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[Semi-Confirmed] 4V4 Pvp, Straight From Scott's Beard!


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Stopping someone from enjoying something that doesn't affect you is wrong.


This advice will carry you through a very happy life, and you will make many friends following it. I welcome PvP, even if I don't want to play it. Let people have their fun.

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I agree with your point that it makes no sense to change focus completely off PvE to build some form of PvP that relies on current PvE game mechanics. But let's say that both paths are possible and that game is flexible enough to allow for a reasonable PvP.

It is always ungrateful to discuss developments we are yet to see. For me it is not difficult to imagine several different variants of score PvP that would have nothing to do with contestants actually being in the same instance.

On the other hand I can say that even with current setting for PvP, multiplying HP and SHIELDS by let's say x10 factor would make it more interesting and reasonable. But these are all just small stuff and something that I would like to see as the sidewhow PvP in the game.

DE owns their engine, so they can do pretty much anything they want to do and their main problem is the time.

Some might say they did it to themselves getting into the whirlwind with unfinished game but it is exactly why this game is still living on the balloon of potential potential. It all sounds fine when we talk about community involvement in the development of the game but for me, the genius of the developers is something I want to pay for, not the will of community.

So to conclude, I can't see impossible obstacles for reasonable PvP and some new aspects of PvE in this game, but without serious effort from the DE, it will never be more then a sideshow and/or more of the same and for people like me, that have rank 10, great crew, built dojo and all the goodies we don't know what to do with, the forum will be the only end game.

Edited by Twistank
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Just to point out the obvious fix for low HP with High damage weapons, Simply increase the hp to "stalker values" I mean wow that was a hard fix, An artificial HP gain in PvP arena like settings.


I mean another "PvP" idea would be somthing thats already fundamentally in the game, why not let other players play a stalker invadeing someone with their warframes with increased health values? with the same damage output of stalkers weapons? Those that invade could win a chunk of creds, or a mod or a blue print, and those that beat the stalker player gets a blue print/component/mod copy that stalker had on them at the time. (No stalker player does not lose it, a copy is simply given.)


Course DE could balance it with players Weapons/Mods/levels have to be comparable to those you wish to invade. I mean besides the Balance/Reward/Slight stat change the mechanic is already in the game.

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Just to point out the obvious fix for low HP with High damage weapons, Simply increase the hp to "stalker values" I mean wow that was a hard fix, An artificial HP gain in PvP arena like settings.


I mean another "PvP" idea would be somthing thats already fundamentally in the game, why not let other players play a stalker invadeing someone with their warframes with increased health values? with the same damage output of stalkers weapons? Those that invade could win a chunk of creds, or a mod or a blue print, and those that beat the stalker player gets a blue print/component/mod copy that stalker had on them at the time. (No stalker player does not lose it, a copy is simply given.)


Course DE could balance it with players Weapons/Mods/levels have to be comparable to those you wish to invade. I mean besides the Balance/Reward/Slight stat change the mechanic is already in the game.


The biggest complain in PVP now is stun/stagger locking (that is where half the Kunai's Op cries come from). Not HP or damage. I am not surprised either. As long you can CC your enemy and make yourself IMMUNE to CC, you are gold.

Edited by fatpig84
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PVP might be interesting if done right. As a player that has tried and maxed mostly all of the different Warframes and weapons I have lost a bit of interest in this game, I dont have much left to farm for. Warframe is a very repetitive game, PVP might add a bit of welcome randomness and challenge. Currently the only thing possibly challenging is Void Tower III levels (due to amount of damage highest level enemies can take) and higher level defense missions with bad or not enough teammates. 

PVP gets my thumbs up :)

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Huh. I think I'm done with warframe.

Its definitely not the game I signed up for. Paygates, endgame consisting of literally watching twitter, and expanded pvp focus?

Great, WoW with space ninjas. Enjoyed it while it lasted.

Is there a way to close your acxount/forum account?

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What would be nice will be something like a Hologram Tactics Room, for wider area 1 vs 1 or team vs team "sparring". I.e. get transported to a virtual random/fixed map (would be nice if we can choose tilesets) which will be similar to the actual missions (except there are no enemies), and the two sides spawn at two far areas and will have to hunt instead of just blasting each other right away (and end within 5 seconds). This will also make better use of some of the frame powers which works better in open areas.

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PVP is currently buggy as hell. If you used it at all... its very very very buggy. players not being able to move/shoot etc, markers dissapearing, rounds not counting properly. i could go on, but its hardly important considering the fact the PVP is VERY VERY VERY unbalanced. Theres a bunch of stuff out there that 1 shots, abilities too.

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Huh. I think I'm done with warframe.

Its definitely not the game I signed up for. Paygates, endgame consisting of literally watching twitter, and expanded pvp focus?

Great, WoW with space ninjas. Enjoyed it while it lasted.

Is there a way to close your acxount/forum account?


See ya. DE doesn't need players like you.

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Clan-only PVP is fine with me, it's only open PVP where the balance issues start really becoming an issue. A least in clans you can arrange rules beforehand.


And people continue to ignore the versatility of the mod card system.


It allows for the introduction of new abilities and mods, which can then be locked to be PvP or PvE-specific.


Oh, and by the way, DE never said they were never ever going to add PvP. PvE is still in the center, but that doesn't mean do anything else on the side. Back at PAX they said they would do the clan dueling and depending on how that went, they would slowly add more PvP.


As it stands, unfortunately, in this day and age no PvP is a limitation. Only one group is being catered to and only one group is paying. If you have something for everyone, that would be more money overall, which is more money to go into PvE.


Also, this community is already going down and it's full of elitists and idiots, so don't even try to play that card.


You must remember that PvP means Player versus Player. That covers a lot.


Sleep time.


Edited by FatalX7
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I support any and all expansions to the Warframe feature-set. Whether it is PvP or PvE.

Naturally, in terms of development resources allocation, being this is primarily a PvE game, I would expect an 80%-20% division in favour of PvE.

I personally find the notion of small unit tactics (squads of 4v4) to be quite entertaining.

PvP can, and will, be improved of course over time.

Best Regards,

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Pre-emptive warning : The opinions expressed in this post are ones of an opinonated &#!, if you feel offended by any of them, remember this : "Set is an idiot".


I'm surprised I even have to post this, but oh well.


The community over here sure has gone downhill, eh?


I 'member back in the day everyone got along (well bah, no, but somewhat), nowdays it's a trolling tug-o-war to measure who's got the biggest sausage in any and all situations.

-Pay gates? "you're all ungrateful entitled greedy brats" versus "I want 200 potatoes per second".


-PvP? "amagawd muh pve game is ruined" versus "EVERYTHING IS OP PLS NERF EVERYTHING"


-Direction the game is heading? "the game is perfect shut up and go play something else" versus "DOOM, DEATH AND FAMINE, AUDITORIES FOR EVERYONE, THOUSANDS OF AUDITORIES"


-A new warframe is coming? let's argue how the concept it is based on really works in real life and get most of our "facts" wrong!, also : what is suspension of disbelief.


I am all for PvP, I love PvP, I still think blatant raises some very real issues though, and so do others, unfortunately all this is drowned out by 9999 posts which contribute about tree fiddy in terms of feedback.


the TL;DR would be : think your posts through, your knee jerk reaction is only going to bring more knee jerk reactions, your personal attacks are only going to bring out more personal attacks, before you know it any and all threads will degenerate into forum Call of Duty : Twelve year old warfare.


Either way nobody's going to give a S#&$ and everyone will continue trolling each other, but venting is fun.




Now what I think : 


1. If you're going to do something, do it right, half-assing never works, as much of a PvPholic as I might be, I rather have super strong PvE only content than mediocer content in both because HR are spread thin; warframe right now is going more for the latter, the PvP is a chunk of coal (but I do understand why), and the PvE does get tiresome, extremely so; thus I would say that right now, in my opinion, it would be better to get the 6/10 content to 10/10 field rather than bringing the broken pvp up to par.


2. PvP balancing is HARD, but it does not mean it has to affect PvE, many many games have different values on everything (skills, gears, etc.) depending on wheter the player is fighting the enviroment or other players.


2. bis. : Extremely unbalanced PvP can be worse than no PvP at all; the dojo right now walking this thin line because of availability, and that is it tought as a mere "for fun" mode with absolutely no rewards, be it material or "ego boosting", it still has gotten complaints about balance, imagine what would happen if it were expanded further in availability while everything else remaned intact. Just to clarify, you have a complain-a-ton in your hands, something that with no PvP woudn't happen.


3. Competitiveness and microtransactions : This can potentially hurt a game, you can have balanced out mods, warframes, and weapons; you can have terrain that promotes skillful play rather than a 2x2 box where everyone is bullet spamming everywhere; the moment someone notices that "the other guy is tougher than me because he has a potato/forma/clan with pretty weapons" (validity of claims irrelevant to the issue, the complaints will happen, and no ammount of logic will stop them, they are not founded on logic) I would just hang a banner on the arena and forums that quoted the entrace to hell in dante's inferno. If you think the potato famine threads right now are bad; you should see what this might bring. It is that bad.


And for another TL;DR for you lazy people : Either do good PvP or do no PvP at all; and in actuality, better focus on polishing PvE until it blinds us with how great it is before giving PvP much (if any) importance at all.

Edited by SetAbominae
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PVP can only be done right if it follows phantasy star series pvp.

Frames are given a set pvp item when they enter the arena much like how PSO online series give a set of weapons to classes when they enter pvp.

Then add a ton of pvp modes like two lanes killing mobs to gain points and at any point you could jump in to another lane and ks or kill your opponent.

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