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Nova Deluxe skin


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The skin's pretty bad, but the inspiration is pretty good. 

If they could allow the back of the nova to be actually a syandana, like chinese bodhisattva, especially when the hand can move or glowing in energy color while chanelling or non-chanelling, i can guarantee i'll just buy that and make it my most used syandana ever. 

I don't really like the color, but thats just me; while taking a deep look at it, i think the only flaw of the design is the bubble-like appearance that appears around the skin, its like big acne or pimple or something. If you visualize removing the big bubbles on the skin, while having the head accessory part being symetrical and not just one side, it'll look much much better. 

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I wish warframe would be more integer with its style...

all started as a ninja space game where the frames had simplistic but yet characteristic styles... then the more the game has grown we get more complex skins.. which would be okay if they fitted in the original idea of the game... of course the new skins are not a must do/have but still it feel weird logging into your favorite cyber ninja game having framins jumping around who look like a bush-native mutant insect like being... 

i could understand if that was an enemy because enemies like the grineer loo weird too :D

and since Warframe has been derailed form the ninja genre long time ago also i think instead of making random skins for each frame it would be a nice addition to make "light" and "dark" themed skins and ability sets bound to these skins...

Such as "Nova Nocturn" a pack with a new ability set which is fierce and stealthy .. basically nova skills but with "evil" augmentation using wormhole put the users who did go through it in stealth... molecular prime is visibly less powerful ( GFX ) but adds bleeding effects to all affected targets...that is all when you apply the Nocturn Nova SKin.

Nocturne Style:
The colors and style como

Destiny Style would be somethign in the direction of Orokin style with all the white, gold and sky blue

same goes for "Destiny Nova" but the effect add defensive stats and CC effects ... or whatever...again here it would be attached to the Destiny Skin for Nova ... im pretty sure you guys understand light and darkness style oO

anyway... just some thoughts

Edited by Cathy Toshlyra
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55 minutes ago, Kuestenjung said:

And who are Novas chilldren?

If Nova partially "consists" of anti-matter it's safe to assume that everything is her children, or anti-children.

Edit: Also to stay in topic, that skin is still shamefully bad.

Edited by Ghost
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VIsage skin rules. This one makes nova look like a huge fly that need swatting. They should bring in people who design tennogen stuff to make new skins tbh. If this is the track they are heading on , im not getting any of the new deluxe skins anymore .

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1 hour ago, Misgenesis said:

I hope they arent discouraged from making more unique designs like this. Theres so much potential to make really outlandish designs.

I agree with you. Deluxe skins are not canon to the game's lore, so it's ok for skins like this . This also will able to attract more players to try Nova.

Edited by LogaMC1995
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Just now, (XB1)Solargeo said:

well if it pretty much says the DESIGN IS CANON, anyway this thread i about nova's not valkitty's 

What I meant is for Valkyr, her lore makes it easier for an idea for a deluxe skin (easy way out, here take this pre-alad valkyr). But with other skins, it doesn't fit well within lore, like Palatine Rhino and Strega Trinity. Same goes for this Nova deluxe skin. Doesn't have to be fit within lore, but only within her theme. Which I think it kinda fits(goddess of destruction based skin for destruction based warframe, so-so). Sticking close to lore limits the design choice, that rule doesn't apply for deluxe skins.

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1 minute ago, ShaneKahnnigan17 said:

Dude, the devs stated it is canon, so deluxe skins are tied to lore. This said...


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You're late. Also, please provide source for your information. I don't remember they said that. Thanks in advance.

Edited by LogaMC1995
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3 minutes ago, LogaMC1995 said:

You're late. Also, please provide source for your information. I don't remember they said that. Thanks in advance.

I guess I got ninja'd.

Just look at the description the devs purposely gave you of the skin which is available for viewing in game which clearly states a lore reason of the skin existing. "Before the corpus and Alad V there was Gersemi Valkyr".

That said, this doesn't change the fact that Nova Deluxe skis is still bad for a good number of people.

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8 minutes ago, ShaneKahnnigan17 said:

Just look at the description the devs purposely gave you of the skin which is available for viewing in game which clearly states a lore reason of the skin existing. "Before the corpus and Alad V there was Gersemi Valkyr".

I think DE went with Gersemi Valkyr as deluxe skin for her because of the popularity and the ability touch-up she got. Valkyr fans asking for deluxe skin with DE's initial schedule of releasing a rework for a warframe with deluxe skin made them to take the easy way out; just make a skin about pre-tortured Valkyr skin.

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On 09/07/2016 at 11:51 PM, TasteVengence said:

I love nova but this skin yeaaa no...

I think its just the odd colours. Get your own colours on it, syandana of choice, maybe an alt helm, this'll be good. I cant wait to make nova look like a spider.

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10 minutes ago, LogaMC1995 said:

I think DE went with Gersemi Valkyr as deluxe skin for her because of the popularity and the ability touch-up she got. Valkyr fans asking for deluxe skin with DE's initial schedule of releasing a rework for a warframe with deluxe skin made them to take the easy way out; just make a skin about pre-tortured Valkyr skin.

But still, that doesn't negate the fact that is lore based, but I digress. This thread is for nova, so yeah. Have a n awesome day.

ps. Chroma is love, Chroma is life.

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5 minutes ago, ShaneKahnnigan17 said:

But still, that doesn't negate the fact that is lore based, but I digress. This thread is for nova, so yeah. Have a n awesome day.

ps. Chroma is love, Chroma is life.

Since players crying abt this exotic Nova deluxe skin, imagine what happens if Chroma deluxe skin make him look literally like quadrupedal dragon? Just for thought.

Hope this skin's progress is shown in devstream to actually see if anything got changed.

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