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I officially don't want to play this game any more.


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2 minutes ago, Popstupid said:

Not really. There's also Corrupted and also. Grineer and Infested make up more than half of the star chart so I have no idea where you got that. And yes, I have leveled a weapon meant for killing Corpus on Grineer and Infestation and was SUCCESSFUL. I'll even be nice to name them : Jat Kitaag, Bo Prime, Vaykor Marelok, Fragor Prime, Vectis, Grakata, Gorgon, Strun, Twin Wraith Vipers, and the Furax Wrath. Get this: I WAS SUCCESSFUL and it was "good."

And at what point in the game did you GET half of those weapons? I doubt it was at any point where you needed to rely primarily on them to kill what faced you. As for Corrupted, just how far do you expect me to get in the Void if I can't kill one of these stupid fricking Bursas? I've been to the Void. There is a reason I avoid the Void. While it is challenging and not impossible (at the lower tiers) for me, it isn't a viable option currently. I still have 90% of Neptune locked, for crying out load. dafuq can I can in the Void?

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I main Rhino and I was in your situation for a while. However if really helps if you cast Iron Skin when the thing shoots you. It'll give you some breathing room. Mainly just try to keep on the move constantly.That stupid nulli bubble is annoying as hell. Go to the wiki for some help on how to combat them if you're really desperate. Or just continue to avoid corpus missions.  If you can, try scanning them for the simulcrum so you can practice against them.

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59 minutes ago, BlackCoMerc said:

Agree for the most part.

Now, as you have seen, the "gut gud" crowd will come out in droves, constructing their usual Strawman argument about how you lack skill. Pay them no mind; you might damage their feeble ego.

Because you never mentioned difficulty. Not as a focal point. You cited lack of enjoyment as your main issue. And I understand completely.

Corpus missions in general are basically a lesson in how NOT to make fun content. Give players powers; turn them off selectively. Give them weapon choices; let Nullifiers make 3/4 of them obsolete. Give them movement to avoid knockdown; cram them into crowded corridors filled with Bursa. It's basically an object lesson in everything Warframe SHOULDNT do, crammed into one place. Sorta like Archwing that way.

But Bursa especially is bad. Lots of PC players don't see, but I do. Know why? I play with a controller. Try leaping behind them and getting a shot off, before they turn, without the artificially enhanced turning speeds of a mouse. Good luck.

Because it's next door to impossible.

I told my coop partner the RESL fun Bursa threads would start when these things hit consoles, and I mostly wasn't wrong. They need drastically slowed movement and turning speed. And less ability spamming because my god, they're decked out like four Warframes at once.

I play with a controller too(Xbox one), however, this is not a excuse for not being able to go behind them.

They also decreased bursa turn rotation speed anyway so you can flank them.

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)Lord_Silvador said:

And at what point in the game did you GET half of those weapons? I doubt it was at any point where you needed to rely primarily on them to kill what faced you. As for Corrupted, just how far do you expect me to get in the Void if I can't kill one of these stupid fricking Bursas? I've been to the Void. There is a reason I avoid the Void. While it is challenging and not impossible (at the lower tiers) for me, it isn't a viable option currently. I still have 90% of Neptune locked, for crying out load. dafuq can I can in the Void?

dont avoid the void, give unto the void.. seriously what warframe player doesnt do void!!


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1 minute ago, (PS4)Lord_Silvador said:

And at what point in the game did you GET half of those weapons? I doubt it was at any point where you needed to rely primarily on them to kill what faced you. As for Corrupted, just how far do you expect me to get in the Void if I can't kill one of these stupid fricking Bursas? I've been to the Void. There is a reason I avoid the Void. While it is challenging and not impossible (at the lower tiers) for me, it isn't a viable option currently. I still have 90% of Neptune locked, for crying out load. dafuq can I can in the Void?


To take your question literally, I got the Strun, Vectis, Gorgon, Grakata during my early phases when I first started and cleared most of the star chart with them. 

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1 minute ago, Teloch said:

Two things:
1) Do you ask the dev team to heed to YOUR caprices?
1.5) You'd better don't read the second point if your psyche is as weak as your knack
1.9) You've been warned
2) Many people enjoy enemies like bursas, juggernauts, and maniacs. Not everyone likes to sweep whole battalions of  lancer-type enemies, but you don't give a damn about those "elitists" and "P2Winners" amusement, right?

1) No, I don't "ask the dev team to heed to MY caprices?" as you so put it.

1.5) Nor to I demand them to.

2) As stated already, I am voicing my displeasure because I have the right to. This is feedback. My feedback to the devs that I do not enjoy fighting these enemies as they currently are.

3) I'm all for a tough/challenging opponent. But there is a difference between tough and challenging, and nigh on impossible.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)Lord_Silvador said:

1) No, I don't "ask the dev team to heed to MY caprices?" as you so put it.

1.5) Nor to I demand them to.

2) As stated already, I am voicing my displeasure because I have the right to. This is feedback. My feedback to the devs that I do not enjoy fighting these enemies as they currently are.

3) I'm all for a tough/challenging opponent. But there is a difference between tough and challenging, and nigh on impossible.


1) Sure whatever.

1.5) Refer to 1

2) Feedback is where you give reasons and prove your point, all you've been doing is saying that their hard... End of story.

3) Bursas aren't even hard, much less impossible.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)Lord_Silvador said:

1) No, I don't "ask the dev team to heed to MY caprices?" as you so put it.

1.5) Nor to I demand them to.

2) As stated already, I am voicing my displeasure because I have the right to. This is feedback. My feedback to the devs that I do not enjoy fighting these enemies as they currently are.

3) I'm all for a tough/challenging opponent. But there is a difference between tough and challenging, and nigh on impossible.

they are far... far from being impossible, the fact that you cant kill every enemy while you dont have YET the equipment to do so makes sense, and its ok, the game will suck so much if a newer, bad equiped player killed every enemy without trying, warframe is easy enough already. dont make it worse and suit up

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1 hour ago, (PS4)Lord_Silvador said:

Get rid of them. Nerf them. Make them killable so that I can actually finish a Corpus mission without risking having an aneurysm.


2 minutes ago, (PS4)Lord_Silvador said:

1) No, I don't "ask the dev team to heed to MY caprices?" as you so put it.



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Who here remembers when normal enemies EXCEPT for bursas, juggernauts and manics where even a remote threat below level 100+? Anyone?


Not to be rude or "elitist" but I have played this game for a long time, and quite frankly, without these difficult enemies that I have to stop, plan, and execute in different ways I would be getting quite bored. The challenge is there to spice things up rather than turning everything into just pure fodder for the experienced, or heck, even  the "average" players as you call them.


Most "average" players I know enjoy a little challenge too, they did initially have a hard time, but then you have satisfaction from overcoming the challenge.

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25 minutes ago, (PS4)Lord_Silvador said:

 getting behind and shooting a Bursa in the back, on console, not as easy as it sounds. Their turn rate isn't nearly as slow as people make them out to be.

As a console player, I can tell you that's a load of crap.  If you're having issues getting behind something, you're not really moving that much.  All you have to do is walk/run toward them (scary, I know) and slide past them.  As long as your aiming sensitivity isn't set to zero, you can just 180 out of the slide, and unload on the control panel sitting on the Bursa's backside.  They'll turn around, so rinse and repeat.  Just make sure you put enough distance between you and it, to where you don't get ground-slammed during its temper-tantrum.

Bursas are annoying, I'll give you that much.  But there are worse enemies in the game.

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First off, this is a legitimate worry (thought the title bugs me a little bit, officially? You've been sponsored to not want to play this game?). Bursas have changed the gameplay in corpus and high level missions. They are designed to be tough, they're mini bosses. Infested has them too, the Juggernaut.


The idea of them is to change the gameplay and mix it up. When the game is a grind the gameplay needs things to switch it up. The different enemies and the bursas are there to switch up your style, keeps things interesting. They can be beaten, but by a different method to your normal play style. You have to be mobile to get behind them or else use another means. I'm struggling to think of a warframe that doesn't have an ability that can help with bursas. Whether you freeze them ,blind them, stagger them or make yourself harder to hit there is a way to make it easier. But they can also be done without this is you are quick. The game is about space ninjas and it's a reminder that you're designed to be precise and deadly, if you waded in and confronted everything head first you'd be space samurai, and there wouldn't be an emphasis on mobility.


If you're struggling with Bursas you can:


  • Join a group
  • switch up your usual loadout or warframe when tackling those missions
  • practice and tackle it as a challenge, and when you do nab them you'll feel a lot more accomplished.

I agree it's a concern but I don't think it's a reason to quit, or needs to be changed by the developers.

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1 minute ago, Teloch said:




Asking and or demanding implies the expectation of a result. Since I (highly) doubt DE will give a flying poopstick about my distaste of this enemy, I expect no such results. However, if I did not hope for some chance of change or improvement, I wouldn't even be here. Ergo, those count as suggestions, however vague they may be.

AND DON'T ASK ME TO PROVIDE SUGGESTIONS! We've covered that part of this at least three times now. A fourth time won't change the outcome.

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12 minutes ago, (PS4)Lord_Silvador said:

And at what point in the game did you GET half of those weapons? I doubt it was at any point where you needed to rely primarily on them to kill what faced you.

from the start(years before you even had the opportunity to play Warframe on a Console), Mods has always been what composes of most of what your Equipment is capable of. without Mods (or poorly chosen Mods), all Equipment sucks.

your Codex can give exact information as to what Enemies are weak to what Damage Types - putting Elementals on your Weapons that Enemies are weak to, will make your Weapons much more capable.

Edited by taiiat
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15 minutes ago, Dreddeth said:

Could have sworn I quoted the OP there, whose sanctimonious face my post is directed to. Guess something went wrong.

No harm.

And OP, I recommend frames that slow enemies down. Bursa kinda suck, but they are at least not as bad as they once were. Unless...did console not get the nerfed, slowed down version? If not, now I really understand, and sympathize.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)Lord_Silvador said:


Asking and or demanding implies the expectation of a result. Since I (highly) doubt DE will give a flying poopstick about my distaste of this enemy, I expect no such results. However, if I did not hope for some chance of change or improvement, I wouldn't even be here. Ergo, those count as suggestions, however vague they may be.

AND DON'T ASK ME TO PROVIDE SUGGESTIONS! We've covered that part of this at least three times now. A fourth time won't change the outcome.

Soooo in other words:


DE: Ok please tell us exactly your issue and possible fixes?


I see that going so well with all the constructive criticism you provide.

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Its not about being elitist (and P2W isn't even relevant in WF so thats null and void).

The reason they threw you for a loop was because you can't just unload a magazine into them in order to kill them like you can with everything else. You actually have to work on positioning and place shots at weak points or hack them.

 The real issue is that you expected them to be like every other enemy and when they weren't you threw in the towel rather then figuring out how they worked. If you didn't want to do it yourself you could very easily ask for help or wiki it. That being said, I can see how some hints would be nice for players that weren't around during their first introduction.


Edited by StinkyPygmy
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Bursas not a really threat anymore, unless they 80+ lvl, coz they can 1 shot you then. Bursas got nerfed, like alot. Before da nerf ye, threads like this was common and pretty much justified reaction, due to how broken they was. Now they don't, unless really high lvl, but what doesn't one shot you in high lvl? But thats another problem, not related to da bursas.

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