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Lunaro Feedback [Megathread]


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Encountered an issue were after the host migrated one team would have 4 players and the other 2 players.

Also the daily challenges are not being registered. It asks me to score 4 goals, but i score 8 and the challenge isnt completed.

Edited by John89brensen
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I'm a main on console but have a pc account just to see the updates,

so when i did the practice I already knew Lunaro had a few problems. (No, I did not play online against others - I suck with a mouse and keyboard) but nevertheless!

This would improve the fun and adrenaline of the game if you simply..

  1. Increase the map size by double!! Too small, not a lot of room for strategy, and mistakes cost you too greatly. If you hit the ball it's practically back on the other side which isn't something that should be possible. 2 and 3 accommodates for map increase.
  2. Increase sprint speed by double and increase walking speed to current sprint speed we have now in Lunaro. This will accommodate to the larger map, increase the adrenaline of a high speed battle, and stop the chance of people hitting the ball into enemy goal territory in one hit.
  3. Increase throwing range etc to accommodate for the field increase.

This improve the foundation of Lunaro in my opinion, also

after reading about spam melee problems.. this will address it.

First and foremost: STAMINA BAR ON MELEE ATTACKS - Successful hit reduce stamina drain by a margin, players are immune after a point to reduce stun lock.

  • When Walking: When hit by melee you drop the ball and stagger.
  • When sprinting: When hit by melee you drop the ball and chaotically roll on the ground like if you tripped (to add that rough feeling of high speed combat)Also, you won't lay on the ground after tumbling - you'll land on your feet after a few rolls and continue like a juggernaut.
  • When sprinting 2: When hit by a shoulder charge while sprinting you drop the ball and fly like a rag doll in the direction where hit (hitbox should be small to reward the people who land a shoulder hit on a high speed target).


PS: Add Audience of grineer on one side and corpus on the other side. Adds the spice of a good audience cheer!


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Now, im going to assume that the Aim button is meant to actually draw the Lunaro to your glove...thing... Whatchamacallit, but it doesnt seem to really work when in an actual game. 

Also, like mentioned by the player above me:

4 minutes ago, BeKorni said:

 - I never know when I have the ball

- Allthough the arrow is a good idea, the camera is somehow not ideal. I am constantly searching the ball

- at times very hard to tell if enemy or not

Ive gotten the ball, and had it taken away nano-seconds after and never realized it. And there are plenty of times I got the ball, didnt realize it, and started a bullet jump, dropping the ball.

I may also be the only one to think this, but there should be some kind of cooldown for checking, as as the way it is now, players are constantly checking everyone, and the ball just keeps flying up into the air. 

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9 hours ago, Astery86 said:

lets see what DE said..

"Lunaro. Ancient sport of  ..."

o wait sport. what sportsmanship?


yes this is warframe, a game not real life. So we should all be using normal weapons to outright kill each other until no one is left on the field instead of just pinning the goalie down, cause it's more effective to score if people are not in the way.



"Sportsmanship is an aspiration or ethos that a sport or activity will be enjoyed for its own sake, with proper consideration for fairness, ethics, respect, and a sense of fellowship with one's competitors."

The only thing that really applies is fairness, and pinning is a fair strategy to get a goal. All that you need to do to counter this is move away.

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After a few games, I feel like:

1.Gate blocking needs to be changed, there should be a rule of how long you could stand in front of the gate zone.

2.Charge throw doesn't seems to be working.

3.Stun spam.

4.More movement, ex. a stronger stun should have movement penalty etc.

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I get a huge 'Deathrow Vibe - Xbox' from Lunaro which takes me back to when I was 13 :D Love it! (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deathrow_(video_game))

The game mode could use a few tweaks! I was playing with @[DE]Danielle And I was able to check her as much as I liked and some people might see that as trolling but it was a viable tactic in Deathrow to disrupt teamwork if you pin one of their players down.

To balance checking I think Right click/Ball Pickup should also serve as a block so once you have been knocked down you can't be knocked down again unless you lower your guard! (Alternatively let players use the conclave mod 'Anticipationhttp://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Anticipation) Or have Anticipation's effect innate for Lunaro without needing the mod equipped :)

Guarding at the precise moment somebody tries to check you with or without the ball should be considered a parry and stagger them leaving you to break away and put some distance between you and who ever you are in striking range of be it the goalie or the aggressors.

Guarding should reduce the player to a walking pace IMO ... whether or not DE likes the slower movement when catching/blocking is up to them I'm not fussed either way.

The knockdown and staggers are good in Lunaro but I think they could use with a bit of moderation and counter play :)


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Lunaro :

Maybe telling people if they are throwing the wrong way or what team they are on, because apparently it isn't clear enough? I had multiple games where someone was either trolling or didn't realize what side they were on.

Working on making sure it isn't a 3v1. When multiple people leave because they hate losing, and it ends up becoming a boring 3v1 maybe give an enemy team member to the other team, or let us vote on a surrender so we don't have to waste 10 minutes of just watching the other team score goals.

Make it so we can decide what role we want to play, (left offensive, right offensive, defender)

Changing it to a 3v3 because it's too small of a map to have it be 4v4 (in my personal opinion)

Making it so people have to wait to join the game until they are even sides. So we don't have a 3v2, which is an automatic lose 80% of the time.

People who are really good at the game mode are separated from people still getting a hang of it. It's boring watching people make goals every second, and it's boring to sit there and make goals every second. It's kinda like a collage player vs an elementary school kid.


--- I know you are just testing things out, it's really impressive for what it is, I do enjoy it, just wanted to give my 2 cents on it.

Keep up the good work DE, much love, and thank you. Can't wait for the rest of your hard work to come out.

Other conclave games :

Allowing us to vs. bots? Would be fun since not a lot of people play conclave, I know it takes away from the pvp part of it, but I haven't been able to enjoy conclave since no one joins the games. I don't want you guys to just throw away the other maps, and i'm worried people will also get bored of lunaro a few months down the road, so to maybe keep it alive for the players who want the rewards, bots would be a great addition. Please please consider something like this.

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Lunaro at it's core is very very fun great job DE, but (there's always a but) the mode is suffering from some problems that are in dire need of fixing/changing.

1. The lag is pretty heavy not just in Lunaro but in all pvp modes. Is it the bad netcode or the peer to peer connections? I don't know, but it kind of makes it unplayable.

2.The ball catching mechanic is very wonky. Numerous times i tried to score but it just landed on my teammate or enemy without them even noticing the ball. I think the only way you should catch the ball is if you are holding right click and looking at the ball. This will prevent accidental passes when someone is trying to score.

3.In the midst of chaos it's hard to notice if you are holding the ball there should atleast be a small unintrusive but recognisable notification saying that you are the carrier.

4.Enemies should not be able to stun lock you by beating the living sh** out of you if you are not the carrier.

5.After every goal all players should be respawned at the starting locations like at half time to prevent instant goals. 19-2 doesn't sound fun for neither the losing or winning team does it?


Anyway fantastic job and continue doing great work.

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The good :

- It's fun, but it needs some love

The less good :

- Being able to punch again and again ... until you are stun lock. If i want to punch people, i go on annihilation

- No goal keeper possible

- No colors to separate your team mates, and opponents on your screen. Name isnt enough

What it needs :

- Cooldown between 2 punchs

- Be able to block

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One of the maps is broken. Unsure if this has been brought up before (I'm betting it almost certainly has) but confirming it's not just 1 person's error. The stone arena with the checker floor (which gives me the impression it's unfinished) has a bug where throwing the Lunaro into the goal ignites the victory fires, but then the timer stops and no point is scored. No point message, no point count, no replay, nothing. Just stops dead as soon as that Lunaro gets into the goal, as if it causes a fatal error when a goal is scored, or it's just not been coded properly.

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43 minutes ago, (PS4)lNoctus said:

PS: Add Audience of grineer on one side and corpus on the other side. Adds the spice of a good audience cheer!

Agreed that this would also be cool, but perhaps on another arena rather than one already in the game :p

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Ok DE, this time, you messed up, really bad. But worry not, for I am here to help. I have but one question to ask. Did you even playtest Lunaro? I am pretty sure you didnt because there are GLARING design flaws all over the place. Now, let's begin.

First, orientation.

To fight someone, you must see them. But in Lunaro, you can't. I was literally checked like a thousand times and I didnt see who it was, from where he checked me, nothing. I literally once got the ball and lost it three times in under 5 seconds.

How to improve this?

1. Minimap, pretty self-explanatory.

2. If Lunaro is inspired by Rocket League, why cant we have a ball camera? It would make knowing where the ball is way easier. Make is a toggle tho, maybe on X?

3. Warnings, any sort of warning when you are about to get tackled.

4. Allow us to block, if I hold right-click in PvE, I block, why cant I do this in Lunaro? Srsly, why? Just allow us to block tackles by blocking.

5. This is only a minor thing but, why can I tackle while I have the Lunaro? Shouldnt it become unstable when moving at high speeds, like when I bullet jump for example?

Next, passing.

I often pass to someone I dont want to pass to. This usually happens at shorter ranges, like when I am about to score and someone runs in front of me. I understand that this can happen with enemies, but teammates? I would score if I didnt pass the ball to him ffs.

How to improve this?

1. Make us only be able to catch the ball while blocking. This works to atract the ball to us, but why cant it be so that we can only catch it like that? Lunaro would require much more skill and a lor of accidental passes would be avoided.

Now, more about tackling.

I'm pretty sure I made my point in the orientation section, so lets move on to

How to improve this?

1. A cooldown on any attack. Simply remove the unarmed melee and the Arcata swings from Lunaro and give the tackle a 1 second cooldown. It would reduce the bee swarm syndrome (everyone allways near the ball, trying to get it, swinging their arcata left and right) and make it more tactical.

Next, traversal.

High action, is it? Is it really? NO. It's slow and you never feel like you can catch the guy with the ball.

How to improve this?

1. Bring some moves from PvE parkour in, not all, but some. Slide and Air glide.

2. Slow down the person who is carrying the Lunaro by some small %, not above 15 though and allow them to bullet jump, when I get a ball in the middle of a crowd, I want to get out of there so I can make a good pass, tge current system just wants me to get checked and the ball to get passed to someone else. This, again, encourages teamwork and passing to other players.

Ok, this is all for now, I will probably post more later, but for now, bye.

Edited by TheDudeCZ
Added the traversal section, Grammar
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2 minutes ago, TheDudeCZ said:

Ok DE, this time, you messed up, really bad. But worry not, for I am here to help. I have but one question to ask. Did you even playtest Lunaro? I am pretty sure you didnt because there are GLARING design flaws all over the place. Now, let's begin.

First, orientation.

To fight someone, you must see them. But in Lunaro, you can't. I was literally checked like a thousand times and I didnt see who it was, from where he checked me, nothing. I literally once got the ball and lost it three times in under 5 seconds.

How to improve this?

1. Minimap, pretty self-explanatory.

2. If Lunaro is inspired by Rocket League, why cant we have a ball camera? It would make knowing where the ball is way easier. Make is a toggle tho, maybe on X?

3. Warnings, any sort of warning when you are about to get tackled.

4. Allow us to block, if I hold right-click in PvE, I block, why cant I do this in Lunaro? Srsly, why? Just allow us to block tackles by blocking.

5. This is only a minor thing but, why can I tackle while I have the Lunaro? Shouldnt it become unstable when moving at high speeds, like when I bullet jump for example?

Next, passing.

I often pass to someone I dont want to pass to. This usually happens at shorter ranges, like when I am about to score and someone runs in front of me. I understand that this can happen with enemies, but teammates? I would score if I didnt pass the ball to him ffs.

How to improve this?

1. Make us only be able to catch the ball while blocking. This works to atract the ball to us, but why cant it be so that we can only catch it like that? Lunaro would require much more skill and a lor of accidental passes would be avoided.

Now, more about tackling.

I'm pretty sure I made my point in the orientation section, so lets move on to

How to improve this?

1. A cooldown on any attack. Simply remove the unarmed melee and the Arcata swings from Lunaro and give the tackle a 1 second cooldown. It would reduce the bee swarm syndrome (everyone allways near the ball, trying to get it, swinging their arcata left and right) and make it more tactical.

Ok, this is all for now, I will probably post more later, but for now, bye.

I 100% agree with you when it comes to checking and passing balls.

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Some thoughts on Lunaro:


-Far too many times do I pick up the lunaro only to have it immediately smashed out of my hands before I'm allowed to react. A short immunity to checks on pick up would be appreciated, half a second maybe. This issue is further compounded by team balancing issues.


-Currently, four people can still be on a team in Lunaro, even though they should now be 3v3. Observed during a match this morning where we started the match as a 2v1 (Sun 2, Moon 1, with me being the 1) and it became a 4v2 (Sun 4, Moon 2), and it became impossible for Me or my teammate to score or even carry the Lunaro more than three steps due to constant checking and beat-downs from Sun, and for most of the first half, it was just me vs the 4 on Sun. Only match I've lost (salt). Maybe not starting a match until teams are balanced, and not letting people join mid match unless there are enough people joining at once to keep them balanced?


-Also, I've noticed you can't throw immediately after picking up the Lunaro. There is at least a one or two second delay between pick up and ability to throw. More time to get checked, less opportunity to pass. Is this just me? Is it because I primarily use controller? I'd try with mouse and keyboard, but then my mobility suffers and I become useless to my team.


-I feel like we're moving too slow, if we we're made a tad faster, that'd be appreciated.


-Another big issue, the marker that shows who has the Lunaro cannot keep up and/or is entirely inaccurate. It'll be over a teammate when the Lunaro is actually in my hands, or in one enemies, when it's really in another. Difficult to keep track of the Lunaro, which reminds me:


-Field of View is far too small, it's difficult to keep track of the Lunaro while everyone keeps checking it out of each other's hands and into the stratosphere. Warframe is like 1/3rd of the visible screen.


With these things in mind, I do thoroughly enjoy Lunaro, far more than any else conclave (which, outside of little 1v1s with friends, I find completely unenjoyable), but these things I find hinder the overall quality of the gamemode. 8/10 will play again.


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Being more aware of the fact that you're holding the ball is definitely necessary, and perhaps a longer cool-down on the "E" Charge mechanic could help some of the chaos.

In addition, it might help if holding the ball would disable your RMB-vortex mechanic (for the duration of you holding + 1-2 seconds), as it seems like I've managed to throw it multiple times only to have it end up back in my hands (without me realizing it due to chaos and lack of proper indicator).

Additionally, a system that might help out with some of the chaos could be some form of temporary drop-immunity (picking up the ball and instantly having it drop, then switch hands 10 times in 3 seconds, doesn't help the flow of the game). Perhaps just for half a second when you pick it up, or even have the Charge mechanic give you a temporary shield from the Enemies' checks.

Another thing that could really help with teamwork is making allies waiting for a pass much more visible to you. Currently it can be quite indistinguishable, especially in the chaos. Perhaps when an ally is using RMB, a larger, more prominent aura could be visible to you? Even an indicator to the side of the screen if they're out of sight, just to let you know someone is getting ready to accept a pass. Something that small could completely change team dynamics, even in public games, if implemented well.

Lastly, if this game is to make it anywhere beyond a fun mini-game that is immediately forgotten, a form of advanced matchmaking would be necessary, preferably based on player performance rather than just Conclave Rank / Games Won.

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Well my response probably wont get heard by DE in this thread considering its 16 pages long ;-; But here.

Lunaro... I'm split, I love the game mode I really do. Some will say its a rip off of x thing, but at the end of the day if its a dam good game mode, I dont care if it took this from that or got ideas from there. at the end of the day it gave me tonnes enjoyment. And Honestly this is one of the better things Ive seen implemented into Warframe. hell i hated original conclave trying to balance 200+ warframes is silly. its neva gonna happen, and they needed to look at PVP in another direction, and I feel this was a very good direction. Now as far As I know what warframe you pick doesn't matter (atleast it didn't feel like it). Weapons? doesn't matter. ITS JUST PURE SKILL and COORDINATION. Which imo is great.


Now as for the negatives. Now as much as I love this game mode it needs tweaks. the Spamming Check on people SUCKS BIG TIME.

- LMB SPAM/Invul. after grabbing Lunaro. They need to create a way to stop the spam, maybe introduce a invulnerability stage upon grabbing the Lunaro. 1/1.5 second at most. They also need to stop the Hitting of players not doing anything with the Lunaro. I dont see the point of being able to stagger non Lunaro holding players. Sure you may stop them from going anywhere but in the process your team lose you. Just seems silly. I understand blocking people from receiving a ball, but just spamming LMB on them just seems stupid.

- Ball Spawn/Team Spawn. I recommend ONCE a team has scored they start back at their BASE and not just wait outside the enemy's spawn to just run in and spam LMB. Atm I feel its whoeva wins the first goal holds the game. well 99.99% of the time. Lastly balance its terrible. Admittedly its a new system but even after x hours I recon there should be some sort of of hes good pair him with good people and vice versa. But I'll give them more time on that.

- Dedicated servers/Incentive for staying/Negatives for leaving. THIS needs to be done either one I'm happy with. I'm fed up with sore losers leaving. it runins everyone's fun.

This is what I feel DE need to do to improve Lunaro to a very fun and competitive game mode. hell once all this is fixed, maybe even 4v4/5v5 sure it would be hell but fun hell indeed x)

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