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Well DE.... you have done it....

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Just now, Evanescent said:

But then you get people raging about promoting cheese.


Of course people rage. its an online community so no matter what de does there will be 90% rage on here by the vocal minority, demanding reverts and whatnot...

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1 hour ago, PureIcarus said:

You have reached a Critical Mass....

- you have made your game into a mess of mechanics that do not work well together because you fail to test them.

- The game has become extremely grindy due to the over abundance of "materials" and "prime parts"....

- Your Difficulty increases are artificial at best... level adds health, armor, damage resistance, and DAMAGE.... Artificial difficulty increases are lazy. 

- Sorties are no longer fun because of the fact that you have to kill lvl 100 enemies to get rewarded with 25 fusion cores 90% of the time.

- Players over reliance on Draco makes running anything else annoying.

- The lack of creativity in design has started to show quite obviously.

- You promised the same content of U19 back in U16... and it has yet to show up.

- You nerf EVERYTHING because 1 person whines that its too hard.

- Your lack of apparent attention to your community is obvious.

- Prime parts from Derelicts are non-existant

- Lunaro is a joke.... its just as bad as when they added Sparrow Racing to Destiny... its an obvious allusion to a lack of ideas.

- You reward laziness and cheese... there are no rewards for those who challenge themselves, therefore there is no reason to challenge yourself... which in turn turns the game into a repetitive mess.

- You dont punish the bad players that make the game annoying

- Baro is a joke with terrible items on a weekly basis. 

- Mastery Rank has competely lost its meaning because nothing is Rank locked anymore. 

- Archwing is boring.... there is still not even a good set of mods for it.


You've got some good points but you're also whining quite a bit.  The problem with that is once you start whining, that's what people remember.

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8 minutes ago, CrudShuzKong said:

true, but i would rather have too easy content for a short while, than unfinishable raids...

The raids aren't unfinishable.

They're just not fun enough for you to try and do the cookie cutter way to finish it.

As far as I know, my clanmates finish the raids all the time. Enjoying it isn't part of that whole experience, on either of them.

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Just giving my two cents here ... It seems that some older players what to be catered to their every whim ... I want more content because I have maxed everything out .... I want "bad players" banned because they are bad .... DE "promised" they would fix this or that and never did so some players are salty.

Have DE made some choices that are not so great?  Sure ... DE is doing what they can, they are a smaller development group that is trying to cater to most likely a couple million players now on multiple platforms.  DE does listen to the player base, just because they don't listen to you OP, doesn't mean they are not listening.  As others have mentioned, it takes longer than a week, two weeks, hell even a few months to fix some of the issues that are going on.  If you are not willing to be patient and wait then you need to find another game until changes have been implemented.  Changes do need to happen, but they take time. I don't want to hear you have been waiting for years ... guess what other games have made their players wait longer than this game has been around to see changes.

The key to these issues to wait and see what DE is planning.  U19 is supposed to fix some of the issues, it is unrealistic to believe it will fix all of them.  Even believing it will fix half the issues is unrealistic.

In Summary : Changes will happen ... Soontm

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I agree with most of this, and although SotR promises to fix some of these problems, it will without doubt raise even more issues. Even then, there are still lingering problems/fixes/returns that have been given the cold shoulder. I recall back in U13, the major highlight was the whole Solar Rail thing. At that time, I had no clue that it would be another year to two years before they are even given a good look-back. I know it's not my game to manage and control, but so many people have restated the obvious issues, but instead the eye has been turned to the new nerf, or the new rework. 

I know burnout is a thing, and it happens to nearly every single game at some point, but I still don't know why there hasn't been a major update aiming to correct, or at least address, the remaining issues from past updates. This 'update' could contain things like frame reworks, weapon fixes, mastery readjustment, Solar Rail issues, server/hosting solutions, and all of the other things [DE] says they will do. Instead, just cut out the whole "Unneeded quest and more content" part. Do we need a new quest? No. Do we like those kinds of things? For the most part, yes. The real issue is that they are one-time, short-winded, and provide little 'content'. Warframe has always had some lore element, but I can easily throw that whole thing aside when I go back into yet another mission to just kill a few Grineer and leave. Why not add onto the existing quests? I would much prefer a continuous story instead of ten different single-paged essays. Don't get me wrong, the storylines of a few of the quests are interesting, but that's all I get of it. 


Examples: I haven't heard anything important from Maroo in a long time, Baro dropped some HUGE feelings, but immediately went back to selling me items with zero emotion (and insults if I forget my Primes), Natah happened and left pleeennttyyyy of questions unanswered, I only hear Simaris when a target spawns in a mission or if I go to check out the Simulacrum, Jordas is irrelevant once you complete that 'adventure', and those are only the characters that have been introduced via some sort of quest. What happened to talks of Nef Anyo, Frohd Bek (who is apparently so important, or was at least), Alad V (who just irritates me with Muta-Ospreys), and nearly all of the Grineer figures with exception to Vor (who never stops rambling when I'm waiting for the 5-wave transition) and Kela de Thaym (who is the only person on this list who I am satisfied with character-wise). 

For anyone who wants to snap their finger toward me and say 'u wrong', remember this is just how I feel. I still enjoy Warframe (when I don't lose connection every non-solo mission), but I am losing interest. A year or two ago, this was all I would play. Now, it's expanding in too many directions instead of taking one path and figuring it out first. 

Again, just my opinion, you can disagree all you want. 

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27 minutes ago, (PS4)theelix said:

10x their base damage is the only way you're going to get anything done in the game at all. No argument. It should be still considered severe because the mods aren't a choice, no matter how much people wish to see it that way. There are few weapons, and few people in the community who play without (Serration, Hornet Strike, Pressure Point) and (Split Chamber, Barrel Diffusion and Lethal Torrent, Fury). Of course an unpopular decision, they should just be implemented into the levelling system instead of as mods. And this is also because of the way they nerf things too, forcing you to take a certain path.

I look at it this way... You're supposed to find where the problem arises, and fix it there. If the problem is deep rooted at the base, sure, you fix it there. But what DE does is they find the problem at the top, the worst case scenario, and fix it at the wrong place; at base.  At base, Excalibur's Exalted Blade isn't OP at all. But, people min-maxed their builds. Putting on 200+ power strength and 25% energy cost, running around one shotting level 100 corrupted enemies that have no armor because they have 4 CPs. So, instead of capping the maximum power strength and energy cost for the ability itself, rather than just leave the all around hard caps, they nerfed the base and gave it less damage, allowed less melee mods to work on it, and destroyed synergy with basically all the new mods. Now anyone who doesn't run a power strength based Excalibur has only TWO abilities, being that now Exalted blade is completely worthless at base without a specialized melee mod set-up and Radial Javelin is a joke,  while power based builds still have three and maybe four abilities still viable.

I get what you're saying and you're completely right. 

The issue is that the fix for this, in addition to reworking enemy scaling, would be nothing short of completely destroying and rebuilding the entire combat system from scratch, which would either take a very very long time (multiple years of behind the scenes mechanics reworks) or a Firefall-esque complete halt of new content while they work on this. 

Something so core to the game won't be a modular change in bits and pieces without rendering the game unplayable for its duration, and Warframe is so dependent on new content updates that something like what happened to Firefall would kill it completely. So bandaids and temporary tweaking are all that's really possible without throwing DE's development cycle right out the window.

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2 minutes ago, Shiniko said:

I get what you're saying and you're completely right. 

The issue is that the fix for this, in addition to reworking enemy scaling, would be nothing short of completely destroying and rebuilding the entire combat system from scratch, which would either take a very very long time (multiple years of behind the scenes mechanics reworks) or a Firefall-esque complete halt of new content while they work on this. 

Something so core to the game won't be a modular change in bits and pieces without rendering the game unplayable for its duration, and Warframe is so dependent on new content updates that something like what happened to Firefall would kill it completely. So bandaids and temporary tweaking are all that's really possible without throwing DE's development cycle right out the window.

To add on to my previous point, this would be as if CS:GO decided to stop using the Source engine and change to Frostbite, and maybe throw in different character classes as well. It's such a monumental change that it'd be like making a whole new game with the same lore and names. This kills games. 

For a case example, check out Firefall's development since 2013-ish. They underwent the exact type of combat/progression change being proposed here. It's not a pretty story.

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13 minutes ago, (PS4)Nyxn607 said:

The key to these issues to wait and see what DE is planning.  U19 is supposed to fix some of the issues, it is unrealistic to believe it will fix all of them.  Even believing it will fix half the issues is unrealistic.

I think you're missing the point. People have been waiting for DE. I've, personally, seen at least two dozen "U(whatever) is supposed to fix some of the issues." The last time I remember something being fixed was Parkour 2.0 that fixed those major, ultimately glaring issues with mobility.

"Even believing it will fix half the issues is unrealistic." is sadly correct. But the problem is that half of these issues should've been fixed when they arised, were reported, and become rampant. Obviously WAITING isn't doing anything. Repeating that some update is going to come and fix some of these issues doesn't change that some of these issues have had band-aids slapped on them and dirt kicked on them as DE piles updates and updates of crap on top of it until these band-aids and fake fixes become too engrained to remove.


Still somewhat annoyed they spent ANY time on a mass fixing of mod descriptions. There are so many collision errors and wall clipping that goes on in the game. Why didn't they fix THOSE instead of mod descriptions that could easily be clarified on the Wiki?

Edited by (PS4)theelix
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