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Specters of the Rail General Feedback [Megathread]


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2 hours ago, Major_Phantom said:

I think you're suffering from burnout more so than actual game being busted. I agree there needs to be more of a reason to play extended runs since the relics messed that up in favor of easier farming. The game is going pretty strong though, the star chart gave players a more linear sense of progression through the content and we'll be getting focus changes in the next part of the update.

I've been playing actively for a long time myself and I'm pretty certain you just need to switch and play something else from time to time.

Since the update I've been playing other games simply because I'm not enjoying Warframe. Endless was what I enjoyed and as you pointed out it has little value now.

The change in the starchart perhaps helps new players, I've been playing on a freinds account (noob level) and it doesn't seem to make much difference. Actually I'm finding it really dificult to progress because of the insane grind for specific enemies, specifically Eximus units. These only seem to appear in longer duration missions which are boring solo and these missions are still deserted in public matches. The relic system may have moved people out of the void, but it hasn't spread them around the map. On my account I don't have much issue with the starchart change apart from it removed a lot of missions I really enjoyed (eg Egaria) that had really nice tilesets and were fun in Survival.

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58 minutes ago, SoulOfTheHunter said:

Since the update I've been playing other games simply because I'm not enjoying Warframe. Endless was what I enjoyed and as you pointed out it has little value now.

The change in the starchart perhaps helps new players, I've been playing on a freinds account (noob level) and it doesn't seem to make much difference. Actually I'm finding it really dificult to progress because of the insane grind for specific enemies, specifically Eximus units. These only seem to appear in longer duration missions which are boring solo and these missions are still deserted in public matches. The relic system may have moved people out of the void, but it hasn't spread them around the map. On my account I don't have much issue with the starchart change apart from it removed a lot of missions I really enjoyed (eg Egaria) that had really nice tilesets and were fun in Survival.

Well, it's past time for new content. And getting new stuff from the same old missions, with over crowded spawns and awful scaling...that's not new content.

I checked recently and since Mag was vaulted once more, daily players are dropping.

We need new stuff to DO, not just to acquire.

TWW needs to bring new Mission types, new recurring stuff. Not just one offs.

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As my personal feedback I can say that the new Starchart is quite decent, with nodes and stuff to do, especially for new players.

Said that it still lacks what all the other Starcharts were missing: rewards.

I mean players don't play missions if they don't get any rewards on them, and eventually when they'll finish unlocking all the nodes thing will happen to be the same as before: doing Void(now Relic) Missions over and over again. Also Relics seems more difficult to obtain and way faster to burn, so it's a double-edge sword with no real progressing on what should make players keep playing the starchart.

Resuming: rewards on starchart are the same as before, veterans will still stay stuck at Void and Sorties with no real motivation to do something else, and also acquiring Primes now is more difficult than before.

Personally for me we're at the same point as before, while some little graphical changes are well appreciated your personal focuses on this update didn't ended up hitting the right spot, because after the first 1 hour of hype players will think and will try to understand what changed and a good majority of them will see only nerfs coming from this, which aren't something that makes them really happy(not a personal thing but you know, I still do know what other players think).

Also can we stop with this Nullifier madness? I mean Nullies are the most anti-fun cancer unit ever deployed in Warframe and you still need to keep them and BUFF them?!

I don't know who did these changes but I think that's definitively someone that don't listen to our community at all and, if I can say, have a quite distorted sense of "fun".

As a suggestion with these lasts I can say that Comba and Scrambus have been out for long time, and are far more fair compared to Nullies, especially for those ten players or something that don't want to play Boltor/Soma master race all the times they get against Corpus/Corrupted, so at this point I don't see why we shouldn't remove Nullies and put them at their place, just my personal feedback about the Nullifiers situation.

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I want the endless void missions, i don't want to farm many keys to do many missions ... I just want one key and a long mission ;(

Now when i play warframe i go in my dojo, i place decoration, i do some syndicats missions, some conclave, the sortie and i quit X_X

Not doing voi anymore i don't like it at all :/

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star map is good looking but not as user friendly, need to zoom in to look at materials on specific planets is one annoyance.

I like the relic system and how you can see the items each one gives, and the choice of reward is good, but the actual missions are boring and not challenging at all. Doing the old void felt at least a little challenging as well as arranging group composition, doesn't matter for new void just run in guns blazing.

I really feel like warframe needs more endgame, so many friends of mine don't play because they feel unchallenged/bored too op. and doing endless for no reward is not a solution.

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has anyone else found warframe has been useless since specters of the rail. server problems every day, wont let me join missions kicks me during every loading screen and if i get in a game it host migrates every time the sortie is about to end. Its been happening non stop since this stupid update i just want to be able to play again!!!!

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I like the change, to be honest. Beside, it's similair with the Old Void, just with different Tilesets and not multiple reward, and no more ABC Rotation Crap. (Thank god.)
But i kinda dislike the Credit (Well, not really, i can still sell unless mods\Warframe Parts) and Oxium (That's BS.) nerf.

I hope with the TWW will fix Void, and maybe the 2 nerfs. 

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Since we lost rewards for long term void/derelict stuff, i just dont bother to play , ill keep logging in for daily reward for a while but that will stop eventually.

I dont dislike the relic system its fine.

I just dont like not having anywhere to farm ducats /money etc

The game just became boring...

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I have spent the last 2 hours reading up on everything that was said in this thread and I can, genuinely, say that I'm worried about what this update will mean for me. I've been playing since Nov of 2014 and have a little over 3100 hours in the game. I have LOVED it from the moment I picked it up. Survivals, Excavations and Defense are my favorite - in that order. Given the change that's happened to the reward system - I feel that I will no longer have a reason to stay longer than I would want/need to. As an endurance runner, I long for 1.5, 2, 3 hour survival runs, 120 waves of defense or 8000+ cryotic runs to amass fusion cores/keys (at writing, I have over 1,000,000 cryotic) - and being in a small clan, I relied on recruiting randoms to do these runs with. I, honestly, don't think that I'll be finding it easier to find players willing to stick around survival runs knowing that they won't be rewarded every 5 minutes (ducat farming). As someone mentioned, DE succeeded in making anything longer a waste of time because you can evac after 5 minutes and run another game to get a new drop. That disruption to game flow is disheartening.

Yesterday, I realized that for the first time in a little over 1.5 years of playing, for the past week, I've logged on, ran 1 (MAYBE 2) Heiracon missions and logged back out after getting the login reward. I guess I'm distracted by what's to come and how the game is going to change and it's rather heartbreaking. 

I'm pretty sure that this thread will light up again once it reaches console players and we've had an opportunity to play it. 

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2 hours ago, xS0nico said:

I like the change, to be honest. Beside, it's similair with the Old Void, just with different Tilesets and not multiple reward, and no more ABC Rotation Crap. (Thank god.)
But i kinda dislike the Credit (Well, not really, i can still sell unless mods\Warframe Parts) and Oxium (That's BS.) nerf.

I hope with the TWW will fix Void, and maybe the 2 nerfs. 

Love the change. I really do. Before this, I would never have had Ash, Nova, Trinity or Vectis, because of ODD and T4 Interception. I don't like them, and avoid them.

Now, I find Axi mission on high level Exterminate runs - dear god, more if this, please - and I run them constantly while they are present.

Consequently, I have all four of the above items.

That said...chill with Nullifier spawns. It really is too much, with multiple overlapping bubbles hiding Comba, Bombard and Ancient. Together.

Fissures should not spawn enemies, at all. They should only corrupt those present. Let the factions retain their identities.

Also, please remove Forma from Axi Relics, and let forma and Traces drop in Void containers.

But overall: really liking the change.

Edited by BlackCoMerc
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7 hours ago, (XB1)C0gnitive 0n3 said:

I have spent the last 2 hours reading up on everything that was said in this thread and I can, genuinely, say that I'm worried about what this update will mean for me. I've been playing since Nov of 2014 and have a little over 3100 hours in the game. I have LOVED it from the moment I picked it up. Survivals, Excavations and Defense are my favorite - in that order. Given the change that's happened to the reward system - I feel that I will no longer have a reason to stay longer than I would want/need to. As an endurance runner, I long for 1.5, 2, 3 hour survival runs, 120 waves of defense or 8000+ cryotic runs to amass fusion cores/keys (at writing, I have over 1,000,000 cryotic) - and being in a small clan, I relied on recruiting randoms to do these runs with. I, honestly, don't think that I'll be finding it easier to find players willing to stick around survival runs knowing that they won't be rewarded every 5 minutes (ducat farming). As someone mentioned, DE succeeded in making anything longer a waste of time because you can evac after 5 minutes and run another game to get a new drop. That disruption to game flow is disheartening.

Yesterday, I realized that for the first time in a little over 1.5 years of playing, for the past week, I've logged on, ran 1 (MAYBE 2) Heiracon missions and logged back out after getting the login reward. I guess I'm distracted by what's to come and how the game is going to change and it's rather heartbreaking. 

I'm pretty sure that this thread will light up again once it reaches console players and we've had an opportunity to play it. 

I'm in the same boat, and I also loved long survival runs. For me, Specters of the Rail destroyed endless missions because there is still no purpose in going past 20 minutes for anything. You don't get any extra loot other than what would've dropped anyway on any survival mission. Also, I found that Hotfix 13 did little to nothing to alleviate this issue.

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4 hours ago, Somb3rBivalve said:

I'm in the same boat, and I also loved long survival runs. For me, Specters of the Rail destroyed endless missions because there is still no purpose in going past 20 minutes for anything. You don't get any extra loot other than what would've dropped anyway on any survival mission. Also, I found that Hotfix 13 did little to nothing to alleviate this issue.

If im after a single item to finish something then relics is fine.

I guess im lucky as i had lots of them when the swop happened, god knows what it must be like for noobs.

But our clan and me has lost the ability to earn now that long extra loot missions have gone.

That used to give us the credits/ducats to buy from baro.

The credits to build more stuff etc

The BP's to make stuff you might not have had, i quite liked ending up with a piece of something and then going on to find the rest of it after that.

I find my ducats declining and barely having cash now because we dont do the runs now. Most of the clan moan that we dont have survival or defense now.


I think we will get to a point where stuff becomes really expensive again because we just dont have the stuff for it.

Im stuck doing Akkad now just to earn a few creds to finish stuff i have left.


Honest opinion DE killed the fun with mates aspect from the game, we rarely ever play together now because there is no point doing a fissure for a forma.

Not all of us like Sorties


I think the game is struggling

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So let's see what SOTR was about  

Credits? Nerfed!

Keys aka Relics? Nerfed! (no more keysharing)

Ducats? Nerfed!

Splitted fan base ? Check

Syndicate rep ? Nerfed

No more fun ? Check

No more challange ? Check

Are DE fanboys gonna raid mine comment ? Yes

Less logged in players ? Check (60k to 32k)

And finally More Moneyz for DE ? Yes

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Much as I have been salty about individual game design flaws,, I thought I would leave the following, which does contain some heartfelt, positive feedback regarding SoTR:

We have several prime sets we would never have gotten under the old system: Ash, Nova, Vectis and Trinity come to mind. These were locked behind tedious missions such as ODD and T4 Interception previously. We dont care for those and are not much for public groups period. Now, we can run missions we like as they come available. For instance, Axi when they hit Exterminate; we run Exterminate Axi missions like mad. 

Sure we have our issues: over reliance on Nullifiers. Too much knockdown/power sapping out there for our taste. But those are design issues we hope to see Damage 3.0 take care of. Mostly, we enjoy the new Prime Farming method FAR more than the old. And as for Kavats, while they are too grindy - these should be fun additions not a perpetual grind, and they should appear in more places than Derelict - they are also not exactly necessary additions.

Regarding Archwing and new changes: DE mentioned the game having too many systems in this dev stream (78) and even considering that some may need to be dropped. Frankly, Archwing should be one such. More than 2 years of dev time and the mode has yet to arrive at a movement system that is suitable for uniform use across all of its maps, more less become something a large number of players enjoy. How much more dev time do you want to throw at a mode that's spent the better part of this time ignored if not derided by a large portion of your player base? It bears consideration, is all I am saying. 

All that said: The Steam chart just looks like a leveling off to me. Dropping back to an average, as opposed to a net loss. This is a product of a larger problem, namely, that Warframe needs new missions and new things to do beyond a scripted quest that lasts for a day or a week. Were I able to make decisions at DE, I would look into establishing systems that are able to create dynamic content and events on the fly, preferably based on player actions and metrics, and with very little in the way of hands on dev time. This would enable new events, mission modifiers, etc, that would keep content changing while devs focused on the scripted story side. Without adding new things to actually do, this sort of rise and fall off will continue during and after events and updates. 

Still though, I think the changes to the new Relic system are a net positive. 

Edited by BlackCoMerc
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9 hours ago, Lem1no said:

So let's see what SOTR was about  

Credits? Nerfed!

Keys aka Relics? Nerfed! (no more keysharing)

Ducats? Nerfed!

Splitted fan base ? Check

Syndicate rep ? Nerfed

No more fun ? Check

No more challange ? Check

Are DE fanboys gonna raid mine comment ? Yes

Less logged in players ? Check (60k to 32k)

And finally More Moneyz for DE ? Yes


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On 2016/7/9 at 7:49 PM, Gabbynaru said:

I love this update. My only piece of complaint is that Mutalist Osprey Carriers seriously got aggressive. As in, they are WAY more dangerous than any other infested unit (which, think about it, makes little sense, considering it's just a transport unit). I love the fact that the infested are way more aggressive, makes them so much more fun to play, but, the Carrier seriously needs checking, cause it's kinda OP at the moment for what it is.

It deals too much damage as a ranged unit.

Very hard hitter.

They can shot at players and the excavators even if blinded.

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On 8/4/2016 at 8:47 AM, clemza said:

I want the endless void missions, i don't want to farm many keys to do many missions ... I just want one key and a long mission ;(

Now when i play warframe i go in my dojo, i place decoration, i do some syndicats missions, some conclave, the sortie and i quit X_X

Not doing voi anymore i don't like it at all :/


On 8/4/2016 at 1:55 PM, (XB1)C0gnitive 0n3 said:

I have spent the last 2 hours reading up on everything that was said in this thread and I can, genuinely, say that I'm worried about what this update will mean for me. I've been playing since Nov of 2014 and have a little over 3100 hours in the game. I have LOVED it from the moment I picked it up. Survivals, Excavations and Defense are my favorite - in that order. Given the change that's happened to the reward system - I feel that I will no longer have a reason to stay longer than I would want/need to. As an endurance runner, I long for 1.5, 2, 3 hour survival runs, 120 waves of defense or 8000+ cryotic runs to amass fusion cores/keys (at writing, I have over 1,000,000 cryotic) - and being in a small clan, I relied on recruiting randoms to do these runs with. I, honestly, don't think that I'll be finding it easier to find players willing to stick around survival runs knowing that they won't be rewarded every 5 minutes (ducat farming). As someone mentioned, DE succeeded in making anything longer a waste of time because you can evac after 5 minutes and run another game to get a new drop. That disruption to game flow is disheartening.

Yesterday, I realized that for the first time in a little over 1.5 years of playing, for the past week, I've logged on, ran 1 (MAYBE 2) Heiracon missions and logged back out after getting the login reward. I guess I'm distracted by what's to come and how the game is going to change and it's rather heartbreaking. 

I'm pretty sure that this thread will light up again once it reaches console players and we've had an opportunity to play it. 


On 8/4/2016 at 9:42 PM, Somb3rBivalve said:

I'm in the same boat, and I also loved long survival runs. For me, Specters of the Rail destroyed endless missions because there is still no purpose in going past 20 minutes for anything. You don't get any extra loot other than what would've dropped anyway on any survival mission. Also, I found that Hotfix 13 did little to nothing to alleviate this issue.


On 8/5/2016 at 2:10 AM, BuddaOfLife said:

If im after a single item to finish something then relics is fine.

I guess im lucky as i had lots of them when the swop happened, god knows what it must be like for noobs.

But our clan and me has lost the ability to earn now that long extra loot missions have gone.

That used to give us the credits/ducats to buy from baro.

The credits to build more stuff etc

The BP's to make stuff you might not have had, i quite liked ending up with a piece of something and then going on to find the rest of it after that.

I find my ducats declining and barely having cash now because we dont do the runs now. Most of the clan moan that we dont have survival or defense now.


I think we will get to a point where stuff becomes really expensive again because we just dont have the stuff for it.

Im stuck doing Akkad now just to earn a few creds to finish stuff i have left.


Honest opinion DE killed the fun with mates aspect from the game, we rarely ever play together now because there is no point doing a fissure for a forma.

Not all of us like Sorties


I think the game is struggling

I guess I'm not alone and that, at least, feels better.

DE, I have been playing this game, looking forward to the updates and new gear since early 2014.  Sadly I can feel it coming to an end.  This "Specters of the Rail" is a fundamental change in the game itself and it has destroyed the essence of what made this game fun.  I can no longer choose what missions I want to play or how long to play them (Void Missions that is) because it is now dictated to me in Navigation.  I can't share my keys.  Sure, I can go into the Void as long as I want anytime I want now but for what? Argon Crystals? 

The challange of endless missions hoping for that sweet drop, it's all gone now and that was what made this game fun.  Now it's just a stupid race to the finish line every single time over and over and over and I can't even pick what type of mission to play for parts.

I am sincerely sad and frankly heartbroken.  Please fix it.  Put Prime Parts back into the Void where we all know they belong and let us hunt for them again.  Sure the relic system is a cool idea, but PLEASE fix the Void.

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1 hour ago, Metalman007 said:

Now it's just a stupid race to the finish line every single time over and over and over

I don't see the fun in that, your forced to hurry all the time now ...

If you don't hurry to pickup 10 thingy you get nothing, if you don't take embers, you won't kill anything, if you play a slow warframe its just a running simulation ...

A 2m - 5m mission is now really boring and annoying ... Good job for ruinning the game X_X



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On 06.08.2016 at 4:11 AM, BlackCoMerc said:

We have several prime sets we would never have gotten under the old system: Ash, Nova, Vectis and Trinity come to mind.

Funny thing, out of 4 you mention I got 3 through pretty much normal play before the update. Nova systems I got from a calnmate, but I never really went out of my way for ODS.

On the other hand, there is a Boar prime barrel.

Uncommon drop. Which never drops. From fully refined relics. And I don't even have as many of those relics as I would have if I logged in after the first hot-fix...

Not once a fully refined relic dropped a rare or something I went for.

10% for rares on full refinement is, of course, better then 5% on rared from the old system. On paper. And if you discard how much time you have to spend to fully refine those 7 relics on average you'll go through to get something (if you are lucky).

So every new comment about how easy it became to get something specific form the new system makes me more and more frustrated. Especially seeing as how I'll need to do a low level excavation to get low level relics, while t1 keys I got from ODD and other t1 missions.

Bottom line? The RNG was bad. Now it is not better, but it's compounded by the amount of time you have to spend to even get to that RNG.


Not that I expect that I'll write here and something will change. Seeing as how even such a huge thing as credit nerf wasn't even mentioned anywhere official. Not in build notes, not on prime time and not on devstream.

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8 hours ago, clemza said:

I don't see the fun in that, your forced to hurry all the time now ...

If you don't hurry to pickup 10 thingy you get nothing, if you don't take embers, you won't kill anything, if you play a slow warframe its just a running simulation ...

A 2m - 5m mission is now really boring and annoying ... Good job for ruinning the game X_X

Stop playing exterminates only.

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Really only three things I do not like about this new update and the fissures.


1. Nullifiers pop-up almost every time enemies spawn. Even in grineer. Kind of annoying. 

2. The void is utterly useless now.

3. Even after completing each of those keys almost 4000 times it still shows no progress has been made. So you finish those missions for... what again?

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As of right now, there are still some quite serious issues with the game. The trading system itself has already lost pretty much its purpose except for the newer players since everything now can be earned pretty much easily. I honestly rather prefer having to earn much more plat than having my daily earnings being cut off for the most part ever since this update. While the grind issue for relics have been improved by a 'little', ducat values for prime parts have been ridiculously lowered while baro's item prices are still pretty much the same?!! I don't even think that those half-assed items of baro's are actually worth that kind of amount. So in the sense, the ducat grinding issue is still there. Fissure missions for prime parts are not even fun or challenging anymore such that I would rather prefer those long term missions in the past we used to have. RIPFun for warframe really..

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1 hour ago, Swbn19 said:

Fissure missions for prime parts are not even fun or challenging anymore such that I would rather prefer those long term missions in the past we used to have. RIPFun for warframe really..

Yep, running void fissures feels like doing chores. Easy + repetitive is not a good combination.

On 6.8.2016 at 3:11 AM, BlackCoMerc said:

All that said: The Steam chart just looks like a leveling off to me.

The Steam chart is kinda useless for Warframe. Because the numbers do not distinguish between people that actually play the game and people that just log in for the daily log-in reward and maybe start building a new forma in the foundry before logging out again.


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1 hour ago, ----Fenrir---- said:

Yep, running void fissures feels like doing chores. Easy + repetitive is not a good combination.

Neither is Hard + repetitive. So, the problem is that it is repetitive. Great, so the void towers took over 3 years to become "repetitive" (according to almost nobody) and fissures don't even take 3 hours to become repetitive (according to at least 50% of members, including every single person that I personally know on the game).

What a change for the better SotR has been... Man I'm really feeling that immersion.


Seriously, we need endless games with rewards worth a damn, they're enjoyable because you don't have to watch the @(*()$ loading screen every 5 minutes.

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I am ... unsure what to make of those recent changes. I've been playing since steam launch 2013 on and off. I kinda miss the old void, i would like to see the nullifiers gone, because they are in all honesty a S#&$ design, the new nova skin ... well i don't know, it doesnt really stay true to the games overall look, but it's kinda ok.

All in all i feel like SotR was a step back in terms of enjoyment and longlivety of the game.

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