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Specters of the Rail General Bugs [Megathread]


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When on your ship: 

- After going to the customize "operator" screen and clicking on "No Face Selected," the customization options menu freezes. It does not disappear off the screen and will not let you interact with anything on the screen, requiring you to force shut down the program. (Tried this 5 consecutive times with same result)

- If you use "Esc" and the menu to get from the bridge/upper deck (e.g. navigation) to the lower deck (e.g. foundry); then run back towards the upper deck, the ramp will come down on you and pin you into/under the floor. You are unable to move out of this position or use the "/unstuck" command and must use the "Esc" menu options to become unstuck. 


Minor things, but still bugs. 

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1 hour ago, TubbyFlesh said:

In second dream the ramp is glitched it wont go down you can just stand on it while holding the tenno and you are not even able to play warframe.

Same happening to me... i'm stuck for 13 hours now which means that i cannot play the game at all.

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As seen, some alerts from alerts screen do not match with actual alerts. Seeing as I can do this mission, the one in the table is wrong (perhaps still uses old missions table with old variables/arrays?)
EDIT: Nevermind, the mission is actually an infestation survival. So, info from the box is accurate, aside from (LOCKED) indicator.

Edited by GLTHX
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When trying to enter "Invasion" missions you get the Sortie "You must use a level 30 warframe to enter this mission" message. Either invasions now require level 30 warframes or it's a bug.


Okay this is a bug whereby a sortie and an invasion mission is occuring on the same node and I CANNOT select which mission I wish to do. I am forced to do the sortie everytime (unlike the usual prompt that we'd get giving us a selction of reguluar / alert / invasion / sortie / quest mission.

Edited by TaylorsContraction
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it would appear the synthesize 3 elite aris lancer step in the quest the new strange is presently impossible.

the missions now direct to mars missions where elites do not exist.

trying in other regions for a synthesis target of the right type doesn't count, and the original map zones for the quest are now corpus missions.

i will note i do not have the junction that grants the quest post update complete, but as the requirements for that junction are similarly impossible at present and i do not think it affects the core issue i do not believe it will matter.

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1. mission results wont update 

2. fissure missions - i join the mission people join and than they wont spawn in game , or have insane ping and lag( i have high speed connection and never had problems with      ping/connectivity before) , and after they wont spawn but are still in the team chat they get disconnected or just leave sometimes i can see they are still in team chat and more people join in and get stuck the same way resulting in ghost team of 5+ people that arent in the game at all. fissure missions are unplayable for me. other missions work fine.

3. liset ramp bug is making me clip through the liset model. 

4. playing solo on a fissure mission , enemies wont spawn after activating the fissure resulting in faliure 

Edited by Roma-The-Frank
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5 hours ago, DirtyBerd said:

Archwing nodes are a little tough to find. Mouse sensitivity increases when using Itzal and will revert back to normal when leaving an archwing mission (haven't tried other archwing frames yet.) when using Itzal's penumbra ability I have to click twice in order to activate it. This may be intentional, not sure.

They added separate keybinds and sensitivity settings for Archwing with the update. You can adjust this in your Options menu until it feels comfortable. Not sure if anyone else mentioned it, so I wanted to quote it and let you know so you'd get a heads up. 

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1 hour ago, Vrajeala said:

fix the gad damn window mode starting game,F*** every time i start the game i have to change resolution and from window mode to fullscreen,F*** and that ramp from the ship,when i go up,i have 99% change to go under the ramp,make it open faster like was before,but that S#&$ window mode pissed me off,every time i start the game same S#&$,game start in window mode

In the launcher, click the gear icon to access the settings and re-check the "fullscreen" checkbox before clicking Play. This will work around the bug in a less annoying way until it is fixed.

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1) Upon returning to the Liset from missions, my Warframe is stuck in a kneeling position, unable to move. Jumping is allowed upon spamming the jump key, but the action is performed while the Warframe is still kneeling.

2) Credit rewards seem bugged. I got 15k credits from sortie 3 today, with credit booster on.

3) Credit booster doesn't seem to be working for me. I got 13k credits from Akkad, Eris WITH the credit booster on. This is ridiculous, I feel cheated of my plat. 

3.1) EDIT: Credit booster confirmed not working. Just did a 6.2k credit alert mission, and i got the stated 6.2k credits. DE refund pls.

4) This. I have done that stupid mission twice now.

3 hours ago, Fr0stPh03niX said:

Did 3 times the spy mission on Jupiter, still the progression to the Saturn Juction is halted. 



5) Not a bug, but a suggestion: could devs please make the clickboxes/font on the star chart for missions a little larger? They're kinda on the tiny side.

Edited by AeonZBlade
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The bug i am having is when I select a void tare mission and a relic to use and I go into the mission there is no void tare in the mission to close . After running all over the entire map, nothing triggered so we left. I don't know if their is a 100% guarantee that one will show up but, this should be fixed.

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2 hours ago, RndQm said:

Same happening to me... i'm stuck for 13 hours now which means that i cannot play the game at all.

Just curiosity, does hitting escape and going to the market or arsenal not teleport you to the part of the ship you need? Or is this when you are being carried?

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19 minutes ago, Llewellyn_Lionheart said:

They added separate keybinds and sensitivity settings for Archwing with the update. You can adjust this in your Options menu until it feels comfortable. Not sure if anyone else mentioned it, so I wanted to quote it and let you know so you'd get a heads up. 

Indeed they did but it is bugged right now where your Archwing sensitivity affects both normal missions AND archwing missions :(

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2 minutes ago, TaylorsContraction said:

Indeed they did but it is bugged right now where your Archwing sensitivity affects both normal missions AND archwing missions :(

Yep, I quoted your post on page 9 before I got all the way to page 12 where I read about that too. Sorry it's not working right now!

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Just now, AttackShrub said:

Just curiosity, does hitting escape and going to the market or arsenal not teleport you to the part of the ship you need? Or is this when you are being carried?

You are in a quest, so no, you cannot do anything in the escape-menu but change the option settings and view the mission-progress for example. You neither can leave the quest nor leave the cockpit at all. And since you are carrying a person as part of the quest, you cannot do anything but fire a laserbeam by pressing mouse1. 

I don't know if you know the quest, but it's like a cutscene with game-engine where you normally just have to walk. So cause you are still in the quest, you can't buy anything and can't change your gear.

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