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The Story Behind Your Name


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It first showed up in Runescape as Stallord_A, and was supposed to mean stalwart lord (me being an edgy kid and all that), but people thought it meant a Lord of Stalling, so it morphed into that instead. After I went through multiple accounts, I landed on my favorite one, Stallord_D. Then, I shortened it to StallordD for some reason, and it's stuck with me ever since. Of course, Twilight Princess came out a bit after and now everyone assumes it's named after the Zelda boss, which isn't really a bad thing.

Edited by StallordD
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My name has definitely been on quite a journey...

It started around 4 years ago. I was playing a (now defunct) Android game named Cerberus Age, and I had to create a name for my profile. I cane up with "Blahrer," which was supposed to be ironic because I'm a quiet guy and would therefore not be making noise (or be the "blah blah blah" person in the group)(it's horrible, I know).

That worked out for a while, but I noticed people would spell that name wrong, or just call me "Blah" which I didn't really enjoy. So, I came up with an even worse name: "Kool Physicist" (because spelling "cool" with a "k" is hip and cool and stuff). It eventually got shortened to KP because "Kool Physicist" is way too damn long.

I tried to sign up for another game (forget which) with just "KP" because I thought it had a nice ring to it. However, it turned out that it was too short. I decoded to come up with something more original (and much less nerdy) by creating a first and last name that "KP" could represent as initials. The first first name (lol) I could come up with that started with a "K" was "Ken" so that's what I went along with. I chose to use "Photon" as a last name to show my science-loving side a bit. And thus, the name "Ken Photon" was born.

You mist be wondering as to why I have an "n" and "2014" thrown in there, right? Well, it turns out that my name is not as original as I thought (in Warframe, at least). I tried adding the extra "n," but that still wasn't enough. So, I desperately (and regrettably) stuck the year I was in to the end, and it worked.

TL;DR: My name went from "Blahrer" to "Kool Physicist" to "KP" to "Ken Photon" to what you see now.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I've changed aliases like 4 times in the past 7 years I've been playing games on PC


first one was penguin_pet4 because I wanted a pet penguin and I had to include a number.


second one was Sir Vyvore, which is a play on words for survivor.


third one was Rykkr, and to be honest I have no idea how the hell I came up with that name.


and my most recent one is VYR3, I like vampires, and no not the sparkly S#&$ heads from twilight, I mean the ones from like Dracula.

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  • 2 months later...

I had Legos when I was a kid, specifically a lot of Star Wars legos. I created a minifigure character called Darth Morec.


As I moved into other games - specifically RPGs - I adapted the name to just Morec and used it as my screen-name.


When I got an Xbox 360 and attempted to log online it told me Morec was invalid, so I added a number at the end to allow for it to work.


Hence: Morec0.

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What about TheErebus?

I'll let you choose:

A. It is based off the primordial greek god of Darkness "Erebus"


B. Named after the true boss of Persona 3


I also had another username: Ded_Sek

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Saske92 is from my favourite character of the PS2 game Sengoku Basara (Devil Kings) , the dual glaive wielding ninja Sasuke Sarotobi and my year of birth.


The spelling error without the u is because the name is pronounced with a silent u and my 13 year old self didn't know better, now it is my trademark^^

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My friend and I have themed names that plays of each-other made by combining a weather pattern and a draconic creature.


Klar= Clear in Swedish

Vyvern= Wyvern.


My friend is Wyrmmist (Wyrm+Mist)


Thus, my friend is the hidden wyrm, and I'm the clearly seen wyvern. I'm often the sneaky one though.

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