bosses and overwhelm them. She was my gateway to warframe. I went to the Forums and found out people did not like her too much, "Weak" they said "useless". But, I made use of her and I felt like a made something great out of something people said was worthless. Then time pass I unlock more frames and I start notice...Half the Community..is not that...well,bright.


That sounds mean, hateful,rude, but It is true. The Community rots of meta game and tryharding.

Limbo "Why play him when Frost does It better"

Nyx "Why play Nyx when Loki does It better" 


and even, Oberion "he is trash"


I've seen these frames surpass what people say about them. And I know for a fact nyx is stronger CC then Loki.


And these are the people yelling Valkyr is overpowered?


I know what is going on here. I'm not dumb. They mad because Valkyr cant easy. But, they don't play her. You give up a lot of crap in that Hyrsta,you give up guns,you have to be mindful of everything around you, you have to be mindful of engery. It is not a deathwipe, you have to have a weapon well modded to even effectively kill,the truth is. Hystra becoming useable to kill and surive with getting knocked on your rear. Requires so much to go right and so much to be in your favor, that calling Op while siting behind your aoe face melt skill insults me. Valkyr has no super damage spell, she has aoe buff, a pulling tool and a stun, she is the embodiment of close Qaurters combat, no a magic lazer sword, or Wukong who is a cluster of skills. She is the Embodiment of up close and personal. But, she can and has been pooled out of Hysrta. Everyone talks like it easy to but a Nullfier right in the skull. It is not If you are traped in close spaces and If you out your 4 you die. 


It is not easy when anything slightly drains you is not a "ooh, poo. I cant cast my spell" but a "OH, Sh!t I got to act fast or I am gonna die!"


Everyone says "Playing loki will make you better" No..Playing Valkyr in Sorties will. Because you have limits, you cant go invis or summon a safe space, your skills do not super melt eneimes you can heal yourself,but that is at the cost of almost dying. Valkyr was before this update a high risk high reward frame, she was a skillframe.


Now, she is being over nerfed to please people who are like "Good" but really they are not gonna play her. They are gonna go "Gonna go play my Loki and Radial disarm,because it is the best none damage move ever." While I get to sit there looking at my frame,my Valkyr and sigh. I will still play her. She is my girl, we have been thou hell together, thou insults, thou getting kicked for not being a metaframe, to winning great things, to saving team mates, to taking shots. I do not player her s much because she was my "Knuckle down" frame. Now,she has been over punished for being to good at being a hero and being strong enough to carry a team.


I sit there and I see the metaframers laughing at me yelling "Now play  frame who takes skill" as they lock in their Frosts,Novas, lokis,Rhino primes and Embers. And I think to myself. "I hope you understand one day how It feels to be Valkyr." 


To have been consider weak. But still be strong


To Finally be balanced, but decreed op


TO be broken and have others laugh at your pain.


Valkyr is a frame of a warrior, her story is of a warrior.


The underdog everyone counted out,to the Champion hated by the greedy ego driven glory hogs, Now crippled and at her lowest and much like the hero the warframes need she will return to good power, she will be unnerfed and freed from her jail!





This is Poetic. I hope DE notices the passion here and does something to rectify what they did to please all the nerfherders.

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15 minutes ago, (XB1)TheRoflLizard said:

I'm actually really salty about this. I don't main Valkyr, but I did for a long time she is my go to girl for Sorties. See not everyone has the Privalge of friend who play warframe on a clan to carry them thou content. I did It on my own. And Valkyr when i first got her pieces, interested me. Then, I used her a lot.  I used her power to surpass bosses and overwhelm them. She was my gateway to warframe. I went to the Forums and found out people did not like her too much, "Weak" they said "useless". But, I made use of her and I felt like a made something great out of something people said was worthless. Then time pass I unlock more frames and I start notice...Half the Community..is not that...well,bright.


That sounds mean, hateful,rude, but It is true. The Community rots of meta game and tryharding.

Limbo "Why play him when Frost does It better"

Nyx "Why play Nyx when Loki does It better" 


and even, Oberion "he is trash"


I've seen these frames surpass what people say about them. And I know for a fact nyx is stronger CC then Loki.


And these are the people yelling Valkyr is overpowered?


I know what is going on here. I'm not dumb. They mad because Valkyr cant easy. But, they don't play her. You give up a lot of crap in that Hyrsta,you give up guns,you have to be mindful of everything around you, you have to be mindful of engery. It is not a deathwipe, you have to have a weapon well modded to even effectively kill,the truth is. Hystra becoming useable to kill and surive with getting knocked on your rear. Requires so much to go right and so much to be in your favor, that calling Op while siting behind your aoe face melt skill insults me. Valkyr has no super damage spell, she has aoe buff, a pulling tool and a stun, she is the embodiment of close Qaurters combat, no a magic lazer sword, or Wukong who is a cluster of skills. She is the Embodiment of up close and personal. But, she can and has been pooled out of Hysrta. Everyone talks like it easy to but a Nullfier right in the skull. It is not If you are traped in close spaces and If you out your 4 you die. 


It is not easy when anything slightly drains you is not a "ooh, poo. I cant cast my spell" but a "OH, Sh!t I got to act fast or I am gonna die!"


Everyone says "Playing loki will make you better" No..Playing Valkyr in Sorties will. Because you have limits, you cant go invis or summon a safe space, your skills do not super melt eneimes you can heal yourself,but that is at the cost of almost dying. Valkyr was before this update a high risk high reward frame, she was a skillframe.


Now, she is being over nerfed to please people who are like "Good" but really they are not gonna play her. They are gonna go "Gonna go play my Loki and Radial disarm,because it is the best none damage move ever." While I get to sit there looking at my frame,my Valkyr and sigh. I will still play her. She is my girl, we have been thou hell together, thou insults, thou getting kicked for not being a metaframe, to winning great things, to saving team mates, to taking shots. I do not player her s much because she was my "Knuckle down" frame. Now,she has been over punished for being to good at being a hero and being strong enough to carry a team.


I sit there and I see the metaframers laughing at me yelling "Now play  frame who takes skill" as they lock in their Frosts,Novas, lokis,Rhino primes and Embers. And I think to myself. "I hope you understand one day how It feels to be Valkyr." 


To have been consider weak. But still be strong


To Finally be balanced, but decreed op


TO be broken and have others laugh at your pain.


Valkyr is a frame of a warrior, her story is of a warrior.


The underdog everyone counted out,to the Champion hated by the greedy ego driven glory hogs, Now crippled and at her lowest and much like the hero the warframes need she will return to good power, she will be unnerfed and freed from her jail!






I almost cried. I'm not lying. I almost did.

I cannot agree more into every single word you said.

I have no words in my mind, this is pure gold. I... I...

Thank you, Tenno.

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You know with all the complaints, I have to ask did anyone here actually play Valk when she was actually bad and I mean terrible? Because compared to what she use to be, this current change/nerf is still leagues better.

I mean Hysteria use to suck so much it struggled to kill lvl40 mobs, it didn't scale with melee mods, you weren't invincible, and you were locked in for a set duration.

The joys of having to jump off a cliff to deactivate Hysteria so you could use your guns again.

As someone that's seen how much she use to suck, the complaints at that she's useless now, are kinda sad.

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5 minutes ago, Thebel said:

As someone that's seen how much she use to suck, the complaints at that she's useless now, are kinda sad.

That is pretty much a non-argument here. Just because something was worse at some point that does not make being less worse after being better a valid option one should welcome.

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As I mention in my last post, I've claimed to be one of the most loyal Tenno around here, and here are my TWO DOLLARS.

I beg only for you to look at them and think about it, DE.


Idea A (Pre-Rework)

Valkyr imbues with rage... While Hysteria is toggled Valkyr will store up all the damage she took and receive 100% of the damage after she exits Hysteria.

-When Valkyr has damage stored, any healing receive from life steal will reduce the stored damage before healing Valkyr
-The stored damage will ignore armor value and directly reduct shields and health on deactivate
-If stored damage is above Valkyr's current health and shields, the damage will not kill Valkyr, in stead she will left with 1% health
-Stored damage will take Valkyr's armor into account
-Any offense related stats (including life steal) and unmentioned stats remains the same pre-rework.

Idea B (Pre-Rework)

Valkyr imbues with rage... While Hysteria is toggled Vallyr store up damage for short amount of period of time before receiving portion of the damage per second. The stored damage can be lowered by Valkyr's life steal.

Time before receiving damage: 4/7/10 (Scale with Power Duration)
Damage receive percentage per second: 20%/15%/10% [Does not scale]

-Stored damage will take Valkyr's total armor into account
-When Valkyr has damage stored, any healing receive from life steal will reduce the stored damage before healing Valkyr
-The stored damage will take Valkyr's total armor value into account only, other damage reduction sorce will be discarded. 
-Finishers will clear the total stored value by 15%
-If stored damage is above Valkyr's current health and shields, the damage will not kill Valkyr, in stead she will left with 1% health.
-If Valkyr receive fatal damage(Current Hp value < 1% of Total Hp Value) from the ability, Valkyr will automatically deactivate hysteria
-If Valkyr deactivates the ability while there is still damage stored, she will take 33% of the stored damage
-Any offense realted stats (including life steal and unmentioned stats remains the same as pre-rework.

Detail explaination : After Valkyr receives damage she will not immediate receive the damage she's taken, instead she will delay the damage she receive and only receive portion of the total damage per second. 
For example if Valkyr built up 1400 damage during the first 10 seconds, she will receive 140 damge every second. Valkyr can continue to receive more damage during Hysteria, and life steal will clear the build up damage before healing Valkyr.
The damage receive per second is constantly update

Valkyr imbues with rage... Becomes invincible for a period amount of time and short deminishes the damage reduction and retain at a certain amount.

Invincible Duration: 25 seconds (Scale with Power duration)
Damage reduction deminsish per second: 3%/2%/1% [Does not scale]
Bottomline Damage reduction : 50%/60%/70% (Scale with Power Strength, up to 95%)

-Damage reduction applies after other damage reduction value, including armor value reduction.
-Any offense realted stats (including life steal and unmentioned stats remains the same as pre-rework.

Valkyr Imbues with rage... while Hysteria is toggled Valkyr is covered in a rage energy shield that absorbs all damage, Valkyr can replenish her rage shield with her life steal.

Energy Shield strength : 1750/2750/3750 (Scales with Power Strength)

-Energy Shield Stregth take Valkyr's total armor into account.
-Valkyr will always heal herself before replenish her rage shield
-Finishers will fill up the shield's total amount by 15%
-Any offense realted stats (including life steal and unmentioned stats remains the same as pre-rework.

Idea E (Pre-Rework)

Valkyr imbues with rage... While Hysteria is toggled Valkyr will become invincible and constantly losing her health.

Time before Valkyr starts to lose health : 5/9/13 seconds (Scale with Power Duration)
Health lost per second : 20%/15%/10% [Does not scale]

-Finishers recovers 15% of Valkyr's maximum health
-If Valkyr receive fatal damage(Current Hp value < 1% of Total Hp Value) from the ability, Valkyr will automatically deactivate hysteria
-If stored damage is above Valkyr's current health and shields, the damage will not kill Valkyr, in stead she will left with 1% health
-Any offense realted stats (including life steal and unmentioned stats remains the same as pre-rework.

Idea F (After rework)

Valkyr imbues with rage... While hysteria is toggled Valkyr will release a pair of energy claws, and the power of her rage depends on the enemy she slaughtered.

Bonus Damge : 3%/6%/9% [Does not scale]
Bonus Damage limit : 100%/200%/300% (Scale with Power Strength)
Energy cost & Damage Reduction lowered per enemy killed : 5% [Does not scale]

-Energy consumption and damage receive after deactivation will always be increasing, the values are to lowered upon killing an enemy, but they will continue to increase their value.
-Any offense realted stats (including life steal and unmentioned stats remains the same as after rework

Idea D (Pre-Rework)

Idea C (Pre-Rework)

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The last post's format was completely messed up and cannot be edited.


As I mentioned I'm one of the most loyal Tenno around here, here is my TWO DOLLARS, DE.


Idea A (Pre-Rework)


Simple Idea, built up damage will always damage Valkyr 100%, but all of her life steal will always clear the built up damage before healing her.




Valkyr imbues with rage... While Hysteria is toggled Valkyr will store up all the damage she took and receive 100% of the damage after she exits Hysteria.

Damage taken upon Deactivation : 100% (Scale with Power Strength, down to 33%)

-When Valkyr has damage stored, any healing receive from life steal will reduce the stored damage before healing Valkyr
-The stored damage will ignore armor value and directly reduct shields and health on deactivate
-If stored damage is above Valkyr's current health and shields, the damage will not kill Valkyr, in stead she will left with 1% health
-Stored damage will take Valkyr's armor into account
-Any offense related stats (including life steal) and unmentioned stats remains the same pre-rework.


Idea B (Pre-Rework)


An extension of Idea A, instead of risking 100% damage upon deactivation, she will take a constantly DoT based upon the total damage she stored inside Hysteria, life steal will clear the total damage store before healing her.




Valkyr imbues with rage... While Hysteria is toggled Vallyr store up damage for short amount of period of time before receiving portion of the damage per second. The stored damage can be lowered by Valkyr's life steal.

Time before receiving damage: 4/7/10 (Scale with Power Duration)
Damage receive percentage per second: 20%/15%/10% (Scale with Power Strength, down to 3%)

-Stored damage will take Valkyr's total armor into account
-When Valkyr has damage stored, any healing receive from life steal will reduce the stored damage before healing Valkyr
-The stored damage will take Valkyr's total armor value into account only, other damage reduction sorce will be discarded. 
-Finishers will clear the total stored value by 15%
-If stored damage is above Valkyr's current health and shields, the damage will not kill Valkyr, in stead she will left with 1% health.
-If Valkyr receive fatal damage(Current Hp value < 1% of Total Hp Value) from the ability, Valkyr will automatically deactivate hysteria
-If Valkyr deactivates the ability while there is still damage stored, she will take 33% of the stored damage
-Any offense realted stats (including life steal and unmentioned stats remains the same as pre-rework.

Detail explaination : After Valkyr receives damage she will not immediate receive the damage she's taken, instead she will delay the damage she receive and only receive portion of the total damage per second. 
For example if Valkyr built up 1400 damage during the first 10 seconds, she will receive 140 damge every second. Valkyr can continue to receive more damage during Hysteria, and life steal will clear the build up damage before healing Valkyr.
The damage receive per second is constantly update




Idea C (Pre-Rework)


A brief Invincible period then the damage reduction will start to fall off to a certain bottomline.




Valkyr imbues with rage... Becomes invincible for a period amount of time and short deminishes the damage reduction and retain at a certain amount.

Invincible Duration: 25 seconds (Scale with Power duration)
Damage reduction deminsish per second: 3%/2%/1% [Does not scale]
Bottomline Damage reduction : 50%/60%/70% (Scale with Power Strength, up to 95%)

-Damage reduction applies after other damage reduction value, including armor value reduction.
-Any offense realted stats (including life steal and unmentioned stats remains the same as pre-rework.


Idea D (Pre-Rework)


Rechargeable and scale-able Iron Skin. 




Valkyr Imbues with rage... while Hysteria is toggled Valkyr is covered in a rage energy shield that absorbs all damage, Valkyr can replenish her rage shield with her life steal.

Energy Shield strength : 1750/2750/3750 (Scales with Power Strength)

Shield Strength scale with each enemy killed : 5/7/9% [Does not scale]

Maximum shield scale : 100/200/300% (Scale with Power Strength)

-Energy Shield Stregth take Valkyr's total armor and other damage reduction source into account.
-Valkyr will always heal herself before replenish her rage shield
-Finishers will fill up the shield's total amount by 15%
-Any offense realted stats (including life steal and unmentioned stats remains the same as pre-rework.


Idea E (Pre-Rework)


Simple idea of invincible but constant self damaging each second, must constantly attack to heal her self or force out of Hysteria.




Valkyr imbues with rage... While Hysteria is toggled Valkyr will become invincible and constantly losing her health.

Time before Valkyr starts to lose health : 5/9/13 seconds (Scale with Power Duration)
Health lost per second : 20%/15%/10% [Does not scale]

-This ability will not consume energy during activation.

-Finishers recovers 15% of Valkyr's maximum health
-If Valkyr receive fatal damage(Current Hp value < 1% of Total Hp Value) from the ability, Valkyr will automatically deactivate hysteria
-If stored damage is above Valkyr's current health and shields, the damage will not kill Valkyr, in stead she will left with 1% health
-Any offense realted stats (including life steal and unmentioned stats remains the same as pre-rework.


Idea F (After rework)


The missing puzzle of the current Hysteria, if the Devs wants to force more risk on us, then I'm asking for something in return. Suited for Berserker theme and high risk high reward.

More killing, lower energy cost, and damage taken upon deactivation. Values will always keep growing but we keep killing to keep it down. We will be more adapt to killing in the same time. 




Valkyr imbues with rage... While hysteria is toggled Valkyr will release a pair of energy claws, and the power of her rage depends on the enemy she slaughtered.

Bonus Damge per enemy killed : 3%/6%/9% [Does not scale]
Bonus Damage limit : 100%/200%/300% (Scale with Power Strength, Capped at 700%)
Energy cost & Damage Reduction lowered per enemy killed : 5% [Does not scale]

-Energy consumption and damage receive after deactivation will always be increasing, the values are to lowered upon killing an enemy, but they will continue to increase their value.
-Any offense realted stats (including life steal and unmentioned stats remains the same as after rework


Idea G (simplest)


Simplest Idea I've ever made.



Revert all the changes.



Fail Safe Mechanic for all Hysteria (possible augment?)


Valkyr's overheal from Hysteria will be stored to and activate as a brief shield upon deactivation

Shield value : 1200/1700/2300 (Scale with Power Strength)

Shield Duration : 1/2/3 seconds (Scale with Power Duration)

-If Valkyr reactivate Hysteria while there the shield is still present, the shield will be destroyed

-The shield can deduct damage taken from the built up damage Valkyr failed to clear off

-All damage will always consume the shields health before damaging Valkyr (including all status effects)


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Maybe, just maybe, instead of nerfing frames that are good at the niche they are supposed to be good at they should consider of making the frames we have unique in their own way and bringing them up to a level where they are viable in their niche instead of making others worse.

Lets just think about it. Why is invincibility so good? Well it is not because you can steamroll some mid content with it. A single modded Tonkor can achieve that with any frame.

It is so good for one reason (the same bless was/is so good). It avoids the horrible scaling of late game enemies to some degree.

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On 5/27/2016 at 7:29 PM, Nesit1 said:

I think people should start using Hysteria just for "some situations", not as permanent state. Build hp + armor + rage - you can tank everything (HER 600 ARMOR, M8). Use Hysteria sometimes just to shred huge crowds or something like that, I don't know. I played A LOT OF games with Valkyr using no 4. She is tanky. Specially with warcry up.

Haven't tested it by myself though. But looks like I finally have a reason to use Hysteria.

In endgame scenarios, Valkyr is nowhere near tanky, as nothing is tanky enough to survive endgame content.  I took her to a Corpus sortie to go shred some of the members of the cult of money (the sortie 3 'The Sergeant' assassination a week or so ago) with a build comparable to what you suggested (all maxed Steel Charge, Steel Fiber, Armored Agility, Narrow Minded, Rage, Quick Thinking, Vitality, Vigor, Streamline, and Handspring), and got destroyed by a single Energy Leech Eximus and Nullifier, as I was dragged out of Hysteria and died immediately, then I revived with a crowd of Corpus shooting at me, and died another 3 times within 30 seconds (I was soloing).  I don't think this is supposed to happen, and this may have been pre-nerf, to boot.  So, you tell me whether or not Valkyr's endgame viability still exists now.  

Also, Warcry does not make Valkyr any more or less tanky, it merely increases her potential melee damage output and initially debuffs enemies slightly.  

Edited by shootaman777
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27 minutes ago, shootaman777 said:

In endgame scenarios, Valkyr is nowhere near tanky, as nothing is tanky enough to survive endgame content.  I took her to a Corpus sortie to go shred some of the members of the cult of money (the sortie 3 'The Sergeant' assassination a week or so ago) with a build comparable to what you suggested (all maxed Steel Charge, Steel Fiber, Armored Agility, Narrow Minded, Rage, Quick Thinking, Vitality, Vigor, Streamline, and Handspring), and got destroyed by a single Energy Leech Eximus and Nullifier, as I was dragged out of Hysteria and died immediately, then I revived with a crowd of Corpus shooting at me, and died another 3 times within 30 seconds (I was soloing).  I don't think this is supposed to happen, and this may have been pre-nerf, to boot.  So, you tell me whether or not Valkyr's endgame viability still exists now.  

Also, Warcry does not make Valkyr any more or less tanky, it merely increases her potential melee damage output and initially debuffs enemies slightly.  

It does though, it's literally an armor buff and last i checked more armor is more damage mitigation, you obviously won't be chroma level tanky but to survive any higher level missions without Hysteria, you have to combo life strike and blocking. You either need to be blocking or hitting something if you wanna live longer than 20 seconds.

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14 minutes ago, Valteria. said:

The last post's format was completely messed up and cannot be edited.

As I mentioned I'm one of the most loyal Tenno around here, here is my TWO DOLLARS, DE.

Idea A (Pre-Rework)

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Valkyr imbues with rage... While Hysteria is toggled Valkyr will store up all the damage she took and receive 100% of the damage after she exits Hysteria.

-When Valkyr has damage stored, any healing receive from life steal will reduce the stored damage before healing Valkyr
-The stored damage will ignore armor value and directly reduct shields and health on deactivate
-If stored damage is above Valkyr's current health and shields, the damage will not kill Valkyr, in stead she will left with 1% health
-Stored damage will take Valkyr's armor into account
-Any offense related stats (including life steal) and unmentioned stats remains the same pre-rework.


Idea B (Pre-Rework)

  Reveal hidden contents


Valkyr imbues with rage... While Hysteria is toggled Vallyr store up damage for short amount of period of time before receiving portion of the damage per second. The stored damage can be lowered by Valkyr's life steal.

Time before receiving damage: 4/7/10 (Scale with Power Duration)
Damage receive percentage per second: 20%/15%/10% [Does not scale]

-Stored damage will take Valkyr's total armor into account
-When Valkyr has damage stored, any healing receive from life steal will reduce the stored damage before healing Valkyr
-The stored damage will take Valkyr's total armor value into account only, other damage reduction sorce will be discarded. 
-Finishers will clear the total stored value by 15%
-If stored damage is above Valkyr's current health and shields, the damage will not kill Valkyr, in stead she will left with 1% health.
-If Valkyr receive fatal damage(Current Hp value < 1% of Total Hp Value) from the ability, Valkyr will automatically deactivate hysteria
-If Valkyr deactivates the ability while there is still damage stored, she will take 33% of the stored damage
-Any offense realted stats (including life steal and unmentioned stats remains the same as pre-rework.

Detail explaination : After Valkyr receives damage she will not immediate receive the damage she's taken, instead she will delay the damage she receive and only receive portion of the total damage per second. 
For example if Valkyr built up 1400 damage during the first 10 seconds, she will receive 140 damge every second. Valkyr can continue to receive more damage during Hysteria, and life steal will clear the build up damage before healing Valkyr.
The damage receive per second is constantly update




Idea C (Pre-Rework)

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Valkyr imbues with rage... Becomes invincible for a period amount of time and short deminishes the damage reduction and retain at a certain amount.

Invincible Duration: 25 seconds (Scale with Power duration)
Damage reduction deminsish per second: 3%/2%/1% [Does not scale]
Bottomline Damage reduction : 50%/60%/70% (Scale with Power Strength, up to 95%)

-Damage reduction applies after other damage reduction value, including armor value reduction.
-Any offense realted stats (including life steal and unmentioned stats remains the same as pre-rework.


Idea D (Pre-Rework)

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Valkyr Imbues with rage... while Hysteria is toggled Valkyr is covered in a rage energy shield that absorbs all damage, Valkyr can replenish her rage shield with her life steal.

Energy Shield strength : 1750/2750/3750 (Scales with Power Strength)

-Energy Shield Stregth take Valkyr's total armor into account.
-Valkyr will always heal herself before replenish her rage shield
-Finishers will fill up the shield's total amount by 15%
-Any offense realted stats (including life steal and unmentioned stats remains the same as pre-rework.


Idea E (Pre-Rework)

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Valkyr imbues with rage... While Hysteria is toggled Valkyr will become invincible and constantly losing her health.

Time before Valkyr starts to lose health : 5/9/13 seconds (Scale with Power Duration)
Health lost per second : 20%/15%/10% [Does not scale]

-Finishers recovers 15% of Valkyr's maximum health
-If Valkyr receive fatal damage(Current Hp value < 1% of Total Hp Value) from the ability, Valkyr will automatically deactivate hysteria
-If stored damage is above Valkyr's current health and shields, the damage will not kill Valkyr, in stead she will left with 1% health
-Any offense realted stats (including life steal and unmentioned stats remains the same as pre-rework.


Idea F (After rework)

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Valkyr imbues with rage... While hysteria is toggled Valkyr will release a pair of energy claws, and the power of her rage depends on the enemy she slaughtered.

Bonus Damge : 3%/6%/9% [Does not scale]
Bonus Damage limit : 100%/200%/300% (Scale with Power Strength, Capped at 700%)
Energy cost & Damage Reduction lowered per enemy killed : 5% [Does not scale]

-Energy consumption and damage receive after deactivation will always be increasing, the values are to lowered upon killing an enemy, but they will continue to increase their value.
-Any offense realted stats (including life steal and unmentioned stats remains the same as after rework



My problem with idea A is that it would be highly abused, since the suicide bubble will not result in death, providing no need to do anything other than just cast and recast after using a lifesteal Furis from afar or something.  

My problem with idea B is that it completely removes the invincibility factor from Valkyr, and forces her out of Hysteria into a painful death if she takes too much damage in Hysteria, which removes any endgame usage from her, since the damage she avoids taking through Hysteria will always be lethal, almost certainly immediately after beginning to take damage.  

My problem with idea C is that she would essentially turn into a more reliable Mirage in terms of damage reduction, but will still be limited to melee, where she will not be able to dodge and avoid that 5% damage that can be so lethal in endgame missions.  

I don't like idea D, at all.  It turns Hysteria into a rechargable Iron Skin/Warding Halo and removes the invincibiltiy factor from Hysteria.  There's a reason that people don't bring Rhinos and Nezhas to sorties as tanks - their overshield abilities cannot save them from the thousands upon thousands of damage that endgame level enemies can inflict on Tenno.  Valkyr would essentially turn into a Rhino with crappier versions of the same abilities, just in different ability numbers.  The shield replenishing from Hysteria would not be able to happen fast enough, even if the life steal was 20000%, because Valkyr would probably be dead by the time she even got close to the enemies.  That's how stupidly OP endgame level enemies are.  

I love idea E.  This is what I think DE should have done instead of the major nerf they did.  This would provide a large incentive to come out of Hysteria often, unlike the forced inability to use Hysteria again, if one uses Hysteria for any decent amount of time, until taking loads of damage while using Rage of the current nerfed ability, which can be disrupted by a single source of energy drain.  The duration until the damage to Valkyr's health started happening would have to have a maximum cap, or it would just go back to the same issue of having no incentive to leave Hysteria that DE made the nerf for in the first place.  I don't know how effective that Inaros style finisher health regeneration would be useful on a Warframe with few capabilities of opening enemies up to finishers, but other than that, this sounds solid.  

I don't understand idea F, at all.  

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3 minutes ago, shootaman777 said:

I don't understand idea F, at all.  

F is the missing puzzle of the current Hysteria

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9 minutes ago, Thebel said:

It does though, it's literally an armor buff and last i checked more armor is more damage mitigation, you obviously won't be chroma level tanky but to survive any higher level missions without Hysteria, have to combo life strike and blocking. You either need to be blocking or hitting something if you wanna life longer than 20 seconds.

Just checked that.  Yeah, you're right, a 50% armor boost at 100% power strength.  I definitely missed that part of it.  The thing is, even thought I try to use it in conjunction with high power strength builds (for speed) and Hysteria, even with an otherwise tanky build (QT, Rage, Vitality, Steel Fiber, BR, NM, Flow, Eternal War), I still get slaughtered at sorties, even with lifesteal furis/lifestrike and blocking.  :/

Edited by shootaman777
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1 minute ago, shootaman777 said:

I still don't get it.  What exactly does what you proposed as Idea F mean?  


Okay I fixed it, my bad. You get 9% damage increase per enemy killed, and the current ramp up meter will be lowered by 5% for each enemy killed. 

So the more enemies you killed, the more capable you stay in Hysteria and lower damage taken when deactivating.

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1 minute ago, Valteria. said:

Okay I fixed it, my bad. You get 9% damage increase per enemy killed, and the current ramp up meter will be lowered by 5% for each enemy killed. 

So the more enemies you killed, the more capable you stay in Hysteria and lower damage taken when deactivating.

Ah, so staying in Hysteria becomes a choice between energy spent and damage increased?  

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The difference between 600 and lets say 1200 armor is ~13% less damage. The difference between 600 and 3000 is around ~23% less damage. A Valkyr Armor build can not be tanky against lvl 100 foes for armor just does not scale that well and it does not even matter for the incoming damage is so huge, that even 1% are enough to down your HP significantly.

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1 minute ago, shootaman777 said:

Ah, so staying in Hysteria becomes a choice between energy spent and damage increased?  

The faster you kill, you longer you stay in Hysteria, and you will be more adapting to killing is what this part meant.

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2 minutes ago, Valteria. said:

The faster you kill, you longer you stay in Hysteria, and you will be more adapting to killing is what this part meant.

But since it is post-rework, it would become impossible to stay in Hysteria long enough to ramp up the damage of Hysteria, because by that time, the energy drain would have already hit 15/second (the drain goes from 0 to 100 REAL quick xD), and Valkyr does not have a lot of max energy.  

Also, isn't that just taking Eternal War's mechanic and moving it over to Hysteria?  

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2 minutes ago, Epicagemo said:

To balance the "nerf" why not let Body Count work on Excal/Valkyr?

It doesn't balance everything, the consumption is very terrible currently.  It is just meant for short burst, I can see it work on Exalted Blade, but not Hysteria. The current Hysteria kicks you out of it rather quickly if not modding for efficiency. The cap is currently at 15 energy per second, so not really going to change anything.  

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2 hours ago, (XB1)TheRoflLizard said:

I'm actually really salty about this. I don't main Valkyr, but I did for a long time she is my go to girl for Sorties. See not everyone has the Privalge of friend who play warframe on a clan to carry them thou content. I did It on my own. And Valkyr when i first got her pieces, interested me. Then, I used her a lot.  I used her power to surpass bosses and overwhelm them. She was my gateway to warframe. I went to the Forums and found out people did not like her too much, "Weak" they said "useless". But, I made use of her and I felt like a made something great out of something people said was worthless. Then time pass I unlock more frames and I start notice...Half the Community..is not that...well,bright.


That sounds mean, hateful,rude, but It is true. The Community rots of meta game and tryharding.

Limbo "Why play him when Frost does It better"

Nyx "Why play Nyx when Loki does It better" 


and even, Oberion "he is trash"


I've seen these frames surpass what people say about them. And I know for a fact nyx is stronger CC then Loki.


And these are the people yelling Valkyr is overpowered?


I know what is going on here. I'm not dumb. They mad because Valkyr cant easy. But, they don't play her. You give up a lot of crap in that Hyrsta,you give up guns,you have to be mindful of everything around you, you have to be mindful of engery. It is not a deathwipe, you have to have a weapon well modded to even effectively kill,the truth is. Hystra becoming useable to kill and surive with getting knocked on your rear. Requires so much to go right and so much to be in your favor, that calling Op while siting behind your aoe face melt skill insults me. Valkyr has no super damage spell, she has aoe buff, a pulling tool and a stun, she is the embodiment of close Qaurters combat, no a magic lazer sword, or Wukong who is a cluster of skills. She is the Embodiment of up close and personal. But, she can and has been pooled out of Hysrta. Everyone talks like it easy to but a Nullfier right in the skull. It is not If you are traped in close spaces and If you out your 4 you die. 


It is not easy when anything slightly drains you is not a "ooh, poo. I cant cast my spell" but a "OH, Sh!t I got to act fast or I am gonna die!"


Everyone says "Playing loki will make you better" No..Playing Valkyr in Sorties will. Because you have limits, you cant go invis or summon a safe space, your skills do not super melt eneimes you can heal yourself,but that is at the cost of almost dying. Valkyr was before this update a high risk high reward frame, she was a skillframe.


Now, she is being over nerfed to please people who are like "Good" but really they are not gonna play her. They are gonna go "Gonna go play my Loki and Radial disarm,because it is the best none damage move ever." While I get to sit there looking at my frame,my Valkyr and sigh. I will still play her. She is my girl, we have been thou hell together, thou insults, thou getting kicked for not being a metaframe, to winning great things, to saving team mates, to taking shots. I do not player her s much because she was my "Knuckle down" frame. Now,she has been over punished for being to good at being a hero and being strong enough to carry a team.


I sit there and I see the metaframers laughing at me yelling "Now play  frame who takes skill" as they lock in their Frosts,Novas, lokis,Rhino primes and Embers. And I think to myself. "I hope you understand one day how It feels to be Valkyr." 


To have been consider weak. But still be strong


To Finally be balanced, but decreed op


TO be broken and have others laugh at your pain.


Valkyr is a frame of a warrior, her story is of a warrior.


The underdog everyone counted out,to the Champion hated by the greedy ego driven glory hogs, Now crippled and at her lowest and much like the hero the warframes need she will return to good power, she will be unnerfed and freed from her jail!





you have no idea how true this is. When you can't get taxied due to something. When you first started Warframe. thanks man. I quoted you because I do hope Developers see this, I hope people don't take this as trolling. All they (the developers) read was "why do people hate Valkyr" threads but what you wrote says the real story they should read it and undo the nerf. thank you

Edited by Kalel_087
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Just now, shootaman777 said:

But since it is post-rework, it would become impossible to stay in Hysteria long enough to ramp up the damage of Hysteria, because by that time, the energy drain would have already hit 15/second (the drain goes from 0 to 100 REAL quick xD), and Valkyr does not have a lot of max energy.  

You don't understand what I proposed, 

  1. Each time you killed an enemy you gain 9% damage, capped at 300% by default or 700% if modded for power strength
  2. Each time you killed an enemy it lowers the energy ramp up meter (at the Hysteria Icon) by 5%

So, if you are killing fast enough you can get it remain at maybe 10-20-ish%  or even lower. 

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6 minutes ago, FieserMoep said:

The difference between 600 and lets say 1200 armor is ~13% less damage. The difference between 600 and 3000 is around ~23% less damage. A Valkyr Armor build can not be tanky against lvl 100 foes for armor just does not scale that well and it does not even matter for the incoming damage is so huge, that even 1% are enough to down your HP significantly.

It doesn't seem like a lot but that's why you have to use blocking to mitigate damage even further, using a good melee weapon will mitigate 85% of the initial hit making that actual damage to your hp more tolerable. There's a lot of situational awareness involved but it's worked out well enough for me to go 60min t3s and 40min t4s (mobs do 3x damage), solo without naramon.

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