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I officially don't want to play this game any more.


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On 6/11/2016 at 1:11 PM, BlackCoMerc said:

Agree for the most part.

Now, as you have seen, the "gut gud" crowd will come out in droves, constructing their usual Strawman argument about how you lack skill. Pay them no mind; you might damage their feeble ego.

Because you never mentioned difficulty. Not as a focal point. You cited lack of enjoyment as your main issue. And I understand completely.

Corpus missions in general are basically a lesson in how NOT to make fun content. Give players powers; turn them off selectively. Give them weapon choices; let Nullifiers make 3/4 of them obsolete. Give them movement to avoid knockdown; cram them into crowded corridors filled with Bursa. It's basically an object lesson in everything Warframe SHOULDNT do, crammed into one place. Sorta like Archwing that way.

But Bursa especially is bad. Lots of PC players don't see, but I do. Know why? I play with a controller. Try leaping behind them and getting a shot off, before they turn, without the artificially enhanced turning speeds of a mouse. Good luck.

Because it's next door to impossible.

I told my coop partner the RESL fun Bursa threads would start when these things hit consoles, and I mostly wasn't wrong. They need drastically slowed movement and turning speed. And less ability spamming because my god, they're decked out like four Warframes at once.


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33 minutes ago, (PS4)JaviOnTheRocks said:

Do they spawn on Interception and Defense on Venus?

You can avoid killing them during interception missions, since you don't need to kill all the enemies to start the timer for the next round. The real question is: do they spawn on exterminate node on Venus?

Looking at one of the Bursa pages on the Wiki ( http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Isolator_Bursa ) you can find the quote " they have a high chance of spawning on Pluto, Neptune, Europa, Jupiter, Mars, and Venus, whenever alarms are triggered in a Corpus mission. "

However, I ran a few Venus exterminates and couldn't get one to spawn. I'm out of time for right now, can someone confirm that they do, in fact, spawn in exterminates on Venus?

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so...im a casual player too...playing with chroma jsut for the look and not moding him like a pro...my primary is now the opticor just because...yeah you know BFG...im not a Pro or something and yeah bursas are hard to fight but...they are easy if you know how to kill them so...learn how to fight them solo and everything is fine...learning by doing ^,..,^

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On Saturday, June 11, 2016 at 8:35 PM, (PS4)Lord_Silvador said:

Why? One word. Bursas.

What.... masochist thought it would be a good idea for add these... things?!

The first game I got on my PS4 was Warframe (back when the PS4 initially came out). Admittedly, I only got it because it was free and Second Son had been delayed; I knew nothing about Warframe and saw no loss in giving it a try for that price. My PS4 was just an expensive paperweight otherwise. At least for a few more months. I immediately fell into a great love/addiction, for many reasons. Customisation. Gameplay. Even the general concept.

I'm a casual player and I typically play solo (for various reasons that are not relevant). And after an absence from the game, I returned eager to see what new wonders had been added. An extension to my ship. Relay stations. New parkour animations (honestly I'm not a fan of those). And, of course, Bursas...

The first time I learned of these... atrocities was while getting back into the swing of things. I fired up a Corpus mission and started putting the ugly robot-heads on the ground. I then hear "The alarm has triggers a bursa" or something along those lines and my first thought was "What's a bursa?" Little did I know that over the following week these things would become the bane of my Warframe experience. It showed up before me and God knows I unloaded every bullet I had into that thing, plus all four of my revives and an whole slew of melee attacks. But all it did was laugh at me.

My thoughts after that? WHAT THE.... ever loving HELL!?!?!?!

I used to love this game. I used to praise it so highly. I would have happily sat for a DECADE in order to earn every frame and weapon I could through patience and hard work. But this? This is... these things are not fun. Not in any way, shape or form. All these things give me is frustration and anguish.

I never considered this game to be easy. It had its challenges. It had a difficulty level that although curved smoothly, was defined and recognisable. You knew what your limits were. You could push them, train them and improve upon them. Even when you were kicking A. and taking names, if you got reckless, the game could still F. you up. But there is a line. A line that has been crossed. From difficult to impossible! Absurd! Insane!

Yeah, yeah, yeah. All you elitists and P2W people can "deal with them no sweat" blah blah blah. Good for you.

For the rest of us average players, these things are a NIGHTMARE! I now find myself dreading doing a Corpus mission because of these things. Half the game is essentially locked out because of these things. How am I expected to progress if I can't kill these things? Why should I continue to play if I can't progress?

This SINGLE mob (and its alternate incarnations) have literally brought me to the point of no longer wanting to play this game on account of the fact that Bursa's are so far beyond my capabilities there simply is no more fun to be had.

Is this what you wanted, DE? Is this what you were trying to achieve? To chase people away from your game?

For the love of sanity, please, PLEASE do something about these... abominations. Get rid of them. Nerf them. Make them killable so that I can actually finish a Corpus mission without risking having an aneurysm.

Dude! Seriously, now? Go play a pac-man or something...

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20 minutes ago, Lord_Azrael said:

You can avoid killing them during interception missions, since you don't need to kill all the enemies to start the timer for the next round. The real question is: do they spawn on exterminate node on Venus?

Looking at one of the Bursa pages on the Wiki ( http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Isolator_Bursa ) you can find the quote " they have a high chance of spawning on Pluto, Neptune, Europa, Jupiter, Mars, and Venus, whenever alarms are triggered in a Corpus mission. "

However, I ran a few Venus exterminates and couldn't get one to spawn. I'm out of time for right now, can someone confirm that they do, in fact, spawn in exterminates on Venus?

Even if they did spawn on Exteminate on Venus (and while it could be argued that maybe they shouldn't, if they actually do) you would at least have a way to avoid that once you figure out what's going on (and Lotus tells you that).

Finding an enemy that you apparently can't kill early on in the game can be either annoying or fun (depending how you look at it and what the game expects of you regarding that enemy in order to progress), but as long as you can still progress without having to kill that enemy, I don't think it's such a big issue as to decide to not play the game.

Not on it's own at least. Maybe there are other things you might not like and this could just be the last straw.

Edited by (PS4)JaviOnTheRocks
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When you can solo 20 waves of t3 defense, there is nothing wrong with bursa.

Problem is, if you can solo 20 waves of t3 defense, then why would you seek a challenge on the star map? It doesn't exist to challenge people who can do that. It's purpose is to give a sense of progression from mk1 weapons you pick up during tutorial to that point where you can solo t3 defense for 20 waves.

And here, ladies and gentlemen, comes a bursa. And the new Kela fight. And cat herders. All placed on nodes that were fine without them. Try leveling a Braton solo without using sleeping arrows of Ivara, doing high level spy missions without firing that thing once, or using damage multipliers frames like Banshee or Chroma. How many missions does it take? What level missions? Can you deal with bursa using that thing and do something else after? Or did you have to spend a couple of ammo restores and half an hour to gun one bursa down with a no-forma no-catalyst Braton? Will it be fun to do it again and again, because you don't have a mr12 locked syndicate weapons (or their equivalent) to fall back to?

You think it's alright to have bursa there, because they are a challenge. But if they are a challenge to you, who completed the star map already, don't you think that they are a total roadblock to those who do it for the first time?

And if you don't find them challenging, then why do you defend them so?

The fact that bursa gets compared often to juggernaut baffles me no end. Seriously? It's alright to have units on par with Juggernaut spawn in pares on Io defense, when to see a juggernaut you need to get to Eris or play a rather high level infested mission? And when did you see 2 juggernauts on a mission at once, or a second one coming after you deal with the first? You don't have them on ODD, for example. At all. Or on Hieracon. While you have bursa on Io and Triton in spades.

Sometimes I wish all those who compare these units would get a tactical alert with Juggernauts spawning like Bursa. Just imagine the level 30-35 extermination with ''Death of infested attracted a Juggernaut'' over and over again.... But then I remember I would be one of those who would have to skip that alert, or go meta-squad.


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I met an Isolator Bursa on an ice map as Nova, solo. I had to do the mission again with Ash. That S#&$ was ridiculous. I could not get around it without getting annihilated in the process. Way more frustrating than when I did the 3 sortie-missions once (yes once, it was not fun at all, or worth the time and effort lol). I agree with OP, and I am in general VERY against mobs or missions that REQUIRE certain frames to succeed. What's the point of having lots of options if all but 2 are useless?

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The only Bursa variant that truly frustrates me is the Isolator, mainly because it almost never leaves itself vulnerable to flanking and it's Nully bubbles are bugged (seriously if the mine so much as grazes you or you shake it off you're suddenly unable to use any powers for a good 10-15 seconds). The others aren't too bad since there are openings to get behind them, but I can still understand why they'd be a major hassle for earlier players who don't have the burst damage to deal with them.

Even with their nerfed turning speed they still feel a bit too quick for my tastes (especially the Isolator); IMHO they should be a lot slower overall in walker mode, but give them all the ability to turn into a tank like the Drover so that they can keep up with players who are attempting to flee (of course the transformation animation would be a prime opportunity to get behind them).

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8 hours ago, Love2Camp said:

I met an Isolator Bursa on an ice map as Nova, solo. I had to do the mission again with Ash. That S#&$ was ridiculous. I could not get around it without getting annihilated in the process. Way more frustrating than when I did the 3 sortie-missions once (yes once, it was not fun at all, or worth the time and effort lol). I agree with OP, and I am in general VERY against mobs or missions that REQUIRE certain frames to succeed. What's the point of having lots of options if all but 2 are useless?

You couldn't kill it with Nova? Seriously? What attack was troubling you? Or were you using a speedva?

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Wait. Is this a joke thread. I really feel like this is a joke thread. Bursa's are one of the enemies I have the LEAST problems with because they are SOOOOO abysmally easy to fight. I never have had problems with them. I may play on a PC, But i enjoy the controller thing, save the whole rotating to your power bullS#&$. That's besides the point. How can you possibly have a hard time with them. Simple fix for your whine &#!, Bring magnetic damage for shields, Radiation dmg or Corrosive dmg for hp and Armour respectively, And bring impact. Its so damn simple to fight these things, Honestly you just lack the capacity to decipher the problem. And that, Is you.

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Thank you to those of you who took the time to try to offer helpful comments in regards to some folks having frustration with the Bursas.

However, locking to preserve / review as there is just way too much back and forth going on in this entire thread / people posting non constructively & arguing.

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