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De Please Slow Down With All The New Content


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1 minute ago, PureIcarus said:

For starters, its not a threat, its happened before to games with just as much following as warframe. Secondly, Why are you even here? The forums are a place for people to voice there opinions about the game, positive and negative, you seem to only be interested in telling people their opinions are wrong. Thirdly, Many people agree that warframe has serious issues that need to be addressed before more broken and unpolished content should be released... for instance, Damage scaling, and artificial difficulty increases. As well as a more rewarding experience for veteran players. Many of those players have voice their opinions and given suggestions on how to fix these issues, they are not wrong for doing so, so you have no right to tell them otherwise. Lastly, DE has failed to show any evidence that their development philosophy is sound, Perpetual Beta, Quantity over Quality, and continuous content that clashes with existing content shows clear evidence that DE has lost their formula along the way and should take a step back for a few weeks, rediscover what they really want to do with this game, then proceed with caution while involving all the players, not just new players.

the problem with trying to fix things that are actual problems such scaling, is that it has to be done very very carefully or it could end up even worse than it is now. and as a result, even if they're working on some of that stuff already, it could take quite a while for it to actually be known, much less put into the game. this is especially notable for things like damage and enemy scaling, since they kind of go hand in hand so you have to work with them both in mind.

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17 minutes ago, Pratigious said:

Dang it.I meant arcanes shouldn't be tied to cosmetics. 

Extractors don't really gather enough resources.

Well I mean all they're used for is just blueprints and trading,other than that no one really use's them.I don't really get the point after that.

Eh,all relays are the same,nothing is different about them among the planets.I'd be nice if each relay had a different look.I mean it would be nice if each relay matched the typical environment of each planet.Like if Mars had a relay it would look desert-ish.


I see the potential problems much more clearly now, thank you.

Personally, since arcanes were only designated to replace the classic helmet-tied arcanes, I think they're fine the way they are. I think some of the lower-class arcanes could use some tweaks to make them atleast able to compete with the higher ones. If they were unrestricted from cosmetics, I feel like they would become pretty overpowered. But again, this is just my completely uneducated opinion since I stopped using arcanes.


I agree that Clans are only used for blueprints and trading, but I don't really see any other way to improve them. Perhaps add an incentive for clanmates to play together, like a small +10% affinity boost or something? Anything that rewards players for playing with their clan while not punishing those that don't. Honestly, anything that just gives clans a use outside of trading and blueprints would be nice.


Ehh, extractors are weird to me honestly. I've never really relied on them, and to be honest the only reason I ever remember using them is for getting very small amounts of plastids (back in my noob days lmao). I guess in retrospect they could use a touch-up to make them a tad bit more important, or even a constant and reliable source of resources.


And finally, relays. I think I remember DE saying that they would like to add some type of variety by changing the warframe statues and some other things, but perhaps that's not their priority just at this moment. I'd think it'd be pretty cool though to have planet-themed relays. I personally want Maroo's Bazaar to become an auctionhouse instead of whatever it is now.



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4 minutes ago, PureIcarus said:

For starters, its not a threat, its happened before to games with just as much following as warframe. Secondly, Why are you even here? The forums are a place for people to voice there opinions about the game, positive and negative, you seem to only be interested in telling people their opinions are wrong. Thirdly, Many people agree that warframe has serious issues that need to be addressed before more broken and unpolished content should be released... for instance, Damage scaling, and artificial difficulty increases. As well as a more rewarding experience for veteran players. Many of those players have voice their opinions and given suggestions on how to fix these issues, they are not wrong for doing so, so you have no right to tell them otherwise. Lastly, DE has failed to show any evidence that their development philosophy is sound, Perpetual Beta, Quantity over Quality, and continuous content that clashes with existing content shows clear evidence that DE has lost their formula along the way and should take a step back for a few weeks, rediscover what they really want to do with this game, then proceed with caution while involving all the players, not just new players.

Forums are a place for voicing opinions that includes debating sides of an idea so that isn't a valid point on why they shouldn't be here. Secondly, yes your tone has come off as threatening with the theoretical "better game", may just be how you are attempting to show it. Thirdly Devs are working towards clearing up content. They are working on damage scaling and mandatory mods. Also believe it or not but their development philosophy is relatively sound: create idea iteration, streamline, send for testing, refine. We just happen to be the testing group.

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Just now, NightBlitz said:

the problem with trying to fix things that are actual problems such scaling, is that it has to be done very very carefully or it could end up even worse than it is now. and as a result, even if they're working on some of that stuff already, it could take quite a while for it to actually be known, much less put into the game. this is especially notable for things like damage and enemy scaling, since they kind of go hand in hand so you have to work with them both in mind.

But here's the issue that that theory, they pushed out sorties that are plagued with scaling issues and clashing mechanics, they pushed out conclave that is plagued with balance issues, they continue to push out content that is not fully tested or polished and are avoiding the real issues that need to be fixed (i point back to my comment about heat seeking 180 wall clipping grappling hooks from scorpions)... They are more focused on content, content, content, much of which people claim are "fixes" are simply bandaids. What is that harm in DE taking a little while off from content updates to fix the real problems... and i mean go on the forums and find out what people heave issues with.

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1 minute ago, PureIcarus said:

But here's the issue that that theory, they pushed out sorties that are plagued with scaling issues and clashing mechanics, they pushed out conclave that is plagued with balance issues, they continue to push out content that is not fully tested or polished and are avoiding the real issues that need to be fixed (i point back to my comment about heat seeking 180 wall clipping grappling hooks from scorpions)... They are more focused on content, content, content, much of which people claim are "fixes" are simply bandaids. What is that harm in DE taking a little while off from content updates to fix the real problems... and i mean go on the forums and find out what people heave issues with.

Relying only on forums is a really, really, bad idea. Opinons are so every which way, highly extreme standpoints, and don't represent everyone (what percent of people actually use the forums?). In addition you realize that the player base is the best testing ground right? They are giving stuff to us for free to test. 

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2 hours ago, Pratigious said:

Go work out for three hours or something everyday,play some different games.

The wait isn't long at all...

For warframe- it is long. Frankly you sound extremely ignorant. This game has always had an update every week with major updates every 1-2 months... Then everything just stopped. Half their community is (silently) ready to quit on them over it. They probably finally picked up on that- and that's why they decided to split this big update into three parts instead of continuing to give us nothing until they finish it all- so that people WON'T get tired of the lack of new content and leave. They themselves have said that the frequency with which this game updates is what keeps it alive and makes it successful. Shortly after said comment- they stop updating entirely pretty much. Classic DE, really.

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1 minute ago, PureIcarus said:

For starters, its not a threat, its happened before to games with just as much following as warframe. Secondly, Why are you even here? The forums are a place for people to voice there opinions about the game, positive and negative, you seem to only be interested in telling people their opinions are wrong. Thirdly, Many people agree that warframe has serious issues that need to be addressed before more broken and unpolished content should be released... for instance, Damage scaling, and artificial difficulty increases. As well as a more rewarding experience for veteran players. Many of those players have voice their opinions and given suggestions on how to fix these issues, they are not wrong for doing so, so you have no right to tell them otherwise. Lastly, DE has failed to show any evidence that their development philosophy is sound, Perpetual Beta, Quantity over Quality, and continuous content that clashes with existing content shows clear evidence that DE has lost their formula along the way and should take a step back for a few weeks, rediscover what they really want to do with this game, then proceed with caution while involving all the players, not just new players.

First, It's still an attempt to instill fear and paranoia, if you try to instill that to someone else just so they follow your opinion that becomes a threat.

Second, opinion goes both ways, counter opinion is needed so Developers can measure the actual importance and state of the issue.

Third, I actually agree, what i don't agree is BS that warframe will die if more contents are made or if the issues are not fixed.

Last, Nope it's always people like you who fail to show any evidence that warframe is dying or will be dying. I will agree with you if evidence actually backed it up, but nope warframe still getting bigger every year.

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2 minutes ago, Omega-Shadowblade said:

Forums are a place for voicing opinions that includes debating sides of an idea so that isn't a valid point on why they shouldn't be here. Secondly, yes your tone has come off as threatening with the theoretical "better game", may just be how you are attempting to show it. Thirdly Devs are working towards clearing up content. They are working on damage scaling and mandatory mods. Also believe it or not but their development philosophy is relatively sound: create idea iteration, streamline, send for testing, refine. We just happen to be the testing group.

And yet you continue to make comments that attempt to make you sound superior to others... DE should feel the pressure of "better games" because its the easiest way to make a game, to work off an existing formula ( i studied game formula). And as i have pointed out multiple times already.. the Devs are NOT fixing the problems they SHOULD be fixing, they are putting bandaids on things that are outright broken, and they NEVER fully test something before its released, thats the whole point to a perpetual beta... it doesn't have to be finished because its beta... yeaaaa see, that needs to stop. Their Perpetual Beta foundation and philosophy is flawed, their dedication to only new players is flawed and their overwhelming desire to push out endless amount of content with lackluster testing or polish is flawed. They create an idea and implement, they don't streamline it, test it or even find out if people really want something like it.... the overall acceptance of Lunaro is pretty low. And i pose the question again, Why are you here? if you enjoy the game so much and find it to be so perfect, why are you not playing it? leave the forums to people who actually have an opinion to voice, rather than trying to tell others their opinion is wrong and such is why... 

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10 minutes ago, Stratego89 said:

For warframe- it is long. Frankly you sound extremely ignorant. This game has always had an update every week with major updates every 1-2 months... Then everything just stopped. Half their community is (silently) ready to quit on them over it. They probably finally picked up on that- and that's why they decided to split this big update into three parts instead of continuing to give us nothing until they finish it all- so that people WON'T get tired of the lack of new content and leave. They themselves have said that the frequency with which this game updates is what keeps it alive and makes it successful. Shortly after said comment- they stop updating entirely pretty much. Classic DE, really.

Frankly you should read my previous posts before replying.Stop being ignorant.

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2 minutes ago, PureIcarus said:

And yet you continue to make comments that attempt to make you sound superior to others... DE should feel the pressure of "better games" because its the easiest way to make a game, to work off an existing formula ( i studied game formula). And as i have pointed out multiple times already.. the Devs are NOT fixing the problems they SHOULD be fixing, they are putting bandaids on things that are outright broken, and they NEVER fully test something before its released, thats the whole point to a perpetual beta... it doesn't have to be finished because its beta... yeaaaa see, that needs to stop. Their Perpetual Beta foundation and philosophy is flawed, their dedication to only new players is flawed and their overwhelming desire to push out endless amount of content with lackluster testing or polish is flawed. They create an idea and implement, they don't streamline it, test it or even find out if people really want something like it.... the overall acceptance of Lunaro is pretty low. And i pose the question again, Why are you here? if you enjoy the game so much and find it to be so perfect, why are you not playing it? leave the forums to people who actually have an opinion to voice, rather than trying to tell others their opinion is wrong and such is why... 

Wow, thats pretty heated. Seriously take a moment there. I never assume i'm superior, I simply like to provoke critical thought. If a better game does come along so be it, the game market is always changing, doesn't mean devs have to stop being who they are. Devs are fixing the problems, but big core problems aren't things they can throw out in a fix in around a month. Those issues are worked alongside the current stuff but at it's own pace. Also if you had a humongous testing pool that will give feedback whenever you make a significant change, wouldn't you use it? I'm not telling your opinion is wrong, an opinion can't be wrong, that's why its an opinion. Simply consider the information from multiple stances. Now relax, chill, have a snack or something. I'm not worth losing your cool over.

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3 hours ago, taiiat said:

ah, it must be.... today. gotta have another 'stop doing everything else to do this' comment from another ignorant person that doesn't know how Video Games(or basically anything) are made.

And you do?You know how to make a game?I just want Dev's to have really good content. Working your butt off under pressure is not good. Any kind of activity that requires you to rush is not good.

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7 minutes ago, PureIcarus said:

DE should feel the pressure of "better games" because its the easiest way to make a game, to work off an existing formula ( i studied game formula). And as i have pointed out multiple times already.. the Devs are NOT fixing the problems they SHOULD be fixing, they are putting bandaids on things that are outright broken, and they NEVER fully test something before its released, thats the whole point to a perpetual beta... it doesn't have to be finished because its beta... yeaaaa see, that needs to sto

why you dont go and manage to create you own game/bussines and ..leave this community to recive something new in the game..maybe this update its 1 step foward to this game to be out of beta

10 minutes ago, PureIcarus said:

leave the forums to people who actually have an opinion to voice, rather than trying to tell others their opinion is wrong and such is why... 

just read you own comment and ask yourself ....

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3 hours ago, Pratigious said:

I prefer quality over quantity.I really enjoy that you release content so frequently but I think you should focus on what we currently have.So many new systems and features have been left behind and they have yet to get some kind of change to them.Please slow down with the content and focus on what we currently have.

Some things that were left behind:Extractors,relays,clans,cometics and arcane mixing together which is just annoying i wanna have variety with my appearance,when you're in the water with an archwing,focus,raids,sorties,invasions,the relays,i mean i dont even really use the dojo,just for getting blueprints,otherwise it's useless,Alliances,etc.You get the the jest of it.

Your read my mind about useless and left things like dojo and relays(just another chat room, i not play with anyone from clan, random is much faster), focus and end game content like challenging maps(noy boting puzzlers but atleast very high level mobs in same maps for endgamers) and many more..

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4 minutes ago, Pratigious said:


so you've decided to bleep bloop me twice, so fine.

Digital Extremes works during off hours, while at home, and Et Cetera because they care. they don't have to, they choose to because they love the game just as much as we do.

more importantly, you're just another ignorant person that wants to say all 200+ employees should work on the same thing.
because that makes ANY sense, at all. (hint, it doesn't, it's a stupid thing to say). Digital Extremes already is working on a lot of things at once, at all times.

and it works pretty well since having new content and updates is important to keep Playerbase high. so there's more than enough Employees to work on many things at once, including producing new things.
which is basically perfect.

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4 minutes ago, Omega-Shadowblade said:

Wow, thats pretty heated. Seriously take a moment there. I never assume i'm superior, I simply like to provoke critical thought. If a better game does come along so be it, the game market is always changing, doesn't mean devs have to stop being who they are. Devs are fixing the problems, but big core problems aren't things they can throw out in a fix in around a month. Those issues are worked alongside the current stuff but at it's own pace. Also if you had a humongous testing pool that will give feedback whenever you make a significant change, wouldn't you use it? I'm not telling your opinion is wrong, an opinion can't be wrong, that's why its an opinion. Simply consider the information from multiple stances. Now relax, chill, have a snack or something. I'm not worth losing your cool over.

Im trying to show DE that there are players who have issues with their game, you on the other hand are doing everything in your power to block that. Change is good, don't deny that. Many of the things people talk about are slowing down the content train to test content more, to make sure it all works together... Sorties were rushed, many of the sorties are a mash of mechanics that don't work well together (Eximus Stronghold infestation Parasitic Eximus'... need i say more). Veteran Players need more incetive to stick around, Fusion Cores and Forma are no longer hard to get and many of us have tons of them. Im sorry if it seems heated.... but im very passionate about warframe, iv been here since the beginning, and i can tell when its starting to lose track, i don't want to see it go off the rails, but unless DE starts to pay attention to the speed, its going to derail.

1 minute ago, TrialParasite said:

why you dont go and manage to create you own game/bussines and ..leave this community to recive something new in the game..maybe this update its 1 step foward to this game to be out of beta

just read you own comment and ask yourself ....

This game will never be out of "beta" because the developers dont want it to be so they can keep releasing content they dont have to fully test.

And my comment makes perfect sense, he is making counter points to every opinion, rather than voicing his opinion. This is counter intuitive to a forum.

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Just now, PureIcarus said:

Im trying to show DE that there are players who have issues with their game, you on the other hand are doing everything in your power to block that. Change is good, don't deny that. Many of the things people talk about are slowing down the content train to test content more, to make sure it all works together... Sorties were rushed, many of the sorties are a mash of mechanics that don't work well together (Eximus Stronghold infestation Parasitic Eximus'... need i say more). Veteran Players need more incetive to stick around, Fusion Cores and Forma are no longer hard to get and many of us have tons of them. Im sorry if it seems heated.... but im very passionate about warframe, iv been here since the beginning, and i can tell when its starting to lose track, i don't want to see it go off the rails, but unless DE starts to pay attention to the speed, its going to derail.


How in the world am i blocking it? Games not perfect, yes, things need to be fixed, yes. Only thing I seem to go against are your accusations towards the dev team.

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3 hours ago, Pratigious said:

I prefer quality over quantity.I really enjoy that you release content so frequently but I think you should focus on what we currently have.So many new systems and features have been left behind and they have yet to get some kind of change to them.Please slow down with the content and focus on what we currently have.

Some things that were left behind:Extractors,relays,clans,cometics and arcane mixing together which is just annoying i wanna have variety with my appearance,when you're in the water with an archwing,focus,raids,sorties,invasions,the relays,i mean i dont even really use the dojo,just for getting blueprints,otherwise it's useless,Alliances,etc.You get the the jest of it.

i think this guy ...its one big hatter having fun ....how the hell you can say NO to new stuff in the game ....what kind of tenno are you ...i think ether Vor  gave you bribe so him still be in Tower 4 or you are one sad game creator is jealous on Devs accomplishments.....Mic is on the floor..peace out

And again bring the Hammer s9mmv.jpg

Edited by TrialParasite
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1 minute ago, TrialParasite said:

i think this guy ...its one big hatter having fun ....how the hell you can say NO to new stuff in the game ....what kind of tenno are you ...i think ether Vor  gave you bribe so him still be in Tower 4 or you are one sad game creator is jealous on Devs accomplishments.....Mic is on the floor..peace out

I never said to stop releasing content,I said slow it down.I want  DE to pace themselves. 

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Just now, PureIcarus said:

Its the dev team that keeps putting out the flawed content... why do you keep defending that?

They are also the people who fix it, have given us a game we enjoy, and are people who make mistakes. I don't stand by all their decisions, but they sincerely put their heart into this game. 

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On the other hand, I too like new content.. and whenever there are new patches my eyes light up looking for all the new shinys. the new precious'... but If we all take a look at what's actually being said some of what OP said is a little worth its weight... the game has been a long time since anything was actually balanced/ fixed/ or changed other than the few recent changes to a few of the frames skills. 

By this of course I mean damage, enemy scaling/enemy weapons, mods, and mastery as well as some of the smaller things like hack puzzles and most of the unused warframe skills (psychic bolts anyone? How about nova's 1? and others) 

BUT from the looks of it, with The War Within, it looks like they are addressing a lot of content that needed fixes to not only keep people interested and playing, but working hard for new player experience too, to get more people interested. So it sounds like they have a lot of work already going on and it's mostly necessary, ONTOP of all the extra stuff like new weapons/frames that everyone is all excited for. 

Personally I'd be happy if they did a whole big patch to work over some of the current content to improve player experience and take out some of the issues currently.. Heres looking at you tonkor... but overall DE can only spread their love so far with the team they have so it can't all be done at once so things go as they will. They do indeed do update fixes with each content release too so it's not like things are just being left untouched

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22 minutes ago, PureIcarus said:

And yet you continue to make comments that attempt to make you sound superior to others... DE should feel the pressure of "better games" because its the easiest way to make a game, to work off an existing formula ( i studied game formula). And as i have pointed out multiple times already.. the Devs are NOT fixing the problems they SHOULD be fixing, they are putting bandaids on things that are outright broken, and they NEVER fully test something before its released, thats the whole point to a perpetual beta... it doesn't have to be finished because its beta... yeaaaa see, that needs to stop. Their Perpetual Beta foundation and philosophy is flawed, their dedication to only new players is flawed and their overwhelming desire to push out endless amount of content with lackluster testing or polish is flawed. They create an idea and implement, they don't streamline it, test it or even find out if people really want something like it.... the overall acceptance of Lunaro is pretty low. And i pose the question again, Why are you here? if you enjoy the game so much and find it to be so perfect, why are you not playing it? leave the forums to people who actually have an opinion to voice, rather than trying to tell others their opinion is wrong and such is why... 


Nope again, you're just making up a lie that the game is doing badly and received poorly just because it doesn't follow your idealism. And all players have rights to be in this forums, you seriously telling people GTFO just because they don't share your opinion?

And if people must leave the forum if they are happy with the game then why are you here then? if the game is broken so badly that it's dying like you claim then why don't you leave the game and be the proof of your own claim?

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