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We do have a counter to nullifiers.


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10 hours ago, Alma_Elma said:

it forces players to be versatile with their equipment, instead of face-rolling the entire map using a single weapon.

You know what would have been great though?  If they made weapon switching instant when they released the Nullifiers. 

It takes more time to take out my high fire rate secondary and pop the bubble than using my primary. 

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3 hours ago, Nine-Tails said:

It's funny how you are making assumptions that I want only warframes to have "bubbles".


Last I checked, Warframes don't even have nullifier bubbles and the ones we do have are stationary. If we're gonna go by assumptions, I'm betting you're the type of player that would love to see Snow Globe removed.


Bubble nullifiers are a sloppy ideas to begin with and has been made apparent several times with the only players complaining are the ones that constantly want this game to be hard as all possible and make warframes as weak as possible.


Really, get over yourself.

I never make assumptions. That means I assume and I am no azz. You might be since you made an assumption but that does not matter here there or anywhere.

No, I am not on some ME too as you refer to by "getting over myself". I am a video game player that knows that games are meant to challenge the player while giving fun and obstacles to overcome while at the same time giving the players many tools to overcome, conquer, and adapt to the game. 

Bubble Nullies are a relative easy enemy, they telegraph where they are through walls, floors, and their hum is extremely telling. They take a smack to the head like a pinata (but no real good stuff comes out of Nullies) and they have three things going for them- protection from projectiles, cancel powers inside their bubble, and a sniper rifle. That is it. They do not shoot shackles that clamp around a Warframe and neutralize our powers, or have the ability to reform their bubble while it is shrinking. 

I love Snow Globe when it is used right and cringe when it is used wrong just as I do any power in the game. They may be stationary but they are still powerful on 1 frame. You have the option going into a CORPUS mission to have up to 4 Warframes with a variety of powers and weapons....but you cry over a Nullie bubble? Come on....that is the easy button being pushed way to much in my viewpoint. I want the game to be a challenge, yes this is true. I want to have to think sometimes to get past obstacles. I want to have to try different combos with weapons and Warframes instead of using my 7-Forma'd Tonkor to clear everything Until the enemies scale past it's One Shot mode. 

If you and all those who cry about Nullies cannot handle it....so be it. There are some of us that can handle them and find other ways around them. That is the way games have always been. Some cry that Super Mario loses his powers when he gets hit.....others don't get hit. 

I am just presuming all this by the way. I could be wrong...but I am not an azz.


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15 hours ago, Lakais said:

I don't get where the whole nullifier hate is coming from. Unless you go insanity mode in endless missions (in which case any problems with enemies is YOUR fault for deliberately breaking the system and then wanting a cookie) they are not difficult to deal with. They have a battlefield role that makes sense and I honestly find Combas far more annoying as they don't have massive "KILL ME!" beacons on them. Not to mention better mobility and higher damage weapons. 

Nullifiers are only a problem to power-centric builds who get squeamish at the thought of going in close and getting the hands dirty in a VERY narrow and specialized portion of the game that is outside of reason. 


Ah, one of those who want to tell you that it's your fault for trying to create challenge for yourself.


When I can roll into a Sorties Mission3 with Ignis + Mirrors Mirage and destroy everything, what should I do next? Perhaps take some mods off? I'd say use a lower damage weapon but Ignis isn't really known for it's CRAZY DPS. Two years ago the Devs said they didn't intend for players to solo lvl 100 content. Now we have Sorties and a lvl 200 alert.

I do x10 the damage I did two years ago. Are we expected to sit around with our 1-13million red crits or make use of them? It's not the players fault for pushing the limits of the game.

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9 hours ago, (XB1)DShinShoryuken said:

I never make assumptions. That means I assume and I am no azz. You might be since you made an assumption but that does not matter here there or anywhere.

No, I am not on some ME too as you refer to by "getting over myself". I am a video game player that knows that games are meant to challenge the player while giving fun and obstacles to overcome while at the same time giving the players many tools to overcome, conquer, and adapt to the game. 

Bubble Nullies are a relative easy enemy, they telegraph where they are through walls, floors, and their hum is extremely telling. They take a smack to the head like a pinata (but no real good stuff comes out of Nullies) and they have three things going for them- protection from projectiles, cancel powers inside their bubble, and a sniper rifle. That is it. They do not shoot shackles that clamp around a Warframe and neutralize our powers, or have the ability to reform their bubble while it is shrinking. 

I love Snow Globe when it is used right and cringe when it is used wrong just as I do any power in the game. They may be stationary but they are still powerful on 1 frame. You have the option going into a CORPUS mission to have up to 4 Warframes with a variety of powers and weapons....but you cry over a Nullie bubble? Come on....that is the easy button being pushed way to much in my viewpoint. I want the game to be a challenge, yes this is true. I want to have to think sometimes to get past obstacles. I want to have to try different combos with weapons and Warframes instead of using my 7-Forma'd Tonkor to clear everything Until the enemies scale past it's One Shot mode. 

If you and all those who cry about Nullies cannot handle it....so be it. There are some of us that can handle them and find other ways around them. That is the way games have always been. Some cry that Super Mario loses his powers when he gets hit.....others don't get hit. 

I am just presuming all this by the way. I could be wrong...but I am not an azz.


Bubble Nullies are not a fun enemy to deal with because they limit the arsenal to bring which as you can see through this thread most people have a problem with, especially bow users. 

Unlike Nullifiers, Eximus spheres can be obliterated by a shotgun or a bow with proper punch through. And they become extremely crippling in late game where five level 100s can decimate an entire team not by them solely but by those those that follow and stay under their bubbles. This causes problems for CC users such as Nyx's chaos cause the nullify bubble does not even need to touch Nyx as it can also cleanse off CC by simply touching the enemies. 


You like combination of warframes and weapons? Well these guys limit it and they don't just appear in Corpus missions but the Void as well, which most late gamers will go farming to get their ducats and plats from prime parts. 


Do I want the game to be an easy mode? No, but I am not going to nod my head blindly at a sloppy design of an enemy when there have been people who have proposed far creative ideas than simply a bubble that acts as a cleanser. 

Edited by Nine-Tails
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