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Do current void fissures offer enough gameplay?


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On the upside, I think they are simple. Once someone says you need to jump into the fissure with the drop. Then the last mechanic to work with is shooting everything. They are quick to do, in under 3 minutes you continue on either completing the normal mission, or you already completed the mission objective and you head for exit. I've now completed a ton of old primes on my list because its been so easy.

But Is it not offering enough actual gameplay or is it about right even if somewhat stagnate?

Does it even feel enjoyable to play or is it a means to a end? A blinding disco party of nullifier bubbles, heavy ground pounds, Bombard explosions. Just a all out wild gunfire and melee swings as units pop into existence on top of you. Its been a bit brain dead easy if even moderately leveled and modded, and seems to be a nightmare for younger accounts or solos.

  • Would you rather change the whole mission into a void related mission? The tile stays the same, but it becomes similar to a Crossfire with normal units and corrupted fighting all over the map with normal objectives with void themes. Different amount of Void Traces for the effort and type of mission.
  1. In defense, Instead of defending a pod, you defend a unstable fissure and each wave ends with so much % of the fissure closed.
  2. A capture mission where the target is a unstable corrupted unit. (has Synthesis Target AI so its not running to a particular room, its just avoiding all players) and its spawning corrupted unit portals as its fleeing. Far more resistant to damage and powers than normal capture targets and synthesis targets.
  3. many more variations of normal missions
  • Keep side mission fissures but with changing mechanics? So when the tear is activated, it could be one of multiple types of sub missions based on current map. Each of these reward different amounts of Void Traces for the effort.
  1. The basic exterminate everything for drops.
  2. One that perhaps drops a old orokin era reactor thats malfunctioning in some way. You have to grab a coolant or power core from the current sabotage mission to stabilize it. It could produce map wide problems like hives do. Or it forces you do complete the sabotage in a specific way. Like how many bother with the magnetic disruption= power core into coolant slot ending?
  3. The fissure produces a Vor like, or Vor himself assassinate target
  4. The fissure breaks into three, and you have to find it like supply caches.
  5. many more variations in smaller scale when layered over normal missions.
  • Or keep these side objective fissures as they are?
  1. No variation. No surprises.

http://www.strawpoll.me/10723374 Strawpoll for the hell of it.

Didn't add a revert all the changes option as I'm sure the system is not really going anywhere, but directed on how do we want it to evolve, if at all.

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No, I don't think they currently offer enough gameplay, but it opens up possibilities that are much more interesting than sitting in the same Void tileset for years.

Really I see this as just the beginning; I mean it did just come out a few days ago. A test of what they've started and just how much should it be expanded. When Spy 2.0 came out we only had 6(?) different vaults. Now we're up to 21 or so?

Edited by Maicael
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I find them to be little more than tedious games of whack-a-mole that detract both from the fun of the game and from the sense of reward inherent in completing a Prime set.

If we have to keep Fissures then I would change them to your first option. It was what I was imagining when they discussed the Fissures and I was almost excited about it, but what we got was a shallow and lore-breaking system that gets tedious after around 2 hours. If there's actually a rift in space-time itself then I expect there to be a major war around the rift between the Corrupted trying to claim a beachhead and the indigenous forces trying to stem the tide/invade the tower to claim ancient Orokin technology. The Corpus have cloned almost all Orokin technology and yet when there's a fissure to the Void half a click from one of their databanks the crewmen are still all just wandering around and focusing on defending the petty data?

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Voted 1.

I was going to make a similar thread, I'll do it someday, later, after I experienced enough.

Someone said something wise I think along those words : by making the obtaining of a prime part such a "simple thing", Warframe definitely turned into a collection game.

And I agree. When The Void was released, we were all amazed by its magnificent atmosphere, by all the possibilities it could offer. The Void is now a minor part of the game. The process of getting prime items, which represented for some players like me a strong 80% of their game time, is now a meaningless act. We were tired of this dull place though but...

DE solved this issue of redundant Void tilesets with a simple move. Instead of improving this place, after showing us how good they could be at creating level design (the Moon) and other kinds of challenges, they simply abandoned this part of our Universe somewhere in our solar system like they did with the Derelict and answered to all the completionist players who want to get everything faster.

Lore wise, I don't even know what to think anymore. Keys, the importance of the Orokin stages, Vor, etc.

I'm just... puzzled. Warframe is loosing my interest day by day. This lack of creativity - just changing where you have to endure Rng the most and abandoning an entire part of our World - and giving us almost nothing in term of gameplay is signing the end of my trust and hope in DE.

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23 minutes ago, cannonfodder1982 said:

just no, its crap, so disapointed it took so long to come up with such a boring pointless crap game mode, this is the big new void alternative? no thanks id rather go backwards

Going backwards is just as tedious. Doing the same singular tile over and over again. If the tears weren't so anticlimactic, could you enjoy all the different tile sets? Or are you all about that Void tile?

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While the old void may have got quite stagnant, it did a pretty good job of managing fun / challenge / warframe and weapon variety viability / reward. The new system does not do the first 3 at all. And hence gives me little reason to actually play as someone who could manage the later level void runs and sorties with even my 3rd or so best set of of gear for that mission. 

I logged onto Warframe to play the old void, whether solo, with just my friend or PUG. That was why I was on Warframe. I'm not gonna do that for this new relic system no way in hell. 

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When I first heard about the Void collapsing, and fissures etc, I thought we were going to get portals to go through a normal tileset to the void. That fissures would be some kind of vortex to the Void. They said that at some point the Void tileset was going to be as complex as the Moon. Maybe it will for other purposes, and that's my hope. Maybe it was too much to ask to make a portal called fissure that would appear like now, but leading you to an amazing place that feels like a treasure room. Which is what the Void is actually, but its treasure is now argon crystals and controle modules and alloy plates...

Also, how the hell can a void fissure appear in a void tileset... spamming an enemy kind that is already all around you. How do you call that? Voidception?


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Voted 1, obviously. 

I wouldn't mind a mix of Orokin Crossfire and the Fissures, with different events.

We could journey to the Void, to a crumbling, unlocked Dragon vault.

We could Exterminate all Orokin enemies present on the star map in order to erase all traces if Void energy on our side of the Tear, thus closing the fissure.

We could go into the Void, and do a mobile defense of 2-3 Fissures, with Reactant. Best part: one reward per Fissure.

Orokin could replace all enemies on the map. Exterminate.

So many choices.

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27 minutes ago, BlackCoMerc said:

We could journey to the Void, to a crumbling, unlocked Dragon vault.

See, I don't see why they didn't go this route. It was what I imagined from the first dev streams. The rift being a portal you jump into for some void themed rooms separated from the normal spawned rooms. I imagine this easy to do with the engine as they do the same thing on sabotage void missions and corpus vs invested in the cargo bay. And grineer vs corpus in the drop pod. And on Moon tiles reward room when you complete the task.

Then when we jump into the fissure, Each set of rooms you portal into could be a different sub mission like the moon test rooms.

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i got tired after only a few fissures, it's the same messy battle over an over and all missions seem to have an average length now (short missions take longer and endless are useless). I also don't like being restricted by alert type missions.

Let's be honest, the fissure system was not ready, they had no more time before launching the update so they added a mess of nullifiers/bombards/gunner/ancients and called it a challenge. It will most likely change.

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5 minutes ago, Gilmaesh said:

i got tired after only a few fissures, it's the same messy battle over an over and all missions seem to have an average length now (short missions take longer and endless are useless). I also don't like being restricted by alert type missions.

Let's be honest, the fissure system was not ready, they had no more time before launching the update so they added a mess of nullifiers/bombards/gunner/ancients and called it a challenge. It will most likely change.

I sincerely hope that's the case, because if this is the finished product that's gonna be how we obtain primes in potentially the years to come it's gonna become extremely stale extremely fast, and get many times worse than the void 1.0 burnout.

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My biggest problem with this whole thing is that now the Void goes into the trash bin along with all the other Starchart maps. Doesn't give anything, other than those fine Fast Hands and Uncommon 5 Fusion Cores now.
The Void Fissure was supposed to replace the grind into a better alternative, so you can get the reward that you wanted more easily. But this is just more grinding, doing the same mini-game over and over again until your brain starts melting and you eyes are popping.
My experience is that upgrading with 100 Void Traces don't even do anything. Did it 3 times so I could get a Nova Chassis, all I got was 3 Fang parts.
I'd rather do 120 min survivals to get ducats at least, and have actual FUN than do this repetitive garbage.
Oh and let's not even talk about the "script" that made around 300 of my keys just go *poof*. Oh wait, I got 5 of each type now. I'm saved. Thank the Lotus.

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I agree that fissure maps should at the very least be a crossfire, a void rift appeared after all.

They "suposedly" got rid of our void for being "boring" and people would actually consider fissure to be a defence mission O.o hell no?

Other then that... i feel many of you :/ void 1.0 was a cool system, many diferent missions, diferent tiers (as we have still) and though some may argue :/ the loot felt more "earned" then it is now along with that "epic" feeling you had when some of the rarest drop pieces you needed finally droped! Few games ever made that right lol

Many people from what it seems burned themselfs in the void a lot expecially with defence and survivals ones... but as far as i can tell... T3 defence \ T4 defence, many runs it kept me away from draco (hated going there lol) while having a shot at cool stuff lol

As for survivals... 20 minutes of survivals once in a while if needed for a shot or two at something cool was not bad nor a shame when you came out of it with your brain intact lol

As for some of the fissure ideas, looking for 3 caches on completly random maps would problaly be a total pain to many of us lol


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