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Tenno weapons that will probably never exist that should


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1 hour ago, PrVonTuckIII said:

But then you get into the issue of it looking completely un-ninja. We aren't super-soldiers. We're space-super-ninjas. That would be fine in something like Halo or CoD-AW. But it doesn't really fit WF's style.

*looks at Limbo and the Opticor* I think we're a little past that hardpoint. Just a little. Plus with tenno crafting it'd end up looking like a flower cannon more than anything. Not to mention Rhino could use something to make that extra bulk worth more than being a big teddy bear.

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I'm very much in the "we need a shoulder mounted gatling cannon" camp, because honestly while it may sound dumb to some of you, I feel like if you give that to rhino or atlas or frost then it would look fine. I dont feel like gorgon or supra fit at all, being more like a machine gun with a flaw that makes little sense.

As for other weapons, katars sound cool, but personally, i really feel like we need a proper spear. none of these crappy polearms with only 1 combo but a proper spear with a whole lot of stabbing. as for guns....why not a water cutter gun, like i know we already have the flux rifle but hey, it might be fun to kill people with a stream of high pressure water capable of cutting steel.

Oh or even better, replace the water with acid, a high pressure acid stream that could cut through armor like butter.

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I've been hoping for Tenno rocket launcher for a while. Compact 2-3 barrel rocket "rifle". Shoot one barrel at time or charge to fire all at once. Yeah, it's bit like rifle version of the Corpus Angstrum with some Unreal Tournament influence thrown in. Secondary fire should be something special to give it unique feel and purpose. Attach to walls and act as mines maybe.

Decent damage per rocket. Full charge meant to kill even high level enemies easily. Either good status potential and mediocre crits or vice versa. No red crits 'cause we don't really need another Tonkor if you ask me. 

I like using Ogris, but it is a it too clumsy for my taste. 

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8 hours ago, (XB1)Twinna25 said:

I would love the chainswords from warhammer 40k to be honest to help me collect blood for the blood god, skulls for the skull throne.a feeling of nastalgia

Brothers! We have found the heretics!. Out bolters and draw chainswords! Victorius Ultra! But seriously, it would be cool.

Edited by SturmOgre
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Guilt-tripping. Basically, you just pull a frowny face for the entirety of a mission until a random Grineer or Corpus will ask you what's wrong. And then you tell them, "nothing", with a heavy sigh. Try and sound annoyed, as though they should know what's wrong, without having to ask you. It's gonna nag at them, they'll feel terrible for the rest of the day and you get to treat them with silent contempt.

Alternatively, post-it stickers. You use them in a finisher-animation and give the enemy deep paper cuts right between their fingers or toes. Why end it all in seconds with a shotgun blast to the face if you can cause them perpetual agony?

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Well time to spill things I would love to see.

  • Literal Hand cannon: If you've played Lost Planet 2 you probably have used the Hand Cannon rocket launcher replacements.  These "rockets" do not detonate on impact but sends your target flying until it runs out of fuel then it explodes.
  • Stereotype Bombs: You know those large bombs you toss in games and they explode in a decent area.  One of those limited with Sniper Ammo Pool.  Sure the large blast radius may get you killed a lot but the classics!
  • Shielded Minigun:  People say miniguns, I say why have it so basic for a movement speed punishment?  Movement speed reduction or not there's a group of people that want this stuff.  Though I would imagine a minigun with a small shield, since people wanted movement speed reduction for some strange reason with larger then normal weapons.  The shield would have to be one directional with a damage break point. Hopefully, based off your damage output for the scaling and/or limited time with recharge period, reload for faster.  Sure it's not ninja-like but is most things Tennos do ninja-like?
  • Sickles: A basic suggestion but just a personal favorite of mine.  I'm not in this for the damage.  I just want things being tripped all the time.  Tripping weapons with possible increased ground finisher damage.  If this gets attached to Machete stances I hope they create a new one.
  • Dual Blade-Whips: Said this instead of dual chain swords because blade whips seem to be like it anyway.
  • Flail: Where is it? I want it.
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1 hour ago, HalfDarkShadow said:

I blame my non-stop playing of God Eater Resurrection, but now I just want my own nom-nom sword :C



That actually wouldn't look out of place since we have a bunch of living infested weaponries. A giant infested greatsword with devour as a charge attack would be neat.

*sigh* the PC release of GER and GE2RB can't come soon enough...

Edited by TotallyLagging
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I wouldn't mind a joke sentinel weapon. Similar to Zanuka, it'd just be a weapon composed of a bunch of broken sentinels and their parts. You'd need every sentinel for its construction, as well as a handful of prime parts, just to make sure it's really hard to obtain.

Firing would result in a burst laser being shot off slightly to the right, a laser rifle dangling from a cord and shooting in completely random directions, but usually into the floor, a stinger next to the handle that faces backwards and poisons you when you use it, a deth machine rifle close to the barrel but slightly offset so it shoots down and to the right of the reticle, a sweeper that fires almost 90 degrees upwards but can occasionally slide around and fire slightly forwards or backwards as well, a prisma burst laser that fires forwards but doesn't work 50% of the time and keeps misfiring, a prime laser rifle that shoots almost straight but has extremely low accuracy due to a shaky installation, a vulklok that shoots straight but below the reticle, three deconstructors each shooting slightly to the left, straight, and slightly to the right, respectively, and to top it off, a sweeper prime that's jury rigged to fire extremely fast, but the accuracy is so low its cone of fire practically covers the entire screen.

It could be advertised as the new Sentinel weapon we've all been waiting for, after War and Broken War. I'm sure a lot of people will misread it and just immediately go and buy it.

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