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Just Why..??


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Before anyone starts commenting that , 

1) its a grind game.
2) Don't get salty
3) Why get frustrated / toxic
4) complaining wont do any good.
5) Just enjoy the game , don't take it as a grind.

40 wave in ODD..
Key , salad location , fusion core and at the 40th wave , ding ding ding reward a forma BP.

RNG is one thing , but please for the love of GOD , can we do something about the drop table.
Really some of us dont have 3-4 hour or more to play . 
something would be good , to sell as ducat , or trade , but these are no point .

I know , no amount of me or anyone saying will get things changed , just wanted to put it out there.
Its my way of gettin my frustration out...



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My advice to you...

Do a bunch of Excavation missions to farm keys, Dark Sectors or not, and kill a day doing that. Then grind out your keys.

I don't have much time to play myself but this has afforded me tons of ducats or whatnot. Syndicate missions are another decent way to nabbing keys as well.

ODD is not good for farming.

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ODD is good for farming things to sell for plat, especially now with the mag part on it, but I do think that a reward for T2 Capture (forma) doesn't have a place there. However, I can solo ODD until wave 20 and it drops the trinity prime bp. The only other place where it drops is T4 Def, which I can't solo to wave 20 :D

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Been doing about 10 ODD a day for the last 2 weeks for Kama prime handle.

Yet to see one.

I think I have 60-100 of most T1 keys.


Hopefully when Void 3.0(Specters of the Rail)  hits, ODD DIES a hideous painful death.  According to the dev stream all drop tabes are getting "tweaked" and the way we Grind for things is going to get changed.  so in theory, its already in the works.

Its a really bad node, Gives really low XP, enemies take ages to scale up, drops are bad and the rewards simply suck.


Welcome to Warfarm, we are in development

Edited by Tatersail
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1 hour ago, Xc0oL said:

Really some of us dont have 3-4 hour or more to play . 


If you were to get the most out of this game this would be your daily routine:

  1. Sortie 1,2,3
  2. Syndicate scans and missions until you've reached your daily max standing
  3. Synthesis scans and Cephalon Simaris target farm until you've reached your daily max standing
  4. Focus farm until you've reached your daily max points
  5. Play conclave (missions) until you've reached your daily max standing
  6. And then I'm leaving out farming: primes, weapons, mods, resources, xp, credits and trading to earn some plat

There's just too much to do for an average WF player who has a job/school and needs sleep as well...

EDIT: Sorry couldn't help joining in on whining about the grind, still love the game till death.

Edited by ArcticMantis
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1 hour ago, Djolltax said:

Tveoh nailed it. Void Captures (quick) and Sabotages (multiple reward chance) are probably the best choices.

when im farming for something, i like to record how many keys i use and the item i get until i get said item...

...captures are the f****** worst for ME. literally got 5 formas on t3 in a row, 2 in a row for both t1 and t2, and 3 formas, a unwanted part and another 2 forma after that.

F*** RNG

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1 hour ago, Xc0oL said:

Really some of us dont have 3-4 hour or more to play . 

Yup, thats why you cut back to 1 or 2, and expect to get less. Don't panic.

In my opinion f2p grinding really never been worth complaining as a casual, but to be honest, when it comes to rng I have played worst games.


Now, someone who spends 6 hours (multiple 20 min runs- just to clarify) to get x1 Mag Prime systems....lol yeah, thnx DE for reminding me to take it easy and cut back on the grind.


Edited by Souldend78
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1 hour ago, Xc0oL said:

Before anyone starts commenting that , 

1) its a grind game.
2) Don't get salty
3) Why get frustrated / toxic
4) complaining wont do any good.
5) Just enjoy the game , don't take it as a grind.

40 wave in ODD..
Key , salad location , fusion core and at the 40th wave , ding ding ding reward a forma BP.

RNG is one thing , but please for the love of GOD , can we do something about the drop table.
Really some of us dont have 3-4 hour or more to play . 
something would be good , to sell as ducat , or trade , but these are no point .

I know , no amount of me or anyone saying will get things changed , just wanted to put it out there.
Its my way of gettin my frustration out...



Completely agree. If we can reach the C rotation in ODD or T3/4 we do not need Forma. At all.

DE uses drop tables that are straight up insulting. It's a big part of why I have all but quit a game I want so badly to love.

This needs fixed.

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2 hours ago, Xc0oL said:

RNG is one thing , but please for the love of GOD , can we do something about the drop table.

Part II: Specters of the Rail
Part two will be called SPECTERS OF THE RAIL. This is the Solar Map 3.0 update and we’re planning for release just a couple weeks after Lunaro. It’s why I wake up in a cold sweat most nights. This update contains a redesigned navigation system, a redesign of the Void/Key system (your collection still matters, earning wll be a bit different but there is no 'content lock out'), 


Your pleads have been heard weeks in advance

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I think that what OP was trying to convey was just how convoluted T#Survival and T#Defense is with items that COULD have been placed in Derelict missions which, in the end, seems to have screwed the player base with poor drops.

I, myself, have done 120 waves of ODD in the past 2 days for a chance at MPSystems. Hell, I'd be willing to take ANY of the other prime parts that fall in ODD (Trinity BP, anyone?). Over the course of the last 2 days, 3 separate games: key, key, key, key and, you guessed it, more keys at EACH Rot C drop. Ridiculous.

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3 hours ago, (XB1)C0gnitive 0n3 said:

I think that what OP was trying to convey was just how convoluted T#Survival and T#Defense is with items that COULD have been placed in Derelict missions which, in the end, seems to have screwed the player base with poor drops.

I, myself, have done 120 waves of ODD in the past 2 days for a chance at MPSystems. Hell, I'd be willing to take ANY of the other prime parts that fall in ODD (Trinity BP, anyone?). Over the course of the last 2 days, 3 separate games: key, key, key, key and, you guessed it, more keys at EACH Rot C drop. Ridiculous.

The drop tables actively push me away from even playing. At all.

I don't need Forma. And until the reset is gone, I don't want anymore. I have re-leveled more than enough gear. I can already make it TO the late game; I don't stuff to help with that.

So why bother grinding missions that will mostly drop junk? No point.

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6 hours ago, Djolltax said:

Tveoh nailed it. Void Captures (quick) and Sabotages (multiple reward chance) are probably the best choices.

but keep your t3 and t4 sab keys, they have become rare (for me)

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