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Update 18.13 Passives Feedback


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5 hours ago, blaes said:

So, after some time to test some of the passives, my opinion hasn't changed and I stand my words :


That's actually really well thought out. I'd like to see this implemented actually, or at least for the devs to try it out. the whole thing sounds very solid, even your idea for carriar.

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Ember should gain at least 50% fire resist along with the rest of her passive =/ so she can actually catch and fire and survive outside of sitting on some fire patch.

Edited by Oishii
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Warframe Passives

Numerous Warframe’s have received passives! You can view each passive under the ‘Abilities’ tab on each Warframe. 

•    Ash: Bleed Procs dealt by Ash from any source are 25% deadlier and last 50% longer.
•    Banshee: All weapons are treated as silent.
•    Ember: Receiving a Heat Status effect will regenerate energy for the duration of the Status effect (10 energy per second) and increase Power Strength by 35%.
•    Hydroid: Every Melee Ground-Slam has a 50% chance to lure a Tentacle that will last 15 seconds. 
•    Limbo: Holster Speed and Reload Speed is 50% faster while in the Rift, and movement speed increases by 10% while in the Rift.
•    Loki: 10x Wall-Cling duration!
•    Mag: Vacuum effect on every Bullet Jump.
•    Nekros: Enemy death within 10 meters of Nekros regenerates a 5 Health.
•    Nova: When Nova is knocked down, she will knock down enemies in a 6 meter Radius + deal damage.
•    Nyx: Enemies affected by any of Nyx's powers have a chance to lay down their weapon ( become disarmed ).
•    Oberon: All wildlife (neutral or enemy faction) within a 10 meter range of Oberon will become allies and fight for Oberon for 20 seconds.
•    Trinity: Revive fallen allies faster from further away.
•    Vauban: Other Warframes within 20 meters give you 25% bonus armour.
•    Volt: Physical ground-travel distance between attacks causes bonus Electrical damage on next attack.

Nyx need something, disarming enemies while affected by Nyx's power decrease her efficiency

Banshee, some redundancy with her active silence but it's still minor since the silence CC a little

need to test the other further 

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You know what? considering how aura based, and supportive Equinox is, what do you guys think about an innate coaction drift as a passive? like +20% aura strength to everyone? I think it actually fits her really well especially compared to her -very- worthless rank 1 euqilibrium mod passive.

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What about this?

Nyx: Enemies affected by any of Nyx's powers becom unalerted state (on end of power ofc.), +her 2nd ab need to affect from mods ( melle mby) to be useful, +augment - stun unalerted enemy makes him allerted so even more dissapointing.

Oberon: just anything else plix, i try phobos extermination and end up with a few cats which i culd not kill and i was unable to end mission ;/

Edited by rumq
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So there are some good passives some meh passives and 1 GOD AWFUL passive.

Nyxs passive is the only passive that punishes a style of play now im a nyx player she's my go to and i like to play her by grabbing a heavy examus unit and keeping it and this passive discourages this and as others have said its not even a passive its a power affect shared across all of her powers if you wanted to give nyx a disarm changed her psychic bolts aug to a real disarm and not a stun and give her a real passive. 

Oberons passive is pointless it truly is there are more than a few good ideas for his passive in this thread any one of them would be good 

Hydroids passive is also kinda pointless unless you completely account for and changed your playstyle to make it work a passive should be that passive.

Embers passive isnt good either all of the enemys that can set her on fire can also almost instkill kill a squishy frame like ember 

Chromas passive isnt a passive at all its a frame mechanic like limbos rift so chroma needs a passive 

So basically any passive that gives a chance of something happening is bad (unless it increases the chances of something else happening like increased prock chance or increased mod or credit drop chance)

Most other passives are good like atlas, mag, ash syrian. But there are more than a few meh passives as well like vauban,frost,limbo,ect. 

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On 7/3/2016 at 11:17 AM, (PS4)swamprat3 said:

So there are some good passives some meh passives and 1 GOD AWFUL passive.

Nyxs passive is the only passive that punishes a style of play now im a nyx player she's my go to and i like to play her by grabbing a heavy examus unit and keeping it and this passive discourages this and as others have said its not even a passive its a power affect shared across all of her powers if you wanted to give nyx a disarm changed her psychic bolts aug to a real disarm and not a stun and give her a real passive. 

Oberons passive is pointless it truly is there are more than a few good ideas for his passive in this thread any one of them would be good 

Hydroids passive is also kinda pointless unless you completely account for and changed your playstyle to make it work a passive should be that passive.

Embers passive isnt good either all of the enemys that can set her on fire can also almost instkill kill a squishy frame like ember 

Chromas passive isnt a passive at all its a frame mechanic like limbos rift so chroma needs a passive 

So basically any passive that gives a chance of something happening is bad (unless it increases the chances of something else happening like increased prock chance or increased mod or credit drop chance)

Most other passives are good like atlas, mag, ash syrian. But there are more than a few meh passives as well like vauban,frost,limbo,ect. 

Spreading this...

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              We have all looked up the new passive stats on the wikia or else where;  why not put the PASSIVE stats in-game under the 4th ability in "abilities tab" within the arsenal?


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•    Ash: An interesting passive for a stalker/assassin frame, but his abilities need to synergise better. Right now most players simply blade storm, which means this passive will increase slash procs from the equipped weapon during that ability...
•    Banshee: Absolutely amazing for a sound support frame. I remember picking her up and didn't know how to operate with her, since silence would leave enemies ALERTED after the effect. Now you can pick up a nice arsenal without "hush" mods and put them to good use right away and do a great stealth run with her!
•    Ember:I really liked the ability to stand on fire and let it fill her with power! The main problem is that ember usually means world on fire, and stepping on fire during her ultimate doesn't fill her energy. If it still increases her damage output, that's amazing, but since it's only for a short time and you won't have the additional energy from it, it's an "ok" passive.
•    Hydroid: Absolutely lovely! It even works on combos which have ground slams in the middle of them!
•    Limbo: Makes him deadly in the rift with all the other things his abilities give. I liked the synergy this passive brings!
•    Loki: Although a really situation passive, I can't think of a better substitute. I've tried it a couple of times and it's really pleasant to find vintage points to snipe off unsuspecting opponents!
•    Mag: Awesome, specially for new players who don't want to farm a fast carrier and pick up a lot of necessary items! I would suggest adding a small vaccum effect for REALLY close enemies, as if the bullet jump is a mini pull!
•    Nekros: The master of life and death siphoning the life of its oponents? Amazing!
•    Nova: This requires nova to actually be knocked down! I thought about something to synergize with her other abilities. For example, running would cause Nova to generate the small balls from the first skill (1 each x meters ran) and continuous running would increase her movement speed to a cap!
•    Nyx: So.... Nyx is becoming know for being a disarming frame. That's not quite the best path for her, she's all about getting into the mind of other enemies. Her passive could be something like "nyx gains X resource for every dominated mind controlled or confused enemy in a radius", but I'm not sure what would be fitting. All those augments that make her disarm and this particular passive are really making her not desirable, since we want her to DOMINATE STRONG ENEMIES AND MAKE THEIR ARMY TURN AGAINST THEM!!
•    Oberon: Desirable in some cases! You would want to dispose of the enemies after they've been dominated, because after this effect expires, you might be dominating a control post, reaching for a capture target or something else... and those enemies that ran out of our control WILL come against us!
•    Trinity: Fitting of a healing frame!
•    Vauban: I found this extremely unfitting for Vauban. He is not know for having a high armor, he's not a tank frame, he's not made to take combat up front! He's the Engineer frame!! A suggestion is instead of armor, increasing his power efficiency for every frame in range. Either way, his engineer theme should be thinked about. Tesla Link is such a good addition to his theme, minelayer as well and bastille makes him take a distance from his enemies to strategize and shoot! So... Totally unfitting passive!
•    Volt: A good passive for his THEME, but not THAT effective in the field. Step Voltage is an electrical term, and I really liked how this passive was conceived, but you don't really walk ON GROUND too much between shots. This passive is totally understadable for some boss fights where you juke a lot and find a single target, but against hordes of enemies it feels really underwhelming to have that 1 more powerful shot (if you don't want to ALWAYS bring explosive/AOE guns with volt!)

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I just came back to see starchart 3.0 after a break from warframe and wanted to add my 2 cents on the passives.

A few of them are practical and useful, many of them just seem like a useless waste and are just disappointing and don't live up to the potential of what this new system could have added.

Just a few suggestions:

Oberon: I saw the part of the dev stream where Rebecca points out how this fits his theme but is not practical or useful in practice. She was absolutely correct and I was surprised that the devs actually disagree with that assessment. I think if you want to stick to the basic theme of the passive you could make it a lot more practical and useful by changing it to the following:

100% chance on kill to summon a random animal companion to fight with you (either for 20 seconds or until it dies). You can not have more than 5 (or whatever number feels balanced to the devs) animal companions active at a time.

These animal companions would be completely friendly, you and your allies could not attack them. I think having them last until they die would make more sense as you could then also have his renewal ability work on them to add more value to that ability and add synergy to his kit. On top of that, his smite augment would work well here and his passive would now complement two of his abilities (3 if reckoning health globes also heal them). If the summoned animals match the level of the mobs in the area, the passive would even continue having usefulness into endless missions. Overall it would still be the same theme as the devs original idea, but with added practical value that it currently lacks.

Ember: Her passive makes no sense. She is a glass cannon/caster with no ability to heal herself (outside of weapons that would take up the slots you'd need to set yourself on fire). Why would you give her a passive that requires taking damage or self harming? It would be neat if it proced when she set enemies on fire and could maintain her own energy with her passive, allowing her to live up to her description" " Ember is a fire-based Warframe that relies on almost purely offensive skills."

Her passive could even be a stacking thing IE: every enemy you set on fire gives you a 5-10 second buff of 20% power strength and 2 energy per second (which should work with world on fire active) stacking up to 5 times. That way she would be encouraged to be constantly setting enemies on fire to maintain her energy and power levels and become the caster frame she was meant to be. 

Mag: I find Mag's passive to almost be a slap in the face to the dozens of players who have been requesting baseline vacuum since... vacuum existed. I also find it not a great replacement to just using a carrier. I don't want to have to bullet jump to loot anymore than I want to run right over top of the loot myself. While I'd personally prefer you gave everyone baseline vacuum and replaced this passive + carriers ability, I think you should at the very least buff Mag's passive to simply be a passive vacuum that's always active rather than just on bullet jump. In its current state I still bring a carrier prime with me when using Mag, essentially not having  passive on mag at all. 

Vauban: Why? This doesn't fit the theme of his frame at all and seems like something you just randomly came up with in a hurry. It's also useless when solo despite him not really being a "support" frame. Yea, he has a lot of CC, but that's CC he also uses when solo. Why not give him a passive connected to his building of things? IE: for every active construct Vauban has (teslas, mines and maybe count Bastille and vortex as well) he gains X% power strength, stacking up to Y times. 

The buff wouldn't have to be power strength, it could also be energy regen or range or duration or even sticking to the original theme you had for the passive and giving him an armor or defensive bonus or some sort. Even just more direct damage reduction (IE: 5% DR per construct, stacking up to 50% or whatever). 

NYX: This seems to most often be irrelevant but potentially even a nerf if it can keep your MC target disarmed. It's also RNGtastic and unreliable. To make it more universally useful, why not just change it to a static damage reduction debuff on targets after NYX's abilities wear off on them? MCing a target would remove this debuff during the MC. 

"NYX's powers linger after their duration ends, reducing enemy damage by X% (25ish?). This effect is removed from mind controlled targets." 

I think this would fit her theme well as it would make sense for some of her influence to stick around, making the enemies less enthusiastic about murdering you. 

Hydroid: I'm sure other people have suggested this but... just make it proc on kills or something that makes more sense than ground slams...

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After about a month of really trying all frames passives, here are my feedback on those frames mentioned in this thread:








No one will step on fire, or recieve a blast from napalm/ cat lady etc to recieve the passive since it's quite deadly. decrease fire status time is better if not boring, but still way better than what it is now.



As of all his kit, even this passive is unreliable RNG. Increase chance to 100%, decrease active time to 5-6 seconds and a maximum of 1-2 tentacle(s) with half the effect can be spawned from this passive at any given time would be more useful.



Meh, the whole frame needs and will get a rework anyway. In the meantime he could have a evasive advantage passive in the rift plane instead.



ok, if that's the best thing you can think of. Loki's kit is quite good comparing to others so the passive doesn't matter much.



...ok? *shrugs, whatever



Enemy range of death have to be increased to 12-15m or buff regen 5 to 10 health to be ok.



Unnoticeable passive due to short range..she should knock down the enemy knocking her down after Nova got knocked down instead, damage can be taken away.



doesn't work well with her. How about something like damage taken will be delivered to mind controlled enemies within 12m since she is paper thin.



ok wildlife is fine...even if they almost never appear in many maps.. but why 10m range, why 20 seconds? At the very least all wildlife should be turned into an ally like specters within 15m and in LOS, and fight for Oberon until death. make them weaker when they become allies if needed be.









..ok but useless in most cases, it also restricts what weapon Volt uses if players actually want to use this passive. I propose that the charge would gradually lose the charge unless volt is running on the ground, which will charge it up. the charge will also be consumed at a much faster rate w actions that causes damage. This would allow Volt to be firing multiple shots that have this passive buff (tho the buff strength will be reduced as the charge is getting drained) and fitting his theme of going fast all the time.


Also Chroma:

changing energy color is not a passive

Edited by Astery86
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Just throw some new idea to:

Nyx -> unalerted enemy always turn to nyx back , also nyx 2nd augment should hold unalerted state til stun expire.

ember-> longer duration to fire proc, mby also more status chance for fire.

Chroma-> dragon should have tail, if tail block dmg from back ( just like common melee block ) = cool pasiv

1  for frames they need to be more tanky ( oberon, hydroid...) trigger somtin cool when shield gose down ( like aoe splash for ydroid, or som def for oberon)  

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I just came across an unforeseen issue with Oberon: Exterminate missions.

A Hyekka master summoned a couple of ugly cats, and I walked near. Switching sides, the Hyekkas registered as allies and could not be killed as long as they were within range and the effect lasts. No problems there.

The real snag presented itself as soon as I cleared the room and went to the other red dots. The Beastmaster'd Hyekkas did not follow me, and I was a good distance away before they registered as enemies again and forced me to backtrack. When I did so, I tried to get them to follow me, but they just stayed there. In the end, I put some distance between us and shot them before they got into my range again.

This was mildly bothersome at first and became downright annoying from the second time onwards. There is something seriously wrong with a passive if, on top of being highly situational, it does not even work as it should.

An ally, Beastmaster'd or not, should at least try to keep up with the player and not act as though they were radproc'd.

I'm sorry if I sound rude, but this is just another reason to change or at least adjust Oberon's passive. It's not quirky or fun. At this point, I'd rather not have a passive at all.

Edited by Achaix
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I honestly don't like the direction some of these passives took. While some allowed us to expand on specializing warframes to their own niche like Excalibur, you have some like Rhino and Oberon that are so situational that it's impossible to fully take advantage of every game. At the very least, I assumed a passive in this game would be a defining trait that would help us flesh out what a warframe is good at so we can adjust to them in a certain playstyle, but I believe some of these passive choices are mind boggling and serve no real impact as to how we play the warframes themselves.

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19 hours ago, Darkmoone1 said:

I honestly don't like the direction some of these passives took. While some allowed us to expand on specializing warframes to their own niche like Excalibur, you have some like Rhino and Oberon that are so situational that it's impossible to fully take advantage of every game. At the very least, I assumed a passive in this game would be a defining trait that would help us flesh out what a warframe is good at so we can adjust to them in a certain playstyle, but I believe some of these passive choices are mind boggling and serve no real impact as to how we play the warframes themselves.

From the beginning, passives seemed intended as cool little quirks and not game-changers.  

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4 hours ago, RealPandemonium said:

From the beginning, passives seemed intended as cool little quirks and not game-changers.  

I disagree. If anything, it just seemed like they were testing the waters when we started with Zephyr. Even if that was a test for passives, it actually helps her alot and I see that as something of a good passive for the warframe. I feel that, If your gonna add something, I think it should have a strong impact for the warframe. Doesn't have to be gamechanging, but some sort of presence that you could feel, understand, and use to your advantage with great effect would be great.

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1 hour ago, Darkmoone1 said:

I disagree. If anything, it just seemed like they were testing the waters when we started with Zephyr. Even if that was a test for passives, it actually helps her alot and I see that as something of a good passive for the warframe. I feel that, If your gonna add something, I think it should have a strong impact for the warframe. Doesn't have to be gamechanging, but some sort of presence that you could feel, understand, and use to your advantage with great effect would be great.

Eh, you mention Excalibur as having a meaningful passive when it's actually a pretty tiny bonus overall.  It sounds like it's helping but it's only really making you feel good because you agree with it conceptually.  Zephyr's passive slightly changes up the way she handles in-mission but is ultimately a cute gimmick that can hurt your performance at best (if you don't override it to get to the ground quickly.)

I challenge you to find an example of a Warframe passive from any stage of development that's actually more than just a fringe benefit that sounds like it "fits."  

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39 minutes ago, RealPandemonium said:

Eh, you mention Excalibur as having a meaningful passive when it's actually a pretty tiny bonus overall.  It sounds like it's helping but it's only really making you feel good because you agree with it conceptually.  Zephyr's passive slightly changes up the way she handles in-mission but is ultimately a cute gimmick that can hurt your performance at best (if you don't override it to get to the ground quickly.)

I challenge you to find an example of a Warframe passive from any stage of development that's actually more than just a fringe benefit that sounds like it "fits."  

Well that's an easy challenge, because you have frames like Chroma, where you have a passive that can have builds built around how his 1 and 2 functions.

Atlas and Ivara also both have passives that fit not just conceptually, but effectively as well, and these are just the frames off the top off my head. 

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10 hours ago, Darkmoone1 said:

I disagree. If anything, it just seemed like they were testing the waters when we started with Zephyr. Even if that was a test for passives, it actually helps her alot and I see that as something of a good passive for the warframe. I feel that, If your gonna add something, I think it should have a strong impact for the warframe. Doesn't have to be gamechanging, but some sort of presence that you could feel, understand, and use to your advantage with great effect would be great.

I very strongly agree with the message here that passives should be meaningful, and something that can be actively and reliably utilized in combat.

8 hours ago, RealPandemonium said:

Eh, you mention Excalibur as having a meaningful passive when it's actually a pretty tiny bonus overall.  It sounds like it's helping but it's only really making you feel good because you agree with it conceptually.  Zephyr's passive slightly changes up the way she handles in-mission but is ultimately a cute gimmick that can hurt your performance at best (if you don't override it to get to the ground quickly.)

I challenge you to find an example of a Warframe passive from any stage of development that's actually more than just a fringe benefit that sounds like it "fits."  

Real does have a point in regards to Excal's passive. At first it sounds good because you think "oh wow that's such a legit increase in dps!" until you realize how exactly that bonus is calculated and as Epsik-kun put it earlier, the actual bonus is in-perceivable, which is a shame really.

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