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Dislike the 18.13 changes


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I can guess 1 reason why Warframe is hardly talked about despite its rankings on steam's lists and how widely played this game is.

NERFS. Simple as that.

I don't know much but I heard that people only come back to the game when an Update comes out. They play all the new content then jump off to play something else.

Let's look at the most recent Update: 18.13. Most of the time when DE makes a really good thing that has little or no drawback when used and the majority of players use it they end up "fixing" it when they end up nerfing it. Excalibur's Exalted blade damage drop-off range seems like every 10m it drops by I'm guessing 50%, which is a lot of damage falloff if you know how damage you used to do with the ability.

People don't like the new Mag changes. Right? I never liked Mag when I first got her anyways. (Especially since I figured out that Radial Javelin at the time was more effective at killing than Crush.)

I'm not an End-gamer. I like to play up to like Level 70-80 at most and that's my end-game. I like to enjoy just blasting enemies in their faces and feel OP. Also, when I'm faced with an actual challenge that can stand that level of OP, I want still be able to do have a decent time-to-kill on the enemy whether or not that have multiple stages.

Can someone tell how long [DE]Rebecca and/or [DE]Megan have gone in a T4 Void Key? I just to want to say if DE is going to change something in the current game, they should probably try doing as much testing as most top players do in the Simulacrum. There have been some good things DE has put out, but I must say most of the nerfs affect the game a lot more than the new stuff they added or things changed that is/was good.

Please stop the nerfs. Just be creative and just add something new that changes the gameplay a bit that won't drastically fault players for being good at the game.

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Well, the Excali nerf was expected from anyone with a brain. Their #1 sword-wielding posterboy turned into a turret. He's still powerful, just as a melee frame instead, which fits his theme much better.

Most people don't like the changes to Mag, that much is true. But most of the playerbase is also lazy as hell. Most just want to press 1 button to win, where I think the devs are trying to steer towards a more skill oriented gameplay. I could be wrong, but that's what I believe.

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Exalted Blade is no longer Fluctus from Archwing. If people actually use it like 'Sword', not like Rampart and slash the air from about 50 Meters away, that change with Energy Waves isn't critical at all. btw don't forget that Mini-Radial Blind requiring Energy now. I wish they gave us something more interesting too when they decided to nerf(was a rightful change though), like Disco Ball getting DMG Buff, but instead they made EB consume more Energy :( I hoped some Tweaks on EB Combos(that nobody uses).


Mag, well there are still a lot of debate if rework was well done or nah. But at least we now have reason to use her against other Faction than Corpus Sortie Cheese! This is the biggest change. It can't be easily called, "Nerf". You hate her, but people who use her with interest will find new fun that you won't see forever.


Edited by Coo_DA
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14 minutes ago, Dan-Glycerin said:

Please stop the nerfs. Just be creative and just add something new that changes the gameplay a bit that won't drastically fault players for being good at the game.

People here must be joking, other MMOs have skill changes per class every patch, Warframe is the least of the few and most of the changes were pretty fair.

None of the changes punish players for being good, Mirage, Excalibur, Valkyr and Trinity were heavily used for cheesing content, press 2 to nuke the Corpus with Mag isn't skill. Though I agree that Mag feels somewhat lackluster (though I do see how her Magnetize should be her main skill now and she is now usable with other factions) they should've fixed enemy scaling before doing these changes. 

Edited by Agentawesome
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16 minutes ago, Dan-Glycerin said:

Please stop the nerfs.

Please stop these comments. Seriously, they are silly.

These people who think you can just not balance the game and just add some other workaround clearly know nothing about it.

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Oh no! They made Excalibur more true to his theme by making you ACTUALLY HAVE TO GET UP CLOSE TO SMACK THINGS! Dear GOD!

On the subject of Mag: She's pretty much a Corpus Crusher, and that's generally her role. They updated her and gave her some fun stuff to play with that makes her more useful against everything else, but she's still best at Corpus murdering.

There are some genuine nerfs that weren't warranted, such as Saryn being considerably harder to play now, but you're *@##$ing about them making Excalibur MORE OF A SWORD WIELDER and Mag MORE USEFUL AGAINST EVERYTHING ELSe.

Also, if you're not an End-Gamer, stop talking for End-Gamers!

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Well looks like another whiner who would rather have things buffed to the point where he can have the game on auto-pilot instead cutting down Cheese. Ppl who do this dont see the whole picture. They have to nerf the players first so the devs know where to adjust enemies to the point where the game is still fun and challenging.

Edited by Kanlor
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7 minutes ago, Roboplus said:

They can nerf a few frames.

Or they can buff every other frame, and then buff enemies to compensate.

Which do you think is faster?

On top of that, which do you think is less likely to completely break the game?

Both of those options also do exactly the same thing; put everything on the same general level.

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I actually got around to using my previously dust ridden Excal. What's wrong with him after the "nerf"? As far as im concerned, he's still fun to play. Maybe even a little bit more so on account of his waves not extending to the far reaches of the universe. 

People complaining probably used Excal as a means to make things uninteresting, who then subsequently complained about the game itself being unchallenging and uninteresting. The frame itself is still fun to play with :/

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1 minute ago, Agentawesome said:

they should've fixed enemy scaling before doing these changes. 

how does enemy scaling even work? i played this game for a while but i haven't put effort into figuring out the scaling in endless missions.


13 minutes ago, SilvaDreams said:

Might as well call it CryFrame

funny thing is I still think i'm a bad player even though i have forma'd weapons and most weapons, warframes, and mods. not really confident enough to test my gear 'cause i'm always trying to rank up new weapons fast enough because i don't want to get sucked into playing Draco all the time.

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8 minutes ago, MillbrookWest said:

I actually got around to using my previously dust ridden Excal. What's wrong with him after the "nerf"? As far as im concerned, he's still fun to play. Maybe even a little bit more so on account of his waves not extending to the far reaches of the universe. 

People complaining probably used Excal as a means to make things uninteresting, who then subsequently complained about the game itself being unchallenging and uninteresting. The frame itself is still fun to play with :/

Excal's range nerf isn't that bad, honestly. I don't like it, but I agree with it. Turned him into a turret instead of a swordsman, and completely outshining all his other abilities for the entire duration was just poor design, 'ultimate ability' or not.

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1 minute ago, AdunSaveMe said:

Excal's range nerf isn't that bad, honestly. I don't like it, but I agree with it.

Personally, i find the fact that his waves pass through walls and cover to be a bit silly still. If i could make the call, his waves wouldn't pass through anything save cutting enemies into pieces. But that's is merely my opinion ;) 

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34 minutes ago, Dan-Glycerin said:

Please stop the nerfs. Just be creative and just add something new that changes the gameplay a bit that won't drastically fault players for being good at the game

Standing at one place and mashing '4' or 'e' has nothing about being good at the game.

Your whole post can be pressed in a single phrase: "Please, DE, don't strip us from the feeling of OPness!". Even though I disagree, your point of view is understandable

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I think I should've probably asked for advice on the recent changes rather than complaining. I really don't have to time test things out and  enjoy the game the way I want to. I mostly play solo and most of the time no one responds to help me in my clan. I know this sounded like me being a "whiner" but at least I wasn't trying to be serious about making the game bad. I wanted a reaction, and I got one. Glad to know how some people feel.

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Just now, chaotea said:

There are generally more buffs than nerfs. And if you dont expect that sort of thing while the game is still technically in open beta, then the issue is you, not the devs.

yes, yes. i am but 1 player of many and my opinions literally mean nothing to DE when it comes to changes to their game. thanks

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The "nerfs" as you call them, made Mag better and Excalibur no longer a turret.

I actually use him now since it feels fun to actually get up close to slash things instead of unleashing waves of death with no falloff damage.

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 Improvise, Adapt and Overcome.

Even if things get nerfed i like it because it keeps the game changing, yes i was sad when Mesa and greedy mag no longer were the ultimate combo. But if the game had not changed drastically i would probably not have kept playing for so long.

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