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Specters of the Rail General Bugs [Megathread]


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Still stuck in my cockpit since over 20 hours now.


My biggest wish would be to downgrade the game again since the patch obviously hasn't been tested 'properly'. It's like that the whole game is a huge bug atm and some of the players (including myself) aren't even able to play the game while boosters etc don't freeze. The new voidsystem doesn't make sense after all. I'm just wondering if the patch was even tested before it was released? It's like a massive downgrade for the game atm while tennocon is approaching.

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I already know some of this is in the wrong place, but here goes a summary after 2 hotfixes and 24 hours of the things I've spotted so far:

  1. Orbiter ramp. The activation zone appears to have shrunk a bit much - it now lowers as you pass the door frame, leading to several instances of hitting the menu from underneath.
  2. Mission complete screen. Upon return from missions, occasionally the Mission Complete screen cannot be closed. Chat works, but the Exit button or Esc key do nothing. This /may/ be related to using chat before dismissing the screen - further testing required to verify. The only remedy for this is to force-close the game.
  3. When closing a Void Fissure, the fissure UI remains on the screen for the remainder of the mission. This may be client-only.
  4. Several junctions are currently uncompletable: Eris (defeat Phorid) and Europa (take part in an Infestation mission) - no infestations have appeared in the last 24 hours; Pluto (complete 3 Nightmare missions) - no nightmare missions apart from alerts which appear not to count.
  5. Junction task completion is unreliable. For example the Eris Junction task "Seal 3 Meso Fissures" (sealed 3, score at 0/3).
  6. No exp being rewarded for junction completion. The build notes suggested that exp should be available (and in fact that solar map exp had been reset). Completing junctions however seems to reward no exp.
  7. Survival in the Void is not endless. I'm calling this a bug as I can't understand how anyone ever would have thought it a good idea.
  8. Inconsistent tilesets. Mars contains a Corpus Hijack mission on the Europa Ice Planet tileset as well as the Grineer Outpost missions. This could be intentional.
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I have an issue with the custom holstering.

Vauban Prime: Fragor prime on right hip, any changes to X pos, Y pos etc. doesn't do anything.

Mag Prime: Dual Kamas Prime on back hip, same as with Vauban.

These are the only two I've tested so far but any changes to the "finetuning" settings seems to have no effect on my melee weapons.

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It's happened about 6 times now. Upon exiting a mission the end mission progress freezes on my screen, I can't exit it. This in turn doesn't let me do anything and forces me to close the game. That also brings another bug, I can't alt tab. When I go to alt tab to shut the game down the game doesn't minimize. The only other solution I've had is alt+f4. Even then when I get back into the game it won't let me alt tab.

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Hey, posting from my phone so I haven't gone through to see if these have been posted.

Firstly, I have to say, loving the update, the Ceph fragments make for a good treasure hunt, the new void is fun, engaging, not so grindy. Already have collected 2 parts which I had given up hope on collecting, and the new star chart is beautiful.

So, Bugs.

First: Exiting a round, progress popped, I kept typing till loading screen, then couldn't close the progress screen once back in liset, and couldn't do anything else, squad had to force start of the next mission to fix.

Second: Exiting Dojo, loading screen was extremely brief, and no "return to liset stand up" animation played. Camera just spawned in liset hanging over a crouched Excalibur. Had to open menu to force stand and move around.

Third: 30 Day resource booster. On opening it gives option for a 720 hour booster. On clicking this it stats "7 days for 80 plat", haven't actually purchased to be on the safe side.

Fourth: Last I checked, Holsters couldn't me adjusted on Excalibur Prime. Tried with Skana prime on right hip and no movement, still looks badass though.


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On 7/8/2016 at 1:17 PM, Poke007 said:


Also Cyngas Stock cost 25k Syndicate points whereas the other Archwing weapon parts only cost 20k each.


This, so much this, no reason whatsoever to make the cyngas stock cost 25k while every other part is at 20k.

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This is a bad one, i thought about making my own thread or creating a support ticket.

So I was mastery 22. After the update I am not :'(

I thought it might have something to do with the starchart change, so I just kept chugging and got the 400 or so mastery I would need to hit 22...again.


Now my mastery stuck 59 mastery from rank 22, doesn't matter what I do it wont raise :( 


UPDATE: I log in today and now I am back to 22 with no need to take a mastery test. Weird

Edited by Dipstick
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Mars Augustus Crossfire Mission is labeled Grineer vs. Grineer. In this mission you fight alongside the Grineer against corpus and have to rescuie a hostage held by the grineer. You can just walk into the hostage area because the grineer are on your side they don't react to you. Literally walk in, take hostage, walk out, complete mission. This mission seems broken.

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Well.... I guess I should call this in as a bug report so it maybe gets some attention...


My void keys were turned into Relics, no problem right?


I had dozens of every type of void key, which gave me access to every prime part in the game.


Over 2,200 keys, I'd like to call the exact number 2,227 but I had actually run some missions and obtained a few new relics, and used one relic before realizing the problem.


The conversion took my keys, and turned them into only 5 of each type of relic. I no longer have access to all the prime parts available.


Something seems to have gone wrong in the conversion process thats left me with a seriously bad taste in my mouth. Hundreds of hours farming keys making sure I would always have access to prime gear. Now, those hundreds of hours seem totally wasted, like I would have been better off doing anything else like running the keys to get more than 1 part per key as it is set up now... I feel massively cheated out of a lot of time here. PLEASE look into this issue as I know I'm not the only person who got cheated on the conversion.

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I was in the middle of "the new strange" and I didn't have any frost parts so I stopped. Update came and now I'm supposed to craft some sort of beacon that I don't have a blueprint for, I cannot progress the quest any farther.

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It seems like Syndicate missions are messed up. Lower syndicate rank missions have higher level enemies than higher syndicate rank missions, and the amount of syndicate standing you get per mission seems a fair bit lower than before.

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I have only 5 types of relics, but there should be 7. It seems that one who updated and logged in right after the launch of Specters of the Rail would get this bug. After hotfix it's gone, but our relics didn't come back. DE YOU SHOULDN'T CHEAT US LIKE THIS.

Edited by Ord1nat0r
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